HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-02-24, Page 5' -
f ,ter
Submitted by Melissa Lynn Bell
By the time the Lucknow Fire Department arrived at the scene, one side of the house
was already engulfed in flames.
Dungannon house lost to fire
Darryl Coote the second time I called
Reporter they sent me to Woodstock
and another location. And
It only took six hours for then they sent me to Clin-
a fire on thenightofFeb.13 ton and then they dis-
to reduce a Dungannon patched me to Goderich
house to cinders. and they had to call
An old farm house on Lucknow:'
Joseph Street outside Luc- The entire exchange
know caught fire sometime took 12 minutes, she said.
early that Saturday even- "I was very disappointed
ing, and by the time neigh- with that," she said. "If I had
bour Melissa Lynn Bell a dying child I would be
noticed at 5:45 p.m. the fire very disappointed:'
had already taken hold of The Sentinel has made
the home, she said. some inquires into the
Over the phone Bell told duration of these 911 calls,
The Sentinel she and her but was unable to receive
boyfriend Shane were in answers by press time.
their living room with her The Lucknow Fire
children when they saw the Department received the
fire lapping at the base- 911 call from Bell atabout6
ment window next door. p.m, just as the weather
"I stayed with the kids began to turn causing all
and Shane ran over to try major roads in the area to
andputitout,buthesaidit close for much of the
was too far gone. And while weekend.
he was over there I called "The road conditions
911," she said. were not good," Lucknow
Bell said she had to call fire chief Peter Steer said
911 three times before over the phone.
being connected to the Bell said it took 40 min -
correct department. utes from calling 911 to
"I actually had quite the seeing the first fire truck
experience with 911," she arrive at the scene.
said. "I had to call three Members of both the
times actually, because the Lucknow Fire Department
first time they sent me to and the Goderich Fire
Owen Sound, and then Department fought the
down Windsor. And then flames, but to no avail.
What remained
of the home on
the morning of
Sunday, Feb. 14.
"It was going pretty
good," said Lucknow fire
chief Steer over the phone.
It was an old house, he
said, and by the time they
got there an entire side of
the building was swal-
lowed in flames.
"We unfortunately lost
the building. It was in the
walls. It was an older home
and it spread very rapidly,"
he said.
There were no injuries,
he said. Bell said the home-
owners were away for the
weekend. However, two
house cats died in the fire.
"We're assuming it was a
wood stove," said fire chief
Steer. "No way of knowing
actually [what caused the
fire] because we couldn't
hardly do an investigation:'
By the time the fire was
out it was after 3 a.m. Sun-
day, and there wasn't
much left of the house.
"It was a fire that hap-
pened unfortunately, and
possibly if the people had
of been home they would
have caught it while they
were there," fire chier Steer
said. "But it got a good start
at it before anyone even
The fire department esti-
mates damages of
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 5
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