HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-12-21, Page 4TO ,SEAFPRTH, !NX., p!tr ,, 21•0 OTICE ONTARIO HYDRO CUSTOMERS The Clinton Office will be closed on Boxing Day, Tuesday, December 26th, 1967, as well as Christmas Day and New Year's Day. CONESTOGA COLLEGE • of o' Applied Arts and Technology- ANNOUNCEMENT Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology,, in co- operation with the Federations of Agriculture of Huron and Perth Counties is offering a Short Informative Course oil The Potential Application for Computers and Farm Management Sessions — 9 Wednesday evenings, Jan. 10, 1968 to March • 6,1968., Location -- Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, On- tario. — University of Waterloo, University of Guielph (by chartered , bus). Instructors — from University of, Waterloo; University of Guelph. Fee —$ 0.00 Topics — Taking the magic out of the computer interacting with the computer The care and feeding of computers O Computers and Animal Science Computers and Soil Managefnenf Computors and Farrn Planning Electronic Farm Management, 1970 For Details and Registration 'Forms contact: Mrs. F. Fear,' Secretary Treasurer, Huron County Federa- tion of Agriculture, Clinton. . Mr. E. Deering, Field Representative, Perth County Federa- tion of Agriculture, Box 664, Mitchell. Entertainment in the. Red Knight Room Friday Night— Clarence Petrie Saturday Night --• Elgin Fischer In the Ladies' and . Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at tie Hammond Organ EVERY ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY • The Management and Staff of the Commercial Hotel wish to take this opportunity to wish' their Patrons MERRF CHRISTMAS and to thank them for their patronage. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seafort SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents "THE REEFERS" at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY .CENTRE A SATURDAY, DEC. 23 9:00 to 12:00 Dress — Seini Formal Admission $1.40 Boys — Ties Girls ;-- No Slacks NOTICE' Saturday Night ballots will be dis- tributed to all. Everyone attending will, hage a, chance to vote for the 1965 eee utiVee - .t Smiles ... raider bad just retired and moved to town. In the morning, after spending the first night iu thei, new home, his wife. said, "Well, pa, isn't jt about tiine you wag -getting up to build the fire?" "Nope," .the old gentleman said, 'I'll call the fire depart- ment. We might, as well get used to these city conveniences right now." A shrewd gunman who sud- denly appeared at the paymas«til ter's window of a Large plant, demanded, "Never mind the payroll, Bed', Just hand over the welfare fund, the group insur- ance ' premiums, pension fund payments and hospitalization de- ductions." .. Let him now speak or forever...... ... Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money m pock- et. To advertise, lust Dial Sear forth; 527-0240. Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversai for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rock Friday, Dec. 22nd BRODHAGEN Community Hall Neighbors, relatives and friends cordially invited Lunch will be provided EUCHRE in I.O.O.F. Hall Wed., Dec, 27th at 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS, • Lunch Served Sponsored by the Oddfellowa Christman in Stratford Win a prize Bonus •fWeek'ly winning number 35079E Prize to be claimed at Stratford Chamber of Commerce, 14 Erie Street. Busy Days At The Post Office It has 'been a busy week at the Post Office as the regular staff' aided by a number of part •time helpers, contend with a steady flow of incoming and outgoing Christmas mail. Tidying hp -current sorting before' a fresh avalanche arrives are (left) Mrs. Ant Sutcliffe and Mrs. Gordon McKenzie. (E,e ositor photo by Haley)" Creamery Wins _Honors In Ontario Competition At a recent annual conven- tion of the Ontario Creamery - men's Association held in Tor- onto, it was announced that Brussels Creamery had