HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-11-23, Page 2rAr ! ! NuRoN; !xI .ITOR. 5RAF ORTH, ONT„ Nov. 23 1967 111HHE T DEBENTURE RATES Paid nn t to 5 -years - Minimum $100 4 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1670 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE 88,750,000 Yej/ t am interested in your attractive rates of Interest offered on debentures. - d Please tell me more about this system of saving. 0 Enclosed is my cheque for 1 for • ysar dsb`eax.. Mr./Mrs./Miss Address �.• Tel. !Complete and mat this coupon to: • . ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London" Ont Or cell: 432-416$ 525 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 . L, .453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 539-2051 . t -tom L+eg,!'11. Bingo' iNinnews There was a goad attendance at the bingo Friday evening in - the Legion Hall.' The bingo, sponsored by Branch 156, Roy- al Canadian Legion, Seaforth, was a success with proceeds going towards Legion welfare Work: Winners of special games were Elmer Lee, Clinton; Mrs. Denomme, Clinton; Mrs. A. Muir, Seaforth and Winnie Nott, Seaforth. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Stewart, Seaforth and Mr. L McKercher, Jamestown. Follpwing are the winners of the regular games: Mrs. McAr- thur, Seaforth; Dora TaylciP, •Seafgrth; Gloria Glanville, Sea - forth; Mr. ,.Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. Uniac, Mitchell; yrs. A. Muir,sSeaforth; Winnie Nott and Jim Watson, Seaforth; Mae Mc- Clellan, Seaforth; Mrs. Wurm; Exter; Wes Vanderburg, and Mrs. Lee, Clinton; Jim Watson, Seaforth; Mrs. Lee, Clinton, Huron Clears Grant Huron County Council final- ly made a grant to the Blue Water Rest Home at Zurich at the November Session in Gode- rich, Tuesda afternoon after considerable discussion over a period of months. Council approved by the close vote of 21-18, a recommendation of the Finance - and Executive committee, that a grant of $26,- 000 be made, being at the rate of $400 per bed for 65 beds, from the fund of the Hospital Reserve Fund; "as funds become available"- with the final pay- ment to be completed by the end of 1969. - In introducing the recommen- •dation of the Finance committe, chairman Kenneth Stewart, Mc- Killop, declared it was " a won- derful home providing good ser- vice. Consensus of Council was a ant properly could be made o` the 'Blue Water Rest Home as it was supported by the •gen- eral...public, and was operating strictly, as a non-profit venture for the benefit of. the commun- ity. It now is filled to its capa- city of 65 bedd., Decision to make a $26,000 grant to Blue Water Rest Horne came after a very close vote of 21-16, with • Goderich's four votes being in favour. The division was as follows: For: Allan, . Boyle, Corbett, Cudmore, Dunbar, Flynn, Gei- ger, Hardy, James Hayter, Hen- drick, Kerr, Lyons, McFadden, Smith, Stewart, Such (two), Thiel, Elgin Thompson, Worsen (two),. total 21. . ' • Against: -Alexander, Boyd, Cook, Cuthill, Dalton, Elmer Hayter, Krauter, Mcllwain, Mc- Kenzie, Noakes, Pattison, Proc- ter, Robinson, Stirling, Talbot, Dubb Thompson, Westcott, Wonch, total 18. - We are buyers of WHITE BEANS and CORN We also are in the market for OATS and BARLEY that will make seed Give us a call before you sell For highest prices paid contact W. G. TIiOMPSON & SONS Lirnited David- !Martin is, one of the thousands of victims of mus- cular dystrophy, a mysterious disease that is wasting away his leg and arm muscles, but he and others like- him will get help as a result of efforts of the Seaforth Fire •Brigade., There is no cure for MD yet, but the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada has spent more than three million dollars since 1954 to help medical science find a way to cure or prevent the disease. David has many friends among Can- ada's firefighters, who have been calling on their neighbors during the "March for Muscular Dystrophy" asking them to help give,, David Martin and others like him a brighter future. Council Agrees to Ambulance Service Huron County Council voted Tuesday to enter into an'agree- ment with the Ontario Depart- ment of Health to provide ade- quate ambulance service for the residents of Huron County at a cost of twenty-five cents per capita paid for by the Coun- ty of Huron. One councillor remarked that was a case of the County subsi- dizing the Province instead of the usual procedure of Prov- ince subsidizing the County. Action was taken on recom- mendation of Huron - County Board of Health. Borden' _Cook, ...Myth, board chairman, pointed out that the subject of ambulance service had been discussed from time to time, not only by the board but by many municipalities. He reported that a meeting had been held in Sarnia to which a great many of the surround- ing municipalities had. been in- vited to send representatives. The subject of ambulance ser- vice also had been placed on the • agenda of the Ontario Counties Association at a rec- ent convention in Niagara Falls. Dr. N. 11. McNally chief emer- gency Health Service, Ontario. Department of Health, who -was present at the last board of Health meeting addressed -County Council on Tuesday on the desirability of instituting this ambulance service in co- operation with the Ontario De- partment of Health: ' • He , also indicated fioW ,the proposed system would work in a practical way. e v s Seek Huron WarIensbip Three xiem'beza of 010. 1967 t Huroi ?Copnty,Couxieii ;0oun- eed that they; would- seek the 1968 Wardenship when they • spoke Ott ,:the , final session of Live November • Ses�ion of. Cottn- ty Council at Goderich Tuesday afternoon. All three have many years Chairman Cook also reported that the Board of Health recent- ly had met with representatives from Perth County in co'nnec tion with the 'proposed amalga- mation• of the Huron County Health Unit and the Perth County Health Unit. "Although no committment has been made in any way, very interesting discussions have been ' held regarding the pro- posed move," Mr. Cook stated, 'A great deal more will have to be finalized before a definite recommendation can be made by your board." In the meantime, Council ap- proved a proposal that negotia- tions be continued with the Perth County Health , Unit board. Dr.. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health for Huron, addressed Council on various aspects of the proposed amalga- mation. ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL LETTER TODAY FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS and other Respiratory Diseases experience in municipal poli- tics and alt three have repre- sented their municipalities in, Huron County Council -for self-' eral years, The three members. wbeplan to submit their names at the January Session are: .lsrhn H. Corbett, RR 1, Exe= ter, reeve of Hays Township. He xnust seek re-election 'in his own towship for 1068. Galvin Neuter, reeve of the Village of Brussels, who has another year of a two-year it rjn to go. - Grant Stirling, RR 2, Bayfield, reeve of the Township dfGude- rich. •,•• • y:sI '' -r1 Rogers ---Majestic leads' in television ,and hi-fi Rogers Magestic • Color TV HAS THESE FEATURES: Easiest to tune -- fights In- terference — sharper, crisp- er picture -- stays fiddle - free for years. 23" Consoles • as low as $285.00 19" Portable Models as low as $199.00 Generous trade-in allowance on your old set! Available inlovely wood' cabinets, in choke of finish• es. EQUIPPED WITH THE NEW DIRECT VISION PICTURE TUBE WHICH GIVES A TRUE-TO-LIFE PICTURE WITH NO REFLECTION OR HAZE We now have . a large variety of •models in color and black and white Television; Hi-Fi Stereos, in beautiful Soft Lustre Walnut Cabinets, which must be seen and heard to be appreciated. QS IOW as $275.00 CROWN HARDWARE SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1420 - tee" ..d r .,+% ir..H ,1•4'rp-v q.•3 fro, r r ,tel' ;t„-lt ;rl. oeob rl, frk ;rlr ;r ti rrlr rl, rlr rl, ,Wil, ; -1, Wil, r "1, rl, r • .k •-k, , +1•. • ,t• - ,y .• .,, T,: .'n - .,,, ‘... • ,5• 'eF ' - ,Por.,rN Ir• rva%,r ire: !rl l:: l• Wil- <,f, ;red, ;••••-.1 r d and VES This Winter, why not be Santa for the Family and the Home? From our complete stock of Home Building Materials, choose your needs to fix up that Recreation Room in the basement . , . or a modern kitchen . . , or perhaps to create needed additional cupboard area. ' • • See Our Complete Stock • of TOOLS ami HARDWARE - TIIE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HANDYMAN! GLIDDEN'S ' SPRED SATIN SPECIAL Gal Reg. 10.70, SPECIAL . 7.90 Quart Reg. 3.50; SPECIAL 2.40 Your chance of drawing four of a kind 'in poker is about 1 in 4,165 deals. Let ua show you how. our ADC membership helps to take the chance out of your advertising. The Huron Expositor Seaforth Phone 527.0240 Bal SAVE ON FUEL THIS WINTER SEAL JACK FROST OUT We stock a full range of Weatherstrip materials to close o'ff those costly draft . areas AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Ping Pong Table Tops and Bases 5 by 9 - 3/4" Top 18.50 Knock Down Base 15.25 - I Macaulay. Ltd.. Lumber & Building Supplies — Phone 527-0910, Sea' firth • , ,r. , . ,,, ,;- .,..,. t•' r' r>, r. t .' r.. t;,: fr -' r"• .t .. r..r. r Y or M M • • , • V 617.6fr z TAGirak .1 a47(iffi_ ..,....: .047 )2 ifs fs)ae to S/V OR&• AVOID THE RUSH! AT . Main 'Street VarietY "THE STORE WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING" PHONE 527-1640 -- SEAFORTH Tapestries - Tableclothes 1. The Finest Chesterfield Covers Boxed Chocolates Floor Covering --IMPORTED -Imported , —Baby. Needs Santa Boots ' —Table Linens, Candy Filled —Tea Towels 10;oz. —Bath Towels - —Face Cloths ALL IMPORTED UNDER- Give, A Beautiful WEAR FOR THE WHOLE ' DORMIBELLA FAMILY BLANKET A Choice Selection Double Bed Size OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS $21.50 $2.75 .up Chocolate Initials — Pure Milk Chocolate While They, Last — 29c A Large Selection of Imported Cigars Boxes of 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 Order Now for Christmas: French Pastry Rings — Current. Loaf — Cream Slices Dutch Tarts — Decorated Dutch Cakes L+eg,!'11. Bingo' iNinnews There was a goad attendance at the bingo Friday evening in - the Legion Hall.' The bingo, sponsored by Branch 156, Roy- al Canadian Legion, Seaforth, was a success with proceeds going towards Legion welfare Work: Winners of special games were Elmer Lee, Clinton; Mrs. Denomme, Clinton; Mrs. A. Muir, Seaforth and Winnie Nott, Seaforth. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Stewart, Seaforth and Mr. L McKercher, Jamestown. Follpwing are the winners of the regular games: Mrs. McAr- thur, Seaforth; Dora TaylciP, •Seafgrth; Gloria Glanville, Sea - forth; Mr. ,.Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs. Uniac, Mitchell; yrs. A. Muir,sSeaforth; Winnie Nott and Jim Watson, Seaforth; Mae Mc- Clellan, Seaforth; Mrs. Wurm; Exter; Wes Vanderburg, and Mrs. Lee, Clinton; Jim Watson, Seaforth; Mrs. Lee, Clinton, Huron Clears Grant Huron County Council final- ly made a grant to the Blue Water Rest Home at Zurich at the November Session in Gode- rich, Tuesda afternoon after considerable discussion over a period of months. Council approved by the close vote of 21-18, a recommendation of the Finance - and Executive committee, that a grant of $26,- 000 be made, being at the rate of $400 per bed for 65 beds, from the fund of the Hospital Reserve Fund; "as funds become available"- with the final pay- ment to be completed by the end of 1969. - In introducing the recommen- •dation of the Finance committe, chairman Kenneth Stewart, Mc- Killop, declared it was " a won- derful home providing good ser- vice. Consensus of Council was a ant properly could be made o` the 'Blue Water Rest Home as it was supported by the •gen- eral...public, and was operating strictly, as a non-profit venture for the benefit of. the commun- ity. It now is filled to its capa- city of 65 bedd., Decision to make a $26,000 grant to Blue Water Rest Horne came after a very close vote of 21-16, with • Goderich's four votes being in favour. The division was as follows: For: Allan, . Boyle, Corbett, Cudmore, Dunbar, Flynn, Gei- ger, Hardy, James Hayter, Hen- drick, Kerr, Lyons, McFadden, Smith, Stewart, Such (two), Thiel, Elgin Thompson, Worsen (two),. total 21. . ' • Against: -Alexander, Boyd, Cook, Cuthill, Dalton, Elmer Hayter, Krauter, Mcllwain, Mc- Kenzie, Noakes, Pattison, Proc- ter, Robinson, Stirling, Talbot, Dubb Thompson, Westcott, Wonch, total 18. - We are buyers of WHITE BEANS and CORN We also are in the market for OATS and BARLEY that will make seed Give us a call before you sell For highest prices paid contact W. G. TIiOMPSON & SONS Lirnited David- !Martin is, one of the thousands of victims of mus- cular dystrophy, a mysterious disease that is wasting away his leg and arm muscles, but he and others like- him will get help as a result of efforts of the Seaforth Fire •Brigade., There is no cure for MD yet, but the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada has spent more than three million dollars since 1954 to help medical science find a way to cure or prevent the disease. David has many friends among Can- ada's firefighters, who have been calling on their neighbors during the "March for Muscular Dystrophy" asking them to help give,, David Martin and others like him a brighter future. Council Agrees to Ambulance Service Huron County Council voted Tuesday to enter into an'agree- ment with the Ontario Depart- ment of Health to provide ade- quate ambulance service for the residents of Huron County at a cost of twenty-five cents per capita paid for by the Coun- ty of Huron. One councillor remarked that was a case of the County subsi- dizing the Province instead of the usual procedure of Prov- ince subsidizing the County. Action was taken on recom- mendation of Huron - County Board of Health. Borden' _Cook, ...Myth, board chairman, pointed out that the subject of ambulance service had been discussed from time to time, not only by the board but by many municipalities. He reported that a meeting had been held in Sarnia to which a great many of the surround- ing municipalities had. been in- vited to send representatives. The subject of ambulance ser- vice also had been placed on the • agenda of the Ontario Counties Association at a rec- ent convention in Niagara Falls. Dr. N. 11. McNally chief emer- gency Health Service, Ontario. Department of Health, who -was present at the last board of Health meeting addressed -County Council on Tuesday on the desirability of instituting this ambulance service in co- operation with the Ontario De- partment of Health: ' • He , also indicated fioW ,the proposed system would work in a practical way. e v s Seek Huron WarIensbip Three xiem'beza of 010. 1967 t Huroi ?Copnty,Couxieii ;0oun- eed that they; would- seek the 1968 Wardenship when they • spoke Ott ,:the , final session of Live November • Ses�ion of. Cottn- ty Council at Goderich Tuesday afternoon. All three have many years Chairman Cook also reported that the Board of Health recent- ly had met with representatives from Perth County in co'nnec tion with the 'proposed amalga- mation• of the Huron County Health Unit and the Perth County Health Unit. "Although no committment has been made in any way, very interesting discussions have been ' held regarding the pro- posed move," Mr. Cook stated, 'A great deal more will have to be finalized before a definite recommendation can be made by your board." In the meantime, Council ap- proved a proposal that negotia- tions be continued with the Perth County Health , Unit board. Dr.. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health for Huron, addressed Council on various aspects of the proposed amalga- mation. ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL LETTER TODAY FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS and other Respiratory Diseases experience in municipal poli- tics and alt three have repre- sented their municipalities in, Huron County Council -for self-' eral years, The three members. wbeplan to submit their names at the January Session are: .lsrhn H. Corbett, RR 1, Exe= ter, reeve of Hays Township. He xnust seek re-election 'in his own towship for 1068. Galvin Neuter, reeve of the Village of Brussels, who has another year of a two-year it rjn to go. - Grant Stirling, RR 2, Bayfield, reeve of the Township dfGude- rich. •,•• • y:sI '' -r1 Rogers ---Majestic leads' in television ,and hi-fi Rogers Magestic • Color TV HAS THESE FEATURES: Easiest to tune -- fights In- terference — sharper, crisp- er picture -- stays fiddle - free for years. 23" Consoles • as low as $285.00 19" Portable Models as low as $199.00 Generous trade-in allowance on your old set! Available inlovely wood' cabinets, in choke of finish• es. EQUIPPED WITH THE NEW DIRECT VISION PICTURE TUBE WHICH GIVES A TRUE-TO-LIFE PICTURE WITH NO REFLECTION OR HAZE We now have . a large variety of •models in color and black and white Television; Hi-Fi Stereos, in beautiful Soft Lustre Walnut Cabinets, which must be seen and heard to be appreciated. QS IOW as $275.00 CROWN HARDWARE SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1420 - tee" ..d r .,+% ir..H ,1•4'rp-v q.•3 fro, r r ,tel' ;t„-lt ;rl. oeob rl, frk ;rlr ;r ti rrlr rl, rlr rl, ,Wil, ; -1, Wil, r "1, rl, r • .k •-k, , +1•. • ,t• - ,y .• .,, T,: .'n - .,,, ‘... • ,5• 'eF ' - ,Por.,rN Ir• rva%,r ire: !rl l:: l• Wil- <,f, ;red, ;••••-.1 r d and VES This Winter, why not be Santa for the Family and the Home? From our complete stock of Home Building Materials, choose your needs to fix up that Recreation Room in the basement . , . or a modern kitchen . . , or perhaps to create needed additional cupboard area. ' • • See Our Complete Stock • of TOOLS ami HARDWARE - TIIE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HANDYMAN! GLIDDEN'S ' SPRED SATIN SPECIAL Gal Reg. 10.70, SPECIAL . 7.90 Quart Reg. 3.50; SPECIAL 2.40 Your chance of drawing four of a kind 'in poker is about 1 in 4,165 deals. Let ua show you how. our ADC membership helps to take the chance out of your advertising. The Huron Expositor Seaforth Phone 527.0240 Bal SAVE ON FUEL THIS WINTER SEAL JACK FROST OUT We stock a full range of Weatherstrip materials to close o'ff those costly draft . areas AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Ping Pong Table Tops and Bases 5 by 9 - 3/4" Top 18.50 Knock Down Base 15.25 - I Macaulay. Ltd.. Lumber & Building Supplies — Phone 527-0910, Sea' firth • , ,r. , . ,,, ,;- .,..,. t•' r' r>, r. t .' r.. t;,: fr -' r"• .t .. r..r. r Y or M M • • , • V