HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-12-07, Page 6s • :-S•sssr:r2 - •","' .4" • •A 1160Vitset vas vompumittailll on Tblirsda evening for Ur.: and -Mrs. Ile Rapien (Diane Osborn) who were recently married. The ,Apyalalres supplied the music tor dancing. The eYruPativ of the cern, Munity is extended to the fam- ilies of Mrs, Caroline Wieter- sen, who passed away Thurs- day and to Mrs:"Legis Benne- wies who passed away Friday. The 4-11 Homemaking Club have completed the recent project "4 world of rood in Canada" and attended Acfi- eveinent Day at the Mitchell High School on Saturday. The Club members presented a skit, A stew's a stew in any language". Linda Wolfe received her CekklatY,, Honors for having cerkklk•ketea six projects.. Six- teen members completed the club and each girl received a sterling silver teaspoon. The club was under the leadership of Mrs. Rea Elligsen and Mrs. Donald Brown. Flowers were placed in St. peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday frotn, the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beuerman° (Doreen -Lynn Unrah, StsCa- therines), which took place on SfatirclaY ( Robert and Kenneth Ahrens Of Hamilton visited with their psrents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred •Ahrens. Bonnie Fiddes, Hating - tun visited at the same home. On Saturday evening a sur- prise party was held at the Community Hall for MT. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Marcel Wolfe pinned corsages ori hi grand- parents and their wedding at- tendants. Around 70 attended, first to see pictures on slides of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and their fam- ily on special occasions since their marriage. These pictures were taken by Earlan Wilbee and shown by Lorne Wolfe. Progressive euchre followed with prizes going to ladies high, Mrs. Ezra King; ladies low, Mrs, • Wilfred Ahrens; Men's high, Fred Herbert; men's low, Dougalinz. T lfre i r grandson Darrell olfe read a suitable address which was written by John Hinz and Mrs. Michael Con- nolly and another grandson, Dale Wolfe presented them with a gift of inoney. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe Were the fist married at the See- hach's Hill Lutheran Church •fter it was remodelled on Nov. 30, 1p227, by Pastor Mal- insky. , • Their attendantA at the wed - 'ling! were Mrs. Michael Con- Watbere, Mrs. Mickey 1V1cLoy, Stratford, Sam Wolfe, ,,,,,, .., MIL. e, , ,1 Ell ' Blyth, Ontario Wool and Leather Specialists Since 1894 • SM'''F/0.0 rge 1 FOR 'HER' c" ,.Women's Suede or Leather CO A t'S Smart' 'designs ,in plain or fur -trimmed' models. Selection is always per. FecF among our Static of over 300. 42,95 — 295.00 'VitiR ring Leather COATS -& JACKETS See our masculine com- fortable shearling .coats, jackets and vests, In our large selection, one is sure to please him. 19.95 -- 69.95 Glen Laine BLANKETS — Nothing matches the luxury of 100% virgin wool It shows you care enough to give the best. FULL SIZE 10.25 CRIB SIZE 4.75 • 1 .•4: • 44' TOYS See our exclusive line of hand- crafted genuine Sheepskin toys. They're sure to be the star of Christmas morning. 99c to 16.95 Christmas is perfectly in hand when you • choose gloves for the man or woman on, your list. We have over 3,000.pair in every possible delighful color and design. FACTORY OUTLET PRICE 1.49 to 7.95 ••?. • • • ••• - - • , SHEEPSKIN RUGS A MOST POPULAR GIFT These are genuine sheepskin rugs in white, honey, pink, red or blue. , CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PRICE 9.45 each 04 OUR REGULAR LINE ALL COLOURS LAMB SKINS 498 • "VIF;X:x44::ewerM,,i-eNA-~43;.-.4".a0v....r ••••'•-•-'est-""•••:•!r,•-•• • s'ej • t", e 02, 674‘4.• , '18,1(4p477., • ••• OTHER GIFT IDEAS: SHEARLING VESTS ---. SHEARLING SLIPPERS -- LEATHER MOCCASINS — SHEEPSKIN and LEATHER HAT$ CASHMERE SCARVES — SKI MITTS — GENU- INE HAIRSEAL SNOWBOOTS SHEARLING WASHMIT7S. 1 Devaluation of the British pound sterling is expected to lower„,the world 'price of wool and leather goads. To give our customers the "immediate" benefit of this decrease /MINTON LTD. is continuing their FACTORY OUTLET SALE PRICES TILL YEAR'S END: LIMITED ittot Ai; ONT. SATITADA • IMID)ailir TEL. 523-9373 -s AND EVERY A.K to 6 P.111. Heads Holstein Group Allister Broadfoot of RR 3, Seaforth, has been elected pres- ident of the Huron County Hol- stein Breeders' Club, succeed; ing Thomas Hearn of RR 1, Woodham. Mr. Broadfoot was among winners of production certifi- cates. Best 'herd award went to William Storey of Seaforth, who has set . 38 milk produc- tion records. Other officers: vice-presidents Donald Watson, RR 4, Clinton, and William Clutton, RR 5, Goderich; secretary -treasurer; Ross W. Trewartha, Clinton. Certificates were also award- ed • to .tMurray Forbes, RR 2, Clinton; John Struthers, Exeter; and Mac Smith, Listowel. Guest speaker at he annual meeting at Blyth was Douglas' Miles of Clin n, Huron County agricultural r esentative. Dublin Mr. and Mrs, John Burchill, RR 2 Dublin, were hosts Tues- day evening, for the annual -euchre party sponsored by the Dublin W.I. High Score for the ladies was won by Mra Charles Friend, and . Mr. Blythe Lannin held it for the gentlemen. Mrs. Herbert Brit- ton and Mr. Lloyd Humphreys held low scores. Ladies 'Aid Has Meeting Miss Jean Scott presided over the December meeting of the Ladida' Aid of First Presbyter- • ian...CW.1ra Ttteaday afternoon. the Meeting was in charge, of the Fx7-Pullinan group. Mrs. • gave-, 'Thoughts of Christmas". The seriptare lesson and prayer was read by Mrs. W. A. Wright, The ,xeport of the nethinating committee *a 'tead by (Mrs. Margaret MeSsenger. Mrs. Doug- las 9. FrsoWa.s the guest Imeak- et' and told; of, W "Little girl's letter to the New York Sun". The Legend of the Bells and the' Magic of Christina Which On - gists of gladness, joy,love and peace. The asiestker was offen ded courtesy reinarks by Mist ;Man Scott. a ' . 4(anic,ton and Wired Wolfe, Mdfcben and werQ. aU Present Mrs, Peter Robinson, filo flower girl, could net .be Present They reacted en the 12th Con.. 44 Loganuxstil 1,0 years ag°1111, they moved to Arodba en, Mrs^ Wolfe, was the former Louella Rinz, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Uitz arid Alr. Wolfe Was the son at the :at Mr• and Urs. Char- kes Wolfe. They are blessed with three children, Mrs. Dick (Doreen) Watson, Germany; Lorne of Kitchener and Don- ald of London; _eight grand- children, Dangles, Donald and Dianne Watson of Germany, Marcel, Darrell and Dale of Kitchener, Steven and jam - ie of LondOn. s ' Mrs. Wolfe luta cine sister, Mrs. Michael Connelly, Wat- urg, three brothers, Lorne Hinz ef !St, Thomas, Ezra ef Sebringville, and John ef Kit- chener. Lorne and•Ezra could not attend on account of ill- ness„ Lavern Welfe• has two sis- ters, Ws. Mickey (Ordelia) 1V1r,LoY, Btrattgd, Mrs. Mar- tin (4kieline) snegelt Shalma- peare, and two brothers, 'Sam Wolfe, Monkton and Wilfred RR 4 Mitchell. They „were presented with a cuckee selock, from their family in Germany, a wall PI 1.4EIR,Mesisa purseiamoney. Tr, ,son.s put the party on for t shrl a lunch was ter- vec1. Chamber of Commerce member, neighbor,.; friends and relatives from Kitchener, Stratford, Shakespeare, Mitch- ell, Watburg, Monkton, Exet- er, London, St, Thomas, Seb-, McKillop and sur- rounding district attended. Mrs. Caroline Wietersen Mrs. Caroline Wietersen, 85, Mitchell died Thursday mor- ning in the Stratford General Hospital...-. - She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hoegy. In 1903 she married Henry Wietersen and they set- tled on a McKillop Township farm until 1957 when he died. Mrs. Wietersen had been staying with her daughter, Mr. Carl Eisler, Mitchell. She was a member of the Evangelical United Brethren church, McKillop Township and,„the Ladies Association at thd church. Mrs. Wietersen is survived by one son, Leslie, Bornholm, one daughter, Mrs. Carl (Del- la) Eisler, Mitchell, one broth- er, William Hoegy, Seaforth, six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The; body rested at the Lockhart funeral home* Mit- chell until Sunday when re- moval was made to the Church in McKillop Township. Rev. George Sim, Listowel, of- ficiated and burial was in the adjoining cemetery. Mrs. Louis Bennewies Mrs. Louis Bennewies, 74; Brodhagen, died Friday in the Seaforth Conutunity Hospital'. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koeh- ler. Born in McKillop ToWn- ship, Aug. 17, 1893, she marri- ed Louis Bennewies on Dec. 1, 1915. They farmed in Logan Township until. 