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The Huron Expositor, 1964-02-06, Page 10
4,1 oN, EXPOSITOR, S AFORTN, ONT., k'F.B.' j8`a 1964 EROS $:;WORD * IT.B.9 19. 6. PPartt f the head 21. o Oil 12.omb. term ' i 18. Wilt dllorder ` 23. 16. e e tree de 27. 16. Lubricates f 18. RRgpf edge 0. S 2299. Spottedtale tS12.33. S '-Zr.Cal,'Ital of Oregon 36. 24.Performed 36. A 26, Shaded walk 83- 26. Frosts 29. Vend SQ. A sign o1 the' Zodiac Si. Turf 32, Naked ,„ a3. Dismal 34. Comparative suffix .35. Great take .36. Brief. 37, Fear 39. Warbled 40. Pasture 41. Feline 42. Night before 45. Price 46. Fall behind , 47. Former Russian ruler 46. Sharp blow 49. Single . 59. Volcano DOWN r'mah egp Bad 3. Insane 4. • 6. Cooked 1n •fat 6. Is sick 7. Kind of lettuce 8 LavinAndg') 10. Recalls It Trial • 16. Roman poet 17. Small stream • 39. % 40. F 41. h 43.L 44. F 46. 13 41 PUZZLE . High EIevatl Bargain Nothing A" Biggest Lair Lamprey Network +'ro b W 13 aR;©©a Ela Ol a cards tuwnmi El [J V. MIli-' J V ltil, 3 atm El N iattument but pQg ei.a.,1' dM Visit .your plumber 'dealer or department st®re , c�yyto �.[��!r'] ©[i0� ++++"'���J�"-� 2i ©� .:G 1 Q, 3 �t'� 1 L'1g1r' �.EV 3 u a . 3 tae i snot �. M Qd Q :::..E] a v 8.:110E1 poke -g 11113' p'•�x 91IidE1 a �0 mall nail ts 9 ''. Q `1 d � i4`:Y1 3 0 0 cnteher _ / ,,T: -w lI "� L�Wj I' e� rl E{. rl lake lace ` E �� A Li o 9',u A V d•'+�`+y} ., n rom s W 121.- Ell I gr.i:`�i. �3 Leta! Container arge truck © 3 .: J. Q' 0 121 '; ra 3 1 0 'mod of time 'ehold ,1, V V' 3 El d d ; S Q I 2! luaical note "tt, -- Solution 3- 2 • 58 2 �i'?, IWI 8 9 10 11 12 ■ ■w■■■■25 ill ■■■ a ■■U..: • ■■■ „II ■■■30 0■■14■■�2 ■■�la ' 11111- 1::■ ■ ■ 2x WI ■■■ II■■■ ■■ i■■ 32 ■■■ 33 ■■■ ill 35 ■■■ 36 ■■■■ il■■■■ WWI■■■ 2/ iiiiill ■■ a'73 'H '143 ■■■ ■■ f7 ■■■ • 'COAL - FUEL- .. WILLIAM M. • HART I� Phone 784 Seaforth s SEAF RTH MONUMENT, WORKS OPEN 'DAILY T. P ryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS [uquirtes are invited: Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 CLINTON; HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas . HARRISTON. FERTILZERS' at Attractive Preces - EarlyOrder Discount - Quantity Discount a - Cash Discount - . Bulk Discount Check our prices on . . . HARRISTON QUALITY FERTILIZER E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED ,HENSALL - Phone 103 " ALLIED FARM SERVICES * PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE * FARM LIABILITY INSURANCE * GROUP SAVINGS ON FARM SUPPLIES * FARM INCOME TAX PREPARATIONS 373 QUEENS AVENUE - LONDON, CANADA Yotlr Huron County Agent: CHARLES R. HARRIS Phone Bayfield 95 Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this 'column but can't undertake personal realties. DEAR DORIS-I am the wife 'faithfulness and his A.A. pledge, of an A.A. member who, hasn't 'but let him know you will no longer be pushed around. This will make him feel and act . bet- ter -I promise you! DEAR DORIS-I went with this boy for over a month. We. were just abdut going steady. Three weeks ago he left town on a job promising to come back the next' week end; he never showed up. 'I hiven't heard or seen him since. Please tell me what can I do? I love him very much and I 'know he loves me too. LONESOME DEAR LONESOME - Tuck him away among your souve- nirs. Ardent young fellows ex- press the way they feel at the moment they are feeling it.; The best antidote is another boy friends. P.S.: The word "love" has practically no ,consteetion with the way you feel:. DEAR DORIS-I am 45, and a widow: I cook for a boarding home in, the country. Some of the boarders have been telling me that I should set my cap for the chap in the grocery store. Said he'd be the real mate for me. When I saw him I thought he looked like a real -dream. But he is 'shy and I think will be hard to get. Tell me, step by step, what to do. HOPING TO WIN 'HIM DEAR HOPING - Since you order groceries and he sells them, the contact is natural en- ough. If he makes a delivery, offer him tea. Translating . "setting y o•„u_ r cap into • day's lingo means fussing up, looking your best. So -a new hairdo, skin care, skilful make-up, are important. If he reacts to friendliness with friendship, there's hope. drunk for two years. But he still pushes me around. He works away, from home and comes home once a month. Each time he's insinuating about me going with other men, which is not true. I We have two small children which he never disciplines and gets after me if I do right in front of them lye ignored all this, thought' -i* -tiiks-two to make a quarrel and kept quiet. .This last time 'home he 'just plain blew up when I said wasn't I worth driving six hours for: 'He said the very nerve of me accusing him of driving all that way fust for sex. I was never sohurt in all my life.. I am 31 and I love my husband with all my heart. INSULTED DEAR INSULTED -Does it occur to you that his smallboy accusations stem from his own lack of self-confidence? Add to this the fact that he' does great- ly miss physical contact with you (or he wouldn't deny it so desperately) and you begin to see why -he wonders at your failure to miss ,him 'more. Then jealousy rears its ugly head! You don't seem to miss him. Hmm! Whom have you been seeing? A man can dream up a lot of doubts as he travels over a long highway alone. Meet his indignation 'with some of your' own. Honor his Huron Wheat Producers Vote On Deduction Huron County wheat produc- ers were the first in the pro- vince to cast their ballots on a vote asking producers from 38 Ontario counties to:Sa ict/Ion a proposed deduction of up•to 10 per cent on the minimum price of tyheat for marketing purposes. The sealed balllSts will be sent to the. Ontario Farm Pro- ducts Marketing Board -which is conducting the vote -and will not be counted until the end of February wheh the votes from all the counties will be in. . Ken ,Standing of Chatham, secretary -manager of the On- .,tario Wheat ' Producers' Market- ing Board, told the Huron wheat producers that should the pro- posal fail it would ,be neces- sary to reduce the floor price of wheat to $1.65 a bushel. ' He said the, deduction would mean that the wheat producer will be making "a higher loan to the board for the purchase of surplus wheat but this'money would be returned to, the, pro- ducer the following year in the form of an increased- reb'ate. • Russell Bolton, of RR 1, Sea - forth, has been • elected' presi- dent of the. Huron wheat pro ducers for 1964-65, and J. C. Hemingway, of .Brussels, secre- tary -treasurer. Committeemen elected were 'Alex Chesney, Sea - forth; Robert Welsh, Bayfield; Robert Henry, Blyth; Philip Dur- and, Zurich, and Gordon Ratz, Dashwood. TIMELY TIPS Out' of cornstarch? The :Foods Department at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, says to substitute two tablespoons of flour for one tablespoon of cornstarch when thickening sauces or pie fill- ings. Serve potatoes frequently with' their jackets; they are not only attractive, but according to nutritionists at Macdonald In- stitute, Guelph, many nutrients, especially. vitamin C • and 'iron are "in the"peel". FIRST MORTGAGES Farms - Residential Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL.SERVICE The Industrial ' - Mortgage & Trust • Company.. ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Seaforth r IIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlu1111111 Specials on' PERMS For February Regular $8.00 Now $4.•95 Act now -avoid the Easter rush PHONE 871 W 4 for appointment PAULINE'S BEAUTY SALON Walton . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll11111111IIIlIIIIIII Breed 'Clubs Are , Big Asset Council Is Told "These clubs are 'a valuable asset to the county, but it does take money to run them," said W. Hume Clutton, Colborne Township, addressing. Huron county council in connection with the annual grant to Hu- ron County Holstein Club. .Mr. Clutton, secretary, was accom- panied by Ross Marshall, of Kirkton, a past ,president of the club, now director for the 10 - county Western Ontario divi- sion of the National Holstein - Friesian Association. "If we were to go back to the days when we started to get $100 from county'tcouncil," he said; "I suppose today s'-$1110 would be worth something un- der $50. I think we are safe in leaving it to your fairminded- ness, but we like to' have our work recognized, and it is not anything more than recogni- tion. "We in Colborne," he added, "are very happy about the selection of Reeve Ralph Jewell as warden." L. E. Cardiff, MP for Huron, and Simon Hallahan, Blyth, ap- peared for Huron Plowman's' Association, of which Mr'; Car- diff is secretary. He said a grant of $500 to cover expens- es would be very acceptable. "We need at least $700 or $800 all the time if we intend to have a Plowing, match," he said. "Expenses, prize money and everything adds to about $600. The fact that we have been. in operation 40 years this year is evidence we have done very well. "As regards the Internation- al Match (in 1966) the county has given us $500 as a loan the last two years. This• has been almost all spent. I do not think' we will need any more next year, because a lot of equip- ment, for advertising will, be on hand." ' For Complete INSURANCE ' on your HOME,^ BUSINESS, FARM; CAR;'ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 214 ;Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors At times like this... you'll like Black Label Beer say= "EL, .LACK LABEL!" AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET• 1963 Stratochief Sedan-A.T., Radio , 1960 Ford Two -Door 1963 Chev. Biscayne Sedan 2-1963 Chev. Impala 4 -Door V -B -Lots of "extras 2-196,3 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans, new- A.T. 3-1963 Bel Airs -Automatic, fully equip- ped 1962 gontiac Parisienne 4 -Door Hardtop with 327 motor USED TRUCKS 3-19.62..Pnntia Sedans -Laurent s. 1960 Chevrolet 1 •Torr -Pickup 1962 Falcon Four-Door-A.T. . 1961 Chev, 1 -Ton -Long Box 5-1962 Chev. Biscayne Sedans-Sta' dard 1962 Panel Truck 1961 Chev›-A-:-T._ Station Wagon 1957 Chev. 1 -Ton Stake A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Lafe Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from 1960 Chev. Station Wagon -Standard 1959 Ford Sedan. 1859 Chev. Bel Air 4-Door-A.T. 1959 Chevrolet Bell Air 2 -Door Standard Wide Selections of Older Cars - Many Makes, Styles - 1957,--1958, 1959 from $450 to $895 BRUSSELS MOTORS:' 1 _ BRUSSELS' - ONTARIO PHONE 173 -"The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING t . • Hospitals car washes, taurants- water is find natural Home -owners, natural most dependable Modern are fullyautomatic-and lously economical! to natural Trade -iris and hotels, beauty wherever needed for gas the too, gas ... the natural gas water have `People' who depend hot water depend Natural ay iS 1(f4 J. . a ifs? ,....: laundries and parlors and res- plenty of hot commerce, you'll - first -choice fuel: ' ' are happier with fastest, cleanest, ' way to heat water. gas water heaters marvel- Make the change heating now. never been better! UNIONGACOMPANY-» . on on GAS" , ", s '{ trade vpioNATURALOAS...T7IBFRIENDLY'.NIEL. 5 <g ,u S. , •, - - Special Bonus Award! Trade in your old water heater right now and you'll receive a special bonus cheque for $10.00 (no strings attached) ! This special offeris good` only up to aria in - eluding March 31st, 1964. So choose now from a variety of leading makes and carrymoythe1 All the �� Canadian Gas Association Seal APP of Approval. Visit .your plumber 'dealer or department st®re , FRANK ' KLING LTD. Phone 19 _ ' : Seaforth • GINGER'ICH _ Soles & Service Ltd. : Phone 585, Seaforth BOB DOG Phone ; '668 R 13 . Seaforth DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 R : Dublin r i SILLS' HARDWARE Phone 56 sA� .h,tNtr�r, �eL4,�� tif1Y.`rG�• - Seaforth 4 M • St It 4 4