HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-10-26, Page 1014 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Goderich Co-op Gallery welcomes guest artist Susan Enzenberger Judy Barker Goderich Co-op Gallery Multi faceted multi tal- ented artist Susan Enzen- berger has been an artist all her life. She began her art career when, as a small girl, she would draw with pretty colours on the Victorian wallpaper in the family home, and by writing her name in purple on a white windowsill. As pretty as that work seemed at the time, she has, however, moved on to much more interesting visual endeavours. Not every youngster who is interested in, or talented in art has an opportunity to actually study art in school. When Susan got to High School in Goderich, there was a music program, but no art program. Her inter- est in art did continue, and when eventually she attended Central Tech in Toronto she was able to spend a year learning how to "cast" to be able to move forward with her interest in sculpture. However, as was the case with a lot of young women of her time, mar- riage and family eventually took priority, and it was many years before she could rekindle her artistic spirit. Susan and her family lived in the Kitchener Waterloo area, and she feels fortunate to have met Devona Paquette, an Ayr artist, who was very sup- portive of Susan's interest in art. From Devona's teaching and support, she learned painting skills, and had the opportunity to paint and travel with a group, and even to sell some of her work. A new marriage, to Glen Urquhart brought new experiences; a move to the east coast, and life at the edge of the Atlantic ocean kindled a love of shoreline, water, and sailing. Eventually, Susan and Glen moved back home, and settled in Kincardine. They enjoyed their time there, with Susan pursuing art, and Glen his interest in the First World War. When she was widowed nearly five years ago, she reset- tled, a bit farther along the coast, again near the water, in Southampton. Here, her multi faceted art career has come to fulfillment. She has found a niche, for both herself and her crea- tive spirit, and the occa- sional opportunity to go sailing. Susan's art encompasses at least three forms, paint- ing, papier mache, and carving. Her early training and interest in sculpture, has persisted as she cre- ates many three dimen- sional pieces. From some deep well inside, she was once inspired to create a series of vultures, sitting on a street sign in Toronto, entitled "The vultures of Bay Street". Of course, a Toronto lawyer soon pur- chased it....but there are more, yes, more vultures, plus pigs, various farm ani- mals, all done with person- ality, plus whatever else might spring fully envi- sioned from Susan's fertile mind! Gallery visitors will have an opportunity to meet some of Susan's critters, plus her paintings, and who can imagine what Susan Enzenberger is the Goderich Co-op Gallery guest artist for November 2016. else, when she brings her works to the Goderich CoOp Gallery as our guest artist for the month of November. Visitors to the Gallery will have an opportunity to see Susan's creations for the whole month of November. Additionally, it is gallery "changeover" time andw we will be hanging new art, moving ourselves to new spaces, decorating for the Christmas season, welcom- ing Christmas Artisans, and sprucing ourselves up, ready to greet you at a reception to celebrate Susan's art, and our new look, on Saturday Nov. 12 from 2-4 p.m. Please join us for the fes- tivities, there will be lots going on and we look for- ward to seeing you. Remem- ber, the Goderich CoOp Gal- lery is at 54 Courthouse Square, Lower Level, open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come on down! YMCA accepting nominations for 4th Annual Inspiring Women in Huron Awards The YMCA and Huron Women's Shelter are accept- ing nominations for the 4th annual Inspiring Women in Huron Award. The award recognizes women who have demon- strated a contribution to improving the lives of others in one or more of the WINTER IS COMING Are you ready? Enjoy a hassle free winter in the comforts of our retirement home. Our all -inclusive winter stay package gives you the peace of mind of leaving the hazards of winter behind. Our attentive staff will ensure you have the best care possible, with delicious home style meals and activities and events for you to enjoy. Visit RVILLA Retirement Living Inc. today for a free tour and discover why we are a premier retirement home in the area. STAY FOR 4 MONTHS AND GET YOUR 5TH MONTH FREE RVILLA RETIREMENT LIVING INC. 22 Parh Street, Ripley, Ontario (519) 395-0225 generalmenager@rvilleretirement.com www.rvillaretirement.com UNIVERSALCale following areas: arts and cul- ture, community, diversity, education, business/profes- sional leadership, global action, health and welfare, leadership, philanthropy, social justice, sport, volun- teerism, or women's rights. Nominees are in the age categories of 16-29 years and 30 +years. Last year, Inspiring Women in Huron recognized the con- tributions of 24 women from across Huron County at a cel- ebration dinner held in Goderich. It featured guest speaker OPP Sgt. Tracey Coughlin, who spoke about improving personal health," her deployment to South said YMCA Senior VP Kathi Sudan as a Peacekeeper and Lomas -McGee. "We are of her work with Confident thrilled to help honour these Children Out of Conflict, a women who also strive to charity that aims to get small improve our communities:' children off of the streets and Huron Women's Shelter into schools. Tracey's inspira- has been supporting and tionalstorysharedherplans championing women in to move to South Sudan and Huron County since 1985 run Confident Children Out and Donna Jean Forster -Gill, of Conflict as its director pre- Executive Director for the pares to retire. Huron Women's Shelter, said "The YMCA's focus is to they are delighted to partner build healthy communities with the YMCA on the by strengthening families, awards. addressing challenges facing "We live in a community children and youth and where many amazing women are inspiring to us all each and every day," said Forster - Gill. "We are fortunate to be able to celebrate them at this event. I have no doubt that everyone who attends this event will leave inspired." Winners will be awarded at the 2017 Inspiring Women in Huron awards dinner on March 3, 2017. Deadline for Nominations is Dec. 30, 2016. Nomination forms availa- ble at www.ymcaswo.ca, www.huronwomensshelter. ca hard copy or by request to: athomson@ymcaswo.ca. Huron County appoints Jeff Horseman head of emergency services Jeff Horseman has been appointed chief of Emer- gency Services for Huron County. The announcement was made Oct. 19 during Huron County council. Horseman has been acting in the role since May of 2015 and the appointment for- mally takes effect Nov 1. "I'm very proud to serve as the paramedic chief and I appreciate the confidence and support of county coun- cil," said Horseman. "I look forward to maintaining our public about safety and acci- outstanding service levels dent prevention. and to continue working "Jeff has demonstrated his with the devoted paramedics abilities and commitment to and professional staff at the excellence," said Brenda county of Huron." Orchard, Huron County CAO. The Huron County Emer- "He has earned the respect gency Services Department is and confidence of staff, man - dedicated to leading and pro- agement and Council, and so moting the improvement of I'm pleased to appoint him to health and public safety for this position:' our citizens. The department At the same meeting, provides paramedic care, Horseman, alongwithpara- emergency management ser- medics Mark Crawford, Bill vices and works with allied Lewis and Marion Taylor agencies to educate the were recognized as recipients of the Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal from the Gov- ernor General of Canada. This award is presented to paramedics who have served for at least 20 years in a meri- torious manner character- ized by the highest standards of good conduct, industry and efficiency. These four individuals received their awards at a ceremony, hosted by the Ontario Asso- ciation of Paramedic Chiefs, on Sept. 29 in Collingwood.