HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-02-24, Page 7Decision on DGR delayed, requires further study Debora Van Brenk The London Free Press It's not yes — but it's not no, either — for building a conten- tious deep storage vault for nuclear waste in Southwestern Ontario. A long-awaited decision by federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna came down Thursday, instead, as an ambiguous statement asking Ontario Power Generation (OPG) for more information on its proposal to bury low- and mid-level nuclear waste in an underground chamber near Kincardine, on the Bruce Pen- insula, that would be deeper than the CN Tower is tall. It's a pause, with little hint of when or how or where the pro- cess will go. And neither oppo- nents nor proponents were declaring victory nor defeat Thursday in the wake of the rookie Liberal minister's move. "It's sort of like getting a kiss from your grandmother. It's nice, but it doesn't mean a lot," said Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley. Bradley is a longtime foe of the plan by provincially -owned OPG to bury the radioactive waste from its nuclear power plants in a vault the size of a big -box store, deep in ancient rock 1.2 kilometres from the Lake Huron shoreline. The site is in the shadow of the giant Bruce power complex, the world's largest operating nuclear plant. Bradley said he was "encour- aged" McKenna didn't outright endorse a federal review panel's recommendation last year, which left the final say with the government before the fall elec- tion, to proceed with the project. "Two -and -a -half years ago, the expectation was that this would just sail through," he said. Even so, Bradley said he's not sure what to make of the three new directives the minister has given the provincial power pro- ducer about the project: • Study the environmental effects of finding potentially feasible alternate sites. • Analyze the potential cumula- tive environmental effects of putting the so-called deep geo- logic repository (DGR) so near to another proposed potential storage site for high-level waste — spent nuclear fuel. • Update the list of ways that OPG will mitigate any identified adverse effects the project could have. OPG needs to come up with a • The Lucknow Sentinel Birthday Club Quinn Peter Murray February 25, 2006 10 years old Myles Courtney February 28, 2005 11 years old Colton Ellis March 1, 2013 I 3 years old Your child can be a member of the Sentinel's birthday club call 519-528-2822 to register ineknow MI -- 619 Campbell Street 519-528-2822 ten LET'S MAKE CANCER to 6.0 L 3 , E L 'P JK THEATRE FOR MOVIE INFORMATION... www.rnavielErlksza dmi-qui-800,265-0438, timeline for meeting those requests byApri116. OPG spokesperson Neal Kelly, in an e-mailed statement, said the utility is committed to conducting the requested tech- nical, environmental and eco- nomic studies. "OPG understands the sensi- tivity of decisions around nuclear waste and respects the minister's request for further information to inform a science - based decision... "OPG maintains that a deep geologic repository is the right answer for Ontario's low- and intermediate -level waste, and that the Bruce site is the right location. OPG is confident that further studies will confirm this," Kelly said. The mnister's statement says the old timeline is now paused and no new timeline for a deci- sion has yet been set. The non -decision decision incensed Beverly Fernandez, who leads the citizens' group Stop the Nuclear Dump. She said the federal Liberals could have, and should have, rejected the plan outright. Instead, she said, the govern- ment ignored the leaky history of other DGRs on the planet and ignored requests that all Great Lakes communities have a say in the decision-making. "No matter what process is followed, burying and abandon- ing radioactive nuclear waste in the Great Lakes basin will always be a bad idea. "The Trudeau government's credibility is on the line" Fernan- dez said. A particularly puzzling note is the government's request that OPG do a "study that details the environmental effects of technically and eco- nomically feasible alternate locations for the project" — although it doesn't direct OPG specifically to examine another location. Opponents have long criti- cized OPG for choosing just one site. They says this one is too close to the Great Lakes, where any leakage would devastate the drinking water of millions of people. But OPG said Kincardine offered to be a willing host — and when studies found the location to be ideal, with dense limestone unchanged for 450 million years, it made no sense to look for another. McKenna couldn't be reached for comment late Thursday. ABOUT THE DEEP - BURIAL PROJECT • Would store about 200,000 cubic metres of low- and mid-level waste from Ontario's nuclear power plants. It would include incinerated dry mate- rial that has come into contact with the nuclear power process, but not include wet materi- als or spent fuel rods. • 680 metres under- ground, on the site of the Bruce nuclear plant near Kincardine. • After months of hearings and sifting through more than 30,000 pages of docu- mentation, a federal review panel endorsed the plan in 2015 and asked the fed- eral environment minister to recommend the go-ahead. • A citizens' group mobilized 181 communities and tens of thousands of names on a petition to oppose it. • Federal decision-making briefly stalled when last year's election was called. • New Liberal Environ- ment Minister Catherine McKenna had promised a decision by March 1. • Regardless what Ottawa finally decides, an area first nation, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, has veto power and it hasn't yet firmed up its stance. 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ENVIRONMENT MINISTER'S STATEMENT An excerpt, from Catherine McKenna: "After considering the Joint Review Panel Environmental Assess- ment Report, the Minister has requested that the proponent, Ontario Power Generation, provide additional information on three aspects of the environmental assessment: alternate locations for the project, cumulative environmental effects of the project, and an updated list of mitigation commitments for each identified adverse effect under The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012). Ontario Power Generation has been asked to provide the Cana- dian Environmental AssessmentAgency, by April 18, 2016, with a schedule for fulfilling the information request." LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 24T" - MARCH 1ST Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Jr. & Sr. Initiation Practice 6:OOpm OPEN ICE 7:OOpm Bantam LL Playoff Game vs South Bruce 8:30pm Legends Practice 9:30pm OPEN ICE Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:OOam 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:15pm 8:30pm Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater Initiation/Tyke/Novice Practice Atom Girls Playdown Game vs BCH PeeWee LL Game vs Seaforth Midget LL Playoff Game vs BCH Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:OOam Port Albert vs Teeswater 11:30am Atom LL Playoff Game vs Goderich 1:OOpm Public Skating - Sponsored by Huron County Egg Farmers 2:30pm PeeWee Girls Game vs Saugeen Shores 4:OOpm Atom Girls Playdown Game vs Stratford 5:30pm Midget LL Practice 6:30pm Midget Rep Practice 7:30pm OPEN ICE Tue March 1, 2016 10:OOam Adults &Tots Skating - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Atom LL Practice 6:OOpm Bantam LL Practice 7:OOpm Midget Girls Playdown Game vs Milverton 8:30pm OPEN ICE Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Tyke Practice 6:OOpm Bantam Rep Practice 7:OOpm Midget Girls Playdown Game vs Blyth/Brussels 8:OOpm Rec League Kintail vs Lanes 9:30pm Rec League Dirty Byrd vs Lagers SAT FEB 27, 2016 9:OOam Jr. Initiation vs Wingham 10:OOam Sr. Initiation Practice 11:OOam Tyke Game vs Wingham 12:OOpm Novice LL Playoff Game vs Howick 1:15pm Atom LL Playoff Game vs Goderich 2:30pm PeeWee LL Practice 4:OOpm PeeWee Rep Practice 5:30pm Legends Playoff Game vs Strafford Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Novice LL Practice 6:OOpm OPEN ICE 7:OOpm Bantam Rep Playoff Game vs Listowel 8:30pm Midget Rep Playoff Game vs Blyth/Brussels HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca