HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-26, Page 11,-
} ,.3 a . T ,p•.- , �!A�e'�,IF'II� "7+P�*!
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TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 4. Help Wanted _I!� A_;Vdes T'R'ot Sale.' 1g. notices 200. Auct1011 Sales 20,.` a ", •l ..
G Mc,LAUGHL <N Body .._ op, ed; Case 2 . rz ow o , • o . _
Au_t4% Sales ,10. Ane la Salley Oa A e fol 1
2. I. joining Events SING et your se of En.SXisbt. pI w, C ck- :setttee'•`und chair; 3 rocking dingrooms chaos,, ,.ole, bu# ? bulXi; 11 "bre la
ER COMPANY BONE. CI�.INA repairs and painting, glass and pchairs;� #et, -desk +bedroo " ' e d Pi1>!c'rs,
through Anstett'ar vinyl roof installatign, . #res new rubber, in ;� nn ,s}ut s, red.peueZters coil 8.cows
s ,Strayed shaft tractor mang20 ruondi- ' cupbo d., bwash?ng . ar, Ghest, I6 t�. N#4#fai g•. ; seyei�al
3. Found OF CANADA LTD. Fay for 7 lace settings and estungtes, call 5les
27.0528, pt uxiib?K
4. Help wanted chine; eleo'we toaster, fry: (eke ne'w), Clare ,7eWeI � calves, '�u�lable: for �-� T
19:85 t# tion, 3 sections Lever har- i
i, Business Opportunities Willa receive youpr 8.th -place sett• rows; 4 section drag harrows ing Ilan and we
kettle; pots, stove {like new) oaping w13rk:
J. Teachers Wanted appoint a Franchise mg free. e /� (� and steel pole; Butter t o pans and dashes.;, .awn ham. u'tfzal .ls, . Frigid ire d x� y a r,
or Independent Dealer in ANSTETT- D Ap STOCK. 9agOn with new graiR box; !nock
T. Situations Wanted Seaforth.
;i. Farm Stock For Sale den tractor, plow'?�ch}ne, vacuumOIVSIr�rN{lES`
ft. land roller; New 28 ft. disc and cultivator• awn cleaner, floor polished*, ping
wl ' SUPPLY JEWELLERS LTD. ' Highest cash prices paid for George White Bale elevator, mower; garden tools; cultivator-,
Pong table, cedar chest, •child's Bill Butsg4i,, Staf!a, Out,
9. Poultry For Sale 11.87-tf fresh, dead, disabled cows anal• with electric motor; J. 12. grain gal. fuel tank. ^ tendr� table, guns = i303 xi#le, J,st k`. Cote, #✓enttalia,. 'qnt
i0. Used Cars For Sale A well balanced' -sewingq horses. We pay' i/ac PER T.B• thrower, Is ft. fiat rack sand gttage ,gin. le sho .Frank Falco,.ner, Oh',o
l 1. Articles For Sale machine a n d vacuum _ TRUCKLOAD Lots. of Ontario weighing over 500 lbs. wagon, Frapert to be offered for• '� clue' 12 8 Andrelly' tGunt,'Lacknontt,IC3At ,
12 Wanted To Buy cleaner line representing Grain at coTrrpettive prices. Small' shotgun. air rifle, carpenter.
animals irked u sale subject to reserve bid at tools, pipe fitting tools, vise.' Daily H:essi;elc�, WaI441on«
a 1 1 price TQPnotch Feeds, Ltd., phone P P PIGS - 5 York Saws with 3 p.m. if not Sold previously. Out.
i3. Wanted points ON #ree of charge. For the inos't
i CONSIGNMENT. r'27'Ia10. Sea`farbh, Ontario, litters b side; 1 sow .due in 10% down qzt proPert3, qn day Other articlos too numsraus Nelson Lowe, Paisley, out.
