HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-11-30, Page 1-. ho -•}o. 51203
108th, Year
Dublin Firm Builds Big Bridges
Typical of a number of jobs which Looby Construction
Ltd., of Dublin is carrying out across the province is' this
half million dollar,, 360 foot bridge on No, 63 Highway near
North Bay, Built an a curve' the 60 foot wide bridge stretches
into the distance on the left of the picture. The bride is 27
feet at its highest point. The firm recently was awarded a
further contract for second, bridge in North Bay at $300,-
000. This structure,provides• a railway overpass' on Golf St.
Keen Interest in Area
In Hullet
There -will be a two-man race
for' reeve ,m Hullett Towniship
this year, following nominations
Friday afternoon...
More than 70 ratepayers were
on hand at the- Londesboro
Township Hall; to nominate two
for reeve, live for council and
seven for school area trustees.
Those. elected- will serve two-
year terms. -
Donald Buchanan, , a member
of council for the past seven
years, will ' ' challenge Hugh
Flynn for the reeveship. Reeve
Flynn was. named to the posi0
tion earlier this year to fill. the
.vacancy created when• the form-
er reeve, CIare Vincent, resign-
ed to become clerk of the town-
Of the five nominated to fill
four seats on council, only four
qualified. Kenneth Hulley with-
drew his name in favor of run-
ning for the Public School Area
Board.. Len Archambault, Joe
Hunking, John Jewitt and
'Charles Scanlon were elected by
The announcement by Premier
Roberts, concerning the creat-
reating of county boards in 1969,
to look after the burden of ed-
ucation, had little effect on the
ratepayers of Hullett as , they
nominated seven men for five
positions on the school board.
Six of the -even ---nominated,
qualified. The seventh, Stanley
Lyon, had moved out of the
township. Eric Anderson, Mor-
ris Bean, Glen Carter, ,Thomas
Cunningham, Joe Gibson and
Kenneth Hulley will stand for
• •
Following the nominations,
reports were -given frons the
municipal officials.. Road Sup-
erintendent George Hoggart
gave a brief rundown on the
activities of the latter }'art of
1967. Mr. Hoggart was also nam-
ed to office halfway through
the year to fill a vacancy.
Reeve Hugh Flynn reported
on County Council activities,
noting that in the short time
he has been involved .with the
county he has found there is
a tendency to do things in a
hurry, sometimes too. fast.
On road work, Mr.. Flyrerelig-
gested -plans should be, advanc-
ed to keep roads in the county
to a standard, to contend with
increasing heavy traffic. '
Len Archambault in -a report
to the retepayers,. noted that a
change in municipal government
was forth coming and that there
was talk of regional govern-
ments. He said the tax arrears
problem was severe and that it
was costing the. township more
and more money yearly.
When the township has to
borrow money to meet commit-
ments, then pay that money
back- at the increasing interest
rate, then we have a serious
problem to consider," he said,.
Donald Buchanan, councillor,
in hirreport, expanded on the
problem of, collecting taxes.
"The• township has to borrow
$140,000 yearly to operate," he
said. `"Last year at January 42%
of the taxes in the township
were unpaid. Council will have
to.ta'ke action• to get this mon-
(Continued on rage 4)
These Were the.
MAYOR — Frank Kling, by
Carl Dalton and ;A. Y. McLean,.
REEVE — Carl Dalton, by
Mrs. Alice McConnell and Mrs;
W. E. Butt; NormanScoins, by
Robert Ainamore and' Ronald
Drager 544
D , • REEVi1 . — Mrs.
Marjorie',Rridge,• by Tom Haley
and Ronald Drager; Wilmer
Cuthill, by' C. A. Reith alnd� Wil -
Ilam Hodgert.
PUC R. S. Box, by G. D.
Sills and Ben F. Bridge.
COUNCIL — Mrs. :Elisabeth
Cardno, by Mrs. Alice McCon-
nell and Mrs. Jean Henderson;
Robert Dinsmore, by G. D. Sills
and Don Horne; L. F. Ford, by
George Hildebrand and Wilmer
Cuthill; Mrs. Jean Henderson,
by George Hildebrand and, 3.C.
MacLennan; George Hildebrand,
by A. Y. McLean acid Edward
Taylor; James Kelly by Edward
Taylor and George Hildebrand;,
R. S. MacDonald, by G. D.; Sills
and R. S. Box; Mrrs. Aluiee,McCon-
nell, ley Mrs. Jean` •Henderson
and Mrs. Elizabeth Calvin(); J.
C. MacLennan, by Wilmer Cut-
hill',;and Carl Dalton.
— Mrs. William Cl•. -Campbell,
by Marilyn Chesney and Sheila
Morton;, Lee Habkirk,. by Wil-
liam, Hedged and J. C. Mac-
Lenan; Will€'; n Oodgert;'rbj+
Air . •Xcan Henderson and -Elie!*
beth +Car o; Bert'Mbggaeh, by
To mt Val 0. and (Marilyti Kure
REEVE — Allan Campbell, by
Ross Driscoll and William
Hodge; Kenneth Stewart, by
John R. Leeming and Frances
Hieknell. -
COUNCIL — Allan Campbell,
by Harold Pryce and Mervin
Godkin Lewit Coyne, by John
S. Henderson and Michael B.
Murray; William, J. teeming,
by Mervin Godkin arid- • Earl
Mills; Ralph McNichol, by Jack
Bosman and Ross Driscoll.
ald Pryce, by Allan Campbell
and William Little; George
Rock, by Stephen Murray and
Jack Horan.
REEVE —.Donald Buchanan,
by John Armstrong and Robert
Dalton; Hugh Flynn, by James
McEwing and Lloyd Stewart, '
COUNCIL — Len Archam-
bault, by Tom Cunningham and
Ed Hunking; Kenneth Hulley,
by -Leslie Reid and -James Mc -
Ewing; Joe Hunking, by Tom
Leiper and, Jack Lee; John Jew-
itt, by James Howatt afrd Geor-
ge Smith; Charles Scanlon, by
Alec Riley and Emmerson Hesk.
--- Erie Anderson, by James
Howatt and John Jewitt; Mau-
rice' Bean, by Eric Anderson
and Edward East;' Glen, Carter,
by Cliff Saundercock and Jack
Lee; Toni. Cunningham, by Len
Arch tnbault and Joe Bunking;
Joo Gibson, by Stanley Lyon
and ,anter McEwing; Kenneth
Flutter, by; James McEwing and
Leslie Reid •
In M chill o p °•
• A discussion of primary school
facilities in McKillop highlight-
ed the ratepayers meeting
which followed the close of
nominations Monday afternoon.
Frequently crowded to:. the
doors at similar events in oth-
er years the Winthrop Hall was
less .than half filled --with 54
present as• the meeting got un-
derway. Clerk J. M. Eckert was
named chairman.
Reeve Ken'Stewart said it had
been a bad year in which to get
work Completed: Not only was
brain work'' behind because of
"Weather but roads also had de-
manded more attention.
Tax increases reflected the
inclusion of .warble fly costs in
the rate. This had become nec-
essary when the department in-
sisted the work be proceeded
with despite the fact no bids
had been received. In addition
it had beennecessary to pay
standing time of $10 per day to
The 100th Anniversary Ser-
vices, held during the month of
November, in first Presbyterian
Church, concluded last Sunday,
when a Centennial Gommunion
Service was conducted.
During the service new mem-
bers were received into the
Church. The following joined
First Church by transfer of cer-
tificates: Mr. and (Mrs. Thomas
Young; from Knox Church, Tara;
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray
from Erskine. Church, Dundalk;
Mr: and, Mrs. Gordon Tyndall,
from Ontarib St. and •St_ An-
drew's • Churches, Clinton; •Mrs.
John Hillebrecht, Cavan Church,
Winthrop; and Miss Sharon Van
(Continued on Page 4)
Who recently receiver his
Bachelor of Arts Degree
at a convocation of Water-
loo Lutheran University.yA •
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Miller of Seaforrth, he maj-
ored tri history and is on
the staff of Courtland tehaol
in 'Kitchener. He is a "gi`*..
nate of SDHS 'and Stratford
Teachers College"
snow plow operators. Wages too;
hadincreased across the board.
He recalled the township Cen ,
tennial activities and the fact
the telephone system had ,been
sold to Bell.
As the township represent*
tive at eounty council Reeve
Stewart reviewed' county aetiv
ities, County 'home c`osts were
$5.49 per diem of which 64.9
cents was the per diem food
cost. In 1957 with 96 patients
the staff had totalled 25. Now
(Continued on Page 5)
a y4.T,
i.t5 :O
Ratepayers Talk
Of Town Problems
The srnail attendance of rate-'
payers at the meeting which
fpllowed Seaforth nominations
Monday •night was offset to a
degree by the spirited question-
ing which was directed to the
Clerk Ernest Williams acted
as chairman and; called on May-
or Frank Kling, who reviewed
Council's activities during the
year. He expressed appreciation
to members of council and the
town staff for the co=operation.
which had been extended and
which had made possible sub-
stantial progress in a number
of areas:
During -the year council had
made arrangements for a sur-
vey leading to the design of a
new treatment. plant and collec-
tion system for sanitary sewage.
as required by the OWRC. A
recreational council had been
established and was in the pro-
cess of assuming responsibilities
envisaged by the program, •
During the year a main storm
drain had been installed in the
West William Street area as
the basis foralong term drain
program to serve the northwest
portion of town. Mayor Kling
pointed out that with the com-
pletion of the storm drain the
area now was ready. for perman-
ent paving since sanitary sew-
ers had been installed a couple
of years ago.
It was ,expected that work
would lie underway shortly on
the Silver Creek drain improve-
ment and this too was part of
a long range program to ease
flooding which had plagued the
Crowd Northside - for -
Centennial Gathering
A Centennial "Back, through
the years" evening, was held in
the church school room of
Northside United Church, Sea -
forth, on Sunday evening, un-
der the auspices of unit two,
United Churc hWomen. •
Tire program was opened with
an old-time hymn sing by the
Northside choir under the dir-
ection of James A. Stewart with
the audience participating. J.
C. Britton led in a brief devo-
tional • service. Miss Christine
Pryce and Miss Sharon Strong
contributed two duets.
James M. Scott showed movies
taken in 1947 when the church
celebrated its 85th anniversary
and Rev. Ure Stewart showed
slides of past events ire North-
side church life:
Rev. Ure Stewart sang a
hymn in the Ojibway Indian
language to the tuneof an old
Scottish Presbyterian hymn, ac-
companied by his wife on• the.
piano. He ;commented on the
debt'we• owe= the Indian people
who were• sO good to the first
white settlers who came to this
district in 1833, and would nev-
er have survived their first
winter if the Huron Indians had
not taken them into their wig-
"Church in the Wildwood"
was sung by a men's chorus1
James A. Stewart, Sam Scott,
.Ernest Williams, Clarence Wal-
den, Geotrge Ribey and William
Campbell. A piano solo by Miss
'Lynne McDonald followed and
"Listening to my Saviour's -Call"
was sung by a ladies' chorus,
Mrs. Ernest Williams, Mrs. Pet-
er Moffatt, Miss Ruth Cluff,
Mrs. Donald Wood and Mrs.
Lloyd Hoggarth.
Rev. Ure Stewart gave a short
resume of his sixty years in the
ministry and his wife showed
slides of the different churches
where he had preached and of
the various houses in which he
had Iived from his boyhood
home through the rectories in
his different charges. He told
Many stories1about his boyhood,
saying he was born at Saltford,.
where his father built their
home in 1866 on the heights,
there near Goderieh and the
property is now, owned by Bis-
set Brothers Dairy Ltd. He rem-
inisced about his life in the
ministry and the changes. He
wondered if today a mother
would' carry her child twelve
miles to have hint baptised. Re
told of a couple walking twenty
miles to a town to be married,
accompanied by another couple
who acted as attendants, stay-,
Ing overnight in Goderich and
when halfway home the nest
day remetnbering had fox?:
gotten to pay the istet attd,;
returning to Goderich t8 do so.
With his wit and keen, -memory
Mr. Stewart kept his audience
enthralled for an hour.
A fellowship hour followed
during which ladies dressed in
lovely old gowns of yesteryears
served an old fashioned lunch
of tea, biscuits, gingersnaps and
,(Continued on Page 4) ._
eastern portion of town for.
many years. The town had been
declared a planning area and
a study- leading to the develop-
ment of an official pian by the
town's consultants was 'under-
way, The Centennial project —
creatioe of a new entrance to
the arena — had been complet-
ed as well as the development
of the area adjacent to the
In a question 'period that fol-
lowed, Mrs. Edgar Butt inquir-
ed what prompted the proposal
to reduce the number of coun-
cillors from six to four. Mayor
Kling said there had been
soxne discussion which had been
prompted perhaps by the fact
that a contemplated increase in
the PUC could probably be off-
set by a reduction in council
strength. He, pointed out that
in acting as it had done council
was anxious for an opinion of
the ratepayers before making
any firm decisions.
R. J. Boussey queried the pro-
cedure which- had been follow-
ed with respect to the bylaws
.being presented for approval by
the ratepayers: Clerk Williams.
reviewed the steps • that had
been taken in accordance with
the provisions of the municipal
act. Pressing the matter, Mr.
Boussey.. asked why on the one
hand a reduction *as ceetep.
plated • in council .and a4. the
same time an increase int the
PUC.. Mayor Kling recalled that
the actioin., regarding the PUC
had been•' taken as the result
of a request of the PUC a year
ago. While it was true the PUC
in a recent letter had suggested
a three-man Commission ' be re-'
tained, it had been the opinion
of council that since the public•
already had confirmed the in-
crease, it was only proper that
this opinion not be rejected but
that the administrative -defect
be tidied up.
No consideration had been
given to opening a second cros-
sing by extending Jarvis Street
across the CNP, right of way
Mayor Kling said in answer to
a questtoo by F. C. J...Sills. Mr.
Sills recalled it was intended
to rebuild main street next
year and a problem could arise
since the only crossing over the
(Continued on Page 4)
who was returned to office
by acclamation at Seaforth
nominations Monday night,
Two nxen escaped injury near
Mitchell in a two -car crash
wl}jch•' caused $2,300 damage
early Wednesday "morning.
Cars driven by Charles Dol -
mage, Mitchell and Harold Peth-
ick, Seaforth, collided one mile
east of here on Highway 8 at
about 12.30 a.m. OPP at Seb-
ringville estimated damage at
$1,500 to the Dolmage vehicle
and $800 to the Pethicle car. •
BA • Degree
Gordon H. Johns, a graduate
of Central Huron Secondary
School received his Bachelor of
Science degree (B.Sc.)„in Physics
at therecent fall Convocation
at Waterloo Lutheran Universi-
ty. He is presently teaching at
Eastwood Collegiate in Kitch-
ener. Ile is the younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E; Johns
of Tuckeesmith
IOOF Honors
At Brucefield
A feature of the annual ladies' night of Brucefield Odd, Fellows at Brucefield Church
Friday evening was the presentation of awards to a number of long-time members. In the
upper picture past grand master Robert Willi amson of London is presenting a 50 -year pin
to Gregor McGregor (left) and a 55 -year pip t o'a`red Burdge.
