HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-12-21, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 21, 2016 Lucknow Chamber welcomes new executive, honours outgoing president Present: (13) Kayla How- ald, Connie & Cody Jeffer- son, Lillian Abbott, Delores Sokolowski, Margie MacPherson, Morten & Helena Jakobsen, Rod McDonagh, Keith & Lindsey Raymond, Paul Zinn and Elaine Steer. Approval of Prior Minutes: The Lucknow Chamber of Commerce recently held its December meeting and executive election, where a number of those who serve the community and organi- zation were honoured. Mort & Helena Jakobsen were nominated as co -win- ners for the 2016 Commu- nity Service Award during the meeting at Lucknow's Cobblestone Pub and Grill. Mention was made of their entrepreneurship in starting two successful businesses in Lucknow employing several, their leadership roles played in the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs locally as well their involvement in the Revitali- zation and Lucknow Reun- ion 2018 Committees and serving on the executive of the Chamber of Commerce. Both have untiringly pro- moted Lucknow and area as a place to live, work and play. Before adjourning, outgo- ing President Mort was thanked for serving as Chamber President for the last six years which was a time of considerable growth and positive evolvement for the organization. Kayla Howald presented him with a gift basket as a token of our appreciation on a job well done. Elections for the 2017 COC The Lucknow Sentinel •�i Birthday Club Joel Hogan December 21, 2007 9 years old Shawn Lorne Forster December 22, 2004 12 years old Benjamin Ellis December 22, 2014 2 years old Brandon Campbell December 24, 2005 1 1 years old Kalan McNichol December 24, 2004 12 years old Tanner Aitchison December 25, 2015 1 year old Your child can be a member of the Sentinel's birthday club call 519-528-2822 to register Ifiglinew Sentinel 619 Campbell Street 519-528-2822 Executive were done as Keith Raymond was nomi- nated by Elaine and sec- onded by Delores for President. Helena then nominated Connie Jefferson for Vice President, seconded by Mar- gie. Both accepted their nominations and were acclaimed. Mort Jakobsen will become Past President while existing positions of Treas- urer (Elaine Steer), Secretary (Rod McDonagh), Member- ship Chair (Paul Zinn) and Bulletin Editor (Kayla How- ald) were uncontested. It was also noted that Dan- ielle Sutton has agreed to co - share the Promotions Com- mittee with Elaine. Meeting dates for the COC General Meetings in 2017 have been set for March 21, June 13, Sept. 12 and Dec. 12, 2017. All meetings to commence at 7 p.m. Executive Meetings will continue to be called as and when needed. Treasurer's Report: Treas- urer Elaine presented a printed financial report from the first of January to November 30/16 indicating a balance of $10,016.70 in the General Account. Report also showed a balance of $3,306.40 in the Beautifica- tion Account and $5,618.82 in the Gift Certificate Account. Elaine explained that the big increase in the latter was due to employers purchas- ing Chamber Bucks to be given out to staff members as Christmas gifts or bonuses. If interested, these can be purchased at Ever- lastings Flowers and Gifts and are redeemable at any of our COC member busi- nesses. Keith moved for acceptance of the report as presented. Seconded by Delores Carried. Membership: Chair Paul reported that the fully paid membership count remains as 67 for 2016. This was fol- lowed by discussion re set- ting dues for 2017. Delores motioned that the annual dues remain unchanged at $80. Correspondence: Secre- tary Rod read out a letter from the Lucknow Strawber- ryfest Committee requesting a donation towards their 2017 event (June 23-25, 2017) in kind of product, ser- vices or financially. Kayla moved that the COC donate $500 to the 2017 Strawberry - fest Committee. The Township of Huron - Kinloss annually publishes a Discovery Guide which is a resource to residents and visitors about the Township and the community. Sec. Rod will reply with a listing of COC planned events and contacts prior to the Dec. 16th deadline. Old Business: Elaine and Lindsey (Mrs. Claus) reported that the recent Santa Claus Parade was con- sidered very successful as there was a large turnout of entries and spectators alike. Elaine advised that the 35 left over bags of candy would be given to the Salvation Army and/or the North Huron Food Bank. The COC also sponsored free public skating at the arena. A nod to the Lucknow Kinsmen Club for marshalling the parade as well as the staff and resi- dents of Sepoy Manor for stuffing the candy bags. Discussion indicated that the parade theme should be set earlier to allow more time for entrants. As such, the theme for the Nov. 24, 2017 Santa Claus Parade was set as "Polar Express" from the movie of the same name. It was noted that the guard rails have been placed on the Campbell St. bridge have been placed by Bruce County Roads Dept. Some present thought they were less than we expected, while others were thankful that it had finally happened and satisfied with the end result. It was felt that they were adequate to support flower boxes to enhance the appearance. Another hard fought for enhancement to the com- munity is now underway in that a work crew has been assigned to remove Rogers Communication cable from the out-of-date and use hydro poles on several vil- lage streets. This will then allow Wes- tario to remove the offend- ing poles by next Spring. The feasibility of retaining and maintaining the Luc - know Chamber of Com- merce website was discussed. Submitted The Lucknow Chamber of Commerce recently elected its 2017 Executive. Back L -R: Morten Jakobsen - Past President, Rod McDonagh - Secretary, Kayla Howald - Bulletin Editor, Paul Zinn - Membership Chair. Front: Connie Jefferson - Vice President, Keith Raymond - President, Elaine Steer - Treasurer. Treasurer Elaine reported an expense to date this year of $474.60. The executive asked it the chamber is better served by another form(s) of social media? In the end, the deci- sion was put off till January allowing for more informa- tion to be obtained on the matter. The subject of the pop-up vendors coming into Luc - know on the heels of our grocery store closure was again brought forward. It seems that the fruit and veg- etable produce vendor using the corner of Campbell and Outram streets is done for the season, while Fresh Pro- duce Mobile continues to serve our community one day a week going from loca- tion to location. This service is appreciated. Acknowledgement of Armstrong's Home Bakery & Green's Meat Market both expanding their offerings was noted and also applauded. Elaine spoke about the current Shop Lucknow Pro- motion sponsored by the COC. Ads are in the Luc - know Sentinel as well getting airtime CKNX's FM102 and AM920 in addition to MyFM, Kincardine. New Business: Discussion was held regarding the pro- posal of Lucknow's Revitali- zation Committee merging with our COC. President Mort sits on both and explained that the former has pretty well run its course, having expanded Lucknow's profile and branding. However, in order for local businesses to be eligible for particular improvement grants such as Spruce the Bruce regarding storefront upgrades, signage, etc., they must go through their local committee first. It was felt that the Revitali- zation Committee could be brought in as a subcommit- tee of the COC and be on the agenda of all General Meet- ings to meet this need. It was also noted that Luc - know, for the first time in a number of years, no longer has a pay phone in the com- munity following the removal of the one at the for- mer Lucknow Village Market site and the one inside the Sports Complex. The Holyrood General store has been without a pay phone for some time now as well. This is of particular concern to our Amish and Mennonite communities with regards to medical appointments, emergency needs, etc. Inquiries are to be made with Bell Canada to see if this can be rectified. Unscheduled Business: Delores explained the Luc - know Horticultural Society's interest in placing flower barrels in the non-core area of Campbell St. In 2017. This would be east of Out- ram St. and west of Ross St. type locations to beautify the incoming approach to the business sector. The COC is of the opinion that this would be alright as long as the Township employees are okay with more watering of these plants. The hanging flower baskets off of the light posts will be showier next year as well. Margie requested that, as a member of the Lucknow Reunion 2018 Entertainment Committee, everyone be aware to make known their intentions if planning to hire a band, sponsor an event, etc. in order to avoid duplication. She asks that if you are planning to do something or have any questions, please call her at 519-525-2627 or Danielle Sutton at 519-440- 7729 and advise.