HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-12-14, Page 9et. 1 i RR #3 Lucknow 395-4001 re Wednesday, December 14, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 9 Police briefs - Huron OPP Thief steals christmas presents intended for needy kids A recent theft of Christmas presents could have made for just another sad story that we sometimes here about this time of year; however, this story has a different end- ing - a much nicer one! This story started last Fri- day evening when a kind and generous local citizen went out to purchase some Christ- mas presents for the less for- tunate children in the local area. The victim made sev- eral purchases and had built up a nice collection of col- ouring books, craft sup- plies, board games and toys all destined for a local church Christmas toy drive. The victim needed to get some batteries for the toys so she stopped in at the Canadian Tire store in Exe- ter and quickly went inside to finish up her shopping. When she returned to her vehicle she realized some- one had entered into her locked vehicle and stole a red plastic bag that con- tained all of the presents. The victim was under- standably upset about what had happened and the next day she reported the theft to the Huron Detach- ment OPP officers. Officers took her report and initiated an investiga- tion to identify and appre- hend the thief. It's now one week into the investigation, and unfortunately officers have been unable to identify a suspect. This isn't the only update to this case though. It turns out the officers working in Exeter that day didn't want this woman's act of kindness to go unno- ticed. So they each chipped in some money to purchase some replacement toys. The Canadian Tire Store eagerly matched and even exceeded the officers' donation and collectively they were able to come up with a sizable sack of toys for the victim. "It just felt like the right thing to do," said Huron County OPP Provincial Constable Jason Richardson. "She was try- ing to do something great at this time of the year, and we didn't want someone to take that away from her. We knew those toys were destined for the less fortu- nate and we wanted to make sure that still happened." Yesterday afternoon, Huron OPP officers met the victim at the Canadian Tire store and were able to surprise the vic- tim with an assortment of toys and sporting goods. The unsuspecting vic- tim was left nearly speech- less; however, the smile on her face and the tears in her eyes said it all. Anyone with informa- tion regarding this crime is asked to contact Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524-8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 - TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Opp investigating fatal crash near vanastra Investigators from the West Region OPP Technical Traf- fic Collision Investigation Team (TTCI) continue to investigate a two -vehicle fatal crash that took place late this afternoon. Just after 4:35 p.m. Huron County OPP, Central Huron Fire Department and Huron County Paramedic Services responded to the crash scene located just west of Vanas- tra on London Road (High- way 4) at 7th Avenue. The preliminary investiga- tion has determined the driver of a Chevrolet Mal- ibu was travelling south- bound on London Road when he encountered traf- fic that was stopped on Lon- don Road that was waiting to turn left onto 7th Avenue. The driver of the sedan maneuvered around the stopped vehicles by pass- ing on the gravel shoulder, however the driver lost con- trol of his car as he entered back onto the travelled por- tion of the roadway. The sedan then crossed into the northbound lane and was struck on the passenger side by an armoured truck. The sole passenger in the sedan was pronounced deceased at the scene. She has been identified as Beth- any Blanchard, 17, of Clinton. The driver of the sedan, Nicholas Dimmers, 19, also of Clinton, was trans- ported by land ambulance to hospital in London with life-threatening injures. Suspended driver double downs & loses A 45 -year-old suspended driver from Waterloo decided to take a chance he wouldn't get stopped by police — it turns out, he didn't get stopped just once last Thurs- day, but he got stopped twice, about 90 minutes apart. At approximately 9:20 p.m. on Nov. 30, 2016 officers in a Huron County OPP patrol vehicle spotted a Dodge Car- avan travelling eastbound into Clinton on Ontario Street in Clinton. Officers noted the validation sticker on the attached rear licence plate to be expired. The driver was stopped and during the course of the investigation offic- ers also learned the driver was driving with a suspended driver's licence. The driver was subsequently charged and his vehicle was towed away. This should have been the end of the story that night for this driver how- ever he had other plans. Shortly after 10:30 p.m. Huron OPP officers encoun- tered the same vehicle and driver now travelling west- bound on Londesboro Road. The defiant driver was charged again and his motor vehi- cle was towed away for the second time that evening. The 45 -year-old man from Waterloo has been charged with Drive While Under Sus- pension (two counts) and Drive Motor Vehicle — No Valida- tion on Plate. He will have to attend Provincial Offences Act Court in Goderich on Jan. 17, 2017 to answer to his charges. Festive RIDE checkpoints will continue to nab drunk drivers Huron County OPP offic- ers have been very busy with their Festive Reduce Impaired Driving Every- where (RIDE) checkpoints during the first two weeks of the annual campaign. A total of 116 checkpoints have been set up throughout the county. The increased number of checkpoints and heightened public awareness during the Festive RIDE campaign will undoubtedly help to keep our Huron County roadways as safe as possible. With that being said, a small percent- age of drivers still continue to take unnecessary risks and endanger others on the roadway. Here are some of the high- lights over the past weekend at our Huron County RIDE checkpoints. • A 39 -year-old male driver from Ashfield-Col- borne-Wawanosh failed a roadside test and was charged with Over 80 after being stopped at a RIDE checkpoint located near Benmiller on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016 • A 34 -year-old male driver from Windsor entered into a RIDE checkpoint in Dashwood on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016. He was found to be breaching his curfew condi- tions. In addition to this offence, his validation sticker on his licence plate was expired. • A 46 -year-old male from South Huron had open beer in his vehicle when he pulled into a RIDE checkpoint Dec. 4 in South Huron. • A 62 -year-old driver from Clinton attempted to avoid a RIDE checkpoint set up in Morris-Turnberry on Dec. 4. Officers stopped the driver and he was found to have open alcohol in his truck. • A 46 -year-old male driver from Huron East entered into a RIDE check- point located on Kinburn Line at Front Road on the evening of Dec. 4. He had open alcohol in his truck and his breath sample regis- tered in the warn range. He was served with a 3 -day sus- pension and was ticketed for the open alcohol offence. Huron OPP officers will continue with their Festive RIDE checks all through the month of December and through to the first weekend in January 2017. If you plan to drink or consume drugs do not get behind the wheel. Arrange for a designated driver, take a taxi, stay over- night or take public transit. If you suspect that some- one is driving or is about to drive impaired, please call 9-1-1 and report it. SF2So11�C (?eetings Here's hoping your holiday is one -of a -kind! We appreciate your continued loyal support. Thanks everyone. JIM, TRACEY, TYSON & SHAUNA Jim Van Osch Construction Ltd. SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY Mitchell Twolan, Broker of Record Lake Range Realty Ltd. Brokerage 3430 Concession 2, Point Clark R.R.1 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X3 Lai; Office: 519-395-3959 Toll Free: 1-866-495-3959 Direct Line: 519-955-0664 www.lakerangerealty.ca ANSWER G 9 9 6 6 6 7 Z L L -8-7 8 Z 9 l -2- £ 9 4 5 9 8 - 9 S 1. 6 9 L 6£ 9 8 L 8 Z £ Z 9 L 1 S 6 2 8 2 8 1 8 Z 6£ L S 8 1£ 5 6 4 Z 9 9 17 6 3 3 1 £ 17 L 8 7 t ti 2 L I- 9 9 5 4 ANSWER G 17 9 9 6 6 8 Z L L 6 8 Z 9 l 17 £ 9 3£ 9 8 17 L S 1. 6 9 L 6£ 9 8 L 17 Z £ Z 17 L L S 6 9 8 9 8 I- 17 Z 6£ L S 8 1£ 6 L Z 9 9 17 6 9 3 9 £ 17 L 8 I- t ti S L I- 8 9 3 6£ Level: Intermediate To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes • Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box