HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-11-23, Page 9•
.4 •
, . .
Sante Clens comes to Sea -
forth on Saturday afteenoon.
• While there' will not be a
parade as has been the Case in
recent years the wnecome be
will receive Will Me0 up
every. reaped t) anything he
could'eXpect according to mer-
chants cenunittee "chairman Ed
Present: plans call for a rec-
eption at the town births after
which the distinguished guest.
will be transported to a receiv-
ing area. adjacent to the Toron-
to-Doinieion Bank. Here he will
distribute treats to area child-
ren. Should the weather he unr
favourable the facilities of the
bank will be used. Tied' distribu-
tion is in charge of a committee
from the Seafort4 Iriotts• aub.
The distribtitien Wili get tile
der way at 2;30 p.m., Durittg the
Afternoon there 'Will 'be free
skating for children at the
Mein Street Christmas decora-
hens are • being put in place
and special Christmas lighting
will be turned on for the first
time Friday evening to mark
the opening of the Christmas
shopping season in Seaforth:
The SDHS GirlsTrumpet
Band will be on hand under
the direction of George Hilde-
brand and will parede on the
street as the lights epme on.
The ceremony is scheduled to
get underway at 1;30 p.m.
Centennial Project
Recieves. Recognition
• A recent issue of the maga-
zine "Centennial Ontario" 'car-
ried a story on the Guy Lom-
bardo visit to Seaforth, as well
as a picttire taken during the
stowing buggies parked beside
the Hensel' Hotel'
In letters to F. C. J. Sills,
Seaiforth Centennial chairman;
the manager of the Lombardo
orchestra indicated how much
the Lombardos had appreciat-
ed the welcome given them
when the group appeared here
in September.
While jthe Centennial pro
Hold •
A family dinner at Zurich, on
Saturday evening marked ,,the
25th- wedding arehiversarY of
Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon.McDonald.
Mrs. McDonald was the former
Marian Appleby, : daughter of
, Mrs.:Appleby and the late Thos.
E. Appleby of town. Mr. Mo.
Donald is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex McDonald of Tucker.
smith. They were .married at
, First Presbyterian Church
manse by_Rev. Hugh Jack and
lived in Mahlon for three
years before corning to Sea -
forth where he is on the staff
of Scott Poultry Farms. They
have -three children, Curtis Mc-
Donald of Galt, Linda, Wood-
stock School of Nursing and
Cindy at home.
The dinner -table Was decor-
ated with candles and a 2 -tier
' wedding cake. The family pre-
sented them with a set of lug-
gram is nearing its end, plans
are under way for a service on
December 31 to close out Cen-
tennial and welcome in the
nevi year. Discussions have been.,
held by the ministerial •associa-
tion and a, Committee headed
by J. L. Slattery as to the form
the service will take.
The reference to the Seaforth
occasion in "Centennial On-
tario" follows: •
"Guy Lombarda and his Roy-
al Canadians •playeda return
engagement in Seaforth after
a lapse of 49 years.
In 1918 the fledgling band
played a one night stand for
$46 to a very small crowd.
• In September, 1967, the now
-famous group played another
one night stand for Seaforth, but
the cost had gene up to $3,000.
The town only has 2,000 resi-
dents, but over 1,500 people at-
Such an, event showshow de-
termined Je—Centennial-minded
Community 'can be. Seaforth
Wanted the Royal Canadians -to
provide the entertainment for
the town -sponsored Centennial
To get what they wanted, they
first borrowed money from the
bank. Then they borrowed stage
equipment, chairs, a baby grand
piano, and even a few people
froni the neighboring towns.
Determination and Guy Lom-
bardo made the Ball the high-
light of Seaforth's Centennial
In a story which appeared in
last week's issue; it was indicat-•
ed that a car which *as daroag-
ed in an accident in front of
the Scout Hall on South Main
Street was owned by Joseph
Dick. This was in error since
the car is ;the •priiperty of
Thomas Dia.,
• Home and School
• Discusses Nursing
Mrs. A. Follis, Director of
Public Health Nurses for Hur-
on County, addressed, the Sea -
forth Home and School Associa-
tion Tuesday evening and des-
cribed aspects of, her work in
Hurbn County. The work in-
volves everything from conduct-
ing pre -natal classes' for the
expectant mother and father to
interest in the vefy elderly pat-
She said that one-third of
their time is spent in the ele-
mentary and the secondary
schools where the pupils are
checked on emotional and men-
tal health as well as physical
health. •
' Mrs. Fans explained how the
incidence of tuberculosis is so
verylow due to chest x-rays and
new drugs. She urged members
to support the Huron. Tubercle
losis Association by sending in
their cheques and by using the
**1 '
Christmas seals on their mail.
Mrs. Don Stephenson intro-
duced Mrs. Follis and she •was,
•thanked by Mrs. A. Y. McLean
who also apologized for the
small turnout of parents.
• Mrs. • Orville Oke • ceeducted
the business meeting and ex-
pressed concern over the ap-
parent lack of interest shown
by parents and staff in not at-
tending Home and School meet-
ings which are held to' foster
co-operation • between parents
and teachers in,the training and
guidance' of 'children both dur-
ing andeafter the school period.
The question of the nionth,
was answered by Mrs. McLean
and the attendance banner was
won by Mrs. N. Weber'soClass,
(Grade 5).
Lunch was served by Mrs.
William O'Shea, Mrs. Murray
Dalton and Mrs. Alfred Beuer-
e ,
SEAFORtrit...PNTAltig,,..TgVASTAY_NOYEIgi3ER 28, 19W1,--- Sgeond SOctiOn; Pages a to go'
Highlight of the series of special services with Wit*
the congregation has marked the 100th anniversary -of
founding of the church occurred on Sunday when the Mod,'
erator of the 93rd general Assembly, Dr. 'John Logan-Vencta'
of Ottawa was the guest minister. At the time when the Fath-
ers of Confederation were molding the shape of Canada,
July, 1867, the fathers of Presbyterianism in Seaforth were ,
formulating the ;plans for First Church. In July, 1867, the
Presbyterians in Seaforth petitioned the Presbytery of Hur-
on and permission to found the congregation was granted
A feature of the evening service on Sunday was the presentie:
tion.bi the congregations of Northside United Cherch here
and CaveteUnited Church, Winthrop, of a Presbyterian flag
to First Church as a symbol of the continuing friendship and
co-operation' between these two denominations. The flag was
''--"preselited by -Irvin Trewartha and William Dodds and receiv-
ed by M. MeKeller. In the picture taken during the morning
service the Minister Rev. D. 0. Fry and Dr. Logan-Vencta are
behind the pulpit' (Expositor photo by Phillips.)
.Fires • on Hibbert Farms
Destroy House thlrd- Barn
In the second of two fires in
Hibbert farms last weekend,
six of a family were forced from
their blazing farirrhome.
The first fire occurred early
Saturday morning when a barn
owned by Antone Poland on the
second concession south of St.
Columban was completely des-
The second fire was early
Sunday Morning.
Dhrrald and Diane Moeser, of
RR 2, Dublin, and their sons,
David, five, Dale, three; Dean,
two, and Louglas, one month,
saved nothing else from the
blaze except Mr. Moeser's pants,
shirt and rubber boots, which
he snatched up,on the way out.
The .two-storey 'insul-brick
. house, rented from Schoonder-
woerd Brothers Ltd., Mitchell,
was destroyed.
No one was hurt.
The _f4re was spotted about
12:3 a.m. by neighbor Rdnald
Pind r, who jtiniped, in his car
and roy to the Moeser farm.
Mrtftder broke •into • the
Attract . Large Crowd
At Benefit. Dance
A large crowd' attended tile
recent •benefit dance for Mr.
and Mrs. Allister Broadfoot at
the Seaforth Community Cent-
re. The music was donated by
Norris's Orchestra and the Sea -
forth Junior Farmers organiz-
ed the evening and served
lunch and Coffee.
The address was read by
George Townsend and a purse
of 'tnoney was presented by
Donate $1,".O To Latin America Rae'
Proceeds- of the Hareest Mot% Dance and.driive sponsored by Knights of, Columbus In
District 31, including pother Nagle Council, doderich, Father Stephen Eckert +Coenell, Sea -
forth and Miro 'Council, Stratford, amounted to '040041 Ifora Deputy Grand Knight Jam
Meagher, Oeneral-ohairmaA, Stratforprennts a Cheque fOr $1,060 to Rev. rather J. McIver,
SPM, as a gift to the 1..atin Auction Ludgate, Looking on are jcitteph Tobin, Stratford, Co
chairman, Leo Ragan, &Worth, CoYeintirman and ea -chairmen yid Walden of Goderich. (Ita
Pesher phOto.4*
Bob Fotheringham.
• The address was as follows:
Dear Thelma and Allister:,
Out on the 2nd of Tuckerstnith
There lives a jolly pair,
Whenever help is needed,
They are always' there. .
Youhave a 4arge farm by the
river, •..
An a lovely home,
Such a cozy setting,
That you never cared to roam.
The long lane in the winter,
Often cause them to sweat,
Milk truck or mobile due,
And the lane not open yeti'
When fair time rolled around,
Their Holstein of all sizes,
Were taken to the fairs,
And -brought home many prizes.
Two weeks ago tonight,
Thelma got an awful scare,
When she looked out the win-
Sparks were flying through the
Soon fire trucks were scream-
And help was there by the sore,
By then', through the dense
Cows were coming out the door.
Many headaches followed,
And you decided to have a sale,
After a week of clipping and
. scrubbing,
Allister looked a, "little frail.
The big black and whites look-
ed prime,
All groomed in their best,
Everyone held their breath,
That, TheIma's 'Jersey would
outtell the east
The junior Farmers wanted to
have a party,
And we farmers need an
To- get out of the barn and ket
all dressed up,
And meet With Our friends and
cut loose.
With' Best Wishes, please ,roe-
,eept• this gift.
signed. ;oh bhn1f. ot,
friendrr and
• •
• ,
house just as the M-oesers were
being awakened by Mrs. Moes-
er, who had' heard the • flames
and smelled smoke. The three
adults hurried the children out-
side seconds before the oil tank
exploded and carried, flames to
every corner of the house.
FAnother neighbor, Clen Smith
called firemen from Mitchell.
The family was taken in by
• Mrs. Moeser's brother, Frank
Kistner, of RR 1, Dublin.
Mr. Moeser is a driver for
Hutton Transport. The farm is
on Lot 4, Con. 5, Hilbert wp.,
-about two • miles southeast. of
Barn Destroyed
• A neighbor James Duch-
arme, discovered the fire in the
Polland halm', and alerted the
owners who called firemen.
Mr's. Poland said the Seaforth
fire bride was on the scene
within minutes but it was im-
possible. to save anything.
'A quantity of farm equip-
ment was lost, including an al-
most new combine, side rake
and blower as well as 4,000 bales
of hay. Some stock in the barn
was saved.
Awards to
The Optimist Club of Seaforth
held its first meeting Thursday
Twenty-two men joined the
newly -formed club, which was
sponsored by the Oakridge
Acres Optimist Club of London,
Officers elected' at the meet-
ing are: president, Robert Dins-
more; vice-presidents, Ronald
Eyre and Gordon Hulley; secre-
tary, Gordon Pringle; treasurer,
William lfanser; publicity, Jim
To observe Optimist Youth
AppteciatiOn .,Week, . the new
club has prilented four Sea -
forth studen -with scholastic
and athletic certificates and $5
each. •
The winners Were Ernest Put-
man and Jean McKaig from
Seaforth .public schbol,,en'd
Anne Noble and Herb Broome
from St. James' separate school.
The awards were presented
at a ceremony at the public
school. Chief Gordon Miley of
the Seaforth pollee showed a
traffie eddy film, Every Herr,
Evetetti'Dokt to the students.
40 Years
Over 100 friends and relatives
gathered at the Seaforth Com-
munity Centre on Friday eve-
ning to honor Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
net McCliechey of Seaforth on
the occasion 6f their 40th wed-
ding- anniversary. , •
Many gifts and a purse of
money were presented to the
couple during a reception- and
dance, •
Mrs. MoClinchey is the form-
er Agnes Adams, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Adams and"step-daughter of
Mrs'. Ellen Adams,i,Railway St.
(Continued on. Page 14)
Appeal Set
For Nrcinday'
a 4x.
County Judge R. S. Hether-
ington will hear an appeal by
the County of Huron against an
assessment on the Silver Creek
Drain here on Monday 'after-
The drainage works, approv-
ed by council two months ago,
involves creating an adequate
ouflet for a longterm .storm
drainage program as well as an
outlet for drainage on Main
Street when the road is re-.
built next' year by the cc:witty.
• Monday
Laterth Pomitlatione are set
for X913,043Y evening Yrnext,ote,,
paYers Nvin nominate for
total of 14 peaitioPs,
Regardless of whether the
POSiticies are filled b ecelants,
tion Pals in ally elteet will be
open a week .later When eleg-
- tors will. vote Me three' ques-
tions. —
A survey Of council Suggests
that ar)St Plembere Will agree
to serving another tert. The
only councillor who indicated
she would, not be ovailAbleW'OS
Mrs. Jean Henderson. Mrs. -Hen-
derson who is completing her
• first term said bOSInas Cern'
raittinenta would prevent her
While in certain cases there
was some hesitation lee-indicat-'
Bill McLaughlires goal at
50 sedonds of a sadden -death
overtime period gave Seaforth
Beavers a 5-4 win over Dur-
ham Huskies in Intermediate
"B" hockey action here on
Tuesday Night Itwas the
Beavers second Ailn in as
many starts.
The line of Doig, McLlwain
and McLaughlin accounted
for all the Seaforth 'scoring
plays. Ken Doig scored three
times and Jack MeLlwain
counted the other one:
Bob Davis scored two of the
Huskies' goals, while Ger
Herman and Bob Mortley f'
ed -th-e-others.
Seaforth opened the scoring
with early 2-0 and 3-1 leads
but these were quickly wiped
out as Durham scored, twice
in 47 seconds to end the first
period in, a 3-3 tie.
In the second period Doig's
second goal of the night was
the only scoring play and it
gave Seaforth the edge.
With four minutes remain-
ing Gerry Herman, scoring a.
picture goal as he made his
.wayAhrough 'a maze of play-
ers in front of the net and beat -
Baker cleanly to even
score 4-4.
Seaforth Line-up: doal:- G.
Baker, Collins; Defence: . Ane
stett, Henderson, J. Dick, Mor-
ton; Forwards; Doig McL11-
wain, McLaughlin, Beutten-
milleer, Weber, Hagan; W.
Rau, P. Rau, Sills, J. Dick. ,
Seaforth 7 — Hespeller 1
In the opening game of the
'heason on Sunday Seaforth
dumped Hespeler- 7-1 in Hes-
peler. The Beavers opened the
scoring early and never look-
ed hack. • ,
Jack McLiwain, Jim Sills,
and Bob Beuttenniiuir each
scored twice „and Tofn Dick
once for the winners.•
Ted Prodger spoiled Gar
Baker's bid for a shut -out
with a goal at the 8:08 mark
of the final perirod.
Seaforth Line-up: Goal: Ba.
ker, Collins; Defense: J. Dick,
Henderson, hectlwain, Doig;
Forwards: W. Rau, P. Flau,•
Sills, Beutenmiller, T. Dick.
McLaughlin,. Hagan.
Scout Fund
.Is Short $800
When the task of taking over
a building to serve as scout and
guide headquarters- herewas,
completed officialk ' found `that
the campaign which Was car-
ried on last winter was short
$800 of meeting all costs.
The campaign books have
been reopened with the thought
that the public — particularly
those who have children taking
advantage of the scout and
guide program -- weuld. wish
to make further contributions.
Gifts may be left with com-
mittee- chairman Don Stephen-
son at the Toronto -Dominion
Bank. Official receipts for .in-
come tax purposes have now
been mailed to all previous do-
pors- Mr. Stephenson said. -
ing-availability* With. thil
exception, there wag no iredlogie
ton they. would not erre ft
The questions miestions racing zotto4w
pay0te include a :proposal to
increase tile POO to five mem. ,
hers, Referred to- the elector-
ate last- year the prepea4 sot
adopted but because of a tech',
meal omission it, was not pos.
Able to take Advantage of the .1
decision until it- it:,144 been
orred a seeeibrk Utafft.
Another question , eottoeroe
the number Of 'Thembere 94
eotincil and $04P•APPrOYalfor •
a rednetiou from"' Aix to, four
deenajilerai, third quest -41)
involves endorsing proposal
gdvanbed by the. Town, of
ton' to have AO 'province •aa -
same the entire cost Of educa-
tion. • •
addition to a mayor, Iwo
reeves and six eoinveillors, rime .•
'nations will be required for
public utility commissioner. and
three trustees for the public •'-,
school board. •
Ares ponolnethrie
While neighboring iownehiptP
of McfrallOP and Hullett wil
nominate, Tue.kersmith has ad.:
opted the two-year system andis
all officers have, another Year
to serve. There will be ratepay-
ers meeting in the township •''
Reeve Elgin Thompson said. •
MeKillop ratepayers will neri-
'Mate Monday afternoon. At
least one new councillor will be
required to replace councillor '
William .Dennis who new re-
sides in Stratford. Hullett nom-
inates at the 'community hall,",
Londesboro on Friday after-
noon and Hibbert nominates
the same day. Morris naming,-.
.tions are on Thursday afternoon
while•Rensall nominates on Fri-
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
•Peter atfeCowan, RR 1, Sea -
forth, who\-graduqed, recent-
ly from "the Nuking Assis-
tants Course (Byron) London,
Ontario, and has aocepted a
• nursing position in St. Jos-, •
eph's HOspital; London:"
• -
14.0..s• .x••••
•ee.x` '
• r
daughter of Mrs. Nora _IVIal-
oney, RR 5,, Seaforth, and the
late Joseph Maloney, gradu- --
ated recently from the Nurs-
ing Assistants Course (Byron)
London. She is now on staff
at St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
- ' Optimists Present Awards
The recently organized Optimist Club: lost little time in assuming an activet11 In the -
community. Organized Thursday night, the els �n 1Priday through its president llabeitnida•
more, presented certificates of merit for aeadenfieachievement to Seep Afekailii_ifid"tr011
Putman of Seeforth Public Selzool end to Ann probity and Rerb l'itrotsMitref iSt4Niatiteie Sep.
erste Sehool. '(lilitpositor Photo by kitty).