The Huron Expositor, 1964-01-02, Page 1•
Whole No. 5
105th Yea
WINNERS IN THE BEST DECORATED HOMES competition were announced last week,
by Chamber of Commerce President W. M. Hart. For the first time, this year the cofgl
munity was .divided into three zones, with a winner in each zone., The prize in each case was '
an electric blanket. The winning residences, shown above, are: top, Lester Leonhardt, .Cole
man Street; centre, Wes 'Coombs, Egmondville, and lower, R. `J: Boussey, 'James Street.
Visits M� rk -
: ver ¥�ars-,
E. Patterson for • the' holidays
were: Mrs. J. W, Belf and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rouse of Norwich,
Mr. •. John Patterson, Jr., and
Mr. Victor Royas of South Am-
erica, both students at Ridge -
town Agricultural School.
Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt is a pa-
tient in Victoria IilospitaI, Lon-
don. -...
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lupul spent
Christmas with friends" in ,Strat-
Mr. John Patterson and Mr.
Victor Rojas, of South America,
who are attending Ridgetown
Agricultural School, are spend-
ing the vacation at "the home
-of Mr. and. Mrs, J. E. Patterson. Mrs. •H. E. Smith spent Christ•tories,
mss in London.
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. January 3, 1963 - ,
W. C. Bennett at Clinton. Reeve Dan Beuermann was
. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie and returned by acclamation, as
Mr. Ronald Rennie of Yoronto reeve of McKillop. He begins
spent Christmas with their par:- his 16th term as -head of the
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. -R. Rennie. municipality. '
Mrs. Wyatt, of Orangeville, The Christmas season will
- spent the -Christmas holiday come to an end here Saturday,
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cum- when the Seaforth Firemen will
mg• co-operate .with the Chamber
Mrs. A. Bethune spent Christ- of Commerce in preparing ---a
mils with her daughter, Mrs. giant bonfire of discarded
Hulbert, and Mr. Hulbert. in To- Christmas trees.
rorno. .. A feature of the -meeting of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enzens- ratepayers which followed nom-
berger and family, of ,Godafleh; 'nations in McKillop Friday af-
Miss Dorothy Enzensbergef, of ternoon was the report present -
Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. Prank. ed by Mrs. Thomas Govenlock,
Silks, Jr., and Mr. D'Qrleon Sills representative of the Seaforth
of town.. Were . present at the District' High School Board, to
borne of thein •parents, Mr.:and the Board or -the Central Hnron
Mrs. prank Sills,, for Christ- SeeonrdarySchooI.
mas. Seaforth• Teen -Twenty held a
' 4 • Miss MarioQn;. $earlett, George, successful dinner and dance in
town li7rs • Grace ''loge arth and the Community Centre Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs', i). ;H Griffin, of 'evening. Despite . poor- weather
W'' ming,= spent Christmas et conditions, about 100 were in
the Scarlett" homer . attendance at the turkey din -
Mrs. John; Ta ish , is tier, catered by Mrs. W. P:
spending the Ch i a holidays ler,
Montreal. •. First baby to be born in Scott
Louis' a dreau,ty of the Mcihoria-l:' Hospital in the. ,Ne
Hit s si „F e;;,
, zc�, �s ty f � �6ronto�; is "�ea'r • WAS ?'a lei Peter ''W#�•
i est; ma n,
ci11g libtida's',wit n .orf 6f`
p sand MPs Pet
„ W . e er
t a , ,
ail: ,
s.. 6 �•�1 s. d
„b. a
M, .a 0
trii iii y.flos-
Mr. and MM.—Joseph Grim-
mett spent several days Christ-
mas week with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cantelon and family,
Goderich Township, and Mr.
and Mrs. Danny Grummett 'arid
(Continued on Page 12)
Teen - Twenty
Holds Dinner;
Hears Reports
Seaforth Teen -Twenty held
-successful dinner and dance i
Saturday evening. Despite po,
weather eonditions•, about, Qn
hundred yvere in attendance'.
the dinner, served in the Legia
Hall by .the Women's Auxili .
The dance followed in the Co
munity Centre. -
During the evening Presider
Tom Dick presented a gift t
former Seaforth Chief of Poliq
Elmer Hutchinson, now of Matt
dale, who founded the orgaiiis
tion and who played a mai
role in making it a success.•,
also presented a floor lamp
Mr. and- Mrs. Roy McGonigl
who are advisers to Teen -TW
'During the year the organiz
tion made donations tb the ho
pital campaign, CNIB, R
Cross, arid to local hock
Mayor Earl Dinsmore w
present at. the dinner and spo
$4:0f a Year inAdva ice
Single Copies, • 10 Cents`...
There was keen interest Mon-
{ day 'afternoon when nearly 10
f� VfcKi lop ` voters crowded .the
t,''Winthrop Hall for the annual
,, to,wnship nominations and rate -
;payers' meeting.
When nominations were clos-
ed_ at 2:00 o'clock by returning
t officer J. M. Eckert, a total of
'rine• nominations had been filed
e. forve ofces.
- ye eran Reeve Dan Beuer-
• mann, completing his 16th term
r as h ad of the township, was
nom' rd
by Clarence Regele
and ',Ab. Siemon. The other
imitaimin nation for reeve was. that
• of
Ken Stewart, by
John R. Leeming and John L.
briefly. Faye Little expressed
appreciation to those who to
Nominatioiia were receiv
for the various organization a
fieers, and voting will tail
place Saturday night,T.hos�
nominated are: '
For president: Ben Akker, Al-
Ian Patterson and Lynda Ken-
nedy. C
• For secretary: Mary rich and
Pamela Powell.
For 'treasurer: Bruce Whit-
more, -Rosemary Lansink, Rs�y
McI.ean� and Margaret H'lien
Name Winners Ask
Legion Dance • • •=
,'There was a large attendaneie�,
at the:._annual Legion BoxBoxing
dance, which was- held in
the • Legion Hall- ' During the.
course of the evening a draw
was held, with the following
winizers ' Gertie Nichols, Clay,;
ton Horton,_ Seaforth; Ed Boy'es;�
Egmondville; Earl Din more,
Seaforth and Gordon 'Cuyee,
King St., Palmerston,
Meet At Carlo•
'Huron,County Road Superin-
tendents' Association met re-
cently at Carlow, when Gordon
Muir, of Sifto Salt Ltd., Gode-
rich, spoke on the production,
marketing and use of salt. Fol --
lowing his remarks, Mr. Muir
answered,'several questions
from the members,
Tentative plans were made to
hold the next meeting' in April,
1964;'WGoderich, as the. guests -
of The Dominion Road Machin-
ery 'Co. Ltd. The annual .meet.-
ing will be held at this time,
followed by; a -tour of the plant.
A tour of the salt mines at
Gaderich in June •next year -was
also considered, and Melvin
Good was appointed to, make
necessary arrangements f o r
both occasions.
Other business consistedof
minutes of previous meeting,
treasurer's report and general
discussions -of various items of
interest to'the members.
The meeting was conducted
by the association president,
William G. Mundell, of plue-
Events. of i963
' pital canipaign swung ,to high ening saw pictures taken at
gear again this ,.week . following the Lions International Conv.en•
suspension of activities over the tion last year when J: E. Keat-
Christmas season. Active solid- ing described details•of the trip.
tation was under way__in ffcKil- Officers for 1963 Were elected
lop and Tuckersmith, officials at the Saturday night meeting
said, and would be stepped up of Seaforth Teen -Twenty, Tom
in Seaforth. Dick, Seaforth,, was elected-.
A well-known Stanley, couple, president, and Faye Little, vice
Mr. and Mrs. William Scotch- president.
mei;- -celebrated their golden A Seaforth rink, skipped by
wedding anniversary at • their John Longstaft, with 8 wins, plus
Egmondville home -with a fam- 7, took top honors in the sec-
ily 'gathering ' on Sunday. and draw at the Seaforth Curl -
Seaforth District High School ing Club bonspiel- Saturday.
Board, meeting Tuesday even- With him were Jae Murphy,
ing, named -C. 'E,. Dearing as "Ken Looke..and Royce 1Viacaulay.
chairman: Reffrucceeds F. C. J: January 24
• Sills, who hes held the office Number of building permits
for three years.
issued in Seaforth during 1962,
Huron Federation of Agricul- increased by 10 ever the pr4:
tore„ meeting in Clinton ''Tues- vious year, but the value of
day, endorsed, a county council, buildings and alterations cover -
proposal -to hale a provincial the, permits decreased by
park established in Huron. The '$25 095.
meeting was in charge of Pres'* . Announcerrient. Was made last
dent, Elmer Ireland. Week ,by the tiniversity of Wa-
January JiterIoo of the appointment. of
Reeve Waiter Forbes, of God- Jamas IL Scott as assistant to
:etieh.....Towrasii1p,l..was,..-elected the president q# the university.
ers.�i. r William
i #aanm .i Sx
•Dunbarof GreToOliship,nh ary o Nada Illtlwarden of%ronCount','rues' wi
celevrasday. He defeated ileeve "CM their golden wedding aitr#er
2i -to, -10 vote;"fY0.4a a ^ `te~
. , •,
• -Seven For Council
Nominations for council in
tine order received were:
Ralph McNichol: by Percy Dal•.
ton and Robert McMichaeI.
William Dennis: by -;:Campbell
kis and Ross Driscoll
Joe L. Ryan: by, Frank B
and Frank Murray.
''.told Dodds: by L. McC
and' Mervin Godkin.
Jerry ,Doerr:
and Harry Regele.
Kenneth Stewart: by Bob. Camp
bell and Francis Hicknell.
The meeting named clerk J
M. Eckert as chairman of a rate
payers' meeting that follow
the close of nominations.m
Reeve Beuerann; . the firs
speakea, referred, to ,the year
he had served the township: H
said he was "still interested
still able, and still knows quit
a bit about it "
• :He said he would like to sery
one more year. He had a yea
to ,go on the County Road Com
mittee, and he would like to
continue on the committee to
see, that the county. road con-
structioni program in McKillop
was completed.. next year..
Reviewing the work done in
*Wilton, he Said the Seaforth
to : w.ialteri road, 8.9 miles, would
be , paved next year, as well`. a
+Brussels;-tt;, High**,80
He.:expressed the great pride
there' was in the fact that the
1966 International Plowing'
Match was 'doming to McKillop,
and stressed, "in McKillop, near
,Seaforth". '
Ken Stewart, nominated for
reeve, said he was undecided.
Paying tribute to the, contribu-
tion Reeve' Beuermann had
made to the township ' over
many years,•the same time
had to recognize the' many resi-
dents to. recognize
approached him
and urged him to run.''
Referring to the large attend-
ance, be said he, regarded this
as a healthy sign. It indicated
an 'interest in and, an awareness
of township affairs.
The 1966 plowing thatch was
an opportunity for people across
Canaria and. beyond to see what
McKillop and this area had to
Wey and W. Earl Mills.
Allan Campbell: by L. M
,by Mervin
offer. •
Ralph McNichol, nominated
for council,,,said 'a program .for
road improvement, lfrojeeted to
the 1966 match, was being work-
ed out and gave details of. the
Horan culvert project complet-
ed this year at a total' cost of
$7,548. The culvert was 20 feet'
by 4Q; feet;......• .,
Detours Cause Trouble
William Dennis, also nominat-
ed for council said the cost of
(Continued on Page 6)
VETERAN. REE 5 DAN •'BEUERMANN (left) .and -Conn-'
,eillor Ken Stewart, who are contesting the McKillop reeveship:
Fire Destroys
Area Homes
When he opened the door of
his Welsh Street residence early
Friday morning, Grant McCIrn-
chey found the interior to be
on fire. Within minutes the en-
tire building was a mass of
flames. •
The house was empty at the
time. Mrs. McClinchey and their
three children were spending
Christmas in Halifax. Mr. - Mc-
Clinehey had. spent the evening
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet McCiinchey, and with
Fire Chief John F. Scott esti-
mated the loss at $6,000, includ-
ing '$2,000. contents. Nothing
was saved, he said.
The, house was owned by W.
Desjardine, of Forest.
Fire Destroys Home
Fire, which is • believed to
Sed' fitit;
Big Bonfire
The Christmas. "season will
come. to an end here Saturday
when the Seaforth Firemen will
co-operate with the Chamber 'of' plan Re p eat
Commerce in> preparing a giant
bonfire of discarded Christmas
trees. • O 'Cantata
Planned for a vacant field in .
the area of . SDHS and near the The Christmas cantata, "Mem-
corner of -Duke and, Chalk Sts., ones of the Manger," which' was
the bonfire• party is expected to presented by the choir of First
be •under way at 7:30, accord=
ing to Fireman. The fire will to Presbyterian Church Christmas
under supervision' of Fire C1 f Sunday,' will be heard, again at
John F. Scott and Seaforth, Fine- the regular service next Sunday
men ��• morning at 11 o'clock,
Decision to; present the can -
lath a second time came about
following many ny requests ,to, ar-
range :a rept 'performance.
have started in the chimney,
completely destroyed the home
'of Mr. and 1VIrs. Ken Elligsen,
114 miles north '•of'-Brodhagen,
on Saturday afternoon. Includ-
ed in the Ioss were the entire
There. was no one at hog e
at the time „of the . outbreak.
Mr. Elligsen was working at.
the egg grading 'station in Brod-
hagen, and Mrs. Elligsen and
their two children, Terry, aged
three, and Warren; five. months,,
were "visiting at •the .-home of
Mrs. Elligsen's mother, Mrs.
Mabel Higgerson, RR: 4, lylit-
Henry. Diegel' discovered the
fire when he ,noticed smoke as
he . drove by. He investigated,
but found no one was limn
Dense smoke forced him from
,the building. He' went to ' 'a
neigghlxi I3arold Bauer, and.
lldd Ft i'liteheile /Pile.
' .I alit •
1YlT "anCL...iV1is.'R1Tigsen
family are at present staying..
at the 'home of Mr.;Elligten's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold
Elligsen, RR 1, Bornholm,
When the bonfire has ' died
down, the C of C suggests;, you
take your children te. ,the near-
by ;frena for family skati
The • ,trees will be collected
Friday 'and' Saturday by °Boy.
Scouts and': Firemen, and in lipr-
der to have trees picked up it
will be necessary that they be”.'
left near the streets. Firemen
wil'r'si pervise piling them ready
for the fire,
Details for the event are be-
ing worked out by a conimittee
including Fire Chief John F.
Scottand•••fire brigade secretary
R. J. rsussey. - .
ass y. tri,..Review
Condition of Boy Beuermann, the town council Thursday eve -
18 year-old McKillop youth, who nrng and discussed common
was injured when trapped in a problems.
pig pen by a heavy piece of con-
crete, is somewhat improved.
He is a patient in hospital, in
tendon with a fractured legend
injured knee. Doctors- said he
,would be - in hospital several
•a January 31 r
Loss could run as high as $30,-
000 as a result of a fire -whieh
swept through, the third floor
of a Henderson Started Chick
poultry house in 'Egingndville
Sunday • afternoon. Some .6,000
chicks and laying hens were
Loss estimated at $1118,000 re-
sulted when fire destroyed a.
four -storey poultry house at the
Hullett farm of . W. L. Whyte
early Thursday morning,
Arthur Pritchard Rtell, xetir="'
ed president 'of Household . Pi-.
nonce Corporation of Canada,
died Friday,• at his Pheasant
Lane home, Islington following
• a lengthy illness. HHe: was an
'honorary ar
y vi
ceeha i
tin .. et- the
Seaforth Community - hospital
bu ldi gnd,
• fu
: S.e tesentati• ea _Of b' r
bf Seo for it a • nu'
cilli tlr 1du t i �'i l ► �
.. ••. 'isGf.§tl1�';L.LL.i.�lsaAfn,9.18•I.AiuY'nd{ros T.delU+P.fuJlfuA.l
February 7
Seaforth Women's Hospital
Auxiliary will complete 30 years
of activity in-Seaforth this week.
The auxiliary came into being
on Feb. 8, 1933, at a meeting
in Carnegie Library Hall.
Samuel. H. Whitmore, a for"
mer reeve of Tuckersmith and
active` in the .community for
many .years; died in Scott Mem-
orial Hospital Wednesday morn=
ing: He was in his 77th year.
Seaforth ,Fall Fair broke ev.
en on the year,. the annual meet-
ing of Seaforth Agricultural So-
elety' was. told Thursday. Held,
in the Orange, Hall, the -after-
noon meeting followed a noon
tUncheon served by ladies of
the LOBA.
Two children ' were removed
to Scott Memorial Hospital and
six others es aped injury and
possible' death in. a train•car,
crash''' at the level crossing on
Seaforth's' Main Street. - Patsy
ght ,18r and Jean Nigh,
e tie tett-a
the -i -
h6 0
kii`W# the ix a 'o#�
g h e W
ti o
lint C
carred about , ; r: dM ..
McKillop voters will go- to',
the pg1Is 1Vonday to elect a
reeve and four councillors
Veteran: reeve Dan•, Beuer-
mterann;m, *iowis beicomp
ng•letinopposeg hisdN; 36thw
•Cpunciltor Ken Stewart.
The tour' council ,positions, ark;
being sd'ught by five candidates,
'rich 'rig members ._4#
`last year's three council- emThey .are
Ralph McNichol; William Den-
nis and Allan Campbell. The
other candidates are Joseph I4. • .
Ryan and Harold Dodds.
'While- the -candidates i'had-un. _--
til •Tuesday, night at 9 o'clock'
to qualify, all had done so at
9 o'clock, Monday night, return
ing officer J. M. Eckert. said:
He pointed out, • however, that
any candidate could resign his'
nomination before the Tuesday
night deadline-.
While it is not expected that
this will- happen, the possibility
that an -election would be avoid-
ed was -still present at press,
time Monday night: -
The last th ie • McKillop voters;
were faced. with. a° ' municipaI
election was, in., January, uary, 19.63-.
At .that there were three candi-
dates for reeve, and six for -
cannel]. The voters then re •
elected Reeve Beuerman, • but
selected ani, entirely new coun-
Because of the New Year's
holiday, publication of this is
sue has been advanced two days
and 'most readers will "receive
their copies two days early,
Beteg1",�{feG";. who has ear-
ried mail; on R12 '4 Seaforth'; -
for nearly 30 years, retires
at the endof the year. Now
80, Mr. Rising estimates he
has, ,driven • over' 2,000,000
miles serving the' route,
whichnow will be handled .: -
by, his son-in-law, Norman "
Norris, ,,.a, .,.... , N
, 1 v
u vt..".....".,...wtirI".i.X,;r••iw 4,,.,.
The Publishers and Staff
of The Huron Expositor
Extend Every Good Wish.
for a
Haply, Peaceful and Prosperous
New Year -
to their Readers and. Friends.