HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-12-14, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Health Unit prepares to begin wind turbine investigation Many people attend information night on December 6 to learn more about study Justine Alkema Clinton News Record In early 2017, all residents in Huron County living within 10 kilo- meters of an industrial wind turbine (IWT) will receive a form explaining an investigation to take place by the Huron County Health Unit. The Huron County Healthy Unit is the only health unit in Ontario undertaking an investigation of IWTs, however Health Unit Epide- miologist Erica Clark pointed out that "other health units are watching." This investigation, being headed by acting MOH Dr. Maarten Bok- hout, has been in the workings for a while at the Health Unit. It was first initiated by acting MOH Dr. Janice Owens last spring shortly before she was let go by the Board of Health. This is a different study than the one currently underway by Jane Wilson from Wind Concerns Ontario and the University of Waterloo. In that study, the Health Unit's participation is minimal at this point. Also, it is an intensive look at audible and inaudible sound effects in as few as six homes, which is quite a different method. This investigation is actually con- ducted by Health Unit staff; Dr. Bokhout and Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Clark gave the presentation at the meeting on December 6. The investigation is completely voluntary. The distributed form will explain how to register and partici- pate if the individual chooses. To participate, individuals will be able LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE DECEMBER 14T" - DECEMBER 20T" Wednesday, December 14 10:OOam 11:OOam 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:30pm 9:30pm Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater Skate & Shoot - $2/Skater Initiation/Tyke Practice PeeWee Rep Practice Bantam LL Game vs BCH Legends Practice Rec Hockey - Lanes vs Saratoga Friday, December 16 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 11:OOam Skate & Shoot - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Bantam LL Practice 6:OOpm PeeWee Girls Rep Practice 7:OOpm PeeWee Rep Practice 8:30pm Midget LL Game vs Minto 10:OOpm Juvenile Practice SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 9:30am VanDerWoude Rental 10:30am Port Albert vs Mildmay 12:OOpm Public Skating - Sponsored by Hurontel 1:30pm PeeWee Girls HL Game vs Walkerton 3:OOpm Juvenile Game vs Flesherton 4:30pm Intermediate Ladies Game vs Kincardine 6:OOpm ICE AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL 7:OOpm Midget Rep Practice TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 11:OOam Skate & Shoot - $2/Skater Novice LL Practice Atom LL Practice Midget Girls HL Practice Lancers Practice 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:OOpm 8:30pm Thursday, December 15 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 11:OOam Skate & Shoot - $2/Skater 5:OOpm Novice/Atom Practice 6:OOpm Bantam Rep Practice 7:OOpm Midget Girls HL Practice 8:OOpm Rec Hockey - Lagers vs Holyrood 9:30pm Rec Hockey - Amberley vs Kintail Saturday, December 17 8:10am 9:30am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:OOpm 4:OOpm 5:30pm 7:OOpm 7:30pm Learn to Skate Novice LL Game vs BCH Tyke Practice Initiation Game vs South Bruce Atom LL Game vs BCH Pubic Skating - Sponsored by J.A Porter Holdings MacPherson Rental Port Albert Legends Game vs Belmore Lancers Game Warmup Lancers Game vs Ripley MONDAY, DECEMBER 19 10:OOam 11:OOam 5:OOpm 6:OOpm 7:00pm 8:30pm Adults &Tots Skating - $2/Skater Skate & Shoot - $2/Skater Novice Rep Practice PeeWee LL Practice Bantam Rep Practice Midget Rep Game vs Wingham HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca 1/i14111;46011 to file online complaints (there is also a paper option) anytime they experience a negative health impact from an IWT. From that information, the Health Unit will analyze where complaints are coming from and how various fac- tors could be affecting them such as weather conditions, efficiency of the IWTs, proximity to the ITWs, etc. "We want to be able to look at 'this is the group of people that has a complaint on this day at this time, and this is the group of people that do not And then we want to look at what's the difference between those two groups - why are some people having difficulty and others aren't;' said