1959 when, they retired to Brodhagen/ S was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran,Church and the women's organizations at the church in Brodhagen. Besides her husband, she is survived by,one son, Edward. Logan ToWnship; two daught- ers,,Mrs. Gordon (Verna) Mil- ler, Brodhagen and Mrs. Theo- , • dare (Mildrefrcl) Nowacic,Uee Township; one brother, Win. McKillop Townalip; onhal Harvey -Koehler, •ot Oat; one sietetg' Mrs— Clara Bonen/ran, Xsandon; two halt sisteras Mrs. Carr (Irene)* Milts el, Fullerton TOWnshin, And Mrs. Clarence (Marie) Barber, (Pelt; IA' grandchildren. and two great grandohildren, - hart Funeral Home,. Mitchell, The body rested at the Lock - until Monday when removal was masle to St, Peter's Luth- eran Church, Brodhagen when funeral service was conducted by Rev. H. Loosing. Temper- ary entombment was in .the Elizabeth Ritz 1Vleinorial, pel, Mitchell with burial later in St Petees Lutheran Church cemetery, Breditagen. sea 104 44,1) ott paleflt h, $t"...iftsg$'11X0Apjtat 1.;phdoh., , 'a)14- Mrs.. VIvirt Xorsitil* had s tbsir :guests en SAWN% • Mr. and Mo.; INovre.hhale artoi- •fliastrei4fanlIT1).4.,as4n44' 141111104.' .0,n11.414. SU of` Sarna, Mr; Gordon tPranee ietura4 to his bane on Sunday after being a .0atient in St. Marys' llospitai this past week, 411.4) Mrs.. ,Elson Tynn, Jilnyancl Mr. andqVIrs. Sanford Ilutton and Dennis, • Mr. and Mra. Elwyn Kerslake and Paul attended Achievement night s/n- Friday evening__ at -Seaforth District High Scheel. aVir. Phil-Hern spent Wednes, day in. Toronto at the avlessey-,, Ferguson Farin StioW• f IMPROVE YOtfft MD! (--• 0, (1 4VI'' cal b e "4FZ lie • vs • "4 ".'.. AU, T , DAIRY "SIRES Ji•gLik p43.0, .pooli ,,,yrionoley r•IP: .134 :Rat�dfoobiIity''t t� trammit! PiOven 1 'Milk prodoctiForon 'Beet • Body type SEI ED MEATSIS • Test .Steer,sons tested for gaining ability e. and cutout WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASS'N Calling hours weekdays till 9:30 A.M. For Sunday service phone Saturday 6 - 8 P.M. PHONES:— WCBA Clinton 482-3441 Zenith 95650 I ' ii When you think of gifts for the family • ,come to us first. CHRISTMAS CORATIONS 8 ligh ree string, series . 1. 7 light tree s141ng 15 light tree tring Outdoor tre string Tree Bafls, Room Strings, Wreaths 2.49 498 5.25 Hockey Gloves Shin Pads .. Shoulder Pads Rair,D,x.yers Blectric Irons Gun Cases rk.opao, Stapler!G SnorrShOes' .04hlight,'eemPlete 7,25 to, 13.00 ° 6.75 to 14.00 22.9.5 to 24.95 4,65 ,to F4,20 ' 49.95 prch Sets 3.25 11.50 9 5 to 18.95 .1C95 .69to z2.99 • /vsAs FoR A MERRIER • 1oma/ Pool Tables Road Races Hockey Games Games and Dolls 4.95 to 32.95 up *to 39.00 12.77 Seaforth SILLS ARDWARE Ontario ..•••••.4. ,••••_Ai ,,,••••41, .,•-..„t. 744, frit i..••••• ‘4. S. • , • • -. • • .4, `4,. • 1.4 ts. NINIIIIIIM1111111111110,111111 Watches — Diamonds — Wallets,— kings — China — Glassware — Jewel Cases •GIFT HEADQUARTERS for XMAS Shoppers 3 -HEAD PHILISHAVE only $29.95 2-'11EAD • SPEED -FLEX with trimmer only $26.95 2-IYEAD SPEEDSHAVER only $17.95 FREE LOTION WITH EACFI SHAVER JEWELLERS ICERTIOIED WATCHMAKERS) Watches — Diamonds — Wallets — Rings -- Silver — China Glassware —, Jewel Cases • st.4, 4.,•• .•••••• • .••••• Assil Asid .••••••1, .••••.1 4•••• • 4,•••.4. +•••••..4• u•tii• .••••k ••••44. • ••••*.A ••••..E• ••••=4, •••=4• •••••41 • •••`,4, •-• ",rt• • yar " 4(W/ •" re•MWASM:4WWW:EONA0.00kre :44 4ray:WO ; Mgh WeVY,OZP' ,••••• We 4 r M4.1y9p /4WAr7;•••;" CHESTERFIELD SUITES Make pleasant Christmas giving!' Happy Home - Loving Gifts Occasional and Hostess CHAIRS Our Store is• jammed with an endless variety of Chairs! • The Perfect Gift! SPACE SAVERS KROEHLER ROCKERS LAMPS STEP-UP and COFFEE vABLE,s Bedroom Furniture Switfrel Rockers SERTA MATTRESSES Floor & Table Lamps 445441-4.,•4, • •••••4••• GIFT SUGGESTIONS for Every Member of the Family! What could be more popular than than a i3ealrtiful •DINETTE SUIT to. Complete Your Home 4 • . Floor Coveting; eievisious • V • PHONE 52t4390 The "Little Woman" will LOVE you for thisl HONDERCH'S RED SEAL Cedar Chest TEE BEST ON TEE • ,1,I2Afficrr Furniture neral - Ambulanie Service , sz. SEAPORTH t -r- sr: r- r-er• •r•r" •' • • • , •• , ,„•.1 A !I '1,11 M14.4 • Ls 41'