HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-04-06, Page 7Wednesday, April 6, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 7 MHBC planner Mitch Avis informs the 50 or so people on hand for the March 23 open house about the removal of 91 ha of land from the township's settlement areas. Better turnout for Official Plan open house, future of shoreline secondary suites up for debate Darryl Coote Reporter Secondary suites may no longer be allowed in Huron - Kinloss' shoreline areas in a move to prevent congestion and wastewater issues. Before 50 people March 23 in Ripley, three members of a consulting firm specializ- ing in commercial, residen- tial and aggregate resource planning, presented its rec- ommendations for the town- ship's Official Plan. Provincially mandated every five years to update its Official Plan to comply with Ontario policies, Huron -Kin- loss began the lengthy pro- cess in July 2015. The first public meeting on the matter was held in October of that year with lit- tle reception causing Huron -Kinloss Mayor Mitch Twolan to repeatedly urge the public to participate in the redrawing of settlement areas and land use designations. Following a truncated reg- ular council meeting Mon- day night, the second open house on the matter was held at the Ripley Huron Community Centre, and the mayor was "very happy" with the turnout, he said. Seemingly heeding coun- cil's months -long call for public support in the process, more residents than antici- pated came to hear the pres- entation by MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson (MHBC) Planning as chairs were repeatedly unstacked from the side of the room as latecomers trickled in. "I'm glad through the press and all that the word has got- ten out for people to come out and get involved, and obviously tonight we've seen that," he told The Sentinel. During the presentation MHBC Partner Jim Dyment said his firm recommends that council preclude the allowing of secondary suites on a prop- erty to be rented out in shore- line areas such as Point Clark to prevent over congestion and wastewater issues. The purpose of the pro- vincial Bill 41 that permits this practice was to pro- vide affordable houses. What Dyment discovered is the secondary units along the shoreline weren't being utilized for low -rent housing, but to generate commercial income for the property owner as weekend rentals. "So we've suggested that ... you can have the secondary suites, but not on the shore- line areas because we are concerned about the use of them for commercial pur- poses," Dyment said. "And quite frankly, the density of development when everyone is on septic systems on small lots you increase the amount of sewage effluent that is put into the ground in an area that is fairly environmentally sensitive. ... It wouldn't be such a good idea." The firm was hired by the township last year to do a review of the Huron -Kinloss' existing policies and settle- ment areas and make recommendations. In December 2015, MHBC suggested to council that it remove 91.4 hectares from its residential land supply to closer match the provincial government's request for all municipalities to have a 20 years' supply earmarked to handle growth. Huron -Kinloss was looking at a surplus of 67 years based on population, industry and job growth. With redesignat- ing the 91.4 ha to mostly agri- cultural use, it would lower the supply to 47 years. "What was presented at council [December 1], the recommendations we made there, is being reflected here tonight," said MHBC partner Pierre Chauvin, who was also pleased with the turnout. Dyment said "I'm really happy with the number of people that are here. We had our first workshop last year and we had about 10 people show up. And you just hope that what we're doing is important enough that peo- ple would be here:' Following the presenta- tion citizens were given the floor to ask general ques- tions. The three MHBC per- sonnel then stayed after the meeting ended to field spe- cific concerns raised by individuals. "We've been refining some of the hamlet lines and obviously after tonight's meeting when we're talking to people where those lines are they will continually be revised," said Dyment. "It will be an ongoing project until council is satisfied they've got a plan that will hold them in good stead for the next 20 years:' Most citizens with con- cerns have properties that under the MHBC recommen- dations would be redesig- nated out of the settlement areas or Mennonites who want a special policy in place Darryl Coote/Reporter Residents congregate around placards outlining the changes MHBC have suggested for the township's Official Plan. allowing industrial manufac- turing in land designated for agricultural use. Other new information presented that evening was on natural heritage and environmental features, said Chauvin. During the presentation it was explained areas desig- nated natural heritage, such as provincially significant wet- lands and habitat of threat- ened or endangered species, must be given a 120 -meter berth from development so as to prevent negative impacts on the sensitive area. The changes in this regard will not directly affect citizens, Jim Dyment, HMBC partner, said. "I think that we're advanc- ing some of the environmen- tal work that we've been doing and I think ... trying to fine tune it particularly the significant woodlands part of it but also defining a natu- ral heritage system in the hamlet areas," Dyment said. In April HMBC will pre- sent a completed draft of the Official Plan to council in April with a meeting on the topic scheduled for the 25th. Council is tentatively scheduled to debate the final draft of the Official Plan Aug. 15. Another public meeting is scheduled for May 27. "It's nice to hear the con- cerns [of the people]," said Mayor Twolan, "because this is what council's been saying all along, this is what the pro- cess is about. If you don't come out you're not heard so don't get mad at us at the end of the day. So this is a good process and it's working"