HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-06-01, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Gone but not forgotten; remembering Const. Craig Campbell
Darryl Coote
Constable Craig Camp-
bell, who died 30 years ago
in the line of duty, was
remembered in Kincardine
Tuesday as a man who
embodied what it meant to
be an Ontario Provincial
Police (OPP) officer.
Born May 16, 1961, Const.
Campbell would have turned
55 earlier this month if he
had not been killed in a tragic
car accident on Highway 9
while on patrol Aug. 3, 1985.
To honour his life and his
sacrifice for the people of
Kincardine a bridge over the
Penetangore River on High-
way 21 was dedicated in his
name the morning of May 24.
Tens of OPP officers from all
over Ontario filled the Best
Western Governor's Inn for the
ceremony, with cruisers from
Perth, South Bruce, Essex, Grey
and other counties parked in
the hotel's parkinglot
Twenty immediate family
members of Const. Camp-
bell were also on hand for
the dedication, several of
whom spoke to the roughly
120 people there to pay their
Following dignitaries
being piped into the confer-
ence room by piper Jim
Irvine and a singing of the
national anthem, Leslie Par-
sons remembered her
deceased husband, whom
she lost at the age of 24, as an
adventurous man who lived
the life of an OPP officer.
"The OPP has a motto:
'Heroes in life, not death' and I
think Craig embodied those
words, she said from the lec-
tern to those assembled.
"Given his intelligence, his
education, his strong work
ethic and with his wonderfully
supportive family he could
have gone anywhere and
done anything with his life."
She then paused, choking
back tears, and with a tissue
handed to her by Const. Kevin
Martin of the local detach-
ment who organized the dedi-
cation, she wiped them away
before continuing.
"But he chose to become a
police office and serve the
citizens of Ontario. I think
that's pretty heroic," she said.
Commissioner J.V.N.
Hawkes attended the cere-
mony from OPP headquar-
ters in Orillia to honour
Const. Campbell's life, which
he said mirrored his own.
"His life and my life are
very, very close," he said.
"We were both hired months
from each other, we both
went to the Ontario Police
Let's do our part, please recycle
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1 June 1: Seniors dining
7 p.m
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Branch 309
June Events
June 4: Wing night, Al Crawford 1
June 12: Shoot, 1 p.m.
June 22- 25: U9&U11 Soccer
June 25: Strawberry Pancake
Breakfast, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
$7 per person, $5 for kids 10
and under
June 26: Euchre, 1 p.m.
June 28: General meeting,
College, we both have -- brother as a man wholivedan
would of had -- over admirable yet short life.
30 -some years underneath "He lived more in his 24
our belts today.... When you years than most in a lifetime
talk about paths taking dif- would live. It's too bad that it
ferentroutes,hecouldhave was cut short," he
been the one standing up concluded.
here while I was the one Kincardine Deputy Mayor
injured or involved in death." Jacqueline Faubert conveyed
His loss, he said, was all of the municipality's apprecia-
ourloss,buthewillnotbefor- tion for his service while
gotten. On the wall at the OPP stating words fall short of
headquarters in Orillia are the describing those who dedi-
names of a 105 OPP officers cate their lives to protecting
who have lost their lives while others.
in the line of duty, he said. South Bruce OPP Inspec-
"The OPP is committed to tor Dana Earley, West Region
ensuring Const. Campbell is Commander John Cain and
remembered for the ultimate OPP Association Director
sacrifice he made for this David Sabatini also spoke of
community," he said, adding their appreciation for Const.
"the sign dedicating this Campbell's sacrifice.
bridge will be a constant The ceremony concluded
reminder of the loss of life in with the unveiling of the
the line of duty, but more Ministry of Transportation
important it will be a celebra- memorial street sign that will
tion of his life and service' stand at both ends of the
Dave Campbell, one of bridge displaying his name
Craig's four brothers, said and police service crest.
seeing all those in attendance Jack St. Marie, now a
was a "welcome sight" to his retired OPP auxiliary officer,
family as it shows that his was on patrol the night
brother will be remembered. Const. Campbell died, and
For Const. Campbell, he told The News following the
said, joining the force was a ceremony that the dedica-
"dream come true." tion gave him a sense of
"He wanted to do some- closure.
thing that mattered and some- He recalled being on
thing that would help others," patrol as one of two auxiliary
he said, remembering his officers added to the local
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you respond to this behav-
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"Research shows that it is
important to use positive
strategies when dealing
with challenging behaviour
from young children," says
Public Health Nurse, Ashley
Furtney. "Children see.
Children learn. Your child
learns from you and your
Darryl Coote/Reporter
Const. Craig Campbell who died 30 years ago was honoured
May 24 with the dedicating of a Kincardine bridge in his name.
Pictured: Representatives of the OPP, left, with the brothers of
Const. Craig Campbell unveil the Ministry of Transportation sign
that will go on either end of the Kincardine bridge on Highway 21
in honour of his sacrifice 30 years ago. (Darryl Coote/Reporter)
police presence that night to
help with the Ripley Reunion
occurring in the nearby
municipality of
Huron -Kinloss.
He remembers seeing the
drunk driver with his head-
lights off crashing into the
cruiser Const. Campbell and
his partner Const. William
Sullivan were in.
According to OPP reports,
Const. Campbell and his
partner Const. Sullivan were
on the lookout for the sus-
pected drunk driver who was
evading police. They were
getting into position to inter-
cept the fleeing vehicle when
it broadsided their cruiser.
Const. Sullivan was
severely injured in the crash
while two other teenage girls
in the suspect car died.
The 20 -year-old male
suspect was sentenced to 30
months in jail and issued a
lifetime ban from driving.
Const. Campbell had only
been on the job 14 months.
Following his death, Const.
Campbell's parents, Don and
Audrey, created the D. Craig
Campbell Memorial Award
that is given the top member
of each recruit class at the
OPP Academy. A $100 dona-
tion is then made to a charity
of the recruit's choice.
Since 2002, 64 provincial
highway structures have been
dedicated to OPP officers
who have died while on duty.
"Thank you for all coming
together once again to
remember Craig today and
to ensure that his life and his
sacrifice are never forgot-
ten," said Parsons during her
closing remarks.
Huron County Health Unit
To help area parents dis-
cover positive and proactive
ways to deal with stressful
situations with young chil-
dren, the Huron County
Health Unit, Ontario Early
Years and Rural Response
for Healthy Children have
partnered to sponsor the
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and correctly share one of
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the eight tips posted on
teaching children in a posi-
tive way. Each tip shows how
to work through parenting
dilemmas in a positive and
calm way that will help your
child's emotional growth.
The "Pick a Parenting Tip"
Contest offers parents a
chance to win one of three
$75 gift cards.
One winner will be chosen
from each of the following
areas of the county - north,
central, and south. Partici-
pating stores include: Cana-
dian Tire in Exeter and
Goderich, Watson's Home
Hardware in Goderich and
Gorrie, Langford Lumber
Home Building Centre in
Clinton, McDonald Home
Hardware Building Centre in
Brussels, Sills Home Hard-
ware in Seaforth, MacLean
Home Hardware in Exeter,
and Stainton's Home Hard-
ware in Wingham.
No purchase necessary to
enter the contest.
Entries will be accepted
until just before noon on Fri-
day, June 24, 2016.
For complete contest rules
see www.huronhealthunit.