(Lower) DDGM Charles Hay of Hensall pr esents '2 -year • pin to Lindsay Eyre (left) 35 -
year (lin to J. K. Cornish and a 25 -year pin t o William Burdge. During a -program Gordon
Thompson, Kippen, showed pictures taken on a trip to Mexico and/Mayne 'Cartel]; Clinton,
who wen the I00P-Rebekah tJN trip, told of h ifi experiences there. (Expositor photo by Phil-
Se orth vokera W • ,$OE to
the poilsw pn o•
, se.
a reeve anti' exp' acs ,op on
on three plebiscites, • :
While . Mayor,' F , ng. end
Deputyn Reeve W ill;
were returned•, ieexe� �al, . •-
ton faces oppo io � 1 a.
former reeve, Alorman Seo i•
.Members of eounc l' r Lave
been acclaimed ancl' 3 `•include
two who had not prevlooslytaete
ved. R. S. iMacDonald and, L. •r�''
Ford fill vacancies created whim
Mrs. Jean Henderson °axid'Geor-
ge Hildebrand failed tR,quali y.
PUC chairman R. S. Box was
returned by, acclamation as
were three public school. liens
tees, William Hodgert, Bert
Moggach and T. L. Habkirk;
Reeve Ken Stewart was re-
turned in McKillop.' McKillop
council includes one new mem-
ber, W. J. Leeming, who re-
places William Dennis. Mr.
Dennis has moved to Stratford.
Hullett has an election for
reeve where the encumbent
Hugh Flynn is°facing Don Bu-
chanan a meinber elf this year's
council. The township x also is
voting for five school: trustees
from six candidates.
In Dublin five are • seeking
three village teustee positions.
Hibbert Reeve Ross • McPhbil
completing his first term was.re-
turned as were members 'of
Tuckersmith avoids an elec-
tion this year since council is
completing the first of a two
year term. , 3 ,
REEVE — Rudolph Bauer,
Frank Dill, William G. Till; ' hs -
car Rock (all qual fied).
COUNCIL — (4); Earl Ahrens,
Milton Bode, George C. Eiclsnne-
ler, George Jarmuth,-rxordont
Mogk, Hubert Kolkman, Timo-
thy Nicholson, ;William- L. Rose,
Edward C. Sclierbarth, Allan
Siemon, (all qualified).
Mrs. Wilda Drummond (=el.),
REEVE --.',',Ross McPhail,
COUNCIL — John Drake,
Henry Harburn,Clifford Milier,
Charles Roney, • (acct.).
— (2) Earl Dick (acct.), Fergus -
Lannin, Robert Norris (acct.).
TEES — (3), Joseph Cronin,
(qual.); James Krauskopf; Don-
ald MacRae, (quay.); Peter Mal-.
oney, Jr., (qual.); William V.
Smith; Kenneth Stapleton,
(qual.); Kenneth Whetham,
REEVE — Mrs. Minnie
Noakes (acct).
COUNCIL — 'John Baker,
(acct.); George Beer, Oliver
Jacques, (acct); Harold Knight,
(accl.); Jack Lavender„ Hein
Rooseboom, (accl.); John Sang ' '
PUC — (1), ' Mrs. Fred Beer,
Jahn Sangster, (acct.).
AREA BOARD — (1), John
Sangster, (accl.).-
REEVE — Calvin Krauter,
"COUNCIL (4), C. L. Cous-
ins, J: ' L. McCutcheonn H. J.
Ten Pas, Ivan canipbef (acct.),
PUO — (1), John Hanna,
REEVE — William Elston,
(acct.), Stewart Procter.
COUNCIL — Ross Smith,
(accL); James Mair (accl.); Wil-
liam Elston; Walter Shortreed;
Thomas Miller, (acct.);' Robert
Graal5yy, (acct.).
SCHOOL TRUSTnie.. ---- Robert
Elliott, (accl.).
REEVE — Elmer Hayter,
(accI.); Ernest Talbot.
(Continued on 'rage 4)
New ;MC
`Seaforth PUC•has named, Wal-
ter A. Scott, 37,- of Ayr, as the
new manager, effeotive Decetn-
ber 18. He succeeds R. J. Bous-
sey, who has accepted a similar
position in, Clinton.
Announeennent'df the appoint,
ment was made by R. S. ROX-
commission ehnhana I. Mr,
Scott who has been manager! of
the Ayr Hydro Elect -Sy*
tem will move hero ds
wife and two ebildre#r a tots !
as aet8m:noddle/I 1n i> if1