HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-10-12, Page 910 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Kincardine BIA Craft Beer Crawl sees 500
people out to venues supporting Reunion 2018
The Kincardine BIA
recently partnered with the
Kincardine Old Boys and Old
Girls Reunion 2018 Commit-
tee to host a Craft Beer Crawl
fundraiser at four venues on
Queen Street on Oct. 1.
"At the BIA we came up
with an idea to create a one
night "entertainment dis-
trict" during our shoulder
season, following up with
the successful Around the
World dining experience we
held last spring, " said BIA
manager Rick Clarke. "Our
goal was simply to bring
people to our downtown res-
taurants after hours for some
food, entertainment and fun,
a night out this fall."
As the event began to take
shape over the summer
months, it was decided to
bring the Reunion 2018 Com-
mittee on board and make it
a fundraiser for the much
larger community event
being held Aug. 2-5, 2018.
"Working with Alana
Rozon from the Reunion
2018 Committee was a huge
help," said Clarke. "She is
really a dynamo of enthusi-
asm and organizational skills
so the night became much
more successful than we had
originally envisioned."
Bean's Bistro, Bruce Steak-
house, Gilley's Feedlot and
Hawg's Breath were the par-
ticipating venues locally,
each hosting local musicians
and a regional craft brewery.
A $25 wristband was sold,
which gave access to the
venues as well as a souvenir
Reunion Cup, lanyard and
10 taster tokens.
"Public response was
overwhelming, exceeding
our expectations," Clarke
said and added the event
was essentially a sell out with
500 wristbands sold.
All four venues were close
to capacity all night, with
line ups for brief periods at
some, he said
As with any event being
introduced for the first time,
some tweaking will be nec-
essary for next year, Clarke
"Alana and I have already
been meeting to determine
what worked well, where can
we improve next year but
overall we are pleased with
the success of the evening
and plan to repeat it in 2017."
Participating craft brewer-
ies this year were Maclean's
Ales, Cowbell, Outlaw Brew-
ery and Collingwood.
Entertainment was pro-
vided by Steve Deer Trio, The
Riverbend Gentlemen, Pat-
rick Main and Andrew Park -
house Trio.
Cutline: The Andrew Parkhouse Trio was one of many bands that
performed during the Kincardine BIA Craft Beer Crawl fundraiser
on Oct. 1, 2016 for the 2018 Kincardine Old Boys and Old Girls
Reunion. About 500 people took part in the event.
Clarke said that one change hope that more venues can be
for nextyear will be the inclu- encouraged to participate so
sion of local wineries, and his as to help meet the demand.
$7.5 -million Marine Emergency Duties training centre officially opens at Georgian College
Denis Langlois
Owen Sound Sun Times
All of the life-saving and
emergency training that
cadets and mariners require
to work on a ship in Canada
is now available in Owen
Sound, officials announced
Oct. 6, 2016 during the grand
opening of Georgian Col-
lege's new Algoma Central
Corporation Marine Emer-
gency Duties Centre.
"After several years with-
out a training facility in
Ontario, mariners will no
longer need to travel to Can-
ada's east or west coast to
obtain this certification. Eve-
rything they and our stu-
dents need is right here,
from lifeboat simulation to
fire training;" Kevin Weaver,
one of the college's vice-
presidents, said during the
The $7.5 million,
13,600 -square -foot MED
centre opened to students
earlier this fall, but the offi-
cial grand opening was a
chance for the college to
thank the financial contribu-
tors and to take dignitaries
and other guests on tours of
the facility, which is part of
the Owen Sound campus's
Centre for Marine Training &
Efforts to build the new
facility in Owen Sound
began after an MED centre
in Port Colborne - the only
English-language one of its
kind in central Canada -
closed its doors in 2013, after
Transport Canada decided
to divest the site. About 1,500
people trained at that loca-
tion annually.
Mariners and students
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were then forced to travel to
British Columbia, Nova Sco-
tia or Newfoundland to
receive the mandatory
But Grey County Warden
Alan Barfoot said Georgian
College quickly recognized
the gap that was created by
the closure and stepped in to
"develop a solution" at their
Owen Sound site.
"We are here today
because Georgian College
had the foresight to see a
threat to their marine pro-
gram and because they had
the determination to solve
the problem," he said.
Grey County was first to
pledge money to the project.
Its $2 million commitment in
2014 was, and still is, the
county's "largest single invest-
ment in regional economic
development," Barfoot said.
About a year after that
pledge was made, the pro-
vincial and federal govern-
ments announced they
would contribute $2 million
apiece to the project.
The marine industry was
next to announce donations,
with Algoma Central Corpo-
ration providing $1 million
and Lower Lakes Towing
kicking in $500,000.
Representatives from both
companies were on hand for
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Denis Langlois/Owen Sound Sun Times
Capt. Brad Moore, head of simulations at Georgian College's new MED training centre, works on the
state-of-the-art lifesaving simulator.
the grand opening event, project to reality," she said. man -overboard scenarios.
which included speeches Eric McKenzie, vice-presi- The facility also includes
and a demonstration by dent of technical services at four classrooms, instruc-
Owen Sound's Navy League Lower Lakes Towing, said the tor's offices and a bunker
Cadet corps. opening of the centre marks a gear storage room as well
KarenWatt,vice-president "true milestone" for the as washrooms, change
of human resources at Canadian shipping industry. rooms and showers. The
Algoma, said news that the "The new Marine Emer- common area is named in
Port Colborne site - which gency Duties training centre recognition of Lower Lakes
was operated for 20 years via ensures shipping companies Towing.
a partnership between have a one stop shop for The centre will be used
Transport Canada and Geor- quality marine programs and mostly by students enrolled
gian College - would close training in Ontario," he said. in Georgian's post -second -
was "a very serious concern" The MED centre includes ary marine programs, but
to the company. a stand-alone fire simulation also by working mariners
It was critical, she said, to training facility, which who require certification or
ensure Georgian could con- opened late last year. refresher training.
tinue offering the training. The main building MaryLynn West-Moynes,
"This facility is here today includes a lifeboat simulator, president and CEO of Geor-
because many people which is the only one of its gian College, said the
believed that it was impor- kind in Canada. It will allow Ontario marine industry
tant enough to spend their people to train, on dry land, forecasts that 1,300 jobs will
time and energy to bring this on both evacuation and become available over the
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next decade, as more than 70
per cent of current mariners
are expected to retire.
"With this facility, we
know that we will be able to
provide the workforce, the
talented workforce, that is
needed, she said.