placed 3rd in the High Quality Com- petition for butter manufact- ured during the past year. In other competitions, Law- rie Cousins of pirussels Cream- ery was second -in milk judg- ing, 3rd in cream judging and 4th in butter judging. The Brussels Creamery p 1 I,c e d llth in average for Ontario crearmeries. • James Baker, Dairy Com- missioner for Ontario, in com- menting on the •competitions pointed out that the results reflect the general efficiency of the buttermakers in all phases of butter manufactur- ing. It is a most difficult com- =Happy Citizens Meet The Happy Citizens met in the Legion Hall with eight tables of euchre phaying. The Winners were High Lady, Mrs. R .Orr; Lone Hands, Mrs. Rut- ledge; and low, Mrs. Jennie Chesney; Men's High, Mr. A. Houston; Lone Hands, Mr. O. Dale and Low, Mr. J. Coutts. Next meeting will be in the Legion Hall; at 2:00 o'clock, January 10th. JRODHAGEN +COMMUNITY CENTRE Teenage New Year's Eve Dance Sunday- Midnight, Dec. 31, 12:00 to 3 Dress Semi -Formal No Slacks • Boys, Ties .Orchestra, "SMALL EXPERIENCES" Hat§ and Horns ,4 Hear THE 13th HOUR - DUBLIN HALL Thursday, December 28th Dress' Casual -- Dancing 9 to 12 Admission $1.00 Friday Night Alf penrlmme . Saturday Night The Barburns Abbie Tavern Snacks Pigtails and Sauerkraut URON HOTEL Dublin, Ont. petition in which to obtain a high score, because a better than average rating must be made by a competitor in each of the three competitions. Buttermakers at the , Brus- sels creamery are Lawrie Cou- N E W5-- o f CR sins and Grant Stephenson. Presides at Luncheon Harvey Leslie, Seaforth, a former well-known creamery operator was present at the convention and presided at the Old Timers luncheon. Mrs. John Miller was hos- tess for the December meeting of the MVlarion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary. Fifteen' members answered the Rbll Call with a Christmas -verse. Two visitors were present. 1Virs. Miller pre- sided and opened the -meeting with a poem and hymn 169, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" followed by prayer. Scripture passage from Matthew 2: 1-12 was read by Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler. The minutes were read by the secretary. The study lesson was presented by Mrs.• Dun- can Scott. The topic "Christ- mas, the happiest time of the year' was given by Mrs. Frank Hamilton.. Mrs. Bill Taylor gave a reading, "Christmas Cards we can do without". The nominating committee submit- ted the following list of offic- ers for 1968. President, Mrs. John Miller; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Ger- ald Carey; Secretary, Mrs. Bill Taylor; " Assistant Sec., Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Harburn; Assis. Treas., Mrs. Eldon Allen; Pia- nist, Mrs. Duncan Scott; Assis. Pianist, Mrs. Robert Laing; Work Committee, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs; Gerald Carey, ' Mrs. Gor7 don Laing, Mrs. Harold Par- sons; Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs. Robert Laing; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler; Flower and Cards, Mrs. Duncan Scott, Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor; Supply Secretary, Mrs. L. Elliott; Home Helpers Sec., Mrs. James Miller; Nomina- ting Committee, Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Mrs. John Templeman, Representative to board of managers, Mrs. Larry Gardin- er; Auditors, Mrs. Lorne El- liott, Mrs. Harold Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar- diner attended the capping ceremony for the student re- gistered nurses of Stratford Hospital on Fiday. Their dau- ghter, Barbara Ann is one of the students of 1970 .gradua- ting class. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker, Kiz41, Michele and Jimmie of Kirkland Lake spent a few days with his parents, M,r. and Mrs. Otto Walker. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing left by plane from London Airport on Tuesday to spend the Christmas holidays with their daughter Mrs. Howard Eves and. Mr. Eves and their family at Moosejaw, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardin- er visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hulley and family of Winthrop. Mr. Filmer Chapel is visit- ing with relatives in the West. The White Gift Service in Cromarty church on Sunday was well attended with the Sunday school children and their teachers seated . in the centre pews. ' The Junior choir, led the singing and sang aspecial number "Carol "ire". The jun- for pupils also san ra number. A lighted Christmm's tree, ev- ergreens and candles made an attractive setting for present- ation of the gifts by the chit ren. Mr, and Mrs. 'Hugh Moore and daughter, Maine of Lind- say visited with Mrs, E. Moore and Mi;, and Mrs. T. L. Seott A potluck dinner preceded the Christmas meeting of the Hibbert Setilor, Citizens Chtb whieh was held in Staffa Turn. Fall. Twenty-three timbers enjoyed a meal which was $01- lowed With n seasonable tiro' &raft. Mra,. Cecil BOWirian pre.. §ided' and Mra, T. Y;.'Sebtt 1et1 T !in scripture reading from Luke 2: 1-12 followed with ,the Lord's Prayer in unison. Christmas carols and 0 Can- ada were sung with Mrs. R. McCaughey at the piano. Mrs. John Hocking entertained with Christmas selections on the re- cord player. Mrs. McCaughey played a piano solo "Star of the East". Happy -birthday was sung for Mr. T. Laing and Miss Ol- ive Speare. Get well wishes were sent from the"Club to Mr. Will Worden and Mrs. Frank Allen who are patients in Sea - forth Hospital. The date, set for the next. meeting is January 9th. The roll call will be answered with a, New Year's resolution. Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs. Darrell Parker were appoint- ed as lunch committee and Mrs. Verna Brooks and Mrs.' K. McKellar- to prepare pro- grams. Mr. Harold Carey was voted to take the chair for the elec- tion of officers. A11 officers were re-elected and the meet- ing closed with the- Queen. The remainder of the after- noon was spent playing euchre and social chat. A family gathering was held at the hone of Mr. and 11VIrs. Otto Walker on Friday night when all members were pre- sent to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker and family who left by pane from Malton Airport on Saturday to make their home at Lasu, B.C. Use Expositor Want -Ads THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 twoomewegta CHOOSE A WATCH FOR C IRISTmAS AT , SAVAUGE JEWELLERS (Oppoiita Post Office) Hundred* to Chum* From , 0000010000104 • HQL ; What better time to send warmest greetingas to my friends 4n4 patrons. I value your good will, WARREN J.. SIHOLD10E Your, Prudential Agent Phone 527-1663 Seaforth "SOUND SPECTACULAR" With THE CAVALIERS At the Seaforth Legion Hall Seaforth, Ontario - December 27, 1967 -- 9 -12 p.m. We wish to thank the ratepayers of McKillop Township for the acclamation they have accorded 'ifs and are looking forward to serving you in 1968. Merry Christmas and ;a Happy New Year to everyone. Reeve Ken Stewart Councillors Allan Campbell Ralph McNichol Harold Dodds William Leeming c „ -1. .1r'!:..1 rt.(; On this day of celebration ,we join in happy chorus to wish you and yours "Merry,Christmas:" csJ 4 glair BALL-MA.CAULAY LTD. LUMBER — BUUILDERS' SUPPLIES 527-0910 • i- 482-9514 Seaforth Clinton r , ;r- » • r ,r r s'r=, r • 'fes r, 'r = .rr. r-' r 'r. ' ,r- 'r- r.' -off r �lr ✓ ;,"1 r.f' xl }r . w •'w�' 1 ,0 on their way to you this happy time .. . Our good wishe's 'are r a errj hristm'as From The Staff At SAVAUGE JEWELLERS, Ona Fortune, Sharon Talbot, Darlene Fry, Gordon Jones Lorette and Glad Savauge, Heidi and Ted Savaug 4%4 ��i v!�i k•.1 r w. -•i •':i vr.1'..�' Wi . It's the season of joy and: good will , when, friends 'L gather together for • hi=ppy titres. May Your Christmas Holiday be filled with many ouch mom®nt& LAR014E'S Seafartii's 5e to $1.00 Store Stationery - Gifts ' fr" r' r-rr" r' r" r r~ r•': y r '1 4. • `r • rN • r' • • .: