HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-04-20, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Huron -Kinloss council OKs $1 million drainage project despite landowners' protests, petition
Darryl Coote
Huron -Kinloss council is
moving forward with a $1
million drain restoration
project despite protests from
concerned landowners who
say it's too expensive and
The drain is working fine,
said Cory Pollock who has
previously spoken before
council against the project
and owns property that will
be affected by this ruling.
"We're doing a lot of work
for very little gain," he said
following last night's council
However, Huron -Kinloss
Mayor Mitch Twolan said
right now time is on the
township's side, but that
might not always be the case.
"Concerns from council
tonight were that if we don't
go ahead with this project,
what will the costs be in a few
years? We saw and heard from
the drainage contractor
tonight that these are the
types of things we have to
address now or they are going
to cause more problems,"
Twolan said.
During the regular council
meeting April 11, Dietrich
Engineering Ltd. explained
the Royal Oak municipal
drain located near the north-
ern border of the township is
suffering from severe erosion
and bank degradation.
The project to rehabilitate
the drain will require excavat-
ing 5,505 meters of ditch,
installing eight farm lane cul-
verts, building a cable con-
crete low-level crossing, con-
structing 15 riffle structures
and repairing banks.
The project will amount to
$1.05 million with council
responsible for $143,304 and
with a third of the project to be
covered by a provincial gov-
ernment grant. This leaves the
landowners who directly ben-
efit from the drain to shoulder
the remaining $548,498.
The amount will be divided
over the roughly 40 affected
landowners based on a com-
bination of benefits gained by
the drain, outlet liabilities, the
number of acres owned and
the type of land and its gener-
ated runoff, among other
The cost is the greatest con-
tention point for the landown-
ers. A petition dated April 4
and signed by 27 of the
affected landowners was pre-
sented to council demanding
that if council believes repairs
are necessary a new cheaper,
scaled down proposal should
be presented.
"The drain is working and
the grade is good, the cost of
this project is unrealistically
excessive and of very little
benefit," the petition reads.
Council debated paring
down the project, but decided
any savings would not be
worth it.
Councillor Jim Hanna had
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asked the representatives of
Dietrich Engineering if they
were trying to make the pro-
ject too "fancy."
But after Dietrich Engineer-
ing's Greg Nancekivell went
over each cost point trying to
shave off costs, Hanna
decided any reduction would
only hurt the project's longev-
ongevity and use.
"Are we trying to make this
too fancy? And my sense is we
aren't," he said.
A large deciding factor in
council's decision to sign off
on the plan was the guaran-
teed provincial grant that will
cover $280,192 of the cost.
This money allocated for
drainage issues could disap-
pear at anytime, Twolan
"Folks, that could be gone in
nextyear's [provincial] budget,"
the mayor said.
Council Carl Sloetjes added,
"It's hard enough to get a grant
from the provincial govern-
ment, but there is this here and
it is open and it might not be
there all the time
Making the issue more time
sensitive has been the recent
increase in heavy rain and
snowstorms that have washed
out roads and trails in the
It is only evidence of more to
come, said the mayor.
"Climate change is here,"
Twolan said, and it's only going
to exasperate flooding condi-
tions, which will tax the drain-
age system already in place,
worsen erosion and increase
the cost to do these repairs later.
"I think we're going to see
fundamental changes, folks, we
haven't seen in years," Twolan
Hanana added that if council
doesn't act now, this project's
costs will only go up.
"We're taking an awful risk if
we don't move forward," he
The original section of the
drain was constructed in 1967
to dealwithfloodingissues and
was extended in 1971.Asecond
extension was later added to
the drain in 1988.
The momentum to fix this
drain started in 2009 by Huber-
tus Von Westerholt who sub-
mitted a petition to extend the
Royal Oak drain as his property
was beyond the drain's termi-
nus and the runoff was causing
his land to experience signifi-
cant erosion and bank
Under the Drainage Act the
request initiated an investiga-
tion, which council saw as an
opportune time to generate a
report concerning the entire
The fact that only one land-
owner brought this issue for-
ward seemed unfair to some in
the audience.
"If it's as bad as you as it is
why is there is only one land-
owner petitioning this?" asked
Joel Armstrong from the
Another person voiced con-
cerns that if once the drain is
completed can someone else
submit a request for an exten-
sion and reignite this lengthy
process again.
In short, the answer is yes,
said Grant Collins, the munici-
pality's drainage
If a person downstream is
being negatively affected by
runoff from the drain and peti-
tions for it to be extended land-
owners upstream along the
drain might be obliged to
become involved in the
However, due to where the
drain will now end, the runoff is
not expected to affect any other
privately owned property.
Conceming council's request
to investigate the condition of
Learn More
Darryl Coote/Reporter
Dietrich Engineering's Greg Nancekivell gives a PowerPoint
presentation detailing his firm's recommendations to extend the
life of the Royal Oak drain in Huron -Kinloss.
the entire drain, Dietrich Engi-
neering's Nancekivell said his
firm expects the improvements
will extend the life expectancy
by 75 years.
Prior to calling the vote on
the motion, Twolan told those
in the audience he was sympa-
thetic to their concerns, but
rehabilitating the drainage
trench now is the best option
for the municipality.
It is short term pain for long
term gain, he said nearing the
end of the three-hour meeting.
"Doing the right thing is not
always the best thing to do in
the eyes of a lot of taxpayers,"
he said. ':.. [But] I believe this
is the right thing to do for the
municipality and the
The motion will be brought
back for final adoption April
18 with the by-law amend-
ment allowing for the project
to be constructed in three
phases over three years if pre-
ferred by the yet to be ten-
dered construction company.
Lucknow Bowling scores
Town and Country
Bowling Scores for April 14
Games over 200 - NIL,
Games over 175 - Anita
Elliott -197, 176, Lois
Chaput -184, 176, Pat Liv-
ingston -177
High Single Ladies: Anita
Elliott -197
High Double Ladies:
Anita Elliott -373
High Single Men: Ken
High Double Men: Ken
Snowdrops -7, Daffodils
-6, Pansies -5, Daisies -4,
Tulips -3, Hyacinths -2
Tuesday Night Bowling
April 5
Over 200 Scores: Ron Elli-
ott 221, Charles Green 223,
208 Kevin Finnigan 222
Anita Elliott 203, MALE:
Isaac Smith - 281
Anita Elliott - 475 MALE:
Kevin Finnigan - 592
Team 4 - 3, Team 3-3, Team
Team 2-1
Town and Country Bowl-
ing Scores for March 24
Games over 200 - NIL
Games over 175 - Anita
Elliott -198, Maureen Collins
- 190, Bev Springer -186, Bob
Irwin -176
High Single Ladies: Anita
Elliott -198
High Double Ladies: Anita
Elliott -361
High Single Men: Bob Irwin
- 176
High Double Men: Bob
Irwin -338
Pansies -51, Tulips -46,
Snowdrops -37, Hyacinths
- 36, Daisies - 34, Daffodils -30