HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-07-27, Page 3Wednesday, July 27, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
'Women's House would be lost without our volunteers,' says organizer
Darryl Coote the organization offers. Some women don't talk
Reporter "I like hands on," said Clara during the car ride. Others
Culp, 70, who has volun- do. It's up to them, Culp said.
In its 30 years operating in teered with Women's House If they want to sit in silence,
the counties of Grey and for the past sixyears. "I like to Culp respects that. Likewise
Bruce, Women's House has associate with the people. if they want to talk. But most
offered refuge to over 2,000 And I'm an outgoing person of them will confide in her,
women and their children. and I wanted to be outside." she said. They really need to
It has helped scores more Culp is a driver, which is vent, she said.
through its crisis phone line, one of the more intimate "I really, really enjoy doing
which has rang over 45,000 positions at Women's House that because my philosophy
times since 1985. as she spends time alone is I'm taking them away from
However, none of the ser- with its clients as she drives danger and bringing them to
vices it provides would be them to doctor, legal and safety," she said.
possible without its army of dentist appointments, to go Once Culp picked up a
volunteers, said Candace shopping, to go anywhere woman and her three chil-
Burton, the organization's they need to be. dren to take them to the shel-
volunteer and community "Whatever they want me ter and "she told me that her
development coordinator. to do," she said. ':.. And I will husband had hit her 10 -year -
"We'd be lost without our go anywhere and do any- old daughter so hard he broke
volunteers," she said over the thing they want me to do." his hand. And I'm thinking,
phone from her Owen However, a driver does 'Yes! And I hope it hurts for
Sound office. much more than simply the rest of your life:And so to
At any given time, Women's chauffeur. Culp explained she me while she was in that car
House has roughly 60 active also helps remove women with her children, she was
volunteers who provide ser- and their children from dan- safe. I'm providing, and the
vices that range from house- gerous living situations. other volunteers are provid-
keeping and driving to lawn Culp said when a woman ing, a safe haven for them."
care and massage therapy. decides to move to the And that's why she does it,
"Basically what we try to Women's House, occasion- she told The News.
do is match our volunteers ally the involvement of the "I never, ever forget the
with the position of their local police is necessary. The women in the past five years
choosing, something that volunteer driver parks near that I have transfered," she
works well for them and us," to the residence the woman said.
she said. is leaving, though out of Not all positions are so
They even have a volun- sight, and waits for the police intense, however.
teer who gives haircuts. to escort the woman to the Janet, who has asked that
The positions vary in awaiting vehicle. her real name not be used,
responsibility with some "Also on occasion I've has volunteered for Wom-
more involved than others picked up ladies at a neutral en's House since 2012 and
such as positions that point in whatever city she is digitized its client lending
require direct contact with living, but I can't pick her up library.
the clients. at her house so we will agree "It's not a big collection.
Volunteers who do spend to meet at such and such a It's a good collection, and it
time with clients, she said, corner or business and I will just helps with people that
require further training than then pick her up and bring are in need of something
the initial full-day training her into the shelter," she said. right away," she said.
Women's House has a
lending library system at its
Owen Sound and Kincardine
sites where women who
attend the organization's
outreach program can bor-
row books. Janet made it
possible for clients to reach
information without going
into the city.
"I setup an online site for
them so that the links are
used on their newsletters.
People who access their pro-
grams can access books on
self-help, parenting. It's a
way people can stop in and
grab material that they
Janet prefers to be "behind
the scenes," she said, such as
conducting administrative
duties, most of which she
can do from home.
She has also stuffed enve-
lopes for fundraising and
worked on mailing campaigns.
It is rewarding, she said as
the work she does allows
other volunteers to do what
they do best and, ultimately,
it all goes to helping women
in need.
"The admin volunteers
provide support for fundrais-
ing which in turn helps the
shelters to run programs,
and I think it's just so impor-
tant," she said. "The need
just continues to grow for
women's shelters -- unfortu-
nately -- still in our society
for women and children,
and I just think they're a
really great organization,
and I'm just happy to help
them in any capacity."
She said she gets a lot out board, she reflects that
of volunteering with Wom- recruiting her replacement
en's House. The cause is and that of other board
important to her, she said. members was something
"You feel good to give back she is really proud of.
and help people in need, She got to bring "flesh
even just with it being blood" into Women's House,
admin -type things," she said. she said. New ideas. And it
"That's the stuff that helps was a joy, she said.
them," she concluded. Following her time on the
Even Women's House's board, she decided not go after
board members are a fourth term because she had
volunteers. "used up" all her good ideas,
Dominique Jackson, 43, she said, and wanted to see
has been with Women's how others could improve the
House since 1999. organization.
Jackson, who is quick to "You see the positive
laugh, said she first heard of changes they've made, you
the organization while see all the hard work that
attending a photo -op where they've put into it, you feel
the company she worked for like a proud mama," she said
was donating money to with a laugh. "That 'Hey! I
Women's House. brought that person in, look
The photographer was what a great job they've just
late, she said, and while they done.' "
waited Jackson began chat- For a board member, Jack -
ting with the representative son said they look for candi-
from Women's House. dates who are intelligent,
"She was the volunteer capable and strong.
coordinator at the time and "Someone you think
we started chatting and she would work well with others.
convinced me that I should ... A strong person, someone
come out and try to volun- that's going to bring fresh
teer, and I haven't left!" ideas;' she said.
Nine years later she joined She said Women's Hose is
the board, which she sat on a "great place" to volunteer.
for six years. "There's awesome people
"But I feel my biggest con- who work there. They're great
tribution was that I recruited volunteers. You feel like you're
a lot of our board members: making a difference, and it's --
the current chair, the current honestly -- it's just a great
vice chair, the current treas- place to be;' she said "There
urer -- I am the one who aresomanywonderfulpeople
can't stop talking about there and weallfeellikewe're
Women's House wherever I making a difference."
go;' she said. "Yeah, they can't get rid of
Now no longer on the me now," she said.
NWMO Learn More Centre
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Drop in and learn more about Adaptive Phased Management
(APM), and ongoing work in the area. APM is Canada's plan for
the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel.
The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is
working collaboratively with Huron -Kinloss to consider the
project and advance preliminary assessment studies. The
Township of Huron -Kinloss is one of nine communities involved
in this learning process.
NWMO Learn More Centre (Huron -Kinloss)
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(across from Lewis Park)
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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