HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-08-17, Page 7Wednesday, August 17, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 7
Blyth breaking ground with new rural creativity conference
From Sept. 28-30 2016 the
Canadian Centre for Rural
Creativity will host the first
Rural Talks to Rural
Ruralists are invited to
Huron County to network,
share knowledge and meet
other innovators from across
Canada. From farmers to
artists and healthcare pro-
viders to community build-
ers we'll inspire collabora-
tive and creative thinking to
discuss solutions to rural
issues and challenges.
The Conference will focus
on four different categories
including Arts & Culture,
Food & Farm, Community
Revival/Development, and
Sustaining & Growing Our
Population. Each of the goals
or issues will have panels,
conversations, and
For example, Arts & Cul-
ture will feature a panel on
Why we need our Stories
Told and from Fibre to
Fabulous - fashion from the
ground up. Under Food &
Farm there will be a panel
on creating jobs through
processing local food and
farm products as well as
raising capital for your
business venture. Commu-
nity Revival/Development
will have presentations on
Rural Health & Wellbeing
as well as The Creative
Economy - reimagining
rural assets and measuring
return on investment. And,
one of the Sustaining &
Growing Our Population
presentations will be on
Youth Entrepreneurship
while another explores pitch their ideas to poten-
immigration - Are we pre- tial investors), Kitchen
pared for New Canadians? Table Conversations (an
Are we welcoming? Are we informal setting to encour-
friendly? age dialogue and connec-
To get the ideas flowing tions), tasting events, a pig
many events have been roast and a Gala Dinner
organized for the confer- where
ence. These include The delegates will enjoy the
Pitch, The Catch (an oppor- bounty of the County, and
tunity for entrepreneurs to many more great
Knowledge mobilization
manager with the Leslie Harris
Centre of Regional Policy and
Development at Memorial
University of Newfoundland.
An organic farmer from the
Yukon Territories who has
a touching personal story
to tell of how she became
a passionate advocate for
Succession Planning
opportunities for creativity
and engagement.
Pricing on the conference
will range in price for one to
three-day packages.
Students are encouraged
to participate too at a
For more information or
to register visit www.rural-
Construction begins on Huron County Afghanistan Community Monument
Construction began on the The Goderich Legion part- play site. the Huron County Museum in
Huron County Afghanistan nered with other Legion The Huron County Museum Goderich. There will be a
Community Monument last Branches and Auxiliaries to was selected as a perfect loca- parade commencing at 1 p.m.
week, more than a year and a fundraise, but were also seek- tion as it met all the conditions leaving from Nelson Street,
half after the Legion began its ing community partners to required for approval of the forming up near St Georges
missiontobringittothecounty. help realize its goal of an application; a prominent loca- Anglican Church, marching
Back in December 2014, Ontario West Coast Afghani- tion within Huron County; a on North Street to the site of the
Royal Canadian Legion Branch stanMemorial. link to youth and remem- monumenton Trafalgar Street
109 (Goderich) spearheaded In March, Huron County brance; and accessible to the The monument will be
Huron County's application to became a major partner by general public. officially unveiled at 1:30
receive a LAV III (light approving the location of the In addition, the monument p.m, followed by a Legion
armouredvehide)tobeusedto monument at the Huron will complement existing mil- service to include Memorial
honour ofour158fallen and as County Museum and by pro- itary exhibits both on the Cross Families who lost
a tribute to the more than viding the engineering and grounds and inside the loved ones in Afghanistan.
40,000 Canadian Forces mem- construction expertise to pre- museum and provide an The Legion has extended a
bers who served. The applica- pare the site for the monument excellent opportunity for stu- special invitation to all Afghani -
tion was formally approved in The Legion also received gener- dents to learn more about stan veterans and their families
February 2016, making Huron ous offers of assistance from the Canada's role in Afghanistan to attend. Members of the gen-
County, at the time, only the private sector to assist with the when touring the museum. eral public are also invited to
third community in Canada to transportation and installation A dedication ceremony is attend and to show their sup -
receive a monument of the monument on the dis- planned for Oct 1 at 1:30 p.m, at port for our veterans.
Council on Aging hoping to establish community advisory committees abroad
The Council On Aging
(COA) of Grey, Bruce and
Owen Sound is now on the
Presentations have been
made to the councils of Grey
and Bruce Counties, Munici-
pality of South Bruce Penin-
sula, Municipality of West
Grey and City of Owen
Sound with favourable
In the presentations, a
brief history concerning the
conception of the group
(from a Senior Summit in
March 2014) to the composi-
tion of the current council
was given.
This current council is
supported by the Active
Lifestyle Centre Grey Bruce
in Owen Sound which
received funding for the
COA's development. Dave
Bradley and Wally Haliday
are presently the co-chairs
who are leading these pres-
entations which promote the
fostering of "Age Friendly
Communities" across Grey
and Bruce Counties.
The COA is currently part-
nering with the Royal Cana-
dian Legions in these areas.
Age Friendly Communities
promote accessibility, trans-
portation, housing, social
inclusion, civil participation
and especially information
not duplication of commu-
nity supports and health ser-
vices available to Seniors.
In the Grey/Bruce Counties
the number of Seniors is grow-
ing dramatically and the COA
is asking the Councils to plan
for the many supports that will
be required to accommodate
the influx of Seniors.
It is hoped that the 17
municipalities will be instru-
mental and supportive in
developing local Commu-
nity Advisory Committees
that will have direct contact
with their local seniors and
help address local issues as
are needed in each
These local community
groups will be the Eyes, Ears
and Face of the Council On
Aging and the Municipalities.
"One size does not fit all!"
Those interested in being
part of this Community
Advisory Committee, are
encouraged to contact their
municipal council.
Cronin Farms, Bluevale - Amy is a mother of six who runs an
international pork operation, she's also Chair of Ontario Pork and
one of Canada's Outstanding Young Farmers (National winner,
Contributed photos
Construction began on the Huron County Afghanistan Community
Monument last week. A dedication ceremony is planned for Oct. 1
at 1:30 p.m. at the Huron County Museum.
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