HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-12-07, Page 9SFAFORT}I, ONTARIO, TiRURSDAY,. D CE $EE, 7, 19167 - ,ecoid .Secirion,Fage6 F. to New$. of St. ColtiOan SI,ower Honors Bride-to-be a s • • w ' w Receive' 4-H Recognition Among members of 4-H Clubs across Hu ron who received! awards at the Night program Friday at SDHS here, were (le ft) Bruce Lamb, Dungannon, who the C. S, MacNaughton trophy, Glen McNeil, al so of Dungannon, who received Novice trophy and Robert Vodden„Bayfield, w ho won the A. Y. McLean • trophy Dairy Showmanship, (Expositor photo by Hal ey). Staffs W. 1. Considers Citizenship, Education Mrs. Frank 'Hamilton' was hostess for the citizenship and Education meeting of the Staffa W.I. in her home on Wednesday evening. - Mrs. Tom Laing presided and opened with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Coll- ect. She presented an, interest- ing paper on the Motto, "One who ceases to learn, ceases to live". Miss Olive Speare gave a reading. Special Guest for the evening was Mrs. Stewart Shrier, South Perth District President who brought. greet- ings from South Perth and gave a most interesting add- ress on the early customs and carols of Christmas. Appreci- ation was extended by Mrs. Frank Hamilton. y There were 14 members and 3 visitors present and the roll ,call was . anwere1 by, the members . naming the Prime Minister when they where born. Each member also dis- played 'an old copy of text b.00k frm their school days. Mrs. Carter Kerslake pres, ented interesting reports on the Perth County Rally and the South Perth District Offic- ers Banquet. Mrs. Ed Chappel and Mrs. Tom Laing reported on the area convention at Lon- doii which they had both at- tended. Mrs. Carter Kerslake had the ,specials feature and dis- played many articles made from dyed chicken feathers, among them hats; flowers and Achievement was awarded the Warden's for champion decorating note paper, etc. Mrs. Ed Chappel presided for the business. The drapes for the township hall are now hanging and were approved paid. Anyone interested in a Perth County History, as. a Christmas gift was asked to, contact any Institute member. Mrs. Russell Worden and Mrs. Walter O'Brien are tolook after the Institute's adopted hild's gift. The short course, ,"Fashion lives for You” is to be held in with the Glen Gourie Institute the township hall on May 1st joining with Staffa. Plans were made for a 'Centennial Dance in the Township' Hall 'on Friday evening. .s PR TOWN OF SEAFORTH OPOSED RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT ATTENTION -- IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN. or — ARE SIXTY .YEARS OF AGE, OR OVER (Single person or couple) — IF YOUR • PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE Thys Is Of Interest to You The Council of -the Town of Seaforth and the Ontario Housing Corporation to.: gether with the Federal Government are considering the development of public hous- ing in the town. In the first instance we must establish whether there is a definite de- mand for such accommodation and this can only be achieved if interested families com- plete and return survey questionaires. • The rents would be geared to income, tenants paying a percentage of their gross income in tent regardless of the size of the unit The houses would probably be of either row or, semi-detached design. Units could have up to four or five bedrooms. Questionaires are being sent to all tenants in the municipality in order to deter- mine the number of families w'ho would be interested in obtaining ,the proposed type of rental 'accommodation. Interested families and senior citizens are requ ted to com- plete and return this form immediately. Anyone who has not received a qu lonaire may obtain one from: E, M. WILLIAMS CLERK, TOWN OF SEAFORTH REMEMBER Only by 'filling out a questionaire NOW can you help to determine whether a project should, be developed. 44 A miscellaneous shower for Miss Darlene O'Reilly, Strat- ford," sponsored by, Mrs.. John Moylan and Mrs. John Shea, was held at the home of Mrs. Moylan on Sunday afternoon. A sing song took place with •Mrs. V. J. Lane at the piano and Mrs. Tom Kale directing. ,Contests were played with prizes going to Mrs. •$gb Duf- fy, Mrs. Russ Pringle, Mrs. Ray Murray, and a group con silting of Mrs. J. A. Lane, Mrs. J. 'L. O'Reilly, Mrs, Jack Lane and Mrs, J. J. Lane. , The gifts were opened by Darlene, assisted by Betty Shea and Luella Moylan, for which Darlene thanked each donor. The pleasant afternoon closed with a lunch served by the hostesses and their assist- ants. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lane and family of London visited Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane. Miss Jeanne Melady has re- turned home after spending several months in Europe. Miss Patricia Coyne, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marrinan and children of London with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connolly. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckert,' Kitchener, visited Mrs: Mary Eckert. Mr. and s. Jim Doyle and family ,an Francis Maloney, London vis ted Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Ma ney, Mr. Mrs. Leon Murray and family, Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. Twelve tables of euchre were in play at" a card party held in the. Knights of Colum- bus Hall -here, under the aus- pices of the Father Stephen Eckert Council. Winner were, Ladies first, Mrs. • Corriveau; men's first, John P. Rau; con- soliation prices went to Mrs. Carmon and Thomas Murray. Lucky door prize was won by Auguste Ducharme. Following the cards lunch was served. - WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Earle Rowe of Hensall and Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie of Seaforth visited with Miss Mary Mowbray and Mrs. Maud Leeming on Thursday. - Mrs. William J. Leerning is a patient in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Mrs. Ethel McDougall of Seaforth visited with Mrs. Maud Leeming Over the week- end. Ele;Naver!.$ ontinue dvance Seaforth Beavers Rtretchod 'heir unbeaten- streato %lye ,gnu's as they downed gespe7,�, er Attic Macs 1Q-1 on; Thursday eight and returned frp�n. Port Elgin Friday right with a 14-.8 decision. p.ob Reuttenmiller -scored three goals to bead Seaforth Beavers to a 10-1 w?n • over Iespoler-Mic Macs Thursday irr Seaforth for their fourth straight Intermetlia,te "Jr'vic- tory this season. Captain Rill McLaughlin added a pair of goals •while Jack McLlWain, Frank -Hagan, Wayne Rau, Tem Dick and Ray Anstett counted singles. Larry O;Krafta scored the lone goal for Hespeler at 13:43 of the third period spoiling. Oar Baker's shut -out. Seaforth 14. — Port Elgin 8 ' Seaforth Beavers w,hippped Port .Eligin Sunoco's 14-8 in OHA Intermediate "B" action in Port Elgin Friday, Decem- ber 1st. Jack McLiwain scored eight goals including three in row in the first period to lead the Beavers: Bob Beuttenmiller added a pair with singles go- ing to Ken Doig, Jim Dick. Jim Sills and Bill McLaughlin. Harold Fraser led the Sun- oco's with three goals. Murray Sinclair —got two and Lee Grant. Les Kingston and Ross Dudgeon counted singles. Seaforth plays host to Chel- tenham here on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. for their seventh %ame. News of •Stafla Achievement Day for the 4-H clubs, "A World of Food in Canada". was held in the Mitchell District -High School on Saturday. Mrs. Gerald Car- ey and Mrs. George Vivian led the Staffa No. 1 Springhill Settlers with all girls complet- ing. Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs. Charles Douglas led the Staffa No. 2 Hibbert's Little Lassies, with all girls' completing. Mrs., John Wallace, Staffa No. 2, • was presented with a certificate for completion of 5 years of 4-H leadership. Miss Eleanor Kemp, Staffa No. 1 and Miss Carol Ann Dow, Staffa No.. 2 each • received their provincial honors for successfully.coznpleting'6 pro- jects. Staffa' No. 1 had an exhibit "Five Items on the Grocery List, 1867-1967", with Darlene Templeman givingthe com- rnentary; Staffa 1Vo4.2 present- ed a skit "A fdmily meal feat- uring a typical dish of another country" i with all members taking part. Mrs. Arthur Kemp resumed her teaching• duties at Hibbert S.S. No. 6 on Thursday follow- ing an illness. The men of Staffa United Church held a successful Ham and Egg supper in the Family Life Centre on Wednesday ev- ening. • ,, Do You ,ewer the Bl Seafort4 Homes of Previous 9MI; hiVe71U . AVOID THE RUSH! 660 AT MainStreet Variety 'THE STORE WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING" PHONE 527-1640 — SEAFORTH Tapestries Tableclothes Chesterfield Covers Floor Covering. Imported --Baby Needs ---Table Linens ---Tea Towels —Bath Towels --Face Cloths ALL IMPORTED UNDER- WEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY A Choice Selection OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS $2.75 up The Finest Boxed Chocolates IMPORTED Santa Boots Candy Filled 10 -oz. . Give A Beautiful DORIVIIBELLA BLANKET Double Bed Size $21.50 Chocolate Initials • Pure Milk Chocolate While They Last -- 29c • A Large Selection of Imported Cigars Boxes of 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 Order Now for Christmas: French Pastry Rifts -- Current Loaf -- Cream Slices Dutch Tarts -- Decorated Dutch Cakes Chance on FREE DRAW for Blanket with every sales slipover $2 DRAW -- Saturday 'ev ni'ng, Dee. 23 t