14. 'Property For Sale Pr@]riot and courteous ser- Y
15. Property For Rent - --T _ 11T97'2 vice in this district Please NOV.; 1 sow due at time of of sale, •balance in 30 days. to mention. Thain Johnston, Owe Squnt�"
Training on sales and ser- JAMESWAY ho a ui m n>:, cam' collect sale • 1 York and Landrace
16. For Sale' Or Rent vice time sails financed g q P e - Ont'
17. Wanted To Rent by Singer, Sunshine Specials up to 30% - MARI rA'I'r19 BROS. crossbred Boar, 1 year •, old, • Terms on Chattels -- CASH TERMS CASH Harold Nelson, Pais}ey, Out
discount. Tgpnotgh Feeds Ltd. excellent type; 21 weiners; 8 Bert Pepper, Neustedt,
18. Property Wanted WE REQUIRE Phone 527-1910, Seaforth, On,' PSENSE
' 133t "". Brussels,, Ont• small chunks; 2 York sows RICHARD LOBB, Auctioneer WILLIAM WOODW'ARD,
39, Notices ' IRE tario, 2service--7 days tk week bred 3 weeks; 2 York °sows JOE COREY Clerk Proprietor For cata'logi}es. -to, ert:
20. Auction Sales Ambitious man or woman 11 97-2 NO. $90�G'-85 ready to breed. _r� 20-88 it JACl SON Pepper, Sales lyfpna8er, Bolt,
21, Tenders Wanted willing to work. A-1 char- BTL,$ or bagged C-I-L Fextil- 19-87-tt - - . 22, Neustadt, Qtttgr=io,
22: Legal Notices ac ter and credit rating. i• Sl.eaders ava?�able Tqp- GRAIN -- Approx. 700 laps.Auctioneer
notch Feeds Ltal„ !tine -52-7- VAC[L[jM_Cleaner Sales er. of choice !nixed grain to be MEL GRAHAM. Clerk Auctioneer„,
�icte f r all coolies", Filte: AUCTION, S•
23. Business Directory Apply in writing to; 1010,.Seafd {1i[;-(Intar q, Q r $ween old by the ton; IObO bees 4- In case of rain sale weir be
L� ` .n
24. -Cards of GOADON R1'BEY
T)}anlca Personnel• Dept;, 11-9 -2 r Va. hone, 2E�2 Si50. 2p•9$-1,
7 straw; 50' bales second cut held under cover at 59 Ham-
25. In Memoriam F,b, Bax 70, USED. doors -windows sto Her#sa11° fi �' hay Of Telephone, Equipment, ilton Street: Proprietor mov-
.26, Persohals Adelaide- St: P.O., x• , . . _ Tools and Truck for McKillo
5P'M04 Janes .Axtr•nann al - pullets laying approximately throp, 5 P ing to U.S.. 21 Tend i canted
27. Births Toronto, Ontario. W cIo s„ . C ilerrian oils c e . ICE e SYStem at Win-
NOT POULTRY 135 rho ce Telephone 20y98 1 `
28. >yeaths 4-98-1 2q 0107; 11�97r2 W axe slapping, ca every Y g pps ximatelyy forth o5 miles north of Sea-
29. Marriages SHED 20 ft, x. 28`ft.; Iiagse Mari ay io.tnit d,Ca{1�s artives, 80%, 40 mixed pullets startir! • Township o Eti?}Jbext
E 7. Situations Wantgo, - lay; New electric incubator`
Classified ads are inserted s izta le ~for sheer; I8 ft'. x OnCarlb, To aszzagoo #a# pick 50 egg capacity; Electric fen- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Auction Sale f
at a rate of 3 cents per *,orcli Experienced. carpenter wants. t.q ft, James Axtmann, pbo.4g wR at Yard# •farm, Pleb#e by Sad at 1 P.M. DRAIN' TENDERS u
527 0X07, 11-972 urda cer (new); Forks, shovels,
Each number, initial and ate- work. All types, Phone is ;7- 9 nght. chains and other items too International ton truck, SI+OCI( �ed.Qr Tenders, marked and seal-
1963 counts ag one vrord; 1664, Seaforih. 7-8?tf GOOD homes for, pups. Phohe FRANCIS
