HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1964-01-02, Page 12• •k,
gx„Runq ExPosrro4t, SEstrOltni, ONT., JAN- 2, 1964
On the closing day of schoal,
pupils of USS 1, Hibbert, the
senior room, held their 'Christ-
mas. party, -beginning with a
Red Cross peting, over which
president jun Burchill had
charge. He and Jim 'Roney in-
troduced the games and the
program was in charge of Bren-
da Racho and Glenda Brown.
Susan Wells read a Christmas
poem and later made courtesy
remarks. Grade VII girls serv-
ed lunch. Treats were distribut-
ed from the School Board, and
there were bags of candy from
the bus driver. Earl Roney, who
was remembered later with a
gift. The teacher, Mrs. Ed Hock-
ing, was also the recipient of
a Christmas remembrance, with
Robert Mitchell making the
presentation. Earlier in the
Week the music teacher, E. C.
Harley, received a gift from the
pupils, With Brenda Racho pre-
senting it on their behalf.
Mrs. Mary Malcolm with Mr.
and Mrs.- Ross Gordon, Sea -
forth; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal-
colm and -family with her siss
ter, Mrs. Clayton Sheldon and
Mr. Sheldon, St. Marys; Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Lanni and family
in Atwood with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. James Broughton;
Mr. and IVIrs, Herb Britton and
family with Mr. .and Mrs. Nor-
man Stanlake, Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Malcolm, and Mrss
Lexie Malcolm •with Mr. and,.
Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hensall.
'Mr. Duke Garbutt, from the
West, visited with his nephews,
Lawrence, Lloyd 'and Earl -Bar-
ker and family last week.
Mrs. Anne Burchill -and
and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burchill
..::, ,..
Donald G. Eaton
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were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Burchill.
Z.:7 'Mr. Joe Van Volkengoed re-
turned home Monday from Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, af-
ter an appendix operation, feel-
ing much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
and family and Mrs. Mary Mal-
colm visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Gordon and family, Sea -
forth, on Sunday,
Mrs. Mabel Higgerson had her
daughter, Mrs. Ken Elligsen,
and Mr. Elligsen and, Terry and
Warren for Christmas.
With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur-
chill were their sons, Mr. Ken
Burchilr and Mrs. Burchill, Mr.
BobEurchill, Jr., St. Marys, Mr.
and Mrs. Wadland, Woodatock;
Mr. and Mrs. Seek Gloor., and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Burchill, Mitchell.
Poinsettas and candelabra were
the setting in Winthrop United
Church, Saturday, December 21,
at 7:30 p.m., for the wedding of
Shirley Jean, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Storey, and
Garry Wilmer Jones, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Wilmer Jones, of Kip -
pen. The' Rev: J. C. Britton of-
Traditional wedding music
"WaP-played by Mrs. Arnold Scott'
and the' soloist was Mr. Lloyd
McCluskie of Winthrop.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor -
length full ; skirted gown of
white lace over peau de soie.
The fitted bodice, sprinkled with
iridescent pearls, featured a•
scoop neckline and long lily -
point sleeves. Her fingertip veil
_was ,held in _place by a ,heart -
shaped 'headpiece. She carried
a white Bible, crested with red
Gail Storey was her sister's
maid of honor; dressed in
street-lerigth gown of red vel-
vet with white fur muff and cap-
lets. Her headpiece was_ a red
velvet rose and she carried a
nosegay of white and red car-
• Bridesmaids were Gwen Jones
of Kippen, sister of the greom,
and Mary Norris, cousin of the
bride. They wore dresses iden-
tical to that of the maid of
honor, „and_ parried similar
The best man was Alex-Gisn-
ville, and theguests were ush
ered by Larry Jones, cousin of
-the grisons;—and -John Norris,
cousin of .the brider
A reception was held in Brod.
hagen Community Hall. The
table was centered with a -wed-
ding cake and . candles in a
"stairway td happiness, setting"
in red and white.
The bride's mother received
in a turquoise brocaded sheath
gown with beige accessories. A
corsage of white mums com-
pleted ° her ensemble. The
groom's mother chose a beige
brocaded dress with beige ac-
cessories and a corsage of white
For going away the bride
chose a three-piece double knit
turquoise suit with black acces-
sories and a corsage of red ros-
es. On their return they will
reside in Seaforth.
Guests were present from
London, Lucan, Blyth, Clinton,
Stratford, Kippen and Seaforth.
(Continued from Page 1) •
family of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith an
family, London, spent the holi
day with his mother, Mrs. H. E
Mrs. James Howe, of Wood
stock, spent Christmas with Mr
and Mrs. Charles MacKay, Joh
Miss L. Faulkner spent Christ
mas in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs -Donald Lemon
and family, Windsor; Mr. and
Mrs, Harvey 'Lamont and fam
ily, Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Alber
Ausman and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Lament and fam
ily, sGalt; Mr. Melville Lemon
and Miss Mary Lamont, Ethel
Mr. Arnold Lamont, Hamilton
and Miss Nellie Lamont,sof Ori
lia, spent Christmas with Mrs
Margaret arnont.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes
left Saturday by train for Win
nipeg, Man., to spend New
Year's holiday with the latter's
sister, Mrs. Vic Stan and Mr
Stan and family.
Mrs. C. P. Sills ef town and
Miss Mary Lon Sills, London,
d sspent Christmas 4th her son,
. Mr. Ronald C. Sills and Mrp.
• Sills and family. Kitchener.
Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Cudmore
of Wallaceburg and Miss Nancy
Cudmore of London spent the
Christmas holiday with Miss
Hazel Reid and Mr. Dalton Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters
and family of London spent
the Christmas holiday with Mr.
t and Mrs. W. C. Bennett at Clin-
ton. -` •
Mr. and 1VIrs.,0. J. Smith and
t son Frank, of Ancaster, were
Christmas guests of Mr. and
- Mrs. F. Kling.
t Mrs. J. J. Holland, of town,
has received word of the pass-
ing of her son, Kale Holland, in
- Windsor.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Edmunds,
Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs, Allan
Bell of Kitchener, and Mr. and
- Mrs. Robert Edmunds, of Mit-
chell, will be New Year's guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling.
. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cleary
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. John Cleary and William
•' Cleary, Jr., London.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Regele
and family, Dartmouth,Nova
Scetia, visited Christmas 'week
with his mother, Mrs. Wilson
Allan, and Mr. Allan, Tucker -
Mrs. Margaret Somers and
Cathy and Mrs. George McAr,
thur spent Christmas with Mrs.
Mae Schram and Mrs. Bessie
Teeter of Camlachie.
Dr, and Mrs. J. A. Munn spent
Christmas in Listowel.
Miss Sandra Cleary of London
is spending her holidays with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Cleary,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sills and
children, Kitchener, visited --his
mother, Mrs. C. P. Sills, over the
Christmas visitors at the
home of Mrs. John Hotham and
Leone included: Mr. John L.
Hotham, Miss Madelyn Hotham
and Charles Hotham, of Wind,.
Sor; Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Laith-
waite and three sons, Arnold,
Edward and George, of Gode-
rich; Mr. and- Mrs. Duncan
Cooper, of Kippen; Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Cooper„ Barbara and
Stephen of Hensall, and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Millard , of Brant-
Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Michel
of Gorrie, were recent guests of
Mrs. H. E. Smith,
Mrs. Ron 'Riley and Glenda,
of London, spent Christmas
week at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Car-
Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest, Geddes
and Miss Mary Geddes spent
Christmas week in London with
Mr. and Mrs, Start Geddes and
family. .
Rt. Rev. Monseignor Feeney;
London; Wilfred Feeney, Dub-
lin; Mr. and Mrs. Fsrank Osborne,
Bill and Sharon, of Toronto; Mr.
and • Mrs. Vincent Morrison, of
Waterloo, and Mr, and Mrs.
Frank -Stock and children, Lon-
don, visited during the holiday
with Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Meag-
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sills and
daughter, of North By, visited
his mother, Mrs. C. P. Sills,
this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Doug • Keys of
Uxbridge are spending the holi-
days at the homes of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs: -Jarties Keys
and' Mr. Robert Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Kelly
had as their guests for the holi-
day, Mr. James R. Kelly and
Eve lyL Kellough, of Torenta,
and Mabel Kellough of London.
Mrs. Mae Dorrance and Mr.
Jack Dorrance left Monday to
visit in Oshawa.
Christmas guests at the, home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Carter
were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jervis
and David, Clinton; 'Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Riley ansrDlenda, Lon-
don; 'and Miss Jean Bolger, 'of
Walton. •
Mr. and Mrs: Harold •Smalldon
of Waltoli spent ChrisfMas Day'
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack-
Mrs. Ada Dale spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs De.L
Krauel and family in Kitcheeer.
Mrs. E. P. Chesney spent Christ
mas in Clinton.
Mrs. Emil Grebner, who has
spent several "weeks in Spain,
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyes are
spending the Christmas season
in Baltimore, M.D.
Mrs. C. E. Smith left Sunday
for St. Petersburg, Fla., where
she will spend some time:
• Dr. and- Mrs. J. A.. Munn were
in Toronto on Saturday attend-
ing f the Proctor-McCahon wed-
Too Late TO Classify
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Huron Expositor, 02x1
FOR SALsj.- C. Higgins 5 -ft.
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Ever' week more people 'dis,
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See it at
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Mary Louise Aubin, 7 -year_
old daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
John Aubin, Crombie - Street,
Seaforth, died Sunday morning
in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, following i a short illness.
She was a member " of St.
James', Church and a pupil of
St. James' Separate School.
She is survived, besides her
parents- by two sisters, Bern
dette and Barbara, both a
home, and her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aubin, Sea
The remains rested at he
late resideoce. Requiem Hig
Mass was sung Tuesday at 1
a.m. by Rev, C. E. Sullivan
Temporary entombment follow
ed in the Elizabeth Ritz Mem
oriel Mausoleum, Mitchell. Fun
eral arrangements were in
charge of the Cleary Funera
Pallbearers were William Cor
riveau,s Victor . Aubin, Lloyd
Aubin, Frankland Corriveau
Delmar Meelinger and Andre
. •
IT Hold Candle
On Sunday evening the CGIT
of Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall, held their annual can-
dlelight service in the Sunday
school rooms ' of the church,
which was well attended. Mrs.
Edgar Munn, the accompanist
throughout the program, Queu-
ed with a, piano prelude, -fol-
lowing a well known ' carol,
stioly Night, Peaceful Night."
To the processional hymn of "0
Cora, All Ye Faithful," the
CGIT girls took their places on
the stage with a beautifully dec-
orated° setting.
The call to worship was giv-
en by leader . Mrs. Ross Mac-
Donald,: "Behold I bring you fid-
ings of great joy, -which shall
be to all people, for unto you
is born this day in the City of
David a Saviotir, which is Christ
the Lord. Let us lift our hearts
in praise and thanksgiving for
His great gift." The choir of
the CGIT girl§ sang, "Spirit of
God 'Deaeend Upon My Heart."
Invocation was given by Mrs.
MacDonald (leader).
Warm words of welcome were
extended to all present by Mrs.
MacDonald. The girls presented
a skit entitled, "The Spirit of
Christrnas"—the three voices of
Christmas, and the carrying of
His.slight to the --whole world, -
"Hark! the Herald -Angels Sing,"
Rosemarie Nielands, president,
taking the leading part, was
sung. Others participating were
Darbara Schwalm, Patricia Moir,
Anne Lawrence, Ann Funk,
Faye Troyer and Lois Wright,"
"Joy To the VViirld, the Lord
is Come" was sung by the con-
gregationS. Scriptures, first read-
er, Barbara Schwalm, St. Luke,
chapter 2, verses 8 to '20, was
followed by "What Child is
This?" sung by the girls; sec-
ond reader, Ann Funk, Matthew,
chapter 2, verses 1 ,to 12, fol-
lowed by praper by Mrs. Mac --
Donald. "It Came Upon the Mid-
night Clear" was sung by the
congregation. The offering,. to,
be used at Carmel ;Church to
help the CGIT girls in their
work, was received and dedicat-
ed by Mrs. MacDonald.
Mrs. MacDonald favored with
a solo, "0 Holy Night," follow-
ed with the congregational
hymn, "0 Little Town of Beth-
lehem." An irepressiveservice
was carried out by the girls,
where each member of all CG
IT groups dedicates her life
anew to serve God for the -com-
ing year. This was closed with
prayer by Mrs. MacDonald. The
closing hYmn, "As With Glad-
ness, Men of Old," followed with
benediction - by Mrs: MacDon-
ald. All were, invited to the fire-,
side hour, when'lunch was serv-
ed by the CGIT girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan
and David, Kitchener; Mr. Chas,
Mickle,Hamilton; Mr. Robert
Mickle, U.W.O., London; Mr.
' and Mrs. Wm. Mickle, Pamela,
- Judith 'arid John, of Hensall,
-and Miss Ann Mickle spent
Christmas with. Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Mickle.
. Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. George Armstrong
were Mr. and s. Merlin Love,
John and Pame a, London, and
Mr. and Mrs. Pon Flear, Steven,
1 Scott and Susan, of Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moir,
_ tarry and Randy spent Christ-
mas with the latter's parents at
• Mr. and Mrs.- Don Robinson
and family, London, visited with
I the latter's nattier, Mrs. W. B.
• Messrs. Charles Mickle, on
Cross, on Boxing Day.
- the teaching staff of Westdale
Secondary School, Hamilton,
and Robert Mickle, who is ' at-
tending U.W.O., London, . are
spending the Christmas holidays
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mickle, and sister Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vol-
- land and members of their fam-
ily spent Christmas Day with
Mr. Volland's sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr.. and Mrs: Eldon
Johnston, of Varna. The cele-
bration, held in Varna Town
Hall, was attended by 50, all on
the Volland side.
Twenty-eight shut-ins in the
village and patients at Queens-
way Nursing Home, Hensall,
Westminster and St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, South Huron
District . Hospital, Exeter, and
Huronview, Clinton, *egg re-
membered with beautiful Christ-
mas plants, gifts of the. CP & T
committee of Amber Rebekah
and IOOF Lodges, Hensall. The
plant§ in Hensall were deliver-
ed by Mrs. • Clarence Volland,
Noble Grand of Amber Rebekah
Lodge; Wes Rthharilson, Noble
Grand of the IOOF, and Mrs.
William Arthur Morris, 59
RR 4, Brussels, died Sunday fol
lowing a month's illness in
Wingham Hospital, Morris
was born in England. and had
farmed in Tuckersrnith and the
Brussels area.
In 1943 he married Elizabeth
L. Brodhagen, who survives; al
so one sister; Mrs. Charles Cup
ola, Niagara Falls.
Resting at the Box Funeral
Home, Seaforth, funeral service
will be•held at 2 p.m. on Tues-
day. Temporary entombrhent
will be in the Elizabeth Ritz
Memorial Mausoleum, Mitchell.
Interment will take place later
in Maitlandbank cemetery, Sea -
Word was received by Mrs. W.
. Bennett, Clinton, of the pass -
ng of Miss Jessie Patterson, on
ecember- 22, youngest (Laugh-
er of the late George Patter -
on and Agnes Smith,, formerly
f Hullett.
Miss . Patterson was born at
heldon, North Dakota, when
he family moved in 1881. She
as lived in the Sheldon -Fargo
area, where she was an accom-
lished dressmaker.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs.
William Cuthill, of Bountiful,
Utah, and a number of nieces
nd nephews. Interment was
niade in Sheldon cemeterys—
A former resident of Sea-
orth, Robert Currie Henderson,
assed sway on Wednesday,
ee: 18, after a long illness, at
is residence, 30 Long Crescent,
He was the son of the -slate
ohn and Agnes Henderson" and
was hOrn on the Huron Road in
uckersmith in 1885.
He is 'survived by his wife,
lia Rae l'Mdeland Henderson;
ne daughter; Irene, and one
on, Ross Henderson, both o
oronto, and four grandsons,
Rosa, Gary, Lar* and Glen
The fettered was Saturday,
ec. 21,, from the Ingram Fun
rat Chapel, 2114 Queen St. 8.,
Tonto. Interment was in)Pine
inns Cemetery, .•Searbert),, Ont.
Leona Parke, on the GBP & T matching cocktail veils, carry -
committee. Two cheques were
also given out.
Miss Linda Lowery, daughter
of Mrs. Erma Lowery, tripped
while figure skating at Exeter
on Monday, which separated the
bone in her kneecap. Linda is
in a cast from her ankle to -
above her knee.
Mrs. Alvin Ulch, Windsor, and
Mr. Oswald Brown, Q.C:, and
Mrs. Brown, Detroit, were the
Christmas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Little, Marcia and
Mrs. Oriole Harvey, Oshawa;
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brintnell
and farnily,'Exeter, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Hyde and Lisa, Hen-
sall, spent the Christmas holi-
day with Mrs. Erma Lowery.
"Citizenship and Education"
will be the theme of the ,Janu-
ary meeting of Hensall Wo-
men's Institute, in the Legion
Hall. Roll call will be- "a mem-
ory of school days."('S
Funeral of Miss G. Murray
-Funeral services for Miss
Georgina Murray, London, for-
merly of Hensall, were held
Saturday, Dec. 28th, from the
James M. Carrothers Funeral
Home, London, with burial in
Woodland. Cemetery. Miss Mur-
ray- passed; away on Thursday
in Mason Villa Hospital, Lon-
don. She, was a former pstblie
school teacher at Wheatley,
Blyth and London. Mrs. George
Falconer, Clinton, is a niece.
Mrs. Lou Simpson spent the
Christmas holidays with Mem-
bers• of her. family in ' Royal
Oak and Birmingham, Mich.
The three local churches,
beautiful in. holiday motif, were
the setting for special services
for Christmas and New Year's,
with appropriate messages by
the ministers and specialsmusic
by the choirs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kennedy,
London, were guests with Mrs
and Mrs. T. Kyle, Sr., on Box-
ing Day:
" Winners in Drays
In a Christmas draw at Wes
Richardson's Garage Saturday,
winners of prizes, donated by
Mr. 'Richardson, were: adults
draw, first prize, blanket, Mrs.
Harold Campbell, RR 1, Exe-
ter; second, Christmas- ,cake,
Mrs. Donn Munn, RR 2, Hen-
sall; children's draw: first, can-
dy cane pack, two feet long,- fill-
ed with small candy canes, Jno.
Charrette, Hensall; second, a
large bottle of, pop, Ann Knight,
Hensall. Tickets were drawn
by Steven and 'Barbara Cooper,
grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Richardson. •
At Irwin's Ladies' Wear and
Dress Goods„ winners s were:
hairdry , Kathryn Roszell, Hen-
sall; shee arid pillowcases, Jill
Drysdale, 1nsa1l. Tickets were
draWir-by- mr-Cooper;-Ex-
Hensall United Claireli, dec-
orated with gold and white can-
delabra, was the setting for a
charming Christmas wedding,
Saturday, Deeember 21, at 3:00
p.m., when Rev. 'Harold, Currie
united in marriage Geraldine
Ruth Parker, London, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold :Parker,
RR 1, .Hensall, and Constable
Douglas James Lawrence Wein,
of the RCMP, Ottawa, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein,
Exeter. The groom was in full
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride looked stun-
nin-g in her floor-length'wedding
gown of white -French peau de
soie. The bodice was highlight-
ed by long lily -point sheath
sleeVes, and a flattering V-rieck-
line. The full flowing bouffant
-skirt cascaded at the back to a
romantic Chapel train from tri-
ple pleats at either side of the
waist. To complete her bridal
outfit, the bride wore a French
pure silk illusion fingertip veil,
hand -rolled, caught up by as
Queen's crown •headpiece of
tiny seed pearls and shimmer-
ing , crystals, ral— her bridal
flowers were Butterfly Orchids.
Maid of honor was Miss Doro-
thy Parker, London, sister of
the bride; bridesmaids, Miss
Elizabeth Geddis, London, Mrs.
George Parker and Mrs. Ken
Parker, Hensall, and junior
bridesmaid, Miss Patsy Parker,
Hensall, sister of the bride, pro-
vided a colorful background in
their cocktail length dresses of
French blue charm. Accenting
the bodice were elbow -length
sleeves , and a shallow bateau
neckline. The same triple pleats
enhanced the bouffant ssicirts,
while tri -pleated headpieces add-
ed a final touch with elegant
• Cooks 120 lbsbeans or
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ing white baby mums centered
with large mums. Flower....girls,
Cindy and Kathy Parker, Hai=
sall, nieces of the bride, were-
frocked identically as t h e
bridesmaids with tri -petalled
Bradley Baker, Hensall„ was
ringbearee Merline MacLean,
Exeter, attended as best man,
and George and Ken Parker,
brothers of the bride, Don Hen-
drick, Owen Sound, and Ricky
Parker, Hensall, junior usher,
ushered guests.
Mr. Eric Horton, London,
played the music and accom-
panied the soloist, Miss Sandy
Morrow, London.
The reception for over Ansa
hundred guests was held in $be
church parlors, decorated le
Christmas motif with table dec-
orations of white mums..and
pine. -
The bride's - mother received'
wearing a beige brocade dress
with matching accessories. The
groom's mother was -gowned in
an - aqua brocade dress with
nratohing accessories; both wore
pink corsages. , •
For a wedding trip to the
States the bride travelled is a
winter white ;coat, fox collar,
white hat, cranberry woollen
dress -and black accessories.
They will reside in Nova Scotia.
Arnold Stinnissen
Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada
Welsh St. - SEAFORTH
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