HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-12-21, Page 15Wednesday, December 21, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 15 Star Column: What was the origin of the Christmas Star? I love stories about stars. Demon stars, black holes, spinning neutron stars spew- ing matter in all directions, they all are remarkable. This time of year, of course, we have the Christmas Star, and though it is familiar to every Christian, I am sure many people wonder if there is a real astronomical event behind the story. Was the Christmas Star really a bright comet, a spectacular super- nova or maybe a bright planet rising over Bethlehem? If, to you, the Christmas Star was a miracle requiring only a bibli- cal explanation, then the astronomy lesson ends here. But if you are still reading, you probably have guessed that there is a good astronom- ical candidate for the Star of Bethlehem. There are only brief refer- ences in the bible (Matthew 2, Luke 2) to a star guiding the wise men to Bethlehem. Looking for a more scientific explanation, scholars have delved into the regional cul- tures and duplicated the ancient sky with planetar- ium software. The biggest problem is that, at the time, the word "star" included other objects: -a planet, bright meteor or comet, a glowing cloud, sundog or halo. This expansion of pos- sibilities just makes the task more difficult. Most scholars accept the range from 3 BC to 1 AD for Christ's birth date and in that interval there occurred a unique and spectacular event, a triple conjunction (close approach) of the sky's two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter. To the popula- tions of the region, it would have been a very significant heavenly event, indeed. It started August 12, 3 BC, when Jupiter and Venus first appeared very close together, a pair of bright morning 'stars' near the John Hlynialuk Bluewater Astronomical Society "little king" star, Regulus, in Leo. It would have been vis- ible in the entire Middle East. The planets moved apart slightly and then, ten months later, on June 17, 2 BC, they approached each other again, so closely this time that they merged into a single, brilliant star. Finally, the last of the three conjunctions happened on Oct 13, 2 BC in the adjoin- ing constellation Virgo. The dates above are the times for minimum separation, but the two planets would have been shining near each other for months before and after. The mythology of the plan- ets and constellations pro- vides the context for the story. Jupiter was the "Planet of Kings" and Saturn the "Pro- tector of the Jews'; -a sign to many that the Jewish Messiah was coming. In addition, roy- alty and power were associ- ated with Leo the Lion and Virgo was an appropriate con- stellation given the reference to the virgin birth. In an era where astronomy and astrol- ogy were not separate, a triple conjunction like this would have been a very great omen. No wonder the story has sur- vived for 2000 years. Conjunctions continue in our modern skies and right now, the brightest of the two players from the past, Venus, is once again bedazzling the sky. Look SW and watch this Diagram c/c Starry Night Education Venus and Jupiter on June 15, 2 BC, two days before merging into one brilliant light, a possible origin of the Christmas Star story. brilliant planet over the next few months as it gradually sidles up to a less bright and slightly reddish Mars farther east along the ecliptic (the path of the planets). The two will be closest at the end of January, not as close as the planets in 2 BC, but then we already have a wonderful Christmas Star story! Clear skies and Happy Holi- days, everyone! What was the Christmas Star? For more information visit www.bluewaterastronomy. com Li AD CENTII EXTEND YOUR REACH -ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! 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