HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-02-17, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Summer Youth Programs
available in Huron County
The Huron Small Business
Enterprise Centre (SBEC) is
hosting an information ses-
sion on their youth program-
ing opportunities from 7-9
p.m. on Tuesday March 1,
2016, at the Huron Business
Centre in Seaforth.
The Summer Company
and Starter Company pro-
grams have been around for
years, but the Make Your
Pitch video competition is
relatively new.
Those interested are asked
to come to the information
session and bring their ques-
tions! To register, or for more
details, contact infohbc@
With summer jobs for
youth few and far between,
young entrepreneurs from
Huron County between the
ages of 15 to 29, have the
opportunity to take matters
into their own hands and
operate their own busi-
nesses this summer.
The students receive
financial assistance from the
Summer Company, a pro-
vincial youth -entrepreneur-
ship program funded by the
Ministry of Economic Devel-
opment, Employment &
Currently in its 16th year,
the Summer Company pro-
gram aims to inspire more
young people to choose
entrepreneurship as a career
and to equip them with the
tools they need to succeed.
"It has been an exciting
program to work with
through the years," said Ali-
son Lobb, Business Consult-
ant at the Huron Small Busi-
ness Enterprise Centre in
Seaforth. "Seeing the young
people grow in their experi-
ence is rewarding and sev-
eral of our graduates have
gone on to run successful
full-time businesses."
Designed for students
aged 15-29 who will be
returning to school in the
fall, this program provides
for up to $1,500 toward start-
up costs and, upon success-
ful completion of the pro-
gram requirements, the
student is eligible for an
additional award of $1,500.
Each student must submit
a comprehensive business
plan with their online appli-
cation, and participate in an
interview process.
Training and mentorship
is provided during the sum-
mer by a volunteer group of
Community Mentors, along
with Alison Lobb, Business
Consultant for the County of
Huron and Donna Taylor,
Summer Company Assis-
tant. These individuals work
with the young entrepre-
neurs regularly during the
summer, assisting with the
management side of operat-
ing a business.
The students also partici-
pate in a series of business
training workshops. Contact
the Huron Business Centre
for further information
The ministry will provide
another youth opportunity
program this year, entitled
"Young Entrepreneurs,
Make Your Pitch". High
school students are encour-
aged to present a business
idea in a two -minute video
pitch. Videos are judged
through online public vot-
ing (40%) and expert judges'
scores (60%).
Online video submissions
close on March 23, and 20
finalists will receive a trip to
Toronto to pitch live at the
annual award-winning Dis-
covery Conference in May.
Visit www.makeyourpitch.
ca for further details.
Students fundraising for
volunteer trip to Ecuador
A total of 12 students and two teachers will be going on a volunteer service learning trip to
the village of Quito in Ecuador, South America in July 2016 from F.E. Madill Secondary School
in Wingham. The trip is organized through Through Me to We and Free the Children, and the
students will do work that will help the people of the village become more self-sufficient. Also
upcoming is a 'Friends and Family Entertain for Ecuador' event Feb. 26, 2016 at Hawk Theatre
in Lucknow at 7:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided with a homemade baking sale as a
Huron Small Business celebrating women entrepreneurs March 10
Join the Huron Small Busi-
ness Enterprise Centre on
March 10 for an evening cel-
ebrating women entrepre-
neurs in Huron County.
Alison Lobb, Business
Consultant, noted that both
women and men are wel-
comed to this International
Women's Day networking
event from 5:30-9 p.m., at the
White Carnation Banquet
Hall in Holmesville.
This is an opportunity to
recognize the contributions
made by business women,
with a special focus on those
who participated in the Self
Employment Benefit (SEB)
The SEB program ran for
over 20 years, from 1993 to
2016, with over 280 graduates.
The program, sponsored by
both Federal and Ontario
Ministries through the years,
was coordinated by Carol
Leeming, staff with the Plan-
ning & Development Depart-
ment of Huron County. Partic-
ipants received training and
financial support (from the
Ministry of Training, Colleges
& Universities and Employ-
ment Ontario) during their
business start-up phase, along
with regular mentorship.
International Women's Day
is celebrated during March,
and the theme for 2016 is
"pledge for parity" - in partic-
ular, gender parity. World-
wide, women continue to
contribute to social, eco-
nomic, cultural and political
achievement. We can each
pledge to take a concrete step
to help achieve gender parity
more quickly - whether to
help women and girls achieve
their ambitions, call for gen-
der -balanced leadership,
respect and value difference,
develop more inclusive and
flexible cultures or root out
workplace bias. Each of us can
be a leader within our own
Purple Grove WI meets for February
Mary Anne Kukoly
Purple Grove Women's Institute
The February meeting of
the Purple Grove Women's
Institute was held in the
social room of the Ripley
Sports Complex.
Deanna Scott our Vice
President brought the meet-
ing to order for our mem-
bers and guests. Our hostess
Cheryl Bridge had the room
set up so nicely. Joyce Far-
rell read the Scripture. Our
roll call - a travel trip- gave
us some interesting ideas.
Our guests including the fel-
lows responded well. A
thank you was read from the
Women's House for our
recent donation. Fran will
send a note of encourage-
ment to the Phillipi family
spheres of influence and com-
mit to take pragmatic action to
accelerate gender parity.
Our evening will start at
5:30 sharp with networking
and a light meal. The accom-
plishments of the SEB pro-
gram through the years will
be the focus of a brief presen-
tation by Carol Leeming,
Coordinator. Then an hour of
"speed networking" will fol-
low, giving each person an
opportunity to find out more
about a minimum of four
people in the room. Follow-
ing the presentation of door
prizes, there will be an
opportunity for several
as they are dealing with
Our Convener Diane Clif-
ford introduced Fran Far-
rell. Fran showed a power
point presentation of their
trip last year to Australia
and New Zealand. It was
participants to share what
they have learned about their
fellow business people.
This event is open to both
men and women - since we
know that men want to rec-
ognize the accomplishments
of local women as well. You
do not need to be (or have
been) a business owner. We
all want to recognize the
achievements of local
women. Cost for the evening
and dinner is $30 and we
encourage you to register
early, as space may be lim-
ited. All SEB participants are
invited and we hope you will
make an effort to join us. The
especially interesting to
hear about the farming
aspects of their cultures.
Fran's commentary was
very informative. They were
so pleased to meet up with
folks from our area that are
now residing in New
invitation is also going out to
the various SEB advisors
through the years.
Pre -registration is
required, so call 519-527-
0305. Cheques ($30, which
includes HST) should be
made out to the County of
The first twenty SEB gradu-
ates or mentors (men or
women) to register will have
their registration fee spon-
sored, so call promptly.
Join us to recognize the
accomplishments of Huron
women in business, and
enjoy an evening of
Zealand. Diane thanked
Fran on behalf of everyone
present for all the great pic-
tures. Deanna and Largaret
McInnes and others pro-
vided a yummy lunch. Lots
of fun and fellowship was
shared over the food.