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The Huron Expositor, 1967-11-30, Page 8
0-;4;npnuR 4lI'l EXi'osIToR **APQRTH . 4'Nlr' NOV . 30, MT 41Tit 12•l ' 23 -Specks 34't itctw g 15400oltotic beveram 1.7 0matabe 19•Portiong mediciee 21 -Beam " 22-tiutler airbag. - 24 -Tiny m 4 26,Cate for 29 -Analyse, sentence al-Gratuiq 83 -Female deet 84 -Printer's , measure 85 -Shade tree 87 -Openwork fabric 89 -Symbol far tellurium 40 -Corded dole 42 adelaf, 14 -Carried WA continent 18 -Pale 50 -Youngsters 11 -Tear i3 -City in Italy d5 -Tolled 08 -More frigid it -Dine 12 -Flowers 4 -Period al time 15 -Exist .6 -Rends i7 -Encountered DOWN 1 -Part of fireplace. tR• ia3f114 4•i'fenoua. 'T aiou4 044 4 -Former Russi, n ruler 9 -Rema ped` 3d -Assistant 34-Fraaeti WOW 16•koop • 18 -Rodent •/20 -Drunkard 224Ausical drswa 23 -Cripples 25 -Metal 27 -Famed 2A -Acts 30 -Cloth measure 32 -Fondle HEIZOB ui•ln N©UGG BOO •t_ BOSMEI ClPM00 1 M1DL i MI IEC WOOB MOD 01E100 WOBSE1 000 OE EOM MEW BO 01001 EOMO0 MOB non o©Wo MOO 00000 eJClt min MOMO100 Ellin mem Qi"][] ma a©I13L7 COM 36 -Cut 38 -Sum 41 -Buccaneer 43 -Scottish cap 45 -One behind another 47 -Be tri 49 -Keener 52 -Saucy SOLUTION 54 -Defeat 55 -Edible seed 56.0rggn of hearing 57 -Female deer 59 -Before 60 -Rodent 63-A continent (abbr.) l 2 3• in:i' 4- 5 6 7 a :%ii 9 10 1111 12 ®■at" ■ 1115,'i��■ tin 16 • IWil■ 18, ■U. ,••....4 9 20 •gE 21 22 23 .■i!�i1i!� rl 24 25 26 ■i 28 29 ■■■ 30vA 31 ■ 32 al 33 ■. 34link$ ■56565: 35 ■ 36 'yR►•`•'i itwOy 37 ■ 38 39 ■ 40 ■'41 •+' 42 .43 i• �..Mg o .31 44 ■ 45 ■1 13 47 bli 48 49•TO 50 . II 5,7.01M5 t • 53,. 54 ■■ 55 56 ■.■ 57 •�i.} 58 ■■■ 59 60 61 ■■lig 62 63 :�Xi 6465W" �■ ILA Mil Seaforth Monument Works All Types of. Cemetery Memorials OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 225-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTIk Contact Willis Dundas , 1697 CHEV. SEDAN (Demo) A.T. "WC-PONTIAC PARISIENNE '8' 4 -door Hardtop, A.T., P.S., P.B. & R. — 654-944 1966 CHEV. BELAIRE '8' SEDAN A.T., Radio — Lic. E91652 1965 CHEVELLE SEDAN A.T. - Lie. 248-97H 1965 CHEV. "8" STATION WAGON A.T., P.S. and P.B., Radio, Lic. 95443. 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. and R. –. Lic. E90-2,74 1964 CHEV. "8" STATION• WAGON 1964 FORD "8" Hardtop 1963 CHEV. COACH A.T. — Lic. E92.699 1963 OLDS. SEDAN A.T., P.S., P.B. and R. — Lie.- E90.652 1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. — Lie. E92-436 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN A.T. — Lie. E90-734 TO CLEAR — Two '67 Chev. Sedans and One Ohevelle '8' Convertible 1964 CHEV. PICK -UF, long base Lic. C83734. SALE on NOW UNIROYAL WINTERIDE SNOW TIRES SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 527-1/50 . Seatarfh dot Open Ev^eninge to 0:00 pant' Present Awards Local 284 Ontario Farmers' Union held a talent contest at the Seaforth District High SchOol to select two winners to attend the Provincial conven- tion banquet at Chatham on Monday. Robert Taylor of Varna was master of ceremonies. The jud- ges were C. Govier, Goderich, Leo Kroonan, Dublin and Mrs. Robert Taylor, ,Varna. The following numbers were entered: - . Barry" and' Gary Stone (elec- tric guitars) 'Little Brown Church in the Valley"; Jack Storey, violin solo, '`Black Vel- vet Waltz"; quartette, Bobby, Donna, Darlene and, Donny Hen- derson, "Sugartime"; solo, Diane Henderson, "I Love You More"; solo, Reg Thompson (accordian medley); Joanne Arts, accor- dian solo, `Let's Go Off to Dub- lin"; Rick MacKenzie, accordian solo,. '-'Rainbow Waltz"; step dancers, Donna Storey (solo number), Donna and Sherry (duet), Jim and Bill Henderson, (duet). First prize winners were Misses Donna and Sherry Stor- ey and second prize went to Bobby, Donna, Darlene and Donny Henderson. Two girls were chosen to compete at Zurich -for the Miss Huron -Perth Fanners' Union. They were Miss Patti Storey and Miss Ricki Willems. The president Mrs. Govenlock called on C. Dalton, treasurer, to present Centennial dollars to all contestants present. Mrs. Govenlock presented a Farm Union Cook Book to each of the two Miss Farm Union contestants. A customer was carefully stiring aand searching in his bowl of oyster stew. The wai- ter'watcshed him for some time and finally said, "You some- times find a pearl in an oyster stew." "I'm not looldng for pearls," the customer said, "l'm 'trying to find an oyster." ALL TYPES - INSURANCE Donald .G. Eaton % Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth The "proving", is done.:. The profits are yours with tiarcross 288 .chicks... Here's the top egg producer of them all on a minimum of feed in any en- vironment–;the SHAVER STAR - CROSS 288. , LOOK AT THESE FIGURES (AS PROVEN IN 5 YEARS OF RANDOM TESTS) AND START COUNTING •'YOUR PROFITS BEFORE THEY'RE. -'LAID. - • Income per pullet housed $2.20 • Egg yield per year - 250-280 • Pe'rcen.tage of large eggs 84% CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SWIFT HATCHERY OR DEALER G11e6.ta ' I:Yvith Mr. and Mrs. George.'Wheeler 'and- David on 'Sunday wero Mr. gut, Mrs. R.ob, ert Tweney of Hamilton, Mr. Samuel Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rurat, Heather and Wray and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hurst, Jr,, of Windsor, 41r. John Butters, Mr, and Mrs. John Rodd, Pam- ela amela and Calvin and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna, !Mrs. -David Levy and Douglas spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell of Kirkton. Mrs, Arnold• Hern spent sev- eral days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hern and family -of London. Cheryl and Nancy have a new baby sister. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine, Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith spent the weekend in Hazel Park, • Mich„ and wre guests of they E'aget Park Iudge on Saturday ,eve - We are pleased to leave Rev. John Xing, !Mr, Ernest Vodaen and Larry Johns home, after spending some time in the hos- pital. Mr.. and Mrs. John Witteveen were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Witteveen and family of Toronto. Mr. andr Mrs. George Levy, Marian and Elizabeth visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy and- Margaret, Mr.. and Mrs.. Russell- Mills. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills of Lon- don. ondon- visited on" Sunday with Miss Blanche Mills and Mr. Ed- gar Mills. - Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne' Rodd spent the -'weekend, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- DEAR DORIS advice from Doris Mark PLAY IT COOL, -SWEETIE DEAR DORIS — I am an op- erating _room technician. This particular Dr. X. has been giv- ing me the eye., Finally he 'ask ed me today how I was. I really do like him a lot. If he had never stared at ine in' the beginning he would have been another- doctor like the rest. The only problem is Dr. X. is 26 and I'm 20. The boys I date are 21 or 22: Is this doctor too old for me? Or should I forget him because he is a doctor? My friends say I,haven't a chance and to.gor- get him. Not Infatuated DEAR NOT.— Is he a man of the world? Are you the op- posite — a sheltered, ,inexperi- enced type? If so, he is a deaf ful pubt- ful prospect. But is he shy, and attracted to your open friend- liness? That would be different. I can't see how being a doc- tor would rule him out. Doc- tors ' often Marry nurses and other hospital staff people. You would have a head start in understanding some of the trials of a medical man. Take it easy and give your - .self — and him — a chance. DEAR DORIS — Just about every boy that I've dated has, gotten grabby. •,I don't appreci- ate parking because of the way boys act; they are all hands. Use Expositor IWanfAds THE HURON EXPOSITOR KeitelftWOMMO ijop Will Lay -a -way RING FOR CHRISTMAS AT SAVAUGE JEWELLERS. (Opposite Post Office) Hundreds to Choose From mans .-aseityadari rve talked ' to - may parents and all they say' is boys are like that; and to refuse a boy's advances politely, without mak- ing him a heel. That's all well and good, but how? It's easier said than done, Hands Off DEAR HANDS OFF — And so it is. But there are ways, Like this: 1. Avoid going on long, lone- ly car. rides; being alone for the evening with a boy -in, a dimly lit living room; letting a boy help you baby sit. 2. If an escort is driving you home and parks the car, • ask him to please drive home. 3. If, in spite of all, he be- gins to neck, sit up straight, collect up all wandering hands give them back to him. Say you aren't interested. 4. As an alternative, change the subject. Ask for hot dog. Suggest joining a group'. A boy admires a girl who learns how to handle these si- tuations. Try it once and it will come easier next time. DEAR DORIS — I .,j ist re- cently got out .of the hospital and would 'like to go back to the convent. I suffered from a well-known. mental illness cal- led schizophrenia. Could you find out for me any convent that would accept me? I've always wanted to be a sister since I was about 12: I well know what it means to be homesick since I was in a. convent away from home and it was there I"' took sick. I'm going to have o stay in the world for another couple of years to get back on my feet. I am also engaged, but . I really don't - know whether or not I would be happy married. Still• On Pills DEAR PILLS -- Better de- cide after, Tot before, you are all better. The religious life is wonderful, but demanding, and some people just aren't 'cut out for it. There are other • ways of ,serving God and your church. 'Marriage takes maturity too. For the, next two years, work at regaining mental and emo- tional health. You may feel' en- tirely' different about marriage,) and convents, and life in . gen- eral later on. DEAR DORIS I am con- sidering taking on •a job: My question is: is it right for me to accept my mother's offer to take care of my nine-year-old Billy when I am at work? I Won't be home at nights until after he gets to bed. My mother is 75. ' Hesitating DEAR HESITATING -- Much depends on your mother's health and- inclinations. She may see this as a happy oppor- tunity to get close to Billy. One Granny I know is rais- ing her orphaned grandson. She is . he is 11, and bois- terous as they come. Boys run in and out; Granny bakes 'cook- ies, cookies, washes grubby hands,reads bedtime stories, has a ball! Her Jonnie is getting lov- ing care, )laughter, and some- one to to k over serious boy - things with. Why not accept the offer for a month's trial run? FOR 'T H IS WEEK'S -HANDBELL . Containing many, many Canadian Tire Specials f�. Ififeek a d Lawson w Lila bid: mother was in, the' hospital with a :new ,baby* brother. (4r. and Mrs. Oscar Brine were Sunday visitors with Misses (Untie" and Pearl Brine and Mr. Lloyd Brine of Baseline. iaVfrS. Robert Robinson and Michele attended a kitchen shower for Miss Nancy 'Mason of Toronto, bride -elect of Deer ember on Saturday evening, at the home of Mrs., Jack Switzer of Kirkton,' Phone 527-0870 Seaforfh •W4NT ADS -,BRING QUICK RESULT: Dial 527-4)240 Id1! N TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For Information, phone the focal CN Passenger Sales Offici FgpM SeAFoRTIy a- Q Fare CANADIANNATIONAL * 40.41 44. I•aIr Perso 1s• PR OUR COMFUNtIMICIIMICIF s Cards: WARM, AS SINCERE, AIMIt� r - ■�■ami==�=� AS FRIENDLY AS A NANDSHAKS • MARY BETH'S CARD'SHOP 1262 WEST' MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, VERMONT NATIOIIAL SEE THE PHONE 527-0240 v Seaforth 04444444104210000100104 • • 'EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1ST, 1968 the Canada 'Pension Plan is one year younger NOW YOU CAN BENEFIT AT AGE 67 Now you can qualify for your retirement pension under the Canada Pension Plan one year earlier. At age 67. If you've been contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, and if you've retired from regular employment, contact your Canada Pension,Plan Office now. The friendly staff will help you fill out the application form that 'starts your pension cheques coming. They'll explain how your pension is worked out. And when you become eligible. You'll get all the as savers to questions about your retirement pension. Payment is not auto- •-'iinatic. To receive your pension benefits, you must apply.'A.pplie,ation should be made in the Canada Pension Plan Office serving your community. NOTE: IF YOU ARE AGE 70 OR OVER, AND HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE CANADA PENSION PLAN, YOU DON'T HAVE TO RETIRE TO QUALIFY'FOR BENEFITS. YOUR DISTRICT AND LOCAL. OFFICES ARE,LISTED BELOW. LONDON -Room 401, 365.Rictimond Street PHONE 438-2953, Goderich-35 East Street Sarnia -115 Davis ttreet V WALTER M'cCLURE RR go Seaforth Phone 527.0476 1 St. Thomas -403 Talbot'Strebt TiIIsoflburg;-4 Ridout' St. East Woodstock -35 Metcalfe Street ISSUED BY 1 HE DEPARTMENT OP NATIONAL HEALtH AND 11 V-FARB. THE, HON,.:Ar AN ;1, NMAdtACHEN', MINISTEi - • 1' • w AO 0 •I h 4 a ♦ t, 0 4 s. M • M 0