HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-01-30, Page 3t:Y NEWS OF BRUCEFIELD g 9 v, Con r� af�onal Meeting Reviews successful Year The annual congregational meeting and pot=luck supper of Brucefield. United 'church was held Wednesday evening. -The congregation was well repres- r ented and the supper was en- joyed by all. Rev. H. Plant conducted- an opening worship service. Inter- esting reports were presented by all the organizations; $1,- 275.74 was contributed to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. The minister stressed this important phase of church work. It is hoped that the giv- ings will increase. The committee' of stewards was increased considerably. The new• members are Mrs. A. Pater- Westing o s Annual a . 4 •' 414 • . b' i4•. •• ,• ( • • • • Watch for this -'SPECIAL MONEY SAVING -- - EVENT at Dublin Electric Phone 70 R 2 DUBLIN son, Mrs. J. Mustard and Mrs. M. Graham and Messrs. J. Dallas, B. Dallas, G. Horton, A. Mc - Beath, G. Swan and K. Scott. Mrs. W. Hough is the first woman to be. a member of .,the session. Mr. V. Hargreaves was also elected and Mr. W. Fother- ingham was re-elected. The congregation ,is very grateful to T. Baird and A. J. Mustard for auditing the books in the past. Mr. Baird has serv- ed in this capacity for 20 years. The new auditors are Mrs. H. Taylor, who has very capably Served- as treasurer of women's groups, and L. Beane, who is a new resident of the community and who .,has experience in. ac- countancy. E. Allan was appointed as a trustee to replace the late John A. McEwan. The new church treasurer is Mrs, H. Berry. The session reported the ap- pointment of F. McGregor as • ay- School—superintendent,- with chool—superintendentwith E. Thompson as assistant. N. Walker was presented with a hymnary by W. Fotheringham in recognition of his fine record as Sunday School superintend- ent for,. the past 14 years. E. Thompson, in presenting, the address on behalf of the Sun- day School, congregation and session,... stressed Mr. Walker's faithfulness, punctuality, pa- tience and sacrifice, and also of the . enrichment the position has brought to Mr, Walker's life. , Further business included 'a nomination to abolish the list- ing of donations in the annual report, This was carried, and a receipt will be mailed at the year's end. to all contributors. pressed to the minister for his fine work and for the excellent way ,in which he had conducted the annual xneetiilg. Rev. H. Plant closed the meet- ing with prayer. Messengers See Filmstrip The January meeting of the Brucefield Messengers was held Sunday with an attendance of 22. This year, children, who at- tend school may come for the hour. The pre-schoolers will meet for the half hour. They will be led by Barbara Swan. Each month a different mother is being asked to assist. A worship service on "Lone- liness" was conducted. Messen- gers and others are encouraged to donate Christian pictures and postage stamps. If any part of the stamp is torn, it is useless. Mothers are encouraged to save old nylons for the overseas bale. Two dollars was ,contributed) to the Committee of Stewards and $1.00 to M & M since January 1. Brian Wilson was asked to count the offering each month and to see that it is given to the lead- er. The filmstrip, "Soo -Chin and the Red Crayon" was shown. It was the story of a Korean girl who learned the meaning of forgiveness. She could not find it in her, heart --.:to forgive a street boy who had solten from her until she herself sought for- giveness for a mistake she had made. In finding the boy and forgiving him, she offers, Chris- tian love instead of hate and retaliation. The study on "Korea was cli- maxed by lighting a "sparkler" and singing "Best Wishes" to Koreans. A treat of special cookies was distributed. The study, "The Buffalo and the Bell" on India will com- mence at the February meeting. J. Beane presented the budget on behalf of the committee of stewards. The budget of $9,205,23, was accepted. Another highlight. of the eve- ning was the presentation of a gift - To Mrs. M. Wilson by H. Lobb, opbehalf of the congre- gation. The gift was in recogni- tion of Ater -capable manner in which Mrs. Wilson has served as church treasurer. In accept- ing the. gift,' Mrs. Wilson men- tioned that she had enjoyed the work, having completed the year 1953 for her father, fol- lowing his death, and that the year had proved to be "a long one. ..... Courtesy remarks were pres- ented by D. Brodie, which in- cluded a thank -you to all who. hadserved the church during -the'past ,year.Thanks was ex- -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call. W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193.1 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverages Fori • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial - • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Serv-ices • Wind Insurance 4,.,,s SPECIALS. FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Kleenex FACIAL TISSUES-, 4 Pkgs 5590 REGULAR or CHUBBY FACELLE BATHROOM TISSUE'-''• 2 -Roll Pkg.' 270 PINK or WHITE York Brand BEANS WITH PORK 3 20 -oz. Tins 490 Red RosefOrange Pekoe TEA BAGS plus 8c Coupon -60's • • • • 750' Garden Patch Whole Kernel CORN . • 3 14-oz.'Tins 490 Club House 40z, PEANUT BUTTER:.20-oz. Jar, Only FAB - Giant Pkg. 20c off Florida'' GRAPEFRUIT Fresh. SPINACH ` 2 Cello Bags 35C Fresh Cris GREEN CABBAGE Each 190 630 5for 390. SEE LONDON FREE. PRESS THURSDAY. FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til fi P.M. Saturday Smith's PHONE 12 :. SUPERIOR cC: D MARK r'S • FREE DELIVERY March Of Dimes . knece sfhT"euchre; egenSO17., ed by th, CP & T commttt e. of Amber Rebekah and poF Lodges,,- Hensall., was Meld it} the lodge half Tuesday evening.' 4'irltl_1. nine tables in play, • Winners were: ladies; first prize, "Mrs. Ernie- Chipehase; second, Mrs. Edgar Munn; men, first, P. L. McNaughton; second, Ross Richardson. Mrs. Leona. Parke and Rodger Venner•were winners of baskets of grocle ies in a draw, with winning tickts drawn by John Jarrot. Anoth- er euchre will be held' in Feb.: ruary. Arnold Circle Meets The Arnold Circle 'of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their first meeting of the New, Year Monday evening with president Mrs. _Gordon- Schwalm presiding. Miss Hannah Murray gave -a de- tailed account of the Presbyter- ial held at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Clinton. f Y. During the business perk* plans were made to send Valen- tine boxes to the patients at Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall. The following reports wet* presented: Treasurer's, M r s. Harold Bonthron; Crade Roll, Mrs. 13.7A7 -0 -ET Explorers. Cathy Hopkins. It was announced that Mrs. bd. • Kink and Mrs. Harry Hoy had taken over as leader and assistant leader of the CGIT group 'of the church. ferings given at the World, D y of Prayer. Mrs. T. Lavender gave a splen- did synopsis Of chapter 'tbreP. of "The •Kingdom, the. Fewer andthe Glory" book. Arrangements were made' for - the -World Day of Prayer, to be held February 14 in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Hensall - Chiselhurst Young People ,met Sunday evening in - the United Church_ with presi- dent Tod Mock who conducted the meeting and offered prayer during the devotional period, with Heather Reid reading sac- red passages. A film, "Monas- tery," was shown with Rev. Har- old Currie leading a discussion period. ' Program and worship were taken by •Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Hopkins, their theme being, "For a New Year." Mrs. Hop- kins read a story about'' Miss Hilda Hermanson, missionary in Formosa,. Mrs. Bonthron pro- nounced the benediction. Lunch- eon was served by Mrs. Hoy,.. Mrs. A. Scholl and Mrs. Bev Beaton. Mrs. Alberta McBeath . was taken by Bonthron ambulance to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea= forth, on Thursday evening. Plans Complete Mrs. John Deitz chaired the meeting of the Hensall Kinette Club Wednesday. Plans, under the chairmanship of Mrs; Ron Wareing, were finalized for th March of Dimes campaign,' to be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m., with Mrs. Lorne Hay as Marching Mother. An invitation was accepted from the Kinette Club of Clin- ton to attend a joint dinner meeting Febr ary 11. Mrs. Ross Jinks was holtess. Mrs. Ware- ing won the raffle. News of Kippen Sty An•drevt's Congregation Reviews Year The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's United -Miura;Kippen, was held Tues- day evening. It was preceded by a pot -luck supper, served in the Sunday School rooms by the outgoing stewards, Thomas Reid, btincan Cooper and Laird Fin- layson, assisted by their wives. After supper the congrega- tion, about sixty, assembled in the church, with Rev. Howard Plant in charge. Excellent re- ports were given by the various committee leaders. The new stewards, nominat- ed by acclamation, are Ray Consitt, Kenneth McKay, ,H. Anderson and 0. Workman. Two new elders were .also nom- inated; they are Norman Dick- ert and Edison McLean. The trustee board, William Bell; Robert McGregor,. Archie Par- sons, John Sinclair and Emer- son Kyle, were re-elected. The minister thanked all those who had taken part in the different departments of church work through the year. The meeting closed with the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Coop- er are leaving this week by mo- tor for Florida, where they will spend three weeks' vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Kyle were in London Sunday visiting their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Don Kyle, - and tEdir new grandson at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and Kenneth visited Saturda` i evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Huxtable and Bill, of Cen- tralia. On Sat>?rday evening Grant Jones attended a grade 10 class party at the 'Gommunity Centre, Centralia. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoggarth for the gift of a son, horn Sat- urday, Jan. 25, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. • Mrs. A. Binnendyk was hos- tess to a cottage meeting at her home Monday evening. • • 1rtlCers At. hhe annual vestry meet ngt „of—g. .raRI's. Angiieal? Chu'"c111,'. Hensall, the- following ofacers were elected Or 1964 Vestry. Clerk, MOS Jean Hen- dersan; rector's warden, E. J. Roberts; people.'s warden, J. E. Henderson; lay " delegate to. Synod, Mrs. F., H.. _Broadley;;. substitute,.delegate, 1114s. R, H. Middleton treasurer,. 0. Goodwin; assistant treasurer, B,, B. Jackson; board'Of manage- ment, W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs. T. G. Lavender, R. H. Middleton, Mrs. F. H. Broadley, Mrs. B. B. Jackson, F. L. Forest;, -chair- man of sidesmen, F. L. Forrest The rector, the Rev. J. Philip Gandon, thanked the congrega- tion for the welcome they had given, him and his. family when they --.came to the parish last July. A record attendance was recorded for the meeting. Which was preceded by a pot -luck sup- per end entertainment by the new. junior choir. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broderick and Rochelle, Kitchener, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr.! and Mrs. Garfield Broderick; and also attended the funeral -of Ron's grandfath- er, the late Edgar Broderick, held in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson left by car on Saturday for Florida, where Mr. Anderson will participate in several trap shoots. They expect to be away th ee weeks. , At the -Kinsmen dinner meet- ing Thursday night, plans were made to hold .a draw in March for $50 silver dollars. The guest speaker was Dennis Riggin, of Stratford, former goalie with the Detroit Red Wings. Presi- dent Ross Jinks presided for the business section. Mr. and Mrs. E. Youse, Wen- dy and Tommy leave Saturday for London, where they will take up residence. Mrs. Youse was on the staff of the local Bell Telephone here. • Miss Ruth Anne Traquair and Miss Ruth Anne Hume, of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. The March of Dimes cam- paign, under the sponsorship of Hensall Kinette Club, will be held Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, at 7 p:m., when the Marching Mothers will canvass each home in the village. Assistance is needed, and anyone wishing to help the Dinettes in their. can- vass are asked to call Mrs. Jim Hyde at 310. The WA of St.' Paul's Angli- can Church, Hensall, met at the home of Mrs. R. H. Middleton for their regular monthly meet- ing Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Philip. Gandon, the . new presi- dent and wife of the rector, con- ducted the meeting and also showed the new filmstrip, "Around the World in• Prayer,' showing the work done by of - STAFFA Pupils from School Sections 1 to 6 in Hibbert Township, along with their teachers,en- joyed a skating party at Mit- chell arena on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Butson is home again after a stay -in -Victoria Hospital, London. WI Holds Euchre "- • Staffa,Women's Institute spon- sored a progressive euchre par- ty in the Township Hall Fri- day evening. Group one was in _charge, and Lthere ,were fifteen tables in play. Before lunch, Staffa West 4-H girls presented their 'skit which they had given at' --Achievement Day in Mitchell, called "Lines To Suit the Figure." Those tak- ing part were Margaret and Kaye Worden, Bonnie Miller, Brenda Keii•slake, Carol Glan- ville, Carol Dow and, Mary El- len Doyle. Prize winners for the euchre party were: Ladies' high, Mar- garet Worden; ladies' low, Mrs. George' Vivian; gents' high, Bev Taylor; .gents' low, Brian Chap- pel; most lone hands, Donald Achilles. COLORFUL SCULPTURE Greek sculpture made excel- lent use of color. Marble statues often had tinted hair and touch- es of color in the eyes, on the lips. and in decorative patterns .of the clothing; bronze figures were inlaid with bther colorded metals or enamel. Heart disease is our country's Number