HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-01-30, Page 1A . __
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'105th Year rv.stn., .'. 1W
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8, Work on A :._... � . �?•+? '.J�•'V•'"vY;_,'. I t3Y ��i.�-., ��� '��s�� "b. _ ,3c�Tf%- �s ���
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Dia telephone service will be copy a large�lot which Bell put -,r YY
John Ferris, -a driver for 7dr. Coyne was.
Cronin Transport, Dublix% di
outside of the hom
introdiiced in Seaforth late this chased last year. Wednesday afternoon in Strat- lot,, less t1jan viol
Y W. W. Haysom, Bell Tele- It will have reinforced con. half I
ford Gerieral. Hospital of injur-
phone manage� for this area, creta foundations, pre -cast con- 7, the scene
announced this week. -trete. slab floor, brick walls, pre- ies he had received two days f RR -9, :St.,. P,10,10'i
..earlier when he was penned b pinned between t*b.#q
Contract for construction of cast columns, beams and roof.
tween two trucke. He was th had his` stbmacfi'pi6r4'A-
a 'new dial, exchange building Seaforth, is one of less than
second victim of the accident, pry
has been awarded to Pounder IDO non=dlal central offices re- bar.
61, a well- The- a
Frank, Coyine, accident oqcw.,,
territory Ejros�., of, Stratford. The build "manning in the entif6'te known Western Ontario cattle day morning -on the Per
flag is estimated to cost $35,000, served by Bell Telephone. Since
drover, died Monday shortly at- on boundary which
a building permit in this amount the canvers{pn of E*
.I to dial . ter he had rushed for aid for bent and Tuckerml
buying been issued earlier this a year ago, Seaforth and Hen- .......
the injured Et!_ ships.
trucker.- It is.y
sall Ipve','-beCn -thy- spined he had a heart attack. Mr. Ferris I wao usifig- JU
CLwated on the west sla6 of dial Bell offices - in this district.
steel bar
to pry open tk.e'
Chalk Street, a short di
Re -arrange Lines —of
or a—tractolr-trailgr -
south of the PUC substation, When the dial exchange build- ..... .... he operated As he wb&64,
the one -storey building will oc. has been completed;. North- Tucker'smith was unaware
Ing that a. - sm or
Stam ern • Electric Company crafts- truck, driven by - tit
ham, 23 of Mitchell; w
men will install dial 'Fie
New Members Vof cA"- left An
switching equipment and assoc- backed UP so that catt I e
fated apparatus in it. smaller truck could be unsfev'
% red into Ahe' Ferris truc
was be
----Meanwhile, Bell Telephone 41. New Find Council crews will reconstruct and Te- W O,fficers
Mr. Ferri s trapped
arrange the network,.of wire of tween the two track afid 60,11,
•T Tuckersmith F&Ieration
Interesting and - cable that serves the area, Agriculture, elected Wilmer bar pierced his stomach.
's Mr. Coyne rushed to the near- ,d
and the company's. inst Hers Broadfoot as president at an.
Clerk 'John Berry and, deputy b Taylor farm. f6r help when 4,d
IN where necessary, replace MUWA&L meeting that followed a Y
B,111 Hanly alternated in inton- all telephones with new dial SEAFORTH LADWS who Thursday prid Friday last wee .,attended a'4 -H Hom6making Leaders' -Training School at Clin- dinner in Egmondville ,church he was stricken,
Ing the text of Bylaws 1 to 21, sqts, or modify. existing sets. school
1964,- as county council ended ` After the introduction of dial ton, sponsored by the Home Economics Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, are shown,here, busily review. , Thursday evening. He
succeeds Alex. McGregor, ,who
the January session on Friday. service,,there will no longer be. Ing, sewing techniques; seated, Mrs. William Little, RR 1, 96aforth (McKillop Club), and Mrs. Stewart Dale., RR 4, Clinton
I recently was elected president Francis Jerome._C, yne died
re .9
No. 4 authorized expenditure of any Bell operators. located in (Seaforth No. 2 Club); standing are Mrs. W. L. Whyte, RR P, Seaforth (Seaforth District Club), Mrs. John Broadfoot, Bruce-. of the Huron Federation. suddenly on Monday morning
00,000 on roads, bridges, and
Seaforth, However, Mr, Haysom. field (Seaforth District), Mrs. Ross Gordon, RR 1, Seaforth (McKillop Club), and Mrs. Earl Nott, RR 4, Clinton (Seaforth No. Other officers are: Ernest in his 62nd year. He was born
achillery. Another , provided.,
said, every precaution will be 2 Club)'. Crich, vice-president, and John on concession 7, Hibbert Town -
Gr acceptance by the county taken to ensure that the change ship, the son of Mrs. "Alice.
of the Rae property, north half to dial causes a minimum dis- Broadfoot, secretary.treasurer. the late. Michael
of lot 3 in the 18th conce5 A feature of the well -attend. Coyne and
-sign: ruption to company. employees. or ed meeting was the presents Coyne. He .,was a xnember of
of Grey, for reforestation pur- Northside Looks mAL
Some operator's will probably tion of the Tuckersmith award St. Columban's Ro n Catholic
be giving up working at' the I u Ck,ersmith -C & Stan I e' y'for championship corn to Don- Church, the Holy Name Society
Council confirmed Turnberry time of the change. Most of ald McKercher. The award, pre- and the League of thecSitered
Township's. Bylaw No. 8 of 1963, those who wish to continue T® Centennial se
by Doug Mile.% Huron Heart.
in ag rep, was accepted by R. S. Surviving besides his mother
Street, east to. William, in Blue- ment in. other Bell offices. Any ew-- Schoo McKdfch-er, in the absence at are five- brothers-, Jbhn Coyne,
0ose Elizabeth �y.to stop up and, elwork' g will. be offered empvale, never opened to traffic.' 'who Ate-thinkingof- leaving be- tudI'Setups-.61 Move Here Thorfias Coyne and Matth6tv
school of his son.
Warden Jewell called :upon tween now and the date of the Proposals to streamline and solidated township schoo for- irffp6dtor J. H; -Kinkead, of For a number of years the Coyne, of Ribbert Township -
all seven new members, and change -over will be encouraged modernize students and students Goderich, inspector for North The afiffiAT-ineeting.of North- Tuckersmith,_organ_ization has George Coyne,:Dublin, Joseph
they expressed their enjoyment to stay iintil dial goes into school systems in both their Coyne, - -London-,. - four P � sisters,.-.,
P OP- Tuckersmith and Stanley have within the township school area. Huron, and J. G. Burrows, of side United Church' was held sponsored a corn club.
Of the session. Deputy reeve oration. been the subject of discussions _-Harvey Col�min, of Zurich a Exeter,' inspector for South Thursday teven I the church Roy Jewel, farm editor of Mother Ma* Alice, Wallaee4
Reg Jewell, Goderich, recalled h bout w- burg-, Miss Alicia Coyne, Hibbert
that..he And the warden, a first at a series of meetings. former township reeve, chaijed Huron, outlined the government school with 100 members CFPL, spoke briefly and show-
'Proposals includ6 construe- the ffletting, with Township grants available for consolidat-, present, The meeting was chair- ed slides taken while on q re. Township; Mrs. Reg (Florence)
Kahue,- Chatham; Mrs. Walter
cousin, were "both and faired Clear- Arrival Bruce- ed schools. ed by B. R. Thomson, and cent tour of. -Europe.
about '30 rods ,Apart," in C401- tion of a consolidated school in Clerk Met Graham, of•The recommendation for, the Gladys Thompson-'�was recce- (Mary) I Kroski, Toronto:
borne Township, but never Tuckersmith Township to serve field, acting as secretary. School
thought the y would be found in all rural students; an, addition consolidated school 'was pro- tary.,•
Thelbody, is at the home oil-
• lJosed by Malcolm Davidson,.of Rev. Cliff Britton, who' con. fle'of'fhe We k his ,,i.o, r
Of Santa •in '64 to the school at Egmondville to Sm I brother, Matthew, lot JA
their presqnt posts. Deputy ducted a short devotional serv- cone 5-, Hibbert Township,
serve rural students in . that Brucefield, and Percy Brown, of
Reeve Everett McIlwain -men- Thi .many people, next Christ- RR 'a;, Clinton:It was unanim- ice, reminded the congregation , The minister asked the little until Thursday morning when
tioned that, encouraged by for- mas looked at from a day in area with students in the Hen- Homemaking the girl what he thought of her removal will be made t9 St.
met . Reeve _Forbes and the January, seems to be years mll. area attending school in 'ously supported by the, meeting. that about 100 years ado church service: Columban's Church- � for
first church was built on, the first
present reeve of Goderich Town- �away. Hensall, and pupils in the west. A third -meeting was held
site ed by Noqhside.; "The music was nice,". she m High Mass at 14 -Wel
ern part. of the township attend- .,quit
ship, Grant Stirling, he had fol- �- But the Chrfgtth-a§ activities Club. Leaders Tuesday night,,in, Tuckersmith He su'40gocclu special anrlivers- said, "but the commercial was Burial vrill,be made in St
which perhaps when area board representatives Pit -umban. cemetery. c U.
lowed county council proceed- committee of the Seaforth, Ing a. school serve a portion, I I d on Page 6) too long," ery.
ings for several years. Others: qamber of Commerce -doei;n't could also set of met with representatives of the
• speaking briefly.. were Reeves agree. The committee already Stan -ley; construction of a large Hensall School. Board to explore
In Tra"In"inig
C:ardno, Seaforth; Duroin; West has extended an invitation' and school which would serve rural the suggestion that three Tuck-
'-Wawanosb; - Etherington, Us- has received a reply from San- students both. Stanley and ersmith sections -1, 10 and .2—
Twenty-nine 4-H � Himemak-
borne; Stewart,, of Tuckersmith Townships. join with Hensall.
McKilloP; to Claus. He will in Se.- ing club leaders in Huron n Coun-
First meeting was held Wed c1hairman Cleave
,and Deputy Reeve Carl Dalton forth. on Saturday, November ty attended a two-day training
nesday night in Tuckersmith at Coombs said no decision was
of Seaf9rth. 28, for the annual Santa Claus school in Clinton,..as re
para -
tended by chairman Cleave
parade. reamed, but the meeting agreed'
Reeve Glenn Webb, of Steph tion for their directing 15 clubs
A th ardenship Winding up the 1963 Christ- Coombs of.the Tuckersmith area to establish a committee to co -n-
en, runner-up in p -w with the spring project, "What
a 7"
board, members of council,and tinue to study the proposal.
contest, congratulited Warden Mas program, the committee at Shall I Wear?"
Jewell upon the way he had a �neeting in 'the PUC board officials, and of township. - -Named to the committee were
conducted the session, and the room, set the (late for the par- boards. Miss Patricia Damude, Home Orville Workman, and- Ross For -
warden expressed appreciation ade and made plans to as No decision other than to Economist for Huron County, rest, representing Tuckersmith, 46
of the suppqrt and co-operation ole additional street decorations have further discussion on the who directed the school, along and Clendon Christie and Trevor
given him by, his two opponents, ready to install next November. proposals was reached. with the assistance Of Miss Wilson, representing Hensall,
J. G, Burrows, of Exeter, Frances Lampman,; Home Econ- as well as the secretaries of the
school inspector, for the south- omits Service, Toronto, said two boarqs.
ern portion of I Huron County, that at Chis year the county will
told those at the meeting that have the highest number of 4-H ateA
'Speaker'Discus'ses, consolidated or -central. schools Homemaking Clubs in history Huron 'Makes
result in more specialized train- —a total. of 47. The Clinton
ing up to Gradie..8. Because of school, held in the office board
.� Legion s'New Rote this students have a better rooms of the Ontario Depart- 'Investments Pay
chance of learning, lic said. ment of Agriculture, was the
The Legion has a new role—a sey, and appreciation was ex- Mt. Burrows outlined--what--third—Shnilar-schOOIS.-We.re-held. _. The county received $3,875.37
role of service to the common- pressed by vice-president D. percentage of the &st could be this month ih Wingham and'in interest on money invested last
ity—Durwood Preston, district Sills. President John .,Eisler regained •by the school board Hensall. The climax to the pro- year, Clerk -treasurer John Ber-
was in charge of the short,pro-, from the government under as- ject will be held for Clinton ry said in answering a question
commander;of Waterloo, told gram that followed the dinner. sistance grants. He said the gov. area clubs in Clinton�`& May 9; by Reeve Don McKenzie, of New' Hu' 'Reeves Meet. theWarden
Seaforth veterans attending the Deputy. zone commander Al erRment grant is about $20,000• in Auburn, April 25,,, Howick, Ashfield. He iexplained that.
annual veterans' dinner intheNicholson brought greetings per classroom. Various archi- May 2; and in, Exeter, May 23. funds are placed in treasury NEWLY -ELECTED Huron County, Warden Ralph Jewell, Reeve of: Colborne Township,',
Legion Hall Saturday evening.' Mr. Burrows said, have Club leaders attended the bill's or at bank interest of 3% sits surrounded by'sevpn new members of county -council at the inaugural meeting in
from the zone, and Mayor Earl tects, n
The Legion has matured, the Dinsmore extended good wishes found the actual cost to be Clinton school from on .1 30 -day basis, until they are
Clinton, Goderich standing, from left, Seaforth Reeve Nelson Cardio Seaforth 'Deputy Reeve Carl
speaker said, and must assume from the town to the Legion., about $23,000 per classroom. Seaforth,' Goderich, Auburn,. required, I
Dalton, Goderich, Township Deputy Reeve E. U. McIlwain, Goderich Deputy Reeve Rea Jew.
added responsibilitibsi.' He warn- A 'certificate, recognizing the "At Varna on Monday night, Blyth, Brussels, Carlow, Wal- There is $141,000 invested in
ed that since the Legion was A job, Seiforth had done in mem- Stanley ratepayers supported a ton and Moncrieff, the hospital reserve fund, and ell, West Wawanok� Township Reeve Lloyd Durnin,-McKillop Township Reeve Kenneth St#w
monopoly, A was all the more betship growth was presented suggestion that consideration be "Seaforth will be requirifig some art and Usborne township Reeve Archie Etherington.
important that 'care be taken by President Eisler in the ab- given the establishment of a of their money," the"clerksaid.
with theimage presented sence of membership committee consolidated, public school to Cubs Visit The statement came in con -
the public, land'added, the Le-' chairman William O'Shea, by replace the one -room schools in nection with the auditor's re-
gion Hall should be the focal, Distif'ict Commander Preston, the t 1`18hi port, which showed a surplus
point of community activity. who referred to the fact that Thrmneeip�g was sponsored Fl re Hall of $95,915.23 on the year's..op-
• Reviewing activities in which Seaforth would be host to the by the township cotiffeil at the erationsi but $110,000 had been
the Legion is taking a leading district convention in May. request of the township school Seaforth Cubs=.25 of them— transferred from the 1963 sur -
role, the speaker referred to ' Mrs. Ina McGrath, president area board. with -headers Tom Wilbee, Wil- plus account and $80,000 from
low rental housing, community of the Ladies' Auxiliary, pre- The township school area Liam Hodgert and Mrs. H. Me- 1962 account. . . . . . . . .
sports '. programs, scholarships, sented sweaters to Don Muir, board covers six sections in Kenzie, visit* Seaforth fire hall Total revenue. was $2,277,668
public speaking, and track and Legion. sports officer, for the which there are five schools." -for a first-hand look at fire- and expenditure $2;181,684.45.
field. He "congratulated mein- Peewee team, in recognition of The township also has six fighting equipment. These compare with revenue of
bars I
of the, branch for the ex- the good done in assisting minor other school sections not in- Welcomed by Fire Chi 'hin 0,746,000 in 1962 and expendi-'
e Chief J6
cellent sports program they had sports. cluded in the township school F. Scott, the group was given ture of $1,172,113.
established here, or •area chit- During the evening Mr. and area. The trustees of these sec- a detail6d Outline of the brigade Registry office revenue was
dren. Mrs. Dave Netzke were present- tions now plan to hold meetings" l activities 'by foreman !ton Dol- -$15,089.36, "but we spent more,
Mr. Preston was " introduced ed with a gift, marking their in their own areas to discuss, mage and assistant foreman than that--$15,780.37—on the
by vice-president R. J. Boos golden weddIn& anniversary. the question, of a single con- I Ron Broome, offlcp.," Mr. Berry said.
More Chronic Beds?
Patient Needs Sparkto'.undl Discussion k :� YY
The need for a provincially- incially- there," said superintendent Goderich, opening with 25 to thing at the county level. Chair- the nursing home project then.
approved nursing home or a Harvey Johnston, "have there 30 beds, would be filled, "as man of the warden's and, per- The Huronview repOrt came JCir
`'chronic wing" was so much to been so many people enquiring there are so many requiring sonnet committee is Reevb Ivan up at 'opening of Thursday' af-
the fore last Thursday that the and waiting to 'get in." I home care." Haskins of Howick. ternoon's sitting, and Chairman
discussions seem likely to re- Mrs. Bernard- Henderson, of Before Thursday's sitting clos- (At the last meeting of the Dunbar said "our probleins con-
sult in a practical project in Kincardine, addressed council ed, the nursing, home theme board of Alexandra Marine and time to grow as our resident
one form or another. on the subject of a hospital- came in for debate as a pos- General Hospital here, chair- total begins to get beyond ca -
"We are deeply concerned for approved nursing borne, She sible centennial project on the man' S. Prevett said there was, pacity.4 As regards chronic pa -
the -future of -many a senior citi- conducted one at Kincardine county level. The warden's and an obvious need for a nursing tients, we are not equipped to
until about a year ago, and pers6nnel committee had -re- home in Goderich. The lectricit
zen in Huron," said Reeve Clif board take care of them, but when Area Students Study E y
ford Dunbhr, of Grey, present- pointed out that no privately commended epunty.pction with- had been asked by provincial there is -no place else we have
Ing the report of Huronview administered home could com, out proposing a project, and authorities to reduce the num- to take them." AMONG the 42 Huron, County Junior Farmers attending the 10 -week electrical course
board, "The Home Is running pete with the per them cost -of after long discussion council ac- ber of beds for chronic' pa- Superintendent Johnston re- being held at Clinton in the Agricultural Office board room Wednesday afternoon, are three
practically at capacity, and we $3.75 mentioned by Mr. 'John- cepted 9 motion by Reeve El in area men. Left to right: Me] Alderson, London, Farm Sales Supervihor for. Western Region,
in tients.). ported 204 residents -_-86 male
are not geared to take 'care of ston. About half the 'residents ,Thompson, of Tuckersmith, find Reeve Donald McKenzie, of and 118 female—with a bed ca area
patients. We are await- at Huronview are pitying, and deputy reeve John Sutter, of Ashfield, pointed out that there parity of 209. The number at Ontario Hydro, discusses the course with Garnet Wright, RR 1, Londesboro; Bob Potheringham,.
Ing ifigtructions as,to a meeting Mrs. Henderson -said: J'Even if, Clinton,,that members take up Is to be a meeting in Clinton Huronview 16d almdst doubled RR 1, Saaforth, and Bob Gemmel], RR 2, Kippen, The, lectures include the -.study of elec-11
with officials of Welfare and you had a nursing home in -God- the matter at their first local soon, when representatives of since September, 1960, when trical motors, the maintenance and operation of lighting for all types of liviftbek buildings
the Ontario' Hospital Services there were 105. Costs had g'reat-
HA-alth' ddpaitm6fift to study erich, nobody would go there council meetings and advise the heat requirements in both residentialandlivestock buildings, and the central distrift- -
when the Huronview rate is the county clerk whether they Commission will be coming to ly increased, 160 in
"At no time ..In the Mt. Johnstonsaid, how- 'plan centennial projects of their this area, and he suggested that 1944 -for home and farm, to
this •problem," from $25,
of '�Isiory fa tion of electricity. A tour through the Buchanan, Transformer- Station, London, �is. �W
e been ever, that a nursing home in own, or wish to go in with some. more could be found out about Moirthitted an Pag�, 6) in'the course.
11uronview, since I have
..... .... ... . ... .