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Wednesday, August 10, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 11
Kincardine 7k Trail Challenge looks to become an annual event and draw from afar
Troy Patterson
The Kincardine 7k Trail
Challenge has been estab-
lished to both highlight the
local trails, and raise funds
to connect the it to Inver-
huron Provincial Park.
So far over 70 people
have registered for the for
Sept. 25, 2016 event that
runs at 10 a.m., and what
organizers hope to be an
annual event showcasing
the trails system.
Runners of all ages 'chal-
lenged' to take on the event
that winds from Kincar-
dine's Station Beach board-
walk, through the trails and
back, which the least expe-
rienced runner could com-
plete in about 1.5 hours,
with upwards of 350 partic-
ipants taking part, with all
ages welcome.
Organizer Victoria Zam-
bito said the many people
they've shown the route to
so far were amazed at the
work volunteers have done
to beautiful and improve
the trails.
"We love running on the
trails, and we're trying to
promote it as a hidden
gem in Kincardine," said
Zambito, a stand up pad-
dleboard fitness instructor
with West Shore Clothing
Shoppe, the main event
sponsor. "Running on the
trails is far better on your
joints and body than run-
ning on the road. And
we're hoping a lot of peo-
ple get to experience that."
Partnered as a fund-
raiser with Kincardine
Trails Association's Kin-
cardine to Inverhuron
Provincial Park (KIPP)
project, Zambito said
they're hoping the event
will continue to add to the
over $100,000 raised of the
$285,000 needed to build
the trail north from town
to the park.
The event is an offi-
cially -scored 'Chip Timed'
event, allowed all partici-
pants to log their times
online, receive race bibs
and other swag for taking
part. Sobeys is backing up
the event with fruit and
water, while other volun-
teer groups like the Kin-
cardine Triathlon Club are
getting behind the event,
Zambito said.
The race will wind along
Kincardine's various trails
and roads leading to trail
connectors, through Ged-
des Park, and pass under
Queen Street bridge to the
north pier and finish the
"We want to see families
getting active out in the
community," she said,
noting people have
already registered from
Kincardine, as well as
London, Wingham and
other areas in across
Cash prizes will be
available for winners.
For more information
visit kincardine7ktrail-
challenge.com or the race
Facebook page.
Troy Patterson/Editor
Kincardine 7k Trail Challenge organizers Fraser Clarke and Victoria Zambito are excited to promote
the Sept. 25, 2016 event as a fundraiser for the Kincardine Trails System fundraiser to link
Kincardine to Inverhuron.
Marking your milestones.
Obituaries In Memoriam
Thanks Births Celebrations More
Coming Events
Coming Events
Everyone is invited for a morning of Fellow-
ship, Worship and Song at an Ecumenical
Church Service Sunday August 14th, at
11:00 am. (Hymn sing will begin at 10:45).
This will be followed by a Community BBQ
and social starting at noon. Come join us!
Tractors will arrive in town August 13 at
10:00 a. m. Contact Mike Courtney for
further info. 519-529-7537. Everyone Wel-
Hall Sat., August 13. Serving eggs,
sausage and pancakes, with real maple
syrup. 8-11:00 am. Adults $6.00, children
$4.00, children under 6 free.
Tickets available for September 17, 2016.
Fish Fry at St. Helen's Hall. Serving 5:00
to 7:00 pm. Adults $15.00, children under
10 by donation. To reserve call
519-528-2279 or 519-528-3717 or see
any committee member. Sold out early
last time so call soon.
"Mr,' /1:1n0M61?1,5orr
In Memoriams
In Memoriams
In loving memory of Katie Hackett, wife of
Larry, Mother, Grandma, Daughter & Sister
1 miss you and my heart will forever grieve.
I look upward and for a moment I feel you
looking back at me and I smile.
Death is but another journey and while you
now travel without me.
I will always have your love, and my
memories to warm and comfort me.
1 still cry at times, but I know that my tears
are more for me than for you. One day we
will be together for eternity
and until then 1 send all my love to you and
with it a thank you
for having made life when you were on
with me a brighter and happier place for
Katie you are forever loved and truly
missed by Larry, Stuart & Cora, Jackie &
Nick, Grandchildren, Janet Cook, & Paul
In loving memory of a dear mother and
grandmother Dorothy Miller who passed
away August 13, 2009.
Of all the mothers in the world
There couldn't ever be,
A mom who loved her daughters,
Any more than you loved we three.
And in our hearts we know,
That we'll be grateful our whole
lives through,
To have had a special mother,
We always had in you.
-Lovingly remembered and sadly missed
by all you family
In Memoriams
In Memoriams
In memory of a dear mother, Madeline
Ritchie, who passed away August 15, 2015.
One year has passed since that sad day
When one I loved was called away.
No longer in our lives to share
But in my heart forever there.
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Tolin inhrarts
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CUILLERIER, Roger - of Lucknow
passed away at the Kincardine Hospital
July 30, 2016 at the age of 72. He was the
beloved husband of Sharon (Sykes) for 45
years. Roger was born on June 22, 1944 in
Kapuskasing, Ontario to the late Helen
(Saint Jean) and Emile Cuillerier. Dear
father of Cheryl (Jason) Wallis of Bayfield,
and Donald (Chelta) Cuillerier of Kingarf.
Missed by his grandkids Owen, Rebecca,
Jacob and Lewis. Survived by his brothers
Robert and Norman. Predeceased by his
sisters Roma and Margaret. A Celebration
of Roger's life was conducted on Friday
August 5, 2016 from 2-4 & 7-9 PM, at the
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309, 477
Inglis Street, Lucknow. Memorial
information and condolences online at