One Killer. Your Heart Foundation is the Number One defence against this dread dis- ease.' Buy with confidence from your hometownmerchant who services what he sells. Read his ads in your hometown news- paper. FUNERALS EDGAR BRODERICK Funeral services for the late Edgar Broderick, 90, were held Saturday from the Dinney fun- eral home, Exeter„_ with burial in Exeter•,, cemetery. Mr. Brode- rick, formerly of Exeter, a re- tired farmer, passed -away. Thurs- day at Huronview, Clinton. Survivors are two sons, Gan field, Hensall, and Russell, of Exeter and Seaforth; and a brother,] John Broderick, Re- gina, Sask. MRS. HARRY FABER • The Tec}f rem t t 1ad>Ses heli their January naeetleg, at the home of .pairs. William Pepper. The new „president, Mss. 0obeltt• ; Laweon, presided. .The meeting opened with the • Opening Ode, followed by the leord'S I�rayel and the hymn, "The Old Wig- ged Cross,” was sung. The • roll pall was answered by • 10 members on "How to keep young. The business of the meeting was conducted. It was decided to have a card par- ty Feb. 17. 'The ladies are go- ing to CFPL, London, on March 30th, to be filmed in "Ladies', Day." The ladies and their hus- bands are to go bowling on February llth. A demonstra- tion on hair styling was given Hensall-Zurich 11, Pt. Edward 2 First -place Hensall - Zurich Combines trounced Point Ed- ward Redmen 11-2 in a Sham- rock Junior "D"- hockey game at Hensall Wednesday night. Bob Hoffman led the Combines with three goals; Bob Livermore, Craig Chapman and Bruce Coop- er added two apiece, while Den- nis Morrissey and Mike Cush- man scored once. Earl Helps and Ray Coughlin scored -for the Redmen. . ell $Xl7am The 'topl, "tLogki, Test snci Proper Postu> ably, Even h�,,11's, A contest on tam o*S, WQme? _ conducted by . -;lea, -Roeirso The Mystery Trip Wa. 'tArolq, Mrs $ytn}ek. 1 Ther 'meeti<ng closed'v1 - closing' pj iyer, fg119wed , _ lovely lunch supplied' lq hostess and her, helpers ThetFebruary meeting 'Will be held at the home of. Mrs ^ 1J -O'Brien, Feb. 5, at 8:30,-44, roll call to be "Solnethxn* child' has taught' me," `•and the, h topic, "Advantages and Disadra vantages, of E(dueatipu• Today,„ Over $0 Years. ago.' • - ALL KINDS of ,. INSURANCE - W E. SOUTHGATE - -MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH •Phone 334 — Res. 540 Mrs. Harry Faber, of RR 1, Hensall, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Sunday, where she had been a patient for- the --past three weeks. She was in her 63rd year. . The former Mary E}len Cald- well, she . was • born i Tucker - smith in 1901, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Guy. Caldwell. She had wide experience in the nursing profession, graduating as a Registered Nurse ^and gold medallist at Cochrane General Hospital in June„ 1932. She nursed with the Sir Wilfred Grenville in Labrador and New- foundland, India Hospital, Bir- tle, Man., hospitals in British Columbia, Hamilton and Toron- to", and Reck Memorial, London. She_.was-a_memb,er ,of -Hensall- United Church, Hensall Wo- men's Institute, andformer member. of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall. • • She was married in 1943 to Harry Faber, who survives. Two brothers,, Harry and William Caldwell, predeceased her. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron Fun- eral Chapel, Hensall, at 2 ,p.m. Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Harold Currie. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Vern Alder - dice, Jack Caldwell, Boss Faber, Russell Faber, Ron Caldwell and Harold Caldwell.- '` %',10111t\ ` 1:`�\��, �Il���lln���y,:,m,,, Ilv ‘‘‘'%'"""‘ .,• a y.1 use CO.OR FEEDS SAVE$2•°° PER TON on your FkRTILIZER by taking delivery before Jan. 31 SEAFORTH FAR MERS SEAPORT!' 14,.u1 .1`, ,\',1 ''.1 1 1 A is :RIGHT.NQwi THE BEST TIME FOR -� 'FARM MACHINERY Brii.g : In Your Tractor or Machinery- . • . BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH STARTS ! • Don't wait until it's time to get on the land to get your repair work done -- it will cost you MORE money! SO, DON'T - DELAY ! — ORDER YOUR PARTS NOW For Spring Requirements BOYES' FARM SUPPLY Massey -Ferguson SALES. & SERVICE Phone 612 - Seaforth `BRUCEFIFLD WELDING and GENERAL REPAIR Phone 482-3272 CLINTON ROWCLIFFE- MOTORS .J. I. Case Farm Implements Phone 267 - Seaforth McGAVIN'S Farm Equipment SAI, ES & S.B.R. VICE New Holland • New Idea Geo. White - Nuffield Tractors Walton, Ont. Phone 751 .1 1 — Seaforth or 365 W 6 --- Brussels ELMER SOMmERS Massey -Ferguson - . and Industrial Equipment SAFES & SERVICE Phon 55 - Brussels GEORGE'S REPAIR SHOP Welding • General Repair's Rural. Hydro. Installations Phone 5T R 8 - Dublin.' til