Ads are subject to the lollCvw. 527-0216, , cions to mention. 1963 model, A-1 condition, ed for the Gardiner Eacbensio `
11-9$-1 Phone Seaforth, ,527• -1g4 , or Tiadding machine 4 drawer fir- '
ing minimums: Classification$ 8. Farm Stock For'Sale APPLES, choice quality 8 s OF SALE - .CASH and Gardiner; ini rovemeat '
2, 3, 7; 8, 9', 10, I1-.12 13 and Delicious, McIntosh Court MICHAEL J, DOYLF,, MS ing abinet, Cattle Drainage Works, 'tiVi11 'be re-
NiNETEEN pigs, 8 weeks old. Phope 114 R 16, Dublin. Mr. Gibson has sold.. the POLES - seven 30 foot 1200 HEAT? AT THE ceived by the undgrstg ted un,-
17 minimum 65e. Classifies- Frank Nigh, phone 527-0477, land, picked or bring contain- Call Collect farm and is giving up farming til 6 p.m., November 6, 1967
tions'24, 25, and 26 minimum 8-98-1 ers. P%k your own and save, 19-87-tt completely. treated: two 20 foot treated; BRUSSELS, LIVESTOCK for flee construction 'of -
2c per word, minimum 91.15. -- - fj Prices, from $1.00 per bushel 46 poles 16' to 25'.; twenty
All other classifications mini- HEREFORD bull, 3 years old, I and u Ross Middleton's Or- - a_sed les. LIMITED
mum 1.15 registered, Harold Dodds, p WATC I REPAIRS W. H. GIBSON, ProprietoF P�. 6 Brussels Ontario 17,930 lineal feet of open
$ Per insertion ex- chard, 1 mile east of Bayfield Phone Hensall 262-5255 drain ' (10,6.00 cu• ydst,).
rept Auction Sales (20), Ten- RR-4 Walton, phone 527-0696, on old Clinton-Bayfield High'- FAST SERVICE WIRE - i coil drop wire;
tiers Wanted (21), and Legal _8-98-1 way, Phone 482-9136: .come All work guaranteed PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer 11 coils No. 130A wire; 3 coils /� a , 3,100 lineal feet of closed
N Notices (22), rates on a Iic- TWO white-faced— calves: C. an ANSTETT Phone 262-5482 No. 85 wire. Tues., Od. 31st ;train.
ation. anytime before dark,
I)eCorte, RR 2 Seaio�hii phone 11-98-2 20-97-2 CRASS ARMS 200 101-
5274628.at 1 m. Contractor to supply s.98-1 • JEWELLERS ,p pp y an .
For cash payment *f if aid quantity riicropress Managers: q
p ONE Hereford bull call, 3 JANITROL , GAS• L • ie,eves; 175 side blocks- 12 materials, A certified cheque
within 10 days folloaring last
Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth uet�on Sae screw anchors Jack Bryans and Hugh Pear- fdr 5% of bid td acprnlni
Insertion, 15 CENTS deducted months old, 527-0668... 19-87-t# )' ,:ls
cable' (new Son, each tender. Please state ap=
from above-rates. 8-98=1 UNIT HEATER , quantity bolts s to
SEVENTEEN pigs, nine weeks 14>: proximate completion, date.
SEPTIC TANKS Of Real Estate' and House- , quantity lead' cable; sev- Auctioneers Lowest o p'_ r' • . ne-
Ql�I; Nlac Stewart; piiD[ie 52?- Self-contained, fan forced hold' Eff • fbr'the Estate of eral dial sets (new). r any tender"not
CQ -"' �' Pen .• T 4887. 8-90-1 ce ,ng type. 65 00$ $.T• CLE Nei Gordon Jackson, Emile Mc eessarily accentdd: Plaiis and
W im:,.•• - , • ' the la4te' 161rs. W. Shobbraok 'EQUIPMENT - 1 axe, Lenn'an and Allan Maclotyre. specifications' may be seen at
r 9�I . A Tia owe en Dane { U Suit ball, warehouse, Modern eq ta,�ntt used, All on bolts, hatmmer, spoons, wash- 2g=98-1 Clerk's gf ice.
