HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-04-27, Page 3MP Lobb's Bill C-232 up for debase
On April 22 in the House
of Commons, Ben Lobb,
Member of Parliament for
Huron -Bruce, will debate
Bill C- 232, An Act to Amend
the Excise Act, 2001 (Spirits)
during its second reading.
Lobb's private member' s bill
aims to reduce excise tax rates
for spirit distillers in Canada.
The proposed legislation
would set the excise tax rate
to $6.00 per litre of absolute
ethyl alcohol for the first
100,000 litres of production
and $11.00 for all production
past 100,000 litres.
"Lowering the tax rate for
distilleries will increase pro-
duction and revenue, jobs
will be created and more
Canadians will be
employed," said MP Lobb.
"The benefits of lower tax
rates are not limited to dis-
tillery industry, Canadian
farmers will benefit from
increased sales of alcohol's
main components, corn,
wheat, barley and rye. The
Conservative Party contin-
ues to work hard to reduce
taxes for Canadians and
help foster development in
various sectors of our
Currently all distilleries,
regardless of size or produc-
tion output are taxed at the
same rate of $11.696 per litre
of absolute ethyl alcohol.
Lowering the excise tax
rate will allow for the Cana-
dian Spirit Industry to
become more competitive
on an international scale
and allow for investment
into new technologies.
Police Investigating
Daytime Break In
South Bruce OPP are look-
ing for suspects after a
daytime break-in at a
Huron -Kinloss home.
On April 19, 2016 at 2:39 p.m.,
police said a residence along
Carloway Trail was forcibly
entered sometime between 10
a.m. and 2 p.m. on April 19,
2016. The list of stolen prop-
erty includes an Apple Mac -
Book Air, Gold necklaces, Gold
ear rings, Gold bracelets and
a Pearl necklace. The value
of the stolen property is esti-
mated to be more than $5,000.
Theft from Wind
Turbine Site
On April 18, 2016 at 10:24
a.m., the South Bruce OPP
received a report of a theft
from a wind turbine site
in the 800 block of Bervie
Side road, Kincardine Town-
ship. Sometime between 1
p.m. on March 8, 2016 and
10:00 a.m. on April 18, 2016,
two turbine sites were forci-
bly entered. The list of sto-
len property includes lengths
of bare two gauge copper
wire, lengths of bare four -
gauge copper wire and some
insulated 500 kc -mil wire.
The value of the sto-
len property is estimated
to be more than $2,000.
Traffic Stop Leads
to Drug Charge
On April 9, 2016 at 10:34 p.m.,
a South Bruce OPP officer
on patrol along Highway 21
in Huron Kinloss stopped a
Black Chevrolet Monte Carlo.
The officer found a quantity of
illegal drugs in the vehicle. A
25 -year-old Kincardine man
was charged with possession
of a controlled substance.
He is scheduled to appear
in court on May 11, 2016
to answer to the charge.
Dangerous Drug
Taken from
Vet Clinic
On April 15, 2016 at 8:09
a.m., the South Bruce OPP
received a report of a theft
from the Mildmay Veteri-
nary Clinic located along
Highway 9 in South Bruce.
Sometime between 3-5
a.m., a large quantity of pre-
scribed medication was
taken from the business.
Among the stolen medica-
tion is a drug called Eutha-
nyl, also known as pentobar-
vitol sodium, which is used for
euthanasia of animals. Police
are very concerned that this
dangerous drug may be taken
which is also fatal in humans.
The Mount Forest Identifica-
tion Unit is assisting the South
Bruce OPP with this investi-
gation. The value of the sto-
len medication is estimated
to be more than $6,000.
Police are requesting any-
one with information to call
police or Crime Stoppers at
1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or
submit a secure web -tip at
www. c ri m e sto p p e rs g b. c a
Saturday, April 30th
EUCHRE - 2:00 PM - $7.50 per person
Light lunch provided
DARTS - 7:00 PM - $10.00 per person
Please cut
out and keep
this info!!
lunch provided
Thanks to our sponsors.
ALL proceeds to Community Projects
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
LCPS has rhythm
The students at L.C.P.S. are very excited to have received 26 new rhythm instruments. These
were obtained through the Campbell's Soup Label and Lid fundraiser. Parents who have been
diligently saving labels at the school, which allowed the fundraising for the instruments to be
a success. Pictured is the SK/1/2 class holding some of the new instruments.
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