HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-05-04, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Locally grown food, delivered to your door
Scott Dunn the Kincardine area. allowing that we could bring this goes too," she said. by more than one producer,
Owen Sound Sun Times Mid -week home deliveries in things that we really aren't "So they can say' We want she added. "We're trying to
are planned, with pick-up able to do here," she said. you to focus on local things balance health, environ -
A new food co-op prom- points to be announced in "We may bring in certified and we don't need you to ment, affordability and
ises to bring Grey -Bruce places too remote or having organic bananas, if that were bring in, you know, tomatoes farmers' supply capacity:'
grown food to you, selected too few customers for home something the customers in February.' Or they might Seilern said the test run
by you at an online store, for delivery, Seilern said. There's told us that they wanted in say, 'We're really interested showed a variety of people
weekly delivery starting in a $5 delivery charge. order to round out their food in having full ranges of vege- want to be customers. Only
mid-May. To join, people will take buying and not have to run tables all year round. These about two per cent of people
"It really seems like people out annual memberships for around to a bunch of differ- are things that are going to make the commitment to go updated website, www.Eat-
are just really interested in $35, which will entitle them ent places to buy their food." be worked out as our con- to farmers markets and oth- LocalGreyBruce.ca. It' s
getting local healthy food," to purchase as much or little Seilern said there will be sumer members begin to erwise meet their food needs packed with information and
said Jennifer Seilern, presi- as they wish, when they more food choices as they work with us." by buying locally produced includes a button to click to
dent of Eat Local Grey Bruce, wish, from an array of foods. get further into the local There's a board of direc- food. But 25 per cent are join the co-op, and little biog-
whose test run in October The foods, the producers growing season. The service tors with nine seats, five of interested in doing so, raphies about the 22 produc-
filled at least 230 orders from and the price set by those will be year-round. which are filled and the rest research has shown, she said. ers and what they're offering.
across Grey -Bruce, mostly in producers will be displayed She didn't think imports will be open to interested Eat Local Grey Bruce's Small producers are the co -
areas of Owen Sound and on the website store, Seilern would be used to maintain a co-op consumer members. business model makes it op's preferred suppliers, but
along the Lake Huron said. minimum level of selection Seilern said she couldn't easier to distribute locally bigger producers are also
shoreline. Most of what's sold will be when when local supplies be sure how prices would produced food by having suppliers.
The service will roll out in locally grown but the co- are limited, such as during compare to those found in central warehouse space So far, the co-op's range of
those areas first, beginning operative's food policies colder months. But she also supermarkets because each with refrigeration in Owen Grey -Bruce produced food
in Owen Sound and within allows for sourcing food out- said as a co-operative, mem- producer set his or her own Sound and a delivery ser- include pork, beef, chicken,
weeks it will cover the shore- side of the area, including bers will have a say about prices. "It's like a farmers' vice. Producers will deliver pheasant, lamb, eggs,
line and then expand importing fromothercoun- that. market that way." their food weekly to the yoghurt, a selection of
beyond as demand dictates, tries. All imports from other "Right now it's been mostly But since no one has to warehouse or it will be breads, dried beans, dried
said Seilern, who with hus- countries will be certified from a producer -side set-up. choose a producer's offering, picked up in the co-op's peas, dried mushrooms,
band Mathias grows organic organic, she said. But as soon as the consumer each producer will want to delivery truck. maple syrup, chocolate,
corn, soybeans, spelt, barley, "Basically what we're members begin to sign up, be competitive, she said. M o n d a y t h e c o - o p dried spices and teas, a host
green teas, rye and beef in doing with that is just they all have a say as to how Some items will be offered 1 a u n c h e d i t s of vegetables and more.
Job cuts announced at Bluewater board Reid's Corners donates comfort quilts to Women's House
Bluewater District School professionals bargaining
Board has issued layoff unit, said her members Ellen Waye
notices to 23 full-time equiv- serve the "highest -needs Reid's Corners WI
alent education assistant students" and the full-day
positions, the Ontario Sec- kindergarten program.
ondary School Teachers' They got their notices April
Federation announced 29, she said.
Saturday. She said that after layoff
Paula Walpole, president notices were issued last year,
of OSSTF District 7's edu- some were called back to
cation support work.
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The Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Marlee Courtney
May 4, 2009
7 years old
Keenan Wilken
May 5, 2012
4 years old
Mckenna Thomson
May 7, 2005
11 years old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
call 519-528-2822 to register
Lrn knew Bethnal
619 Campbell Street
IrrIAlavoi::NlitI'ir4r Iii
i1frlrzmi Jam=
April meeting of the Reid's
Corners Women's Institute
was attended by 17
Roll call was the payment
of Membership Fees for the
coming year.
Out -going President, Joan
Wand displayed the comfort
quilt and the other smaller
quilts and blankets to be
given to the Women's House
Serving Bruce and Grey.
Incoming President Brenda hosting in Tara and Ripley. of meetings for the coming Museum in May.
Ramsdale arranged for the The regular meeting ended year. Reid's Comers has been Members were reminded
donation to go to the shelter. with an arrange Pot Luck actively involved in avarietyof to invite new comers to the
Information was shared lunch so that the Annual projects overthepastyearand community to attend a
on the Caregiver Support Meeting could be following. look forward to the Bruce Women's Institute meeting.
Training Sessions that the Ruth Anne Robinson led an County District AGM which is New members always are
Bruce County District in activitytoassistintheplanning being held at the Bruce County welcome.
Reid's Corners Women's Institute recently held its April Meeting and Annual General Meeting, where
various quilts were donated to Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey. L -R: Second pictures are
Brenda Ramsdale, Ruth Anne Robinson and Joan Wand with Tiffany Love of Women's House..
Record year for Huron Business Development Corporation
The Huron Business 2016, the HBDC approved
Development Corporation $1,536,948 in commercial
saw a banner year in 2015, loans to Huron County busi-
after recently reviewing its nesses. When combined with
progress and achievements. other 3rd party investments
A record amount of through its lending and eco-
(HBDC) loans were disbursed nomic development projects,
to local businesses for the a total of $9,370,000 in eco -
year -ending March 31, 2016 nomic activity was generated
From April 2015 to March throughout the region.
'CO O DLR.LI— _toi 24 !,S11.
WWW. rnoIleIIrlk5,Ca u-mLi'.-L01-8OORT65•3438
As a result, 93 local compa- Corporation supported by
nies were assisted with their the Federal Development
start-up and expansion plans Agency for Southern
and 208 new jobs were cre- Ontario.
ated. Based on figures sup- Since 1993, the HBDC has
plied by the Huron County served Huron County by
Economic Development providing loans and man -
Board, this translates into agement advice to local
approximately $9,877,000 in entrepreneurs while sup -
new employment income porting community projects
generated in the area, with that expand or enhance the
about $217,000 of that going local economy.
back to municipal coffers in HBDC has been acknowl-
the form of property taxes. edged nation-wide as an
The Huron Business economic development
Development Corporation is leader, with 29 national, pro -
a federally -funded Commu- vincial and regional awards
nity Futures Development of excellence to date.