HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-12-21, Page 15I. , I; W c "Yoe: , �;P tty qua�� iQPrunlwAq -- A canvaP'im mate 9f the V117 9 old prglloun 31-atiu te s 2 -Toll 36•Y4!tp 4aY - '•ry'�' r 1 h is A& f. � tis•Smal�tood . h ? ;•� ,-rte ` 4',' N01 k 'r hold,I <,TIIII:f#:1*oN,.I111,41 �iAF�ilP.M",ow. .Wr trp�, � � , . ;. ,: Te. 3•W.tth forrw -y ;� tiith b ,. — 1 _ t? — V . _ _ _ ,+.�. .1,r ,r-�+h �. � '^ �+r ar.*• r• veal' e 3 f eD11eRCti0n6 were 1 s, 15•Stimulvii o the Sib1Ge Society. Whose anJ, X; 4.71ny lnt 37.11ac.F#tlott I e $ i d "1 Boobol,.. 0000 R. ll19A,1110 r, pplace 23,Toil.,.. n d 's. -G Loves MT$. d.. AO OIIr 19 Patttter 24 Pre . itJoq { ppows 2S RodQh� 1 a o s ii 1 ^1 'I :l C', Passmore, tMi s. W. 'Pgr- 21 Printer;! lextuted ceramk 9 e m N t e w d d 11ti10 hristulas aneeting of guson and Mrs. W: Parke, measure • ware _ .. H J: ci 1 Northside CW wai£ held o The ehur+eb school students 25 -Island In 20-Chineso mile SOLUTION N Weduesd�ay night ih, the e1wre held. their. spec*l White •Gift . Aegean sea 2 9.Rileless , • , . 27•Lamb s per) 3C,CoIICur 4{4•I't1"eat s 51•DNnkard , . • � soho01 rQ02lq.�+Group one was in 'r service. Sunday during the glgor- name 32BLsiioprilt vestment 52•Mu;ic: as charge ',of ' ile prOgraa}. Mrs, rtiitg Sundays .Sehotrl session. 31•name vessel 33 -Make lace 46•Bactoriolo '"''rise Gorden Papple open.M the meet• 32 -Scurrying 35 N tended ' Sitt's wire 5A•8ase in with a reading Christmas y 344iebreK month 3 o of 48.. ebreW `4•,Female r. ; €'� . scale H sheep Recipe,tei a Christmas cox M ,, 35.0cean 40•Greek letter measure 5G,Placf 5s, '36 -Grails abPrinter s a9 -Existed 59 -King of v of was wng Yrs. Willner Broad• 37•Teuton'c deity pleasure 50•Girl'sname 0shan read t11f: Christmas' st9, 38 -Able from Lube and 'Mrs. Edgar; 41 reale len lend ill prayer. Ws.',8rftton Y Y�-.• 4z•Great Lake 1 2 3 4 5 6 $ 9 10 11 s a3•French fort gave a zr>editation on giving. •"summer' 14 Dawn Stephenson and Christine ry ,' 44 Poker stake 12 13 45•Megative Pryce sang two lovely' duets, ee- .s, y &' 47-G.I. hooky 15 t6 17 18 companied by Ms. James Stew, Squ nd 49er5 19 20 21 }A. minute's silence was obser 1 r 53-Strollsaimles I 0' 'Ve.4 fn memory of three Jnem .' M'.s�dslii4 r sY, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 57•Fuss Miersho h>id dried during the 58-Reta1l 31 32 33 year, S,. Kerr, . - Lindsay esta lisljment and Mrs.. Mason, after which 60•Po ip debt 34 "- . 35 36 37 Mrs. Don WQpd read suitable for. 0 � 61'•Hosed 62 Ardent' 3tl 39 40 a1 passaged from i the $fable. 63-Damp42..-,Prayer b di entitled n "1 by Miss . .. 43 as Prayer by Candles was put all 1 �% • . ry . ARTHUR WRIGHT 2 -Haw an 45 46' 7. 4a ii? I-Away Wilmer Cu ill, afer which Rhth " For Co-op Insurance wreath 49 50 51 52 53 54 55.56 Cluff and MTS. Don Wood Ong 3•A state (abbr.) �' 'Tile Lords Prayer". • A presentation of a life mem- appendage- � Phone 527-1464 =John St. 4 -Caudal . f ' 3°' ,?> " '• 57' 58 59 60 ! bership and pin was conduced SEAFORTHG 5 -Involve 61 63 by Mrs. Britton and Mrs, ar 6 -,Note of scale I y Baker to honor Mrs. William 7• -ween tee ` 3 E rBall, as presidenfor the pt � ,' est two years. !/ ,.,; «�. P' • •:-- � - Aft carol was sun the of- :-:'...�: HISTORY`. \ ..,.,AN of ■w a 4 ■ e ■4 ■1# ■v ■ Y ■1* lllM ■04r WKILLOP inn r � U U day ,that Love whiCh inspired An Excellent Christma gift for former res! the first Ch ristnias fill dents of McKillop Town ship available at' every heart at this holy time. Irvin's Hardware Seaforth The Huron Expositor G o ARy . P IT Y Seaforth ax's Store FURNITURE -- FUNERAL SERVICE. St.,,Colsfmban- McClu$ s Store 'Winthrop Ambulance .Service - :Jerry H�llau4ls Insurance ' Office, Dublin PHONE S27-1390 — SEAFORTH i Humphrips' Store Walton or' from , Russell Bolton RR 1, Seaforth, WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 or any member of McKillop Township Council Read the Advertisements = It's a Profitable Pastime' 7V 0 CARE DO,,lru How -Much You Pay -For Prescriptions? Vanguard Phaii racy cares and does something about it! S"E MONEY The cost of, prescriptions is a matter of great public concern. • Particularly because of the hardship caused among people who have to buy medicines regularly. Vanguard Pharmacy makes it possible to bring these drug costs clown to 6 reasonable level. VOLUME BUYING & SPECIALIZATION M Our methods of reducing' drug costs are simple. As Sundry products. They can devote 100% of their time an important member of the professional health team,. to filling prescriptions. It's this combination of buying Vanguard Pharmacy services about 90,000' people all power and efficiency that enables Vanguard to sell over Ontario. So we buy drugs in iremendoui quanti- each prescription at a considerably lower cost, with - ties, taking advantage of huge volume discounts. Our out cutting any corners. W 13 Pharmacists doryt have to worry about 'ening RECOMMENDED LEGISLATION 3 years ago, the Select Committee of the Ontario of expensive drugs con 66fain them at a lower cost." •Legisldture on the Cost of Drugs reclmmended' "yhat Today, Vanguard offers this service to anyone in need a central mail-order outlet be established whereby of Prescription medicine. chronic and needy patientswho use large quantities YOUR PRESCRIPTION WILL BE 419D EXACTLY AS YOUR DOCTOR SPECIFIES IT AS IN ANY OTHER. PHARMACY � You should saw about 2050 OFF the rec6m ended brand" chemical formula, you may saw up to 50%. Iiai price on brand-name prescription drugs. If your compared with a.brand name. D"actor presalbes,a drug under its generic or "non, SAME DAY PROCESSING -• Mail-order prescriptions are filled and mailed the parcels are insured against breakage and loss. On same day they are received, Since most chronically ill pre -paid orders, chore is a 20¢ charge for mailing. people know well in advance what drugs they will C O.D. charges extra. , need, this return by first-llou mall is amply fast. All FREE QUOTATION To get your Fres quote, slit�ly fill in this coupon, or if you actually want youi older filled, you must send ask ypur Doctor to hsllp you, and mail today. an original prescription signed by yourpoctar. k ----------------------- VANGUARD ....,.._—e_..-.--.,..--------VANGUARD PHARMACY LIMII*D, , 944A ST. CLAIR AVE. W., TORONTO 10, ONTARIO ° 1 List the name and quantity of the me'd chtes on whleb yet would Oka a quotation, If you do not know the name of your medicine, send a copy ot.your prescription with this coupon or ask your Doctor', help. Your prescription copy will be returned with quotation. Name.............. i.ee..ee.-e-.ee.e,re. Addrest.....a.eu.0-e.u...e...eeeeee. City..............�....Phenb........... FREE CATALCGUL.. Check herb to rbeeiw our Cot I gue instead of a spedfi0 qu6I4l11 t. MEDIGNE QWIUfy Fa'tom 8:• edi M)s11 0.�. � fr � i ,- O` p v'�.Art pp 'i 7,nciutles are•fnvitt3d �•:'7�eiei+hade�ltitu EXI=TEit 205.0620. Ci.I�I,yt $E.AFQRTfi, Contact Wi111 ipund ----------------------- VANGUARD ....,.._—e_..-.--.,..--------VANGUARD PHARMACY LIMII*D, , 944A ST. CLAIR AVE. W., TORONTO 10, ONTARIO ° 1 List the name and quantity of the me'd chtes on whleb yet would Oka a quotation, If you do not know the name of your medicine, send a copy ot.your prescription with this coupon or ask your Doctor', help. Your prescription copy will be returned with quotation. Name.............. i.ee..ee.-e-.ee.e,re. Addrest.....a.eu.0-e.u...e...eeeeee. City..............�....Phenb........... FREE CATALCGUL.. Check herb to rbeeiw our Cot I gue instead of a spedfi0 qu6I4l11 t. MEDIGNE QWIUfy Fa'tom 8:• edi M)s11 0.�. � fr � i ,- O` p v'�.Art pp 'i 7,nciutles are•fnvitt3d �•:'7�eiei+hade�ltitu EXI=TEit 205.0620. Ci.I�I,yt $E.AFQRTfi, Contact Wi111 ipund r r. rr �r.w..rarr-r...w��.a..rrw.r.rfr.r r..�rer.��rwrr.w.� f++r••• PLEASE NOTEt if you have relations or friends Who accept collect too dist4eb calls from bodas ai& require -drugs or other medicine's regularly, do thea' whore to On*o. Pudsii aiS our 16rahto Fh ernlacy, a,favour and draw their 61160ttotl•f6 this Mroftilwhllb 59 b41,1,betwitsn the belle of 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m, wjAdblity and, between 4 a.m. and 17:30 p.m. ATTENTION DOCTORS' Vanguard Aarntaey Mull SAWrdays. fering was taken anddedicated by Mrs. Papple. Mrs. Harold Connell gave the • courtesy re- DEARDORIS', marks. Mrs, William Ball conducted the business and the different evice from reports given showed he year's work was well done by the ,Doris Clark ladies. It was 'decided o contin-• ue the fund for the adopted child in Korea and the date for the A VETERAN AT 22 Most parents want to launch annual Valentine supper 'was o DEAR Dlims —• I' have just their girls happily by giving set for Feb. 14th. Mrs. Steph- learned that our daughter has them a wedding. noon read the report the been,�givilig� in to any bay who nominating committee, tto fill wants her to, for several years. DEAR DORIS, .Is , it possi- irk the -Offices for 1W. Mrs. She is now 22. I have, never ble for a boy -girl relagonship, Storey reported, over two thou discussed sex with her, and had to, be deep amd• meaningful. and sand calls were made,..by the no reason •; to. think she was y-ot expect ft to stay on a friend .ladies during the year, showing misbAa'ving`.. ship basis where one ;person the interest shown .in the sick I am disgusted. Now she talks feels non -committal,? I am 32, and sut in folk of the communi- about marriage. Do we owe. her thegirl is 24; we have similar 'ty. Mrs. Ball .closed the meet - a iveddflng? I don't think' so. interests and, education. ing with a Christmas prayer and ;fie, says ou;p, is more, than Mrs. Ross Gordan and her, com- ordinary friendship, but she is Fed Up mittee served lunch. • ' BEAR FED .IJP. _ .Dist yo'tr not ready to settle down. think that if you didn't look' at Deeply In Love the subject of sex; it would go ALL TYPES e aw yT DEAR DEEPLY —Depends , There is great pressure, these a great deal on the two people : INSURANCE . ,, days, on our_- girls-- and boys Usually no two normal reds Donald G Eaton blooded, people could continue when it coti'les to sex practices. G. I am..sorr, $o: say, Never did a a deep, relationship without sex girl need frank discussion with rearing its much maligned, head. Office. In 'asonic Block; TE you care enough to•stay inMain Str;-Me,t a �ll1elparent more. there pitching, I'm betting she'll When the boys coaxed your'I come to see a connection be- Phone 527-1610 Seaforth daughter, she 'had no answers tween warm friendship` and per-, ready; and her own natural in- tWeenc love. Previous exper- clinat'ions easily carried her. iences have left her doubtf away. What you owe her now Q is nothing to what you owed DEAR DORIS. — ........',Each,*time any daughter you cared about we visit our . diaughter�in law years ago. And didn't give her when she needed it. insults us — as taking off and leaving usto sit there, or else Remember! • It takes but a asks us for a meal and isn't moment to place an Expositor home. Last week when we went to Want Ad and be money in town they had invited V9 'to, pocket. To advertise, lust stay. there, then my son asked Dial Seaforth 527-0240. us, if we w,,ouh mind leaving as 1p�¢rpty her mother was coming to stay ra wa w »+ ^ . �• while the was went shooting: We were really. .hurt as their home has lots of room for all. q Now they have invited, tis to a turkey dinner before we >+ .F.ei . . . . . . . . . . Wit„ i.% ���'• leave. Should, we go or not? My husband says ''that's it", but I • s4 t3s�y.: know he would grieve. :.:,"rid•>. �<�`i.:r; Dejected +: DEAR DEJECTED — Right ' - now is no time to stay hurt. If ¢5' this -thoughtless yqimg wOman, who is now one of your family, " has had second thoughts, -bet- , : ' ter give her a chance to do something for you. Would her mother have some thing to do with this apparent ' fence -mending? 0 7`o .lust Marriecl — I agree ` you don't want to have to carry your marriage license every, r place you go; yet cashing a hus- IV( band`s cheque,,may indeed call for Identification. _ You can get a t:oncise, wal- let4ize identification card by writing to your Registrar -Gen• eral` a6e of the parliament l� l STS builddiitgs in y!Our provincial a'�zxs>:.>::>•«:;•>::g; <'r;+:�,:;:: <,,� Lot the s int of capital. ';>:'f°f>s�".':",':';�::f::::>:;.:•;>::<;�:<;:....;:,�;»..�:....... ,�..: the season dght n ourTo Just Moved Best thing i' »;• life and Open is to write, to the doctor you ;�•�•`.`,'t%fH�yj� have had over the years and, rf;r,..�>,^•• {f your heart to ioy, ask him to recommend someone >`„Y� •,':, %'`':: :�:Ir>:< a# to �. you. He will' also forward � �� >f�r:r{�����t f:Ye .a}•:'V:,..':%�::w,•-ver your medical records. With JOHN A. CARDNO your chronic illness and eller- �':iii:.Y::i: ��•:��::::'•'•I �{:j, ., Insurance Agency gies -this can save much time and misunderstanding for you, Phone 527-0490 Seaforth When -this isn't possible, a Office Directly Opposite person can always beagulded, in Seaforth Motors the choice of a doctor by the 1oeiil or provincial medical so- ciety, or by the general haspi- 00W. tal in his new community. USED FARM MACHINERY 210 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR with Manure Loader and Hydraulic Bucket ALSO., TRACTORS AND PLOWS See them at JIM CHALMERS RR 2, Kippen Phone Seaforth, 527-0205 y tt',16. . Sincere thanks and the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas B,fld 449nnv anti PrncnPrn'1iA. NPw Vpnr- NOTICE We will be chased” Chrrs;�WIs Doi New Year's Day we wifil -66fvopen from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. ------------ its rown ' s u. perke,sx SEAFORTH ---PHONE S;7,,-10AO ' Why worry about washday weather? Or lugging damp wash to the line? Pop your things into an electric dryer and, rain or shine, they come out fresh, wrinkle -flee and require less ironing. Take the time now to consider a new electric dryer. Have alittle .more time to call �► .e your own, come washday. live better electrically `�' o_ •� ' ���e�e�F. fr � •: 0-inpr.,labs ,- O` p v'�.Art pp 'i 7,nciutles are•fnvitt3d �•:'7�eiei+hade�ltitu EXI=TEit 205.0620. Ci.I�I,yt $E.AFQRTfi, Contact Wi111 ipund tt',16. . Sincere thanks and the very best wishes for a Merry Christmas B,fld 449nnv anti PrncnPrn'1iA. NPw Vpnr- NOTICE We will be chased” Chrrs;�WIs Doi New Year's Day we wifil -66fvopen from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. ------------ its rown ' s u. perke,sx SEAFORTH ---PHONE S;7,,-10AO ' Why worry about washday weather? Or lugging damp wash to the line? Pop your things into an electric dryer and, rain or shine, they come out fresh, wrinkle -flee and require less ironing. Take the time now to consider a new electric dryer. Have alittle .more time to call �► .e your own, come washday. live better electrically `�' o_