0 ..,E - Sta Tovs ns3i%p`. ,q. p For j chicken ho' a etG. nth work a era 10.0 steel tape, Gravy bar.
r per ladal' °SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 tool box, bolt clipper,, alum- MRS. A. BURCHILL,
H"� `• s �" rY ► 0 controls az}d` chimney Iz0j�
i 6esday„ -Nov. 1 LL'' w! Ni . pdtia�e $ ,B ' i at 1 P.M.:foam ladder, 2 block and tae Fal* On Spring arms d Tawnship..Cler .
vent, as. is where iS rum,
r me g� k, $125 Q9. cis t _ kle sets}, bob Jack noel chain, I�?ut�Lu4e, !U tarso
S SO-' Stafi'a ti n' . Da f
aataa+6 el
HlROSrII I' Consigns one b 17 mos:-
Io No. 2 Mullett p
Ins to O phone 527-1'�'0^Ka oil stave, 2-3JI n}ergpress1�, 21-97-2
C C8r1 brier's Or- SC ° q 1"' Wilinspn's I.G.A. 1�-7tf apo. north 4f, Clio slesve tools acY fapk °Idf; two i�aret} '1}cirs 2 yrs.
.:�A L, L 08=2 0 n sRlder�crg•olatfiszt, SQ DCl 4?►e $ Y it
AD .. .�0 .. "�'v.�•' '. _ — ,,r .>y: ,�a ''::x"F�i '. !Rid ��"''� 't2Ste� Iln ' �pQ "� $+`re �ta7 TENDERS,�
-w,.v 27. A y t11e west 2 ei�aazl belts calf at old. with
N sd �. ;Gel p, good eP ;110 READ F�S1��E.-- T!j .odes ,ss. ty stop; 4° Pig.. sp ers, + •„
chi o `�� rr�� 1 Western- Ontario ZAi�e
1-97-� Pbo 5E7° 1! 482x5?:, }� 9 bier vin , 11i3 > ht + ! a 's, u#a !arid; s barn Guy stretciyiirs; aierAvstaplers e
1oiise' �� p r f F . rt, , . !on et< etitiiin saw �#0 ),. S1C)x f�dR. SALE Nltrnlct1ra�n .
E(lr ND L.E `itayeyr will I O. a; 651?Y'Ries. Pick yt7r11" 0 85 "ri ins
'R ( !1 -
�,,, e - ; d .
ngrV)I' ?kl, c idir witlt niece at Walkerton on,
' b 1 c143er a our;, d, .. i• 1 lrrif6s of t Other articles too : numer-
c� tq vYeTenders NO be receive for,
.. 9, Oc . 9€, i1'.” bile seda ',Vit air Btic and, 2 SIS TICS$ ous to mention. '
�n m s FRIDAY, NOV 11 E2? 3RD the consiruebbt♦ of fife N itt
bq+a$ling on Egmondtl�xTc t ' + radio and h A h fsoTtk, R. S',' Robirxsan ' `' HODS Draiiaa { ` '
� � i?p n, 1 Z 1 C' ' ,�. Q TS - TE MS -GASH at 1 • •
o homes. 1-98-1 W m. Richardse en's . o� +
-"° ,,,,; .:F ,* o-tong. Moderil m �,
-r See#oil; Olifiald: iIAL,OWE'EN p u m p kt3> ti s..odeln ecll�iR, a guar ;ate with. cfbue drel�aril HAROLD JACKSON a '1{ Falconer
I 4,870 lin
Extent of Work:
10-98x1 ori ee a1% vftor Srite 4r hest of F1' R. a @� eAl f of open dram,..
O ,EIr"1C11 COn1Yl1U111 iy Aiiiie Stews j plione:527" 5 'X „x- a c dra�eFsi Anti
es in• Aiictioilser e
Concert Assoelatl Harve�r bale` §A-a#crib, i?;on ci.rlrn desk; Clinton One Rh d Culvert.