Clark. "We are expect- ing that the group of people that have a complaint is going to vary based on the day, the hour, because of different weather and operating conditions:' They are on their third draft of the survey format; at first, it was quite long, but they have intention- ally narrowed it down to make the complaint tracking form short enough that it is easy for people to fill out quickly. "It can be completed in under one minute," said Clark. People can look at the third draft of the survey online, and the Health Unit has invited people to offer criti- cisms and suggestions by Justine Alkema/Clinton News Record Huron County Health Unit's Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Clark and acting MOH Dr. Maarten Bokhout at the recent information night on December 6. mid-January. At that point, there may or may not be a fourth draft. If a fourth draft is not necessary, they will send their plan to the University of Waterloo Research and Ethics Board. Once the project is approved as ethi- cal, the investigation will begin. There will be a media release at that point so people are informed of when to sign up. The investigation will be done seasonally with results released after each season. Clark emphasized that all the information and complaints they receive will be completely confiden- tial, and moreover, will still be in the ownership of the individual. That means if that individual wishes, they can call in and receive a summary of their complaints, order the com- plaints be destroyed, etc. She noted that participation includes anyone under a non -dis- closer agreement; they are still per- mitted to participate in the confi- dential research study. There was a long question and answer period at the meeting - much of the meeting consisted of questions from the public. As for what will be actionable after the investigation is completed, Clark commented that, "If it does look like we are able to identify a set of condi- tions under which people are more likely to experience problems, we will be taking that forward to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment." Dungannon and St. Helen's News for Dec. 14 On Dec. 1 there were 12 people for coffee and five for cards in the afternoon. Shag even bought a small turkey rafrotioviiiv, 10 God bless Your Home This Christmas lf 4' 1 itIn this season of merriment and mirth, We pray for joy and peace on earth — And add a special prayer for you That all your hopes and dreams come true! 1 Paul Zinn Broker • 6 519-528-2411 P'1CINTEE 1 pie for a total of 37 dollars this helps to pay for their heat and hydro. Randy Kerrs' mother died recently. She was in her own home until a couple of days before her passing. There was a large funeral and she was interred in Dungan- non Cemetery. Linda McNee has retired from Thompson Elevator and I under- stand there was a large party. Lynne and Serge have sold the Carlow store and moved to the Hawkins Road. Apparently the new owner will still have folks selling stuff in the old store including Linda McNee baked goods. Shag had coffee in Mary's Res- taurant with John Black. Mary's has apparently been sold to a young lady named Samantha. We wish her all the best. Menno Miller butchered a cou- ple of pigs last week. Daniel Stutz - man and Ab Miller got a deer. Lizzy Ann Sheffer is busy making donuts pies and chili sauce. Joe Shetler was spotted fishing on the south pier in Goderich near the fishing shack. Eddie Shetler has been busy shoeing horses. George and Barbara Smyth have built a new house in Bayfield. Joe and Lois have been busy making beautiful pottery and took some of it to the Ag. Hall on Dec. 3. I met my brother Wayne at the end of the south pier. He was a little late getting here arriving about 10 a.m. If he had got here by 8 a.m. he probably got the limit of 50 instead of going home with 28. Lucknow Sentinel Mitten Tree collects variety of winter wear The Lucknow Sentinel's 2016 Mitten Tree wrapped up last week. This year there was a wide variety of donations, including: 1 Pair of Work Gloves, 10 Hats, 17 Pairs of Gloves, 37 Pairs of Mittens, 14 Scarves, 1 Jacket, 1 Pair of Pyjamas, 9 Hat/Mitten Sets, 3 Neck Shawls, and 6 Pairs of Slippers. "It has been so nice for the com- munity to help out for the Mitten Tree," said Lucknow Sentinel's Joy Jurjens. "We can't thank you enough!" The donations are taken to the Salvation Army in Wingham Thrift Store and are sent off to people in need.