HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-26, Page 12• I • 12 --THE HURON EXPPSITOR, SEAFORTHr ONT:, OCT: 26, 196 LASSIFIED ADS 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE. OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said corporation, bearing date the 13th day of March, 1967, sale Of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Council Chambers at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 8th day of November, 1967, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is here- by given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of tales was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of AtL. • gust, 1967 and that Copies of the said list may be had at niy office. Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of August, 1967. ERNEST M. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. 22-88-13 NOTICE Court of Revision Township of McKillop The Council of the Town- ship of' McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1967-68 at TOWNSHIP OFFICE on MONDAY, NOV. 6TH, 1967 • at 10:00 a.m. Parties interested should govern themselves according-, ly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk Township of McKillop 22-98-1 NOTICE Township of Hibbert Court of Revision Notice is'hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Township of, Hibbert will hold its,.first sitting at the TOWNSHIp HALL, STAFFA on MONDAY, NOV. 6TH, 1987 at 3 p.m. to hear and determine the - appeals on the 1967 Assess- - rnent Roll. Last day for filing appeals was on October 14th, • 1967. DATED -this 23rd day of .0ctober, 1967. ' ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk Dublin, Ontario 22-98-1 VOTERS' LIST 1967 Township of Hibbert CLERIC'S NOTICE OF ' THE FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with , Section 9, of the Voters' LIST ACT,' and that I have posted up at my office in the village of Dublin, on the 24th day of October, 1967 the list of all persons entitled to vote an the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that sueh list remains there for inspection. And T hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law,. the last day for appeal being the 7th day of. November. 1967. ANNE 13URCHILL,, Clerk Township of Hibbert 22-98.1 23. Business Directory • .McCONNELL - & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELT4: Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. ,Phone 527-0850 A. M. HARPER , Chartered Accountant - - 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario - LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 .JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Tues, Thurs:, Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m - Sat., 9 to 12 noon For Appointment • Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office • Auctioneer and Appraiser:. • Licensed and -tatabie, In gell- ing all types of'sIttethan salts Reaspnahlg Rateg. Bruce Rath*611. Brncelield Phnne 421304 ,•• BOX • P NtitAT4 gtitV102 PtOnot out metal afteutto- A 23. Business Directory .SEAFORT,H VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S 4 Phone 527-1760 - Seafo;th A. W. SILLERY , Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1.850 - Res. 527-1543 Seaforth Ontario G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY - OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seafortb Auctioneer FARM and' FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 24. Cards of Thanks We wishro thank our many friends, neighbors and . rela- tives for the lovely gifts and all the good wishes we receiv- „ ed on • our 25th Anniversary. Special thanks to those who arranged the party, those who provided, lunch and all who in -any way helped to make it such a memorable occasion. —Mary and Lew Coyne. 24-98x1 Mr. and Mrs: John F. Scott wish to express appreciation for the. -many gifts and ,cards received and congratulations extended. on the occasion of their 40th wedding 'anniver- sary. 24-98x1 The family of the late Mrs., Rosean A. Knox, wishto express their sincere thanks to neighbors, relatives'. and -friends for floral tributes, cards, messages of sympathy and all acts of kindness dur- ing their recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to Dr. Ross, Dr. Oakes, Members and the efficient and untiring staff of Huron.view Nursing Home, pallbearers, flowerbearers, and those who loaned cars. .Ail was greatly appreciated. 24-98-1 THE family of the late John Bach wish to thank their friends for the lovely flowers, cards, and all expressions of kindness shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks td' Dr. Stapleton, the special nurses, staff of Sea - forth Community Hospital and Rev. J. C. Britton. 24-98-1 I wish- to thank my friends anti relatives,.who sent cards - and treats and who visited me while in So i lh Commln- !ty Hosptal. Spccol thanks to those who kept our boys, al- so to Dr. Malkus, Dt. Brady and nurses. — Mrs. Ed Sal - diver. 24-98x1 I wish to thank my relatives. friends, neighbors, the Wom- en s Institute and the wornen of -Northside 'United Church, the employees and manage- ment of the Boshart factory for their many acts of kind- ness and sympathy extended' to me in the recent bereave- ment of my dear wife.. Many thanks to Dr. Stapleton, "Rev. J. C. Eritton, Mr. and IVirs. Whitne!, , the staff and nurses of Seaforth Community Hos- pial and to those who help- ed in any way. — John Kerr, 24-98x1 )7. Firths PLASKETT — In St. Joseph's .15ospitaI, London, on Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Plaskett, (nee Marjorie Ag- ar), a son. MASON — To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mason, Sault .,Ste, Marie, Michigan, a daughter Cindy Marie, a sister for Tracy. , 27-98-1 ENGEL — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Oct. 20 to Mr, arid' Mrs. John En- gel, Dublin, a daughter. WILLIAMSON — In Seaforth Community Hospital; on Oct. 21, to Mx. and Mrs. Ronald Williamson, RR 1 Walton, a son. , WRIGHT — In Clinton Public Hospital on October 20,to. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Wright, R.R 2 Seaforth, a daughter. Too Late FOR SALE — Quantity cob corn, from the picker, about 30% moisture. -$213":00 per ton. Alvin I3euerrnati, phone 23- R 15, publin. 11-98-2 APPLICATIONS Will be received for the poi - Mon of CARETAKER of Dublin Continuation School Duties fist -eommenee Nov. 1 Apply in writing silting sal- ary expected to the undersig- ned. Mr Angola itlinkharnmar Seeretary4Yeastrer DixbIfriContiiinatiOn Scholl ,‘• .Dltigini, 'Ontario a.41 TIde Week At tke Ssaturth District Wats Eifhwit Soccer: Our soccer team showed plenty of zip and vim. this year, and the students of Seaforth High have reason to be proud of the team and coach for rep- resenting the school so well. They found the Clinton and St. Marys teams a little too much for them, but just wait until next year. . . At the end of the season, Seaforth had a record of five losses, one victory and one tied game; but they still deserve congratulations for trying so hard. The top two scorers of, the season for the Seaforth team, were Randy Duffy who scored four points and Ken Wood who scored three points. Many thanks to Mr. Pelss for the hours spent coaching the team. Best wishes to both team and coach for coming years! Football: October 18 Was a day of de- feat for our squad. The news is not as bad as it seems be- cause the Seaforth team put up a good show. Seaforth, was leading by a slim margin but the Stratford Northwestern squad was able to overcome the lead with a second toucladown, so that the score ended 12-7 for Stratford. Paul O'Reilly -scored Seaforth's touchdown. Expo Trip: About; the last .people in this area who will be visiting Expo '67 were Seaforth. District High School students who took ad. vantage of a train trip to Mont- real arranged by the Clinton High School last weekend. Last Wednesday night, about 50 Seaforth -students boarded •the train here, and undertook their journey under the watch- ful eyes of Mama Weiler and Papas Murdie and Scott. Arriving in Montreal about 10 o'clock Thursday 'merwing, the -group spent three days at Expo. .Although the weather' was not always favourable, we hear that they had -quite a merry time. Apparently, the group performing at the Mexi- oak pavilion even serenaded th airls at the residences, (Did, you hear about that one, chap- erones?) On Sunday morning, they all staggared off the train, home once again. I wonder how they managed to get to school Mon- day! Magazine Campaign: The magazine campaign ,has proved to be successful so far this year. We have almost reached our objective in sales and, there is still plenty, of time left for a final endeavor for, succegs: A.s usual,there is a wide range of prizes offered, among wItich are the three transistor radios supplied. by our boss, for the sale pf Huron Expositor sub- scriptions. , One notable prize has already been awarded to the class 10-C who managed to sell the 'great- est number of subscriptions the first day .of the campaign. This lucky group won their teacher's weight in chocolate bars. It is my personal belief that those boys must have stuffed Mr. Hnok with lead, as they did in Mark Twain. -- More news abotit the cam- paign next week. - Plowing Match: Early last Wednesday morning, approximately 36 girls and one bleary-eyed man staggard into the schobl. This groggy group, which of course, constitutes the school hand, was about to set 4-H Club Meet Members of the ,Seaforth dis- trict 4.H, taking the project "Cattail Accessories( for the Bedroom?' met at the home of Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Friday eve- ning. Minutes were....read by Gertie Veenstra The i-oll call was "any re -arrangement made in Our bedroom". Members worked on dresser scarves and bedroom acces- sories.' Elaine Carter was chos en to commentate on the hibit for Achievement Day: The next meeting will be held on October 28, at Mrs. John Broadfoot's home. • CROP REPORT The steady rains ,of fhb last week have held up the Om-- pletion of the white bean har- vest. Several days of good weal ther would allow most farmers to complete the harvest. The rain has made corn harvesting difficult as the fields are very sticky. The insilage crop in the county, has been; nearly all har- vested and yields were good. A small acreage of grain corn has been harvested but the majority has not reached the proper mois- ture levet as yet The next few, weeks 'Mil show a marked! in. dose In the amountof grain COM harvested. That Is, if the rAik, hada oft To dateon ikrtentago, the..grain „tot in, untno,r,nntity'llInt eh haffaiit- out for the annual trip to the International Plowing Matoli, this year at Barrie. On the bus, trip the usual singing and card playing was in progress but poker wasn't allowed because George is a poor loser. My heart goes out to those who wanted to sleep on the way. The girls were astounded, en arriving at Barrie, to see no mud (r_wonder if anarona re- members last year). The band -was invited; to the official luncheon, after which it led) a parade a,11 around the grounds of the match and then, took part in the official opening ceremonies. The band then did a number of drills following the official opening by Hon. Earl Rowe, -Ontario's Lieutenant Governor. Before leaving for home, the girls were" all presented to the Lieutenant Governor, who com- plimentedthem on their play- ing. • -so Everyone was in high spirits on the way home and when they arrh:ed in Seaforth once again, they, were ready to parade up- town. ' How dide"the Saints" manage to wend itself out of those trumpets? You're fighting a losing battle, George! Gossip: To whom it may concern: Is, it hard to disguise a radio as a book at World Series time? ficitirci Huron 'Centeilni I xlc-chooi Auditoriiim for Official Openiti 4, IT'S A TREAT TO SHOP.. TOP VALU SLICED B. A D. WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT Ilk LH CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I: 25-1b. Beg. tra'. , TOES' Ont. Grown Fancy Grade Snow Apples .. c 8:01: 65g: U.S. No. 1 Red or White -Grapefruit 4.!-Z 10 for 89g New Crop South -African Oranges. .(Size 112's) Doi. • 69e Canada No. 1 Cello Bag ,9te Carrots. Assorted CoiOurs Chrysanthemums 4" 890 Pot Top Valu Choice , ToP Yrqu 69g Choice Peas Peaches 3 1 Maple Leaf Canned " Shirley Gay Picnics 1'/2•b• I AM fln LAIU Chum (Spec. Pack) 10 99g•• • Beef Pies DotFood Morton's Frox,en T Durex Asst'd Colours -,BATHROOM CluliCcZn 4 8-- si Pot Pies Cherry Pie C14 -oz. u tins 99C 241;ieoz. 59g TissueiL 2 -roti V7 Kraft • Top Valu Cheez Whiz 21b; 119 David's Plain or Salted Pkg. Waxed Pape r 100 -ft. Roll top Valu Liquid Detergent Pah Powdered Detergent Liquid Bleach' 24 -oz. Plastic Ctnr. With Borax Giant Site' Pkg. Javex (Spec. Pack) 24 -oz. pies. jug Crest Reg. or Mint Fhtv. Toothpaste Gia t Golden Dew Margarine Parent Pkg. Sixe Tube GOV'T INSPECTED, YOUNG PR -DRESSED CANADA GRADE 'A' FRYING, 29g 49' 79g 39g 53g Crackers 1-1b. Pkg. skjaV HALLOWEEN CANDY 6 -oz. Top Valu Kisses 26 59g Bag - "Top Valu • Caramelsp!.6,-°11,.., 79c Vali Kirk (Spec. Pack) Chocolate e pkgs. of -3 Bars sy tom. size bars pa Top Valu PeanutsShell p34,t, 49 Top Valu. Lollipops Pkg. of Igo. j nit IGA BONUS BUYS: 4 _!•11.4).•). VALUABLE COUPON 41.4141— --.: :-..-- ........:. •••-•.1., GRANULATED FINE WHITE -r.... --. SUGAR69 w. 1t.:9'). . THIS COMM ......- .....":. ......, --.... •;-' Offal IXPIRIS SATURDAY, RICIORRi 21. 1117 —LIMIT ORR PUNCH/it PIA FASULY•-• ;If tit tit tit Ilittrit tittittit tItti, lit fit II If lit fif It 11' If ti,'..:\: 116.••••• VALUABLE COUPON •,(41.,1,,,i/, -.._ ...,... Ontario Fancy Grade McIntosh :..-.. -,...-..„ !APPLES ,.._ ...... ..... 1-11). ..z.,.... Bag 1.--- :-...-.. -7z --:.... OFFER RM. InatWaltSATUrPAY4 ..'' Oentiattute" 2t. flI - :-- -.I — LIMIT .0Nt, PURCHASI PI K FAI.,ILY... -.....: t",-. l'fff111.11,11,1111,1t,11, 1IltlePtIttitItttt1tIttit': 2;11111.11111/M1111111111C em.64.1.••••••• 0 a 'A • • PA , a'a • 4 • 41 lb. Fresh, Young Pro-brossed • Canada 'Grade 'A' ROASTING ICKeNS Lbl • Freehty Out • - , I Chicken Legs or Breast Lb, --I • 41 telt:lofted Now2eafaad Lamb Legs Ontta PitekSPC Oistessi Pickled Wow RoUs A111 COVIM4flNSPECID Wilkinson' Pricek effective. Oct- Wa reServeille right to Until. ° , •