.. �'On- ti - —11 l31 527-1406: , 19887 tE bI6 and chair2 la c 'hiria 20 98 2
20 98,1
A�ijtW TOr Sale _ GIRL'S�iamanate�l coat size g a Inforn>r�i+tion on Plans, Pro-s . , table with' eaggleAfembers ALnings, v ttaws, 12'; new orlon pile coat, size /� y
claws and glass fot)t, "cherry AUCTION • S'A�,� WESTERN ONTARIO ZONE files., and Specifications may
d¢iors, sliutt�rs; ;rigs.�n d cal 14 likie never; some dresses NOTICE a .Cl
art chest of 'drawers with mirror;, S�hort6Qrn Sine b
e obtained front- tb erk.
Conceit nates for ` 1967-68 Itln'hs, siding, ' eave ' ugti$6 Call and skirts Phone 262=5504', Tenders to be clearly marked
treadle Singer sewing mach-
Saturdayr., December 9, Folk or. write #or free estteg. Cain 11;98^1 TUCli@I'SIIlltll ire Frigidaire 4 burner elec Of Household Effects d e '
Ho seh ld ffec an as to contents and
Si#igers; onday, February -07T1 "or 527,-00 Holmes TOPNOTCH Dai Month Carpenter. Tools, in the town Clerk's ,,Office by 6:00 g,m.
•� ' Municipal Dump tr;c, stove, like new; Beatty : November 4, .1967. }
26� Duo Pi � s• Monday, .gip- .and MacLean, $eafflrt starts November Z3 'and ends refrigerator, like new; mod- of Goderich, 202 Shore Cres- Frldp NeY• 3rd
rel 8, Vareland. Bailly, Chan- 11$7-t# `.December 9. •Save up to $12.00 pe ern clothes halo 2 piece .cent.. on Friday, CLARE VII+TGENT
teurs de :Paris. '1.98.1 OVEN-READY Capons. Apply Per Aon on dairy notice
be o n until further . per;
p, pp y ' airy and' beef notice, on WEDNESDAY and chesterfield Bard chair; erten- °' at i m. Clerk-Treasurer
S Thomas' Ai}glican, church to Joseph. Nolan, St. Colum- feeds. Book your orders now SA lion da bed; round dinin SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th p• 21-98-2
bazaar will be held in the Par- ban phone 123 R 16 Dublin. at Topnotch Feeds Ltd., Sea- Pram 1 to 5 at 1 P.M. - .At Walkerton Fair Grounds,
ish Hall, Wednesday, °Novem- 11-97-3 forth, g HOVSEHOLD EFFECTS ,
p.m. and on SAT room table wth buffet and
phone 527-1910. URDAY MORNING from 10 chairs• 2 matching dresser and Walkerton, Ontario Additio�a�
ber 15th at 3.00 o'clock, _ _ _11-98-2 to 1.2 a.m. stand sets, drop leaf table, 2 piece chesterfield suite, tele- Horned and Polled Shorthorns
l 98-1 ONE new Colonial bedroom 2 Coleman lamps; record vision, hi fi, tambination rad- + ..
E 1�TEN 1lAL. - 1.968 SK! DOS No wire fencing,g io, occasional chairs, tables, 34 HEAD
cIaSS1 .led
` C Bake Sale Ba- te, slightlymarked: Redac trete or car bodieold con- reek White as Coleman heat=
zaar aid Tea. Auspices Eg- price. Apply at Gingerich s permittee!, er; 3 beds and mraittresses; rug, drapes, electric lamps,
rApnlidi 1aCW, in the school Seaforth. 11-98-1 JAMES I. McINTOSl� SEE 'PAGE 12
roiim, Friday, Oct.,27. Doors Several models on display. COLEMAN 'oil burner,--large Clerk
Ho art 3:00 p:m. 1-984 Order yours now and be !ready size, number of coal and wood 1g-87-ff !,
Adhual Cbin ExhiPii_ for a fun-filled. winter; Some stoves, set of 13 x 24 tires, PID you KNOW, C�'NTN,fA, SHE-- GOT TO SHAPE t1DI ' WNNy CYNTHIA .LIKES °t M I 'WISW HE'D YELL At
tigni Elm. Haven Motor Hotel, used machines available, in good condition; •set of trac HASN`T TiSR�I�D. IN "' ER �f'
intZ. Ontario,, Stiriday, No- for chains, 13 x 24, fair con- NOTICE n t. DO y0� WANT HER SIrCAUSE H� N EER `fE{ l,5 HER INSTEAD OF M6�
v�einber 12 196?. O SCIENCE NOTES FvR /
pen from BLUEVA,I.E TRAILERS clition.. Joseph Carroll, RR 5 � / TO �ASL? �G •� •, AT [-46R ....
1`x:00 noon to 8:00 m. Spon Seaforth. 11.98x1 3 WEEKS �^
sow by the Huron County Danny's Restaurant GIRL'S winter cat, blue wool Town of Seaforth
I, Numismatic Society.
357-3114 Wingham dress, red corduroy outfit, sev-
1.98-1 11-94-6 era! sweatgrs, size' 10 to 12. MUNICIPAL
- Chrome plated music stand.
2. Imill Strayed TIMEX'WATCHES Mrs. Stan Bray, Seaforth
L ST = Rusty'brown cocker 11-98x1 I N, ��
spuiel, male, Strayed from SOLD AND SERVICED 12. Wanted TO B
♦ h e in Seaforth, Oct. 19. -UY
Ayone having seen him, THROUGI'! Effective October 16, 196?, "
CHESTS of drawers, : cup- will be o
please phone 527-1573. Re- ANSTETT boards, picture frames, halt open
iviz* ..Mrs, M. Somers2-98x1 JEWELLERS LTD: tr, dishes, lamps, clig", � J_
11,$7.11 books. Phone 271-1578; Sttatr
- or sgtrayed, black and ford. 12-97-tf
w ' d7a11le, Friday, October WAXED turnips, de1lY�ereel. WE are buying wet shelled AFTERNOON _
20 fr2irfr lot 24, Con. 5, Me- Phdne 527.0428 If-9r1•-4 ';corn. Highest prices paid, .9bp- LOOKS As IF f Hk'Vs ll ON SeVEN -1
Sit notch-Feeds Ltd., phon 27- 000 TL .-_ M REM NTDO NOR Do oL'+ER LE�at t GEE, CHIEF, you BOOK KNOW, you RE RIf,NT!'
p Township. . •Reward. 50. PC SETS ENC,LI ° u EM5 o
M 1
Smith, 527-1586. I)INI�h �%WA 1910, Seaforth, Ontario 0•r Y antPERMn....AND Ycua
' 2-98x1 -.• � - 1(1fR171NG IT UP WR MIGHBA U7A TOWN -
12 9.12. Fill 1 to 5 P.M. MAPX90- LtGHYS_-.EXHAUST INSURANCE CO\IEQ.66E Sot SEVEN MONLHS i >
_- Over 30 tterns in stock• to'
' Pa. � U,S1aA bun ds, must be In 'too Nos
4. " n ch i;i. goaid con ob, Phone 7= Use cit the,%•>
dr dries ONLY $ 95 08t'7. 12 02 dump restricted to
`� li ,floc Kh iue�ceep-
STETT, j _ I I S',' ' t i L , -
1021. pplx zsea. �ntit JE -`L l�. Pro rtq For Sale Sea �
H ,T-W- I i . 4-92 ' TD: �' '
• - h �r=t B Z 40MP IN -
l #
Laffespa elft- a� a �stOil- B•RUC•EI'I _ . bodies,
' •E
. ;' LD l�To old concrete, car b es. �
• .
Pixd' .i,fi3fi' f7h Modern lar liv pe'f' Wtte'd: +I U'
Seaforth and Area :to : .., irlgroom upstairs �tS++;'I
Kitchen, - etc
full bath irs -�'
We da all types ai',i 2 piece bath downstairs, oil E. Williams Cleric,
ewellery h a�°d, Citi basement Areal
Dun & Bradstreet • repoirs' it e }iv�elbble free-bedroom• 19-96-3 t
Ring Sizing house. 4
ivir nainaed . Person re- ei ip C 20. Auction Sales ,
qu*red .tol serve as local re- ' Rebuild Shanks William M. Hart IT WILL CQEATE AN
Jv mnta'C�ve doing' pati' tune FARM SOLD ' INTEWTIONAk INCIDