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The Huron Expositor, 1964-01-02, Page 4
V. c, .TF. POS/TORa ,:000Rat, ONT., JAN. 2, 1404 &CIROSS 20. Golf mound PIMP 21 14" 23. as" P.5. P.5. Ke Y IWO froo• W. Prices: 28. Wither* ' 81. Insecta 32. Kinds of gum 34. Fir$ man' 86. Distress Arris ' 87. Puff up 38. More unoommov 40. Urn 41. Nile heir 42. Color 43- Single " 45; Grief 48.Female sheet 49. Pronoun 12. s mistake lik 14. Paatry16. :Troy 16. 'Consume 17. Tem 9. Part of plant 21. Agitate Sugary 24. Protection 27. Sound 28.Gaze at 29. Eastern Dare (abbr.) 30. aft 31, CClloses tightly 82. .HHpaiitt,tttightly 34. Sprinli moon 35. Lateral 55.Note in want 88. Summer powers 39. Young boys . Large 4&imPlement 44. Be Indebted 47. Not Pi lightly48. Wash 60. BUG 51. Born 662.8 Luide oos: 4 DOWN 1. Novei i Part of to be I. Gift 4. Snow and rain 6. CCerealup players 6.7. Bone Q. Bottlers ' 9. Gama of akif - n7 v®wate tone Piecioua a VA baked VA Of day Ila®gym ®©© ©oki ©U©1111 KIM IMO MEI ®©17©© BOUM �� ® ©©©o13 MOO ENIEI I 1 UD Celia 1311121d13 DEM D®.a't�©taI!1Iy® ©1©717© LJI Ga©©I©U I�©L®© �n©© ©©©© ©E1131010 ©DU LIE tIL Ji70EU MEIN Solution 1 2 Wil 4' $ i 7 A 9 // 12 U* of III 1 /s ■ /c III n .r ■ NW NUM 30 1*� ®■ r i ® IL. r.. 36 Idr llUR 3J ■■*1 ■ ■■ 04 rail 5.■1!■53■■ *xiktsIt**seas***********eg,# )7l*****#*****fa*#fir**+1** x • Kid St. f f r► • I'm known to Canadians as a Snowshoe -Rabbit." My' coat was brown in summer but in winter it's completely white. Snow ,• drifts don't worry me -my 'wide, furry paws carry me ih even the deepest of snow 1 OFFICE SU:P.P LIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR 'Phone 141 - Seaforth rl-'T-'rrr:i niT rT7 A,; F.rr Tg�rF�r Xr r,r ! r ear -End Review .From' th - Files (Continued from Page 3) July 4 The first farmer of Huron. Coynty, Col. Anthony J. W. G. VaiiEgmond, will be officially honored ; for the first time by the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario, with the Unveiling of a- plaque 2:30 Sun: day at Egmondville cemetery. • Sweaty brows dried up some- what Tuesday' afternoon as cool- ing breezes poured into Sea - forth and Western Ontario, pro- viding relief from wilting heat over the past Creek and, a half. Widely known throughout Seaforth school area where e had opbrated school buses or nearly 20 years, Robert cott Habkirk died suddenly iday morning of a heart attack. He was 55. -Wm. R. Dougall, prominent resident of Hensall, passed away in South Huron Hospital on Friday, where he bad been a patient for several Weeks. Yu his 78th year, he farmed in t34y Township before taking up resi- 'HAPPY NEW \EflJ TO ALL OF YOU FROM OUR STAFF The hiarmony may be old-fashioned gig on, words are sincere ... We are glca 1 to sing this messaije l nl..in 1toud cold !ear . • • To all bur friends and customers The happiest New Yart THANK YOU • FOR YOUR PATRONAGE GiNGERICH!S SALES & ¢SERV ICE Seaforth: Phone 585 __......Zurich: Phone 34 dence in Hensall 17 years ago. years service as a dealer in Scott Ernest Harbur4, 18, of RR 3, Dublin, died in a one:car accident on,No. 10 Perth Coun- ty Road, about two miles south • of. Dublin, t 7:25 p.m. Satur- day. July 11 • • A project that has been the subject of discussion by suc- cessive councils since 1955, be- came a reality Monday night when Sdaforth council approv- ed calling tenders for the re- construction of Goderich St. Mac Stewart, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart, RR 5, Seaforth, has been chosen as the Huron County delegate to the Provincial 4-H Leadership Week at Guelph, to be held July 15-19. A spur of the moment idea has won Edmund Daly; former mayor of Seaforth, an all ex- pense trip to Ottawa fora day. At a recent service dinner and meeting held in London by International Harvester Co., Jno. Bach was presented with a pin i.t recognition of more than 25 the company's farm equipment line. July 18 Seaforth merchants are hold- ing a shop and dance festival Friday° evening, when area square dance group's will per- form on 'a specially erected stage on Main Street. A start in the elimination of tire squealing on the main drags in the area has been made by 20 Se.aforth and ..dis- trict youths. the boys have formed a car club, The Golden Customs, and one of their main purposes is to confine. drag -rac- ing to the drag strips -in other words, off the town .streets.. The Orangemen's. -parade, the first in 29 years at Exeter, drew 1500 Orangemen from across Western Ontario, including Sea - forth district, Friday afternoon. A Stratford man suffered a broken` leg and cuts when the car he was driving crossed High- way 8, just east of Seaforth town limits, and smashed into a tree at noon on Tdesday. • Au9.ust 1 Of the 120 trying Red Cross swimming • tests ' at Lions Park Pool last week, 93 youngsters. suceeded in passing after month long .classes, Pool Supervisor Tom Dick, announced Tuesday: Contract for reconstruction and widening of-Goderich-St.- the connecting link of Highway 8 in Seaforth-Was let to Mc- Haffie-Birge Construction Ltd., of Toronto, at a special meeting of council Monday night. The work which has been under dis- cussion for several years should begin within two weeks. Some like it hot, but when the mercury reaches the boiling point these scorching summer days, some relief and change of pace are as welcome as an oasis in the, middle of the Sahara. Seaforth is no Sahara, but it gets pretty hot and dry some- times. Fortunately an oasis is readily available to everyone, and the most popular oasis around Seaforth is the Lions Park. , (Continued on Page 5) 4 WALDEN. & ' BROADFOQT TEXACO DEALERS ' Phone 686-W • - . Seaforth rl; T r i 7• n r r r iT ,T' rF T+ T^ T r STEW..ART. SAS. GREAT ANNUAL SALE NOW UNDERWAY • ENDS SATURDAY JAN. 18th at 6 p.m. 14 BIG DAYS OF COLOSSAL SALE BARGAINSF0RALL. GREAT CLEARANCE WINTER •CASUALS REG. 16.95 to 19.95 LAMINATED or QUILTED LINING JACKETS - To Clear • • WOOL LAMINATED - Reg. 27.50 DRESSY CARCOATS • • • • • ALL -WOOL, LAMINATED . LINING QUALITY CARCOATS Regular 29.50 REG. 15.95 QUALITY HYDRO PARKA* COATS • • QUALITY, DRY -CLEANABLE • MEN'S SUEDE JACKETS Reg. 17.95 to 19.95 -'Sale • • Every• ry Artoc�e• iii :the Store on Sale AT GREAT BIG DISCOUNTS.! "A Sale At STEWART'S is Always a Real Sale" .• 13.95 21.95 x.23.3 • 11.95 • • 14.95 BOYS' CARCOATS, JACKETS, PARKAS REG. 9.95 TO 16.95 Sale Price - To Clear 6.95 to 10.95 BARGAINS IN SHIRTS Reg. 3.95 - . 3.15 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS - ale Reg. 5.00 - Single or French .Cuff FORSYTH & .ARROW WHITE SHIRTS'-•- Sale;• 3.95 Reg: 6.00 - Forsyth,. Single or French Cuff 4.75 LAUNDERMATIC WHITE , :iIII1TS - Sale • • Reg. 5.00 and 6.00 PATTERNED DRESS SHIRTS., - Sale 20% Off Reg. 3.95 . SPORT SHIRTS: All weights, all sizes .= To Clear2.95 Reg. 4.95 - 5.95;• . . BEST QUALTT''Y,,SPORT SHIRTS Sale • Reg. 2.95 DOESKIN WORK SHIRTS -, Sale Reg. 3.95 - 4.50k`4.95 WORK SHIRTS ' - .20% Off : 3.95, 2.35 Underwear •.• resins STANFIELD'S RED LABEL, 2 -pc. - Sale 3.95•ea. ' BLUE LABEL, 2 -pc. - Sale.... 4A0 ea. THERMAL Regular 3.95 - Two -Piece LS SHIRTS - Sale 5S SHIRTS ff-- Sale pRAWRRS - Sale PENMAN'S 2 -Piece &E�I(�ig 1.80' " O. r�, 2.35 NO. 95 3.95 2.95 2.20 2.95 Comb's. 3.15 3.95 7.15 Ali Combination UNDERWEAR Reg. 2.95 to 4.95 - SALE 2.35 to 3.95 BOYS' UNDERWEAR ALL STYLES • 020% QFF �' TERMS: CASH ONLY rtia"' r. 790 SPECIALS Reg. 1:00 "T" SHIRTS. GREAT CLOTHING BARGAINS SPECIAL RACK - ONE -OF -A -KIND VALUES TO $55.00 29,00 MEN'S SUITS - Sale REGULAR 59.50 - ONE - PANT QUALITY SUITS - Sale 47.00 REGULAR 65.00 •49.50 52.00 TWO - PANT SUITS - Sale • • • • REGULAR 75.00 60.00 TWO - PANT SUITS Sale • • • - TIPTOP TAILORS - REGULAR 75.00 Matte -to -Measure •SUITS - Sale 60.00 SALE OF MEN'S 'TOPCOATS REGULAR 29.50 TO 39.50 LAMINATED OR REVERSIBLE • . MEN'S TOPCOATS --To Clear 23.95 REGULAR 39.50 - ALL -WOOL MEN'S TOPCOATS REGULARS OR TALLS 29.95 REGULAR 49.50 BEST WOOL AND CASHMERE DRESS TOPCOATS - To Clear 39.95 REGULAR 79.95 TO 27.50 ALL-WEATHER TOPCOATS 15.95 t921.95" SALE Reg. 24.95 to 39.50 - Sizes -36 to 44 only MEN'S SPORT JACKETS - TdiC1ear, Reg. 7.95 to 17.95 MEN'S DRESS PANTS Sale 1 /3 off 20% Off 790 Reg. 1.00 Tiger Brand SHIRTS & SHORTS .'"•°1• Reg. 98c Stanfield• Quality WORK ,SOX 7 �¢ Reg. 1.00 Quality' FINE SOX 79¢ • Reg. 1.00 MEN'S TIES 790 White Lawn ,/1 ° 79A HANKIES. • "R' for +.T" Made in 1rellend Men's Wear BARGAINS SKI CAIS'S .... 20% Off • All • FELT HATS • Z0% Off. • Reg. 1.50 Quality FINE SOX ••• 1.19 Flpnnelette • PYJAMAS 20% Off Broadcloth PYJAMAS • • • • 20% Off •' Men's Overalls, Smocks, Coveralls 1 0% Off Boys' Wear BARGAINS SUITS 20% Off - Boys' Reg. 12.95 to 15.95 SPORT COATS 9.95 To ,Clear DRESS PANTS 20% Off Boys' SPORT and DRESS SHIRTS 20% Off CLEARANCE -Reg. 3.95 to 4.951 Boy's Pullovers and Cardigans • - • • 2.95 Assorted Shags; Broken- Lines, Boars' SCHOOL • . PANTS JEANS 2O Off HOSIERY • • • • 20%a Off SEE OPPOSITE ,PAGE FORVMORE BIG SALE- - VALUES;! SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES OF ,CLEARING ITEMS AT A FRACTION OF COST §r4AFOR,TH ONTARLIO- NO GOODS ON APPROVAL r ... - ^vf• t b r +n�.. !•n �i,e •.1..Wr`gt, � a -v, N, .9. ,v1 ai,i w. ,f• s., f, ryu �' ,w r . ri .k'3 Y.a - �k •5'<l ea .. ,r. ,, ,,.. ,...:. .,., ie r M