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Winners and participants celebrated from 2016 Ripley -Huron Fall Fair
Congratulations to the
Ripley -Huron ambassador
for 2016/2017 Bethany
Here is a rundown of
events, contests and placings
from the 2016 Ripley -Huron
Fall Fair, which ran Sept.
23-24, 2016.
Volunteers and other
special people
Arena Volunteer - Barb Kes-
ter, Grounds Volunteer - Jean
MacDonald, Student Volun-
teer - Kali Moir, Count the
Plates - Zac Nesbitt, Youngest
Girl - Marion Moore (Sept
14/16), Youngest Boy- Geraint
House (Aug 20/16) , Oldest
Lady - Irene Bradley, Oldest
Gent - Allister MacKay, Far-
thest Travelled - Michael
Beishuizen, Red Deer, Alberta,
Decorating Contest - Residen-
tial 1st- Ron & Gail Lotton,
2nd- Kendra & Phil VandHard-
eveld, 3rd- Sarah MacKay &
Jeremy Phelan, Business - lst-
Shirley and Harold Galloway,
2nd- Hurontel, 3rd- All about
Hair & Sole Energy, Best Bale -
lst- Linda & Al Jaynes, 2nd -
Glen & Sarah Farrell.
Log Sawing
Mixed - 1st Dave & Mary
McCormick, 2nd Jim & Judy
Sloan, 3rd Dave McCormick
& Judy Sloan, Men's - 1st
Dave McCormick & Jim
Sloan, 2nd Danny Blank &
Andrew Courtney, 3rd
Thomas Farrell & Jim Sloan,
Ladies - 1st Mary McCormick
& Gail Lotton, 2nd Mary
McCormick & Judy Sloan, 3rd
- Fran Farrell & Gail Lotton,
Teens - 1st Jennell Smeltzer &
Emma, 2nd Sarah Durnin &
Jennelle Smeltzer, 3rd Jen-
nelle Smeltzer & Emily Lot -
ton, Under 12 - 1st Jennelle
Smeltzer & Sarah Durnin,
2nd Emma & Sarah Durnin
Nail Driving
Men's - 1st Wayne, 2nd
Thomas Farrell, 3rd Danny
Blank, Ladies - 1st Emily Lot -
ton, 2nd Judy Sloan, 3rd Mary
McCormick, Teens -1st Sarah
Durnin, 2 n d
Jennelle Smeltzer, 3rd Emma,
Under 12 - 1st Sarah Durnin.
Antique Tractors
Farthest Distance - Edger
Daer, Blyth, Best Restored -
Edger Daer, Largest Display -
Allan Gamble - Ripley.
Frog Contest
Smallest - 1st - Dylan
Helewn, 2nd- Jack Bedding-
ton, 3rd- Colton Collins,
Largest - 1st - Cierra Collins,
2nd - Beckatt Evans, 3rd -
Cheyenne Collins & Logan
Casserly, Longest Jump - 1st
- Tatum Evans, 2nd - Cierra
Collins, 3rd- Kensie Hubbard
Garden Tractor Pull
A great turn out with 99
6501b Stock 12yrs and
under- 1st Zach Sweiger,
2nd Devin Benninger, 8001b
Stock 12yrs and under - 1st
Lucas Ward, 2nd Zack
Sweiger, 6501b Stock - 1st
7501b Modified - lst-
Dylan Beirness, 2nd- Bill
Clark, 8001b Stock - 1st Con-
nor Rooseboom, 2nd Brook-
lyn Ward, 9501b Modified
-1st Ethan Purcell, 2nd Pete
1,0001b Stock -1st Jim Som-
merville , 2nd Ian Winget,
11501b Modified - 1st Jason
Clark, 2nd- Hannah Arnold,
1,2501b Stock -1st Ron Machan,
2nd Ron Machan, 1,3501b Mod-
ified -1st Ken Young, 2nd- Brian
Purcell, Open Stock - 1st Jessica
Arnold, 2nd- Jim Sommerville,
Open Modified - 1st Brian
Friday Night under the
Friday night under the
lights was a successful even-
ing with people coming out to
prove there strengths in nail
driving, log sawing and a car
demolision. Another event
that took place was a egg toss
and a 50/50 draw on how
long it would take a car to
blow up. The winner was Ron
Lotton with the closest time.
Pedal Tractor Pull: Had a
great turnout with 47 kids.
School/ Church/ Family
Float: 1st Homefront Acres,
2nd Graham Cook Family,
Float with Live Music: 1st
R -Villa, 2nd Buzzcutz Stu-
dioz, Commercial Float: 1st
Lucknow Co-op, 2nd Enviro-
master, Organizational Float:
Ripley Horticultural Society,
2nd Ripley Lions Club
Antique Car or Tractor:
Phil & Kris Armstrong
Motorized Enteries
Decorated Child's Motor-
ized Vehicle (10 & Under): 1st
Jack Cronshaw, 2nd Rhys &
Kelsey Thompson, Decorated
Child's Motorized Vehicle (11-
18): 1st Robert Roppel, 2nd
Brandon Lock, Decorated
Adult Motorized Vehicle:
Children's Enteries
Decorated Bicycle or Tri-
cycle: 1st Smeltzers Family,
2nd Brett McDonnell
Costumed Child with
wagon, cart or Stroller: 1st
Sawyer Simpson, 2nd Joce-
lyn VanDyk
Costumed Child with Pet:
1st Alexa Gallant, 2nd Tori
Pedestrian Enteries - Best
Costume (10 & under): 1st
Briar Nixon, 2nd Abby
Nixon, 3rd Jade Lowry Best
Costume (18 & older): 1st
Courtney Funny Farm Girls,
Largest Costumed Family
with theme: 1st Glenn &
Sarah Farrell, 2nd Paul, Jen,
Nicole & Victoria Lowry,
Deserved float: Jack & Joe
Most Points in three Field
1st- Wilkesview Farms,
2nd- Peter Walden, 3rd- Paul
Harris, 4th- Sandy Pollock,
5th- Dan Smeltzer, 6th -
Brian Reid (4th), 7th- Keith
VanderHoek, 8th - Smith
Farms, 9th- Paul Murray,
10th- Bryce VanderHoek,
llth- Rob Lowry, 12th- Ken
Corn Specials- Most
Points Ensilage: Wilkesview
Farms, Grain Corn: North
side- Sandy Pollock, South
side- Peter Walden. Exhibit
of 10 Cobs 1st- Sandy Pol-
lock, 2nd- Dan Smeltzer,
3rd- Smith Farms Best Sheaf
of Corn James MacDonald, 6
Cobs Ensilage Corn Smith
Hay Specials- Exhibit
Champion - Keith Vander -
Hoek, Reserve - Bryce
Most Points New Seeded -
Paul Harris, Established -
Paul Harris
Grain Specials- Best
Exhibit Fall Wheat- Cham-
pion- Paul Murray, Reserve -
Peter Walden, Oats- Cham-
pion- Brian MacKay,
Reserve- Murray Hunter,
Spring Wheat- Champion -
Dan Smeltzer, Reserve -
Smith Farms, Soybeans -
Champion -Keith
VanderHoek, Reserve - Paul
Crop Specials- Most
Soft Red Fall Wheat- Peter
Walden, Hard Red Fall
Wheat- Paul Murray, Soft
White Fall Wheat - Sandy
Pollock, Oats- Murray
Hunter, Soybeans- North
Side- Paul Harris, South
Side- Wilkesview Farms
Judy Thompson Home -
craft Award: Margie Beck
Fruits and Vegetables
Most Points: 1st- Joan
Gillespie, 2nd- John
Gillespie, 3rd- Kyle Hogan,
4th- Margie Beck, 5th - Joel
Hogan, 6th- Sean Hogan,
Collection of Garden Vegeta-
bles: lst- Joan Gillespie
Most Points: 1st- Allyssa
McKee, 2nd- Sabrina McKee
& Mary Anne Kukoly, Cut
Flowers: 1st- Barb Kester,
2nd- Margie Beck, Most
Points by Design: 1st- Barb
Kester, 2nd- Catherine Scott,
Most Points 1st Year: lst-
Shelba Opruk, 2nd- Audrey
Ellis, Most Points using
Theme: lst- Fran Farrell, 2nd -
Barb Kester, Overall Cham-
pion: Barb Kester 108 points
Most Points 2-37: lst-
Catherine Scott, 2nd- Margie
Beck, 3rd- Kerry Shantz
Most Points 1-5: 1st- Ken-
dra VanHardeveld, 2nd -
Brenda McLean, 3rd - Kath-
leen Ackert, Most Points
Mens: 1st- Roy Guenther,
2nd - Wilf Gamble, Most
Points 17-54: 1st Katherine
Maclnnes, 2nd Lisa Court-
ney, 3rd Margie Beck & Anne
Most Points in Quilts 1-26:
1st- Diane Clifford, 2nd- Den-
ise Jameson, 3rd- Fran Farrell,
Grand Champion Hand
Quilted- Alice Doelman,
Reserve Champion Quilted-
Valarie Gibson, Grand Cham-
pion Machine Quilt- Diane
Clifford, Most Points using
Theme: 1st- Pat Jarvis, 2nd -
Fran Farrell, 3rd- Sharon
Courtney, Most Points in Class
6: 1st- Pat Jarvis, 2nd- Dianne
Budnark, 3rd- Diane Clifford
Arts and Crafts
Most Points Overall: lst-
Katherine MacDonald, 2nd -
Margie Beck, 3rd- Pat Jarvis,
Most Points in Halloween:
1st- Gloria Ferrier, 2nd -
Katherine MacDonald, 3rd -
Pat Jarvis, Most Points in
Christmas: 1st- Katherine
MacDonald, 2nd- Margie
Beck, 3rd- Joyce Cuyler, Most
Points in Wedding: lst- Joyce
Cuyler, 2nd- Pat Jarvis, 3rd -
Margie Beck
Most Points Overall: Josie
Middelkamp, Most Points
First Year 4-1lyrs: 1st- Ari-
onna, Stone, 2nd- Cole Van-
derHoek, 3rd- Cole Chilton,
Most Points 4-11: 1st- Josie
Middelkamp, 2nd- Alayna
Middelkamp, 3rd- Emma
MacDonald, Most Points
12-18: 1st- Allison Pope,
2nd- Sarah Durnin, 3rd -
Autumn Caddey
Most Points in section
1-29: 1st- Kerry Shantz, 2nd -
Karen Hazzard, 3rd- Margie
Beck, Most Points in section
11-22: 1st- Kerry Shantz,
2nd- Karen Hazzard, 3rd -
Gail VanderHoek, Judge's
Choice: Kerry Shantz, Com-
mittee's Choice: Anita Zoller
Senior Citizens 60+
Most Points 1-25: 1st -
Betty Lou Dalton, 2nd- Elsie
Schular, 3rd- Pat Jarvis
Most Points by a Man: lst-
Jack Campbell, 2nd- Hugh
Duncan & Donald
Group Display 1st- Reid's
Corners Women Institute,
Troy Patterson/Editor
Results are in from the 2016 Ripley -Huron Fall Fair, which ran
Sept. 23-24, 2016. A boy is seen standing on top of a sheep stall
looking at the fair activities on the Saturday of the event.
2nd- Purple Grove Women
Craft Display 1st- Joan
Judges Choice: Catherine
McLeod, Legion Special: lst-
Rose Marie Meyer & Bev Fry,
Most Points: 1st - Jean Mac-
Donald, 2nd- Barb Kester,
3rd- Margie Beck
Milk 1st- Mark Robinson,
2nd- Prehnbrook Farms,
3rd- Wilkenview Farms
Brown: 1st- Nicole Davey,
2nd- Will Davey, 3rd - Gloria
White: 1st- Rob & Judy
Lowry, 2nd- Robert &Wendy
Clover, White Liquid- lst-
Sandy Henderson, 2nd- Gail
Anderson, 3rd - Steve
Buckwheat & Comb
Honey: Gail Anderson
Beeswax 3-61b: 1st Gail
Anderson, 2nd Steve Hallam
Maple Syrup
Hobbyist - 1st - J.P
Best Overall from Scratch-
lst - Margie Beck, Best Over-
all from Kit- 1st- Pat & John
VandenHogen, Best Wine of
Show- 1st- Pat & John
Best Standard Male, Best
Standard Female, Best
Gander, Best Goose, Cham-
pion Standard, and Reserve
Champion Standard - Dean
Fidler, Best Clean Leg Ban-
tam Male and Best Clean
Leg Bantam Female, and
Grand Champion Bantam -
Dave McCormick, Best
Feathered Leg Bantam
Male, Best Feathered Leg
Bantam Female and
Reserve Champion Bantam
- Bart Nyland, Best Drake
and Best Duck - James
Champion Junior - Jor-
dan Fidler
Heavy Horse & Mules
Heavy Tandem Hitch and
Best Dressed Team - Larry
Reinhart, Commercial Tan-
dem - James Thomas, Exhib-
itor that brought most
Horses - Shannon Geddes,
Mules - Best Dressed Team -
Cedric Scott.
Light Horse Show
Overall Tyke - Jordan Car-
ney, High Point Junior- Sid-
ney Rowcliffe, High Point
Game Junior - Cassidy Bel-
anger, High Point Senior -
Linda Glass, High Point
Game Senior - Hillary
T- Bone Market Show
Grand Champion Heifer -
Brad Gilchrist, Grand
Reserve Heifer- Carol
MacPherson, Grand Cham-
pion Steer - Emily Gibson,
Grand Reserve Steer - Keith
Sheep Show
Novice Showmanship lst-
Avery Rimmer, 2nd- Taylor
Carney, 3rd- Nolan Neitzel,
Junior Showmanship 1st- Con-
nor Greenwood, 2nd- Dawson
McDonnell, 3rd- Lily
Emewein, Intermediate Show-
manship 1st- Lindsay Bruder,
2nd- Patricia Stein, 3rd- Rachel
vanStuyvenberg, Senior Show-
manship 1st- Jordan Emewein,
2nd- Megan Bruder, 3rd -
Melissa Cole, Grand Cham-
pion Showperson: Megan
Bruder, Reserve Champion
Showperson: Lindsay Bruder,
Senior Breeding Lamb: lst-
Patricia Stein, 2nd- Brandon
Stein, 3rd- Hanna vanStuyven-
berg, Junior Breeding Lamb:
1st- Avery Rimmer, 2nd- Con-
nor Greenwood, 3rd- Sinead
Greenwood, Grand Champion
Breeding Lamb: Patricia Stein,
Reserve Champion Breeding
Lamb: Brandon Stein, Light
Market Lamb: 1st- Lucas Niet-
zel, 2nd- Drew Becker, 3rd -
Aaron Ernewein, Heavy Market
Lamb: lst- Lauren Todd, 2nd -
Katie Roppel, 3rd- Drayton
MacKenzie, Grand Champion
Market Lamb: Lauren Todd,
Reserve Champion Market
Lamb: Katie Roppel