HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-05-25, Page 76 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, May 25, 2016
OPP stresses importance of life jackets this boating season
There have been eight
boating deaths on OPP-
patrolled waterways so far
this year, which is almost
three times as many as this
time last year.
Tragically, none of this
season's eight victims was
wearing a Personal Floata-
tion Device (PFD) or
Investigations into these
deaths also revealed that
alcohol was likely a factor in
all but one of the six
The OPP is releasing
details about this year's six
boating tragedies as OPP
Marine Officers prepare to
hit Ontario waterways to
promote Safe Boating
Awareness Week (May 21-27,
2016) with the Canadian
Safe Boating Council and
other marine safety
Six of this year's victims
were engaged in kayaking or
canoeing activities and
entered the water by either
falling overboard or
The two remaining inci-
dents involved a small
overloaded outboard boat
that ultimately swamped, as
well as a personal water craft
occurrence that involved the
operator falling off.
Sadly, two women and five
of the six men who died in
these tragic incidents were
young adults between 21
and 28 years of age. Recrea-
tional boating and paddling
is a great way to spend time
outdoors and can be a safe,
positive experience. Having
safety gear on board is not
only the law but can turn a
sudden life-threatening
ordeal into one that is
Heading into the busy
boating season, the OPP
wants to dispel any notion
that fatal boating incidents
on OPP-patrolled waterways
usually involve motorized
"A significant number of
the boating deaths we
investigate every year
involve canoes and kayaks.
Because the victims were
not wearing a lifejacket, the
majority of them died either
because they could not
swim, the water was too
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Diabetes Refresher
e:.r - Evening
June 2nd 7-8:30 pm
Community Room, NEW Health Campus
(prey. Wingham Public school across from the
hospital) Wingham, Ontario
Diabetes and Kidney Disease - presented by
Pharmacist James Brown and Registered Nurse Karen Cook
Keeping Physically Active - Hear about all the ways
that you can keep active from the North Huron Wescast
Community Centre
Cooking Healthy - Registered Dietitian Natalie Klaver will
show you how to prepare some simple, delicious recipes
Refreshments and Door Prizes! All are welcome!
To RSVP Please call: 519-357-3930
Hosted By: North Huron Family Health Team
Sponsored by: Janssen Lifescan, Boehringer -Ingelheim
Did You Know?
It can take 30 minutes
or more for most adults
to become even mildly
hypothermic in ice water.
This means that people
who suddenly find them-
selves in frigid water will
have some time to make
good decisions about
how to get to safety.
There are four phases
of cold water immersion
(hypothermia is one of
them) and each of the four
phases pose unique physi-
ological challenges for
you when you find your-
self in cold water follow-
ing a boating incident.
cold or they were impaired
by alcohol or drugs. I can-
not stress enough how sig-
nificantly a properly worn
lifejacket improves your
chance of survival when you
are in any type of boat and
suddenly find yourself in
the water," said OPP Deputy
Commissioner Brad Blair,
Commander of Traffic
Safety and Operational
The OPP is counting on
everyone being on board
with making it a safe boating
season in Ontario. If you sus-
pect that a person is operat-
ing any type of boat while
impaired, call
9-1-1 and report them.
Co-op guest artist inspired by
beauty of Huron's west coast
The Goderich Co-op
Guest Artist for June, Robin
Ellis, draws her artistic inspi-
ration from a life filled with
travel and challenge.
Her experiences also
involve peaceful times at her
Bayfield cottage, where she
has enjoyed becoming
involved with local artists.
Robin has a long history
with Huron's West Coast,
dating back to the era when
her parents operated an Ice
Cream shop on East Street;
she recalls that she loved
coming for visits, enjoying
the lake, the beaches, sun-
sets, plus the many streams
and paths she found to wan-
der. These embedded mem-
ories, plus her current love of
time spent at her cottage
give her ample subject mat-
ter for her artistic talents.
Visitors will enjoy works
showing Robin's wide inter-
ests, done in mainly in pen
and ink.
Robin has also travelled
widely, and I am sure we will
see hints of her experiences
hiking the Inca Trail, and the
Camino de Santiago in her
work. We look forward to
seeing the variety of subject
and medium that Robin uses
in her creations.
Please join us at 54 Court-
house Square, lower level on
The Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Jaden Meyer
May 25, 2007
9 years old
Alexa Russell
May 28, 2014
2 years old
Skylar Murray
May 28, 2004
12 years old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
call 519-528-2822 to register
lueinnw Sunk
619 Campbell Street
afu ,t tntM.4�{ .ue� y: ",,t,,
Robin Ellis is the Goderich Co-op Guest Artist for June 2016.
Saturday June 4 between 2-4
p.m. For an opening recep-
tion to welcome Robin Ellis
as the CoOp Guest Artist for
The Gallery is now operat-
ing on summer hours, from
Monday through Saturday
1 ITA11G A
A Cry:tlPi.I 1F. L.INE.1 (A I`".1.
FL i il'I I'6LE: i F{°171ir1..11rE: iJ
• 11.I.RI: • i7 01 X' }I -;IL HOME.
For outdoors,
patios, garden
area r', , P1111'47 OHM
id .01w uioornrfirc•i7rrc
i•millions A rr.irr.4roliars.
71.1 nt1dilr - Friday 9
Saturdliiyr 10:1 :11 - 4;O0
1lir•F;., rr V: f r,if....rt.1dlruu
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-
day through Saturday.
Drop in for a visit anytime,
where you will meet one of
our resident artists on hand
to greet you.
For more information visit
www.gcgallery. ca
Purple Grove
residents out
and about
There was a good crowd out to cel-
ebrate with Maxene Clark and Jon
Murray at their Stag and Doe recently.
Visiting for the weekend with
Shirley and Doug MacDonald were
their daughter Sheena Houghten and
Alyana of Stanford, Michigan.
Deanna Scott, Betty and Art Helm
attended the spring concert at the
Mildmay Public School where the
Helm's granddaughter Karleigh Dudg-
eon is attending.
Get well wishes to Donna Swann who
is at home from her stay in the Kincardine
Happy Birthday to Janet Rhody.
Eva and Ellie Nahwegahbow, Tania
and John Leis of Elmira had fun at a
tea party with great -grandma June
Elliott on Thursday.
Mary Anne Kukoly visited with
Charlene, Doug and Sandy McEwan