HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-04-06, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, April 6, 2016 rtiri .._www.lucknowsentinel.com The Lucknow Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street Lucknow Ontario NOG 2H0 phone: 519-528-2822 fax: 519-528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com E POSTMEDIA JOHN BAUMAN Group Manager, Media Sales john.bauman@sunmedia.ca JOY JURJENS Office Administrator lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca LINDSAY THEODULE Media Sales Consultant I indsay.theodule@sunmedia.ca CURTIS ARMSTRONG Group Director of Media Sales - Grey, Bruce and Huron County Postmedia carmstrong@postmedia.com P: 519-376-2250 x514301 Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO SENTINEL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O. 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The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: GODERICH LIBRARY, (from 1875) 52 Montreal Street Goderich ON N7A 1 M3 Goderichli brary@huroncounty.ca KINCARDINE LIBRARY, (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 727 Queen Street Kincardine ON N2Z 1Z9 The Lucknow Sentinel is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent ethical organization established to deal with editorial concerns. For more information or to file a complaint go to www.mediacouncil.ca or call toll free 1-844-877-1163. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. CaV Aocna Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association Den Tandt: Canada needs the TPP, so when will the Liberals finally make a case for it? Afree -trade deal encompassing 40 per cent of global commerce and to which Canada is a preliminary signatory garnered just two perfunctory lines in Finance Minister Bill Morneau's inaugural budget: "The Trans -Pacific Partnership (TPP) would offer opportunities to grow Canadian trade with Asia- Pacific countries, enhance North American produc- tion and improve job qual- ity in Canada. The govern- ment continues to consult Canadians in an open and transparent manner on the merits of ratifying the TPP." Damning with faint praise, it seems. Yet why would anyone expect dif- ferent? A pending trade deal is not a spending item. Nor is it a revenue item. Whatever its future importance to the Cana- dian and global econo- mies, it should not be expected to figure greatly in any government mes- saging, including a budget document. And yet, and yet: One wonders at what point, if ever, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal govern- ment will make the case for this deal, the successful passage of which is no longer a foregone conclu- sion. At immediate issue is the furtherance of com- merce between North America and the countries girdling the Pacific. The iceberg below the water- line is the survival of the post-war Pax Americana itself, on which global security and prosperity have rested for the past 70 Column Michael Den Tandt years. The TPP, it's worth remembering, was Hillary Clinton's grand idea, back when she was U.S. secre- tary of state. It was to be an important pillar in the Obama administration's vaunted "pivot" to Asia, itself intended to check the rise of China and the resurgence of a territori- ally aggressive Russia, while acknowledging the growing demographic and economic might of other Pacific nations. But suc- cessive memos about the great pivot appear to have reached neither Beijing nor Moscow. The former has lately been harrying its neigh- bours in the South China Sea with supposedly inno- cent incursions of fishing boats, backed up by the Chinese coast guard, backed up by the Chinese navy, in a too -coinciden- tal -to -be -coincidental echo of Russian President Vladimir Putin's phony - war -that -is -not -phony invasion of Crimea in 2014. Last week, it was 100 Chinese boats in Malay- sian waters. Next week, it will be the Philippines, Taiwan or Brunei. In every case, China is leveraging influence on multiple fronts, including eco- nomic. Its apparent objec- tive is to create a new status quo in the South China Sea that effectively pushes the U.S. Navy, and by extension the free pas- sage of trade and interna- tional shipping, eastward into the Pacific. The East China Sea, for the time being, is relatively quiet, despite China's con- tinuing claims to owner- ship of the Japan -held Senkaku Islands, south- west of Okinawa. But a deeply worried Japan is shoring up its defences in the region. Last week the Japanese military estab- lished a radar station and small base on Yonaguni Island, 150 kilometres south of the Senkakus. North of Japan's main islands, meantime, Russia signaled last week it intends to build a naval base in the Kurils, which it took from Japan at the end of the Second World War. Tokyo has lodged a diplo- matic protest. Diplomacy with Beijing to resolve the Senkaku dispute continues. But one need only glance at a map of the Western Pacific to see the problem: Western -allied democracies Japan, Australia and New Zealand, as well as the more -or -less non-aligned Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries, live in China's immediate shadow, and to an extent Russia's as well. Since 1945, the default guarantor of Pacific stability has been the United States, with its interlinked global network of trade and military alli- ances. Yet in the Pacific, as in Europe, internationalism itself is under siege. Donald Trump has his European and Russian counterparts, and Chinese President Xi Jinping is flexing muscle, internally and abroad, like no Chinese leader in recent memory. The TPP, therefore, is not just another trade agree- ment. It is a restatement of and re -commitment to the post-war, liberal, demo- cratic order from which Canada, among many other countries, has hugely gained. In North America, the critical focus is on the minutiae of which industrial sector wins or who loses from this clause or that. In Japan, the TPP is simply considered a lifeline. The stronger the economic links between the Western Pacific, the United States and other free -trading democracies, goes the logic, the less likely China will be to smash the exist- ing international order, since it, too, relies heavily on Pacific trade. Free trade provides its own argument: Canada - U.S. two-way trade in goods and services has tri- pled since 1989, when the initial FTA went into effect. But for Canadians, too, there's strategic value in broadening our reach. How comfortable can we be with 75 per cent of exports U.S.-bound, as Trump surges, or of resting most hopes of future growth on Europe? Not very, I would argue. Can- ada needs the TPP. Enough with the studied neutral- ity, please. The Trudeau government, nominally pro -trade, should be shouting it from the rooftops. Iucknowsentinel.com