HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-12-14, Page 1718 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 14, 2016 yourlymoments.ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e-mail: obituaries@yourlifemoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e-mail: milestones.sun@yourlifemoments.ca Marriages Marriages Marriages Bill and Donna Moffat, together with Sam and Sadie Andrews are happy to announce the marriage of their children, i/es/rt mrd l erd 3•L The wedding took place on August 6, 2016 at Lucknow Presbyterian Church Coming Events Coming Events THE GARAGE HOME DECOR, 4 CORNERS BELMORE is now open everyday until Christmas Sundays, Mondays &Tuesdays 10 - 4 pm. Wednesdays - Saturdays Regular Hours. All Christmas Decor is now on sale up to 40% off. Great deals in sale room up to 60% off. Gift Certificates available. Phone 519-392-6759 Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks LUCKNOW KINSMEN The Lucknow Kinsmen, as mashalls of the Christmas parade, wish to Thank the follow- ing - The Lucknow & District Fire Dept. for traffic control and leadoff, the LCPS school bank for leading the floats, Fairview Dairy for milk contributions, recreation staff for arena set up, Chamber of Commerce for candy bags, Hodgins Hardware for Santa room setup, Kleuskens Family for shop space for float setup, Morrison Family for float transport. Many families went to con- siderable effort to enter floats and every one seemed to enjoy the outcome. Great that Mrs. Claus was able to skate with the children after - maybe for the 1st time!! Thank you to the community for supporting the evening regardless of the wet weather. Merry Christmas Season Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks KUIK It is with sincere appreciation that the family of John Kuik express their deepest thanks to all the family, friends, and neighbours that attended his celebration of life. The love and support that we have all received during this difficult time has touched us to the core, and we are truly grateful to be part of such a great community. The graveside service was a fitting tribute to a great man, and we extend our appre- ciation to Reverend David Cheung for his thoughtful and comforting words, as well as to Steven Scott for his musical healing of Amazing Grace. We would especially like to thank Amy and Mary Ellen of MacKenzie & McCreath Fu- neral Home for their kindness and guidance. A heart -felt thank you goes out to Loreen and Doug Casemore of Nine Mile Villa, Dr. Shubat and the Lucknow Medical Clinic, the Wingham and District Hospital as well as the staff of Pinecrest Nursing Home for their splendid care of John. Lastly, we would like to thank all the indi- viduals who donated to a charity of their choice in John's memory, it would give John great happiness to know that he was able to help others. Thank you to all who have offered their condolences. -Leda, Donald, Bonnie, Douglas, Julie, William, Sarah, Darlene and Dan and fami- lies In Memoriams In Memoriams IN MEMORY OF ZAC LAMB December 18, 2015 You should be here, standing with your arm around me here. Cutting up, cracking a cold beer, saying cheers, hey, y'all it's sure been a good year. It's one of those moments, that's got your name written all over it. And you know that if I had just one wish it'd be that you didn't have to miss this You should be here. Miss you so much Zac. The Pentland/Cutting Family xo i ti "The love we give away is the only one we keep." AD cera FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. 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