HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-02-06, Page 9• • ...TIUS,WEEK ANi A TEST FOR SEPA By. RI y ARGYLE Next week's two federal by- elections in Montreal should at last provide positive evidence t• EXT AT1SM • LEADING • STRAINS OF LAYERS • QUALITY - CONTROLLED HATCHING • DEPENDABLE SERVICE Swift Er=cal A When it comes to your flock replacement stock, choose wisely! Your egg income depends on it. An excellent choice is Swift's Sky-. Hi 312—a bird with an outstand- ing number of high profit factors. This white -egg. layer has the enviable record of an average 259 • eggs per hen over, a 12 -month period on a minimumamount of feed. Average weight of eggs per dozen is 25.9 ounces. Feed con- version, livabilit and interior egg quality are unexcelled in the in- dustry.. Give your profits a boost —order Swift's outstanding layer —the Sky -Hi 312! Y • • ,, • • SWIFT'S HATCHERY Walter McClure R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. Phone° 844 R 5 of OW sub- stanti' 1 Separ- atist ntiment is •` . the Pro- vince of Que- bec. The by-elec- tions are im- portant teats '.'of strength for Prime Minister Pearson's..min- ority Liberal Ray Argyle government. But in view' of Real Caouette's long -suspect- ed and now publicly admitted support of Separatism, the vot- ing on Monday will be watch- ed even more closely. There, is no shortage of can- didates in the twb seats at stake in the city ridings of Laurier and- St. Denis. There are Al nominees altogether, but only three can be taken seriously in ' ach contest, - the Liberal, Cre- ditiste and Progressive Conserv- ative candidates. ,Brussel$ Fair Holds, Annual Reports- Balance The annual meeting of East. Huron Agricultural Society was The by-elections coming on.• the eve of a new session' of 'arliament, have resulted from -abinet changes within the Pear- -on- administration. ,Both rid- ngs have always elected Liber- als. Laurier was last held by ex -Justice Minister Lionel Chev- rier, while St. Denis was held by former Postmaster General tzellus .Denis. In the 1963 federal election, Social Credit candidates ran Sec - Ind to the Liberal winners in both seats, -with Conservatives third.. The picture has changed ;incethen, due to the split in the national Social Credit par- ty when Real Caouette pulled 13 of his MP's out of the na- tional party to form Le Rallie- ment des Creditistes du Que- bec. Because the national Social Credit party is ..not contesting Monday's by-elections, the Cre- 'litistes have 'a clear field in their bid to build on the half million votes which the Socreds picked .up in Quebec last year. Normally, the by-elections wquld be expected to provide little more than a good work- out for . the powerful Liberal machine' in Montreal. 'But with Mr. Caouette having at last declared publicly for pulling Quebec out of Confed- eration if Creditiste demands are not met by 1966, the Cre- ditiste candidates are hoping to pull off dramatic upsets by add- ing -the' Separatist vote to the considerable support they en- joyed in the two ridings in the last federal election., Of *course, it may be that the Social Credit protest ' vote al- ready had Separatist support in the last Federal election, and that ' Mre Caouette is now a spent forge in Quebec politics. Some observers attribute his now outspoken support of Sep- aratism as .a desperate . attempt to hang on a, ,best he can to a rapidly dfminishin'g role in the.. political life of French Can- ada. Mr. Caouette; by demanding that Quebec be given full con- trol over its own immigration, creation of credit, tax revenues and exports and imports, has al- ready called for -Separatism in fact if not in name. His warn- ing that his Creditistes will go Separatist unless these demands are granted by 1966 need hard- ly have- been added. Real Caouette, -in this observ- er's judgment, is thus .playing out the inevitable role of the demagogue, ready to lead his people into any disaster so long as he can ride. the tide to poli - Malting Barley Contracts Seed and Fertilizer Supplied BETZE • Yields Good — Grades Good — High Test Weight --- Short, Stiff Straw — Less Lodging With increased demand for 2 -Rowed Barley for Malting, we again offer -this excelijent..variety. • • • BEAN SEED Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Sea- way, Sanilac, Saginaw and Michelite '62 Bean Seed grown from Foundation Stock. MICHIGAN CERTIFIED . SANILAC SEED BEANS .Bean. Contracts Available - SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent $ean Demand Creates Good Prices Consider Beans As a Cash Crop .! • • • Drop in Now for your Spring Needs or PHONE 103 COLLECT We wish to help E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Phone 103 ; . Hensall held in Brussels in the . parish hall of St, , John's Anglican Church, Tuesday night, pieced, ed by a turkey dinner. Rev. 11. L. Jennings welcomed the guests on behalf of his church. Head - table guests were introduced by Jan Van Vliet- Donald McDon- ald led the group in community Singing. . -'resident Robert Grasby re- viewed the year's activities and mentioned several plans for the future. Donald Pullen, assistant agri- cultural representative f o r Huron County, introduced the guest speaker, George Gear, of Walkerton, agricultural repre- sentative for Bruce County, who gave a talk on .current trends and changes in agriculture. lames Bowman thanked him. ''C. F. Parker. presented the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce rose bowl to Mrs. William Roe; 'for •her daughter Jean, who had the highest stand- ing in the Brussels 4-H clubs. Mr. Pullen spoke briefly on Huron's 4-H program for 1964. The financial statement, pre-' sented by 'the "secretary, Norm- an H. Hoover,"'s`howed total re- ceipts for 1963 to be $8,244.99 and expenditures $7,872.39; leav- ing_ a balance of $377.60. A major undertaking of 1963 was the building of the new cattle barns at a cost of $2,400. ?Ralph Shaw and Leonard Machan were chosen auditors for 1964. Mrs. W. J. Turnbull re- ported for ,the women's, Two retiring directors were replaced by Alfred Knight and Clarence Yuill. Colored slides of the 1963 Brussels fair were shown by Rae Houston, as well as some slides of Mexico taken by An- drew Turnbull. Following the, annual meeting, the directors met and the .of- ficers for . 1964 were elected: president, Robert Grasby; . vice- presidents, Clifford Bray, Don- ald McDonald; • secretary -treas- urer, Norman IL Hoover. GOT A LIGHT? The answer to that question would probably_ have been a resounding NO! three hundred years ago, even if the speaker happened to be one of the few people " who actually carried matches.. In 1680, coarse sheets of paper coated' -with phosphor- us were sold in combination with splinters of wood tipped with sulphur. When the splin- ters were drawn through- a fold of the paper, theyburst into flame. However, an ounce of phosphorus cost theequivalent of $250 in those days, so the "matches" were used only as a fad by the extremely wealthy. tical power. ., If ..the- Creditistes increase or even• hold their own in Monday's voting, Separatism will have been given a smashing endorse- ment in the polling booths of Canada's largest city. ;a. } Re Members of :the Huron Cell, tral Agricultural Society, at the annual meeting held in Clinton Tuesday night, learned that the books were closed -at the end of 1963 awith a .profit_ on4he year's operations of $317, after total expenses of $3,742 had been paid. Secretary -treas- urer.. William G. Riehl, Clinton, said the tbtal receipts amount- ed to $4,060. The society sponsors annually - a Spring Horse Show at Clin- ton, which is termed the larg- est stock show in Western On- tario, and prize, moheyelast year OPP Releases Area Statistics Highway traffic statistics for December are "(first figures re- fer to district, second in brack- ets •to province): Motor vehicle accidents, 346 (3,570); fatal accidents, 6 (67); persons killed, 7 (79); persons injured, 105 (1,394); vehicles checked, 2,419 (18,060); warn- ings issued, 1,049 (18,060) ; charges preferred, 476 -(6,020). Highway Traffic Act — Regi- stration and permits, 18 (290); Licences, 24 (379); garage and storage licences, 0 (3); defective equipment, 60 (825); weight; load and size, 9 (177); rate of speed, 125 (1,820); carless driv-, ing, 56 (466); rules of the road, 145 (1,560); fail to report acci- dent, 6 (88); fail to remain at scene, 5 (26); other charges, 8 (60). Criminal Code Criminal negligence, 1 (1); dangerous driving, 0 • (8); fail to remain at scene, 2 (33); drive while intoxicated, 4 (40); ability im, paired, 11 (187); .drive while pro hibitdr.-2- (57). Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. roar ed' a local •record of .about $2,500. 'Robert Campbell; RR • 1, Dub- lin, president of district 8', On- tario Agricultural Societies, pre - .sided for the election of officers. 11e -elected president for a sec- ond term was Frank Falconer, RR 5, Clinton. Vice-presidents are Jack Van- Egmond, RR 1, Clinton, and David Middleton,, RR 3, Clinton. Mr. Riehl was re- appointed secretary - treasurer. Directors are: Hullett ',Town- ship, William J. Dale, Reeve Phomas Leiper, Ross Lovett, James Snell, Jack Van Egmond, Douglas Farquhar; Tuckersmith Township, Jf a r o 1 d Pepper, FATAL ATTRACTION At the age of six, Percy Bysshe Shelley, the English poet, ,sailed his first boat on the 'Millpond; on his father's estate. Twenty-four years later, the love of boats inspired by that childhood experience had a final and fatal result for Shel- ley. While ,sailing off Leghorn, Italy, his boat went down and the poet, only 30. years old, was drowned. Frank Falconer, Bryan Yen- ables, .Reeve Elgin Thompson, Bill. Hough; Godericb Township Mervyn Lobb, Harry Watkins, ..Ds'ly ' MisI..dleton,.--13111. G.errits, John Deeves, Fred Vodden; Stanley Township, Harvey Tay- lor, Edward Broadfoot, May William J, Miller of Clinton, Cal Horton; Clinton, Dr. George S. Elliott, J. William Counter4)on-' ald McLean, William Riehl and Clare 11(tagee. The 1964 show is expected to be held at the end of May. 004400aA, Irenghou 4,0 Sun t alive lit pour !say X.he of i n eI pm.M. ll tt( , Phone HN WA LS w 271,3000 ' 48 Rebecca $t., STRATFQI Sun Life Assurance Company ' o`f ~'C,ama WANT -ADS BRING QUI `If; SUM • wt - BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER &-BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BR.UCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE 'Phone Collect: HU 2-9250, Clinton DRIVE IN HERE! FOR YOUR CAR! 1960 RANKER CLASSIC -6' Cylinder_-", 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC -L-6 Cylinder 1959 CHEV. &DOOR HARDTOP' -V-8' ' Automatic; power brakes and steering 195$ RAMBLER AMERICAN -6 Cylinder 1958 FORD 4 -DOOR -6 Cylinder . See the New 1964 Ramblers -- at MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 — . SEAFORTH YOUR. '63 DRIVER'S LICENCE expires February 2.8 7,, The mailing of the new application forms for Ontario drivers' licences has now been completed. Present your application with the required fee without delay at your nearest motor licence office so that your new licence may be issued. If you have NOT received your application, contact your nearest motor licence office immediately, or write to the Ontario Department of Transport, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Be sure to state the number of your 1963 driver's licence; whether it is an operator's or chauffeur's licence; and your full name, address and birth date. - YOU are responsible for getting your new driver's licence by February 28. Get Your1964Automobile Licence Plates Now/ 1963 pates for passenger and dual purpose automobiles and motorcycles also expire February 28. There will be no extension. 1964 plates are now on sale at your local motor licence office. Get yours•novirantl avoid the last -Minute lineup! • Truck, BusAnd Trei/erLicenceP/ates 1964 yearly plates for commer- cial vehicles andtrailers go on sale March 2 andare valid until March 31,,1965. Quarterly plates will not be available until March 25. Last year's plates for com- merclal-vehicles and trailers expire March 31, 1964. There will be no extension. -ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Parliament Buildings, Toronto2. • ' Hon trivia Hulcett Minister !Y+ •DOES `SHUR•GAIN..FERTILIZER -SPREAD BETTER? At a quick glance SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer may look very much like' most other kinds of granular fertilizers—but there is an important difference. Most ordinary fertilizers 'and practically all custom blended ones consist of a dry mixture of fertilizer materials either in powder or granular form. As a result the different ingredients vary in size and weight. You can com- pare it to a handful of ping-pong balls, mixed with marbles. If you throw, out a handful of these, the heavier marbles will travel farther than the ping-pong balls—and that is exactly what happens with ordinary fertilizers. Every granule'of 0,51/UR-GAIN Selected-CranulateOEFertilizer contains the guaran- teed plant food elements in the right proportion. When you spread your -fertilizer, with a drill or even more important; with any. broadcast -type spreader you can be 'sure that every, particle (from the smallest to the largest) of free -running SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fer- tilizer is nutritionally - balanced no matter where it lies -assuring y6ii'. of complete and even intake of all the plant food by your crops. There are no egcesses in one area and starvation in another with sRTm-GAIN. , Another good !p sson why you Can be confident of top returns from SHUR-GAIN —the finest fertilizer for Sour good earth! . fertilizer Call your local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer or , SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer service - MITCHELL -348-9012 ::/:,ii:: .E�{:: :Y::K UY.�i:::S �•`}\ai.. ..y 4"Q 9f 'v:< r:N:.:...4/a,J•..l'.iC...n�v.•:i?�1.•::;':[:i s.?�<X'�<:k:'n,': ,'}<:l+:jfi:ii �: n:;<0,.::::Y:i';>Y:<;; ryh::: :.::v ..:.' 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