HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-10-19, Page 92 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Goderich will not sell local utility to Hydro One
or any other company, says Mayor Morrison
Darryl Coote shares that as we dis-
Editor cussed it at a previous
council meeting," the
Goderich is not looking to mayor said Oct. 11 during
sell its municipally owned the regular council
hydro utility to any company meeting.
including Hydro One, said Mayor Morrison took time
Goderich Mayor Kevin Mor- out of the Tuesday evening
rison in an attempt to meeting to clear the air as to
squelch rumors that the public confusion over coun-
town is considering the cil's early July decision
Ontario electricity distribu- approving Goderich Hydro
tion company as a possible to investigate a possible
buyer. merger with another local
"By no means is the utility.
[Goderich Hydro] board He said there has been
interested in the Hydro talk in town of selling the
One scenario, and I'm utility, but the hydro board
confident this council has been directed to
examine only two possibili- need to be made going
ties: maintain the status forward.
quo, meaning going for- Confusion among the
ward as an independent public, he said, was the
electricity distributor; or product of the hydro
merge with another local board doing its due
company. diligence.
The provincial govern- "What I've hear out in the
ment is pushing to have community is the name
fewer municipal -owned Hydro One that's come up
hydro companies, and as quite often in conversation,
Goderich Hydro is a highly and I can assure you that
regulated business and does the board and this council
not have any non-regulated ... has no interest in a sale,"
business as many similar he said.
companies do to shore out A report on the investiga-
its bottom-line, council tion into the two options is
approved this exploration he expected back at council late
said because changes will October.
Wingham Golf and Curling Club Home Tour Nov. 19 to support operations
As the Wingham Golf & facility users.
Curling Club prepares for "We are not immune to
winter operations, the this," the club said in a
club is reminding mem- submission. "So to help
bers and the residents of our club move forward we
Wingham that it is open are asking for the contin-
for business. ued support of our mem-
Many businesses across bers and the residents of
Ontario are struggling with our community. O u r
rising operation costs and Board of Directors are
low volume in number of looking at ways to improve
our club with new pro- Club for social hour from
grams and a forward way 5-6 p.m.
of thinking." "We are also want to
The club is organizing a remind people that the
Christmas House Tour club is open for parties,
on Nov. 19, as a day that meetings or any special
residents can enjoy tour- event that you or your
ing local homes, deco- group have in mind," they
rated for the holiday sea- said.
son, than return to the For more information call
Wingham Golf & Curling 519-357-2179
The Point Clark shore road seemed to make a great place
for local deer to hang out. Six of them were spotted on this
property last week, before bolting into the bush.
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Everyone is Welcome
Meet the NWMO and Learn More About Upcoming Studies
The Township of Huron -Kinloss is learning more about Canada's plan for the safe,
long-term management of used nuclear fuel and the current step in the site selection
process now underway: Phase 2 Preliminary Assessment Studies.
Drop by the open house in Lucknow to meet NWMO staff, learn about the project and
share your thoughts. The NWMO would like to work with people in the community to
plan for the drilling of an initial borehole to advance understanding of general geology
across the area.
This initial borehole is for research purposes and is not expected to be a repository site.
Your comments on proposed locations for this study are valuable and will help the
community and the NWMO plan our work together.
Light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to meeting you.
)) The open house will be held at:
Lucknow Community Centre
694 Willoughby Street
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.