HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-12-21, Page 11n w 1 I ti • • , • SANT ASKS YOU T Follow These Rules of . , . CARE and SAFETY! KEEP YOUR hoose a place for the Tree which will not block access to doors or windows in the event of an ehergency. old it! Before you set up the Tree, Hcut one or two inches from the butt. Theeset'it in water. Crushed stone in a suitable container will keep it steady. emember to replenish water regular- ly throughout the Christmas Season. You may need to add more than a pint a day. nsulation of lighting strings should be checked for damage and possible short circuits. If buying new lights, be sure they are C.S.A. Approved. nnoking near the Tree is foolish and dangerous! ' Keep cigarettes and matches at a safe distance. tinsel and other decorations should be non-flammable. Don't deck your ' Tree with added fire dangers! 1141 ake sure that matches are kept out of reach .of 'children, and NEVER ° leave young children unattended even for a minute! Iways clear away discarded gift wrappings promptly frohln the Tree area. Even a moist Tree will burn if ignited by suck a fire around its base. • witch off the Tree lighting when you go . to bed, or whene°er you leave your home?, SAFE from FIRE REMEMBER! Nothing can render -these displays absolutely safe, and that if 'ac- cidents are not to mar the festiVe sea-' • son, Constant vigilance and Care must be exercised. To the Citizens of Seaforth and District We i xtand Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season t SEAFORIV FIRE BRIGADE R. J. BOUSSEY JOHN 14. SCOTT Secretary Fire Chief • cr East wan h Couneli met In° ' 1pdar'500, talon on Dec: 4,14 the: Belgravo Connrun•ity' Centre with, Bove Royhgn PattWeg4+ing' and'AO (the ° meanbera present, Minutes of the. previous regular meeting were read. ' Motions were made and car- ried as follows; —by Coultes arab Walsh •'that the clerk' forward an estimate bill and claim to our insurance company re en accident; -Y gallahan and Coultes that council give a grant of $200 to the Blyth and District Artificial Ice fund, - -by McDowell and Coultes that the Roads and General accounts as presented be passed and paid; —by Walsh and Hallahan that by-law No. 13 (being a by-law to adopt the 1967 assessment roll° and it will be the roll used to leVy taxes in 1968) be read a first second time and by Coultes and McDowel that• it be read a third time and passed, Y F • For Complete INSURANCE ' ori; • yone • HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR,, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Pho e 527-0490 • • Seaforth ffice Directly .Opposite Seaforth Motors • Maytag Kelvipator Admiral . Electrohome Sales with Service Maytag Washers and Dryers, 3 years parts, labour service Bob's TV and Appliances 129 Ontatile St., Stratford Phone 271-6433 • 127 Queen St., St. Marys Phone 284-2290 Bob Weeks, Prop. "Bob's TV Since '53" sit sail pecial Tensa!! United Church sleeked in zis Christ as arietif, xnalie a beautiful setting for the gener- al .meeting or the UCW Monday evening. Mrs, James McAllister, president, opened) with passages of scripture from John and Pro- verbs and gave a talk .on Christ- mas traditions especially those dealing with candle lighting. This was followed by prayer. Scripture passages were read by Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. Harold Currie gave the devotional. She ' said Christiani- ty begins and ends with giving. Jesus was God's gift to the world and when you 'are given a gift the only thing you can do is accept it. Mrs. McAllister welcomed the"guests and thank, ed unit one for the deeps tions and unit two for the devotional. Miss Mary Goodwin favoured with a solo, Mrs. J. Goddard, accompanied her on the new piano. • Mrs. Walter S ' Y cer z oduc- eel the guest.: ' eakgi•, Mes„ M. C. Fletcher of , xeter.who spoke on tensions of 1967. She said, when we get away from Clod we have tensions. She said our children are our most prized essions, they are more im- portant than the color TV or the many gadgets for which women leave their homes and go to work to procure. She said it is time for us to reassess our lives and to be ourselves not try to be like, our neighbors. • Mrs. Currie conducteda short service widen Mrs. D. I. Hill of Exeter, presented her daughter, Mrs Harvey Keys with a life membership in the UCW. Mrs. Lorne Hay reported for friendship. and visitation show- ing 147 visits and 217 ,cards. Supply aril welfare under Mrs. E. ,Chipehase sent bales amount- ing to 545 pounds shipped. • Social functions, Mrs. Vern Alderdice reporter! the Pioneer supper the only over all project and other projects, in charge of the various' units, Mrs. R. M. Peck reported . for the enanse, Mrs,' M. Drysdale for the flow= er committee. Mts. D. Cook 're- ported, the: ,inability to secure children's hymn books and Mrs. R., ., Reaburn for the program committee. Mrs. V. Pyette for stewardship and recruiting. Treasurer,: Airs. E. Forrest for the financial,, situation, showed $313.07 balance in the general fund and $1'54.98 in the iM , & M fund. Mrs. Walter Spencer brought down the budget for the coming year...Itwas decided to dispose of Miss Annie Con is donation of $100 to an Mrs. J. C. Goddard playeda beautiful composition of Christ- mas carols. Mrs. Earl Rowe gave courtesy remarks. Roll call showed) 63 present. Unit leaders Mrs. Rodger Veneer, IVIrs. Ian McAllister, Mrs. Ken Elder and Mrs. James McAllister reviewed the year's work. Read the Advertisements — I t'a a Profitable Pastime! Arnold Stinnissen :, ROUP • LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS • ANNUITIES • Representing -vn Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE S27-0410 17 GODERICH ST. EAST -- SEAFORTH Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0241, PROCLAMATION! TOWN OF SEAFORTH By resolution of the Council, I hereby 'proclaim A PUBLIC HOLIDAY Tuesday, Dec. '26th, - —BOXING DAY— and respectfully request the Ci izens and Businessmen to observe the sale. FRANK KLING- Mayor. "GOD. SAVE THE QUEEN" Lorisk n over and above gift,tg the M sq- M, to seed SP ito Jive ()aka and $100, to Trinidad for the Purchase of anther sewing machine by Miss Clark. A slate of officers for 1968 was brought in by Mrs. Pyette as follows: Past president, Mrs. 'braid Currie; president, Mrs. James McAllister; first vice- president, Mrs. Vern Alderdice; recording secretary, Mrs. 1Tarry Caldwell; assistant, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Norman Cook; treasurer, Mrs. Fetison 'Forrest; representative to the official board, Mrs. James McAllister; board of ,Steward, Mrs. Icon Mock; Missionary , and Mainten- ance, Mrs. C. Christie; pianists, Mrs. William Fuss and Mrs. God- dard; unit one leaders, Mrs. D. Kyle, Mrs. E, Forrest; unit two leaders, Mrs. R. Vernier, Mrs. R. Forrest; unit four; Mrs. Jas. McAllister,; membership, Mrs: Byron Kyle, Mrs. C. Christie, Mrs. Leona. Parke, Mrs. S.- Roo - bol; nominations, 14 r ,E,, Rowe, Mrs, Howard Scare, Mrs. R. Cook; press and :phblieity, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. Harry Caldwell and the unit secretar- ies; program, .Mrs. Robert Rea- burn,and a representative from each unit; social fenetions, QVirs. • 0.7 . 40 ,TAT Tc --c`: Ken McLean, Mrs. 4Janms Taylor; Mme. )liar to .T. $l er- rift, Mrs. Re.s urn and a repre-. sentative to 'be appointed♦, by unit ane; supply and welfare Mrs, E. ChiPchaae, are. Albert Alekander, Mrs, 11. MaMurtrie, Mrs. J. Horton, .Mrs. B, Kyle, Mrs. J. ,Ingram, Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. J. Flynn;. Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. G. Armstrong; flowers, Mrs. Ella Drysdale; leadership and development, Mrs. Earl Rowe; literature and conimuni- cations, Mrs. Jack Consitt; manse, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. G. Love; community friendship and visitation, Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mrs. Lorne Hay, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. ' A. Shirray, Mrs. J. Ferguson; `'fin- ance, Miss Mary Goodwin, presi- dents, vice-presidents and unit treasurers; stewardship conven- er, manse convener; citizenship and social action, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Miss' M. Ellis, Mrs. John Corbett co-operation?, in Christian education and Mission- ary education, Mfrs. Doug Cook, ,Mrs. Edison Forrest; Steward- ship and recruiting, Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer, Mrs. Ian McAllister. Mrs. Vern Alderdice on be- half .of the UCW, presented Mrs. James McAllister with a poinsetta. wive new Bank of Montreal - 6 % six-year Savings Certificates in Merry Christmas gift crackers You pay.only $7.35 for a $10:00 c,,..e.�rt�ificatee, maturing in 1973. Simple rate is 6%fora total return of more than one-third in six years. Make someone a happy investor this Christmas. Give Bank of Montreal Savings Certificates in. merry Christmas wrappers from Bank of Montreal. Wrappers available free in all branches. tt 'Bank of Montreal • Canada's First Bank ~ Hensall,Branch: ERIC LUTHER, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday Th .e ,r -L ��,�'..(; 1�^1 ,<1 1 <1y, _2�.,.1�.•'1�,,;•! -i,r! .1�.��. , "sl'ig'ht about here lose the aist of it!" by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager Christmas weekend is` -on its way. With most of us en- joying a three or four-day ,holiday, family gatherings will be. possible since people. will have time to travel home for Christmas. And, much of that travel will be by auto. So, just: a word of caution ... remember that sleet, ice, snow -rutted roads often make winter driving hazardous. These few re- minders, recommended) by many experienced drivers, if heeded, will help to' make your Christmas holiday trip both safe and pleasant. Keep your car in top mechanical order. Observe all the laws and be courteous and alert. Use snow tires or chains on ice and packed, snow• Drive smoothly, avoiding sudden, starts, stops andi abrupt turns. Keep more than the usual distance between your car and the vehicle ahead. "Pump" brakes lightly on icy or wet streets to bring your car to a gradual stop. If you should skid, let up on the gas pedal and steer in the same direction as your rear wheels -are sliding. Watch for thawing ice — you need twice as much stopping distance on slush as on glare ice. Turn your headlights on low beam during a snow storm or fog. Watch for icy patches on streets and frosty' bridge .floors. Keep windows clear and clean, Above all — slow down! Hap- py and safe travelling. , For those last minute checks on holiday plans remem- ber your telephone is ready and waiting to help you through these busy days. Whether it's a call to a neighbor to check up on Junior's whereabouts,' to the store to quickly order a forgotten item, or to out-of-town relatives or friends to make final plans for the holiday, your telephone can ease the rush- ing about during these.last few days. In fact, it's almost as good as having an errand boy at your beck and call 24 hours a day.' ***** Canadians fortunate enough to have visited Expo 67 this past summer heard languages from every corner of the globe. Not only in the fascinating national pavilions, but along the walkways of Expo grounds the different tongues added to the international atmosphere. I thought it might be interesting to discover how the telephone was answered in some of the different countries. Our "Hello" comes from the High German "Halla" which apparently *as originally a coin - mend for a horse or dog. It's completely replaced "Ahoy", the first telephone greeting. Today's German answers with "Wer spricht?" "Who speaks?" While "God dog" provides the opening gambit in Sweden. The Spanish "Piga" — 'Talk" comes straight to the point, and the ever tactful 'Frenchman cos nlenees with "3' eeoute" — "I am listening". The Rus- sians answer with "Slushayu" meaning `Listening". In Bri- tain, the telephone is usually answered by repeating the tele- phone number. However, if you're answering a btlairless call, the name of your firm and your own name provides, the best response, for the caller. * •* * a * Merry Christmas and Happy Now Year 1 • k� YY.•Y•YY Ready -Prepared!' Smooth,Satisfying, Richly Flavored -- the traditional drink of mellow, good cheer! Serve it at Every Party or Family Festivity The Holidays are NOT Complete without this Festive Family Treat Sprinkle it with nutmeg'. . . serve in party glasses. Family and friends will. enjoy this delicious dairy drink! ORDER A FEW QUARTS NOW \ FOR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING. Order from'your Driver! . MAPLE .LEAF IRY Phone 527-08,i r : Seaforth NOTICE v No Delivery Monday, Dec. 25th or on Boxing Day, Tues., Dec. 26. Regular Deliveries commence Wesday, December 27 a o Maple Leaf 'Products av°aiilable at all times at SUPERTEST SNACK BAR