HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-03-30, Page 7Bruce County History: Margaret Helen Brown Autobiography - Part 2 Margaret Brown, a mis- sionary to China, grew up in Bruce County. In January 1939, I trav- elled by boat to Haiphong, then by train up through what is now called Vietnam (North) crossed the great mountain range the pass is over 10, 000 feet ---to Kum- ing, capital of Yunnan prov- ince in S.W. China, to open a depot where our books could be mailed into far West China. A few months later the Japanese took over Indo-China and this route was closed—the Chinese for defense, tore up the railway on their side of the border. While on furlough in 1941 and studying for my PhD in Union Theological College, New York, the Pearl Harbor incident occurred, entirely cutting off both Shanghai and Hong Kong from any con- tact with "Free China" in the far West. In that vast area of China there was no literature or magazines for children. Urgent calls came for me to return at the end of my furlough in 1942. But how? I left Toronto for China on eight hours notice. I took six months and five days to get to Chengtu, travelling to New York, then New Orleans, where I got on a Chilean boat which went through the Panama Canal and down the west coast of South America, disembark- ing at Valparaiso, Chile. Then I went by train over the Andes and across Argentina to Buenos Aires where a dock strike kept me for five weeks. I then sailed on a tiny Argentine freighter to Capetown and Durban. There, I managed to get on a British troop ship ---it had 5,000 troops and only 13 civilians on board. We trav- elled in a convoy of 31 ships to Bombay, escorted by two dreadnaughts and five destroyers. I then crossed India by train to Calcutta and arrived with Dengue fever. I was five weeks there during the worst of the Bengal famine and finally flew "The Hump" at night— the Japanese had shot down two civilian planes two weeks before. We had to fly for two -and -a -half hours over Japanese -occupied areas of Burma. From Chungking I flew to Chengtu where we had a large mission. The big Amer- ican air base was near and we had a number of bomb- ing attacks at night. I had to start "Happy Childhood" all over again but had two of the most exciting years. Because there was no other literature for children, the Govern- ment Schools took great interest and sales soared. Japan's surrender came upon us almost unawares. I was lucky to get back to Shanghai in November to restart my work because the RAF gave me a free ride. I left for furlough in August 1948 and in the following May, the Communists established their "People's Republic" in Peking. I left Hong Kong for Canada in 1956. Because of my litera- ture work I was invited to become a member -at -large of the Women's Inter - Church Council of Canada Submitted where I served until my retirement in 1968. Condensed by Bob John- ston from an article in the 1971 Yearbook of the Bruce County Historical Society nwmo NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION Wednesday, March 30, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 7 Roots of Bruce to welcome students from across region at April 14-15 event The annual 'Roots of Bruce' event for Grade 5 & 6 students is coming up Apt 14-15,2016 The event for Bluewater and Bruce Grey Catholic Dis- trict school board students helps to create awareness of the importance of our local agricultural community, food production, and other indus- tries connected to agriculture. It promotes eating locally grown food as well as healthy choices and runs 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. both days at the Walkerton Agri- cultural Society buildings. Students see lots of live ani- mals and gain valuable insight into what is involved in pro- ducing the food they eat as well as other agricultural based products. Students from South Bruce and Grey counties can come for a half day or whole day and take in many interactive learning sta- tions for only $3 per student. Many farm commodity groups will be there as well as two new ones this year, including Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and Bruce Botanical Food Gardens. We encourage all local schools to participate in this wonderful learning opportunity and hope to build awareness to the gen- eral public of this great volun- teer run program. We hope you will consider giving coverage to ROOTS OF BRUCE prior to and during (9:30-11:30am & 12:15- 2:15pm) and following this non profit event. For more information and pictures of what happens at this annual event check out www. rootsofbruce.com Maple Syrup Festival this weekend at Saugeen Bluffs The largest outdoor Maple a.m. and will conclude at 4 families, far and wide. Syrup Festival in Grey and p.m. both days. All proceeds from this Bruce Counties, the Saugeen Premiering this year and event go directly to local Bluffs Maple Syrup Festival brought to you by the Sau- conservation efforts, a com- will be featured on April 2 geen Shores Chamber of mitment of both the Sau- and 3rd at Saugeen Bluffs Commerce, free busing will geen Valley Conservation Conservation Area. be offered from both South- Foundation and Saugeen This year's Festival will fea- ampton and Port Elgin. Catch Conservation in helping to ture the West Coast Lumber the action at the Coliseum provide a healthy environ - Jack Show (Saturday only), (10 a.m. and noon) and in ment for ourselves and Scales Nature Park (cool rep- Port Elgin at The Plex (10:15 future generations. tiles), R&R Pet Paradise Dog and 12:15) as well as Allan's Admission is $ 8 p e r Shows (Sunday), the Grey Fireside Grill (10:25 and adult, $3 per child and pre - Bruce Tree Workers, live enter- 12:25). Buses will also be run- schoolers are free. tainment, horse-drawn wagon ning regularly from the Pais- For more information, rides, a full pioneer encamp- ley Arena and Gibby's Grubb. contact 519-367-3040, visit ment, kids activities, trainrides, Visitors will be escorted www.svca.on.ca or email maple games, and, of course directly into the heart of the publicinfo@svca.on.ca Visit lots of hot -off the grill pancakes event and taken back to their us on Facebook as well or and real maple syrup. cars when they are ready. Twitter #saugeensyrup. Directed by the Saugeen The Saugeen Bluffs Maple The Saugeen Bluffs Maple Valley Conservation Founda- Syrup Festival has been Syrup Festival is held at tion, the annual event attracts reviewed by critics for over 45 Saugeen Bluffs Conserva- a cast of thousands. years and continues to garner tion Area, so please dress for The event opens at 10 applause and accolades from the outdoors SOCIETE DE GESTION DES DECHETS NUCLEAIRES NWMO Learn More Centre The Township of Huron -Kinloss is one of nine communities involved in a process of learning about Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada's plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization is working collaboratively with the community to advance preliminary assessment studies. Learn about APM, meet NWMO staff, ask questions and offer your thoughts. Drop in to the NWMO community office and Learn More Centre in Ripley. Everyone is welcome. NWMO Learn More Centre (Huron -Kinloss). 80 Huron Street, Ripley ON 519.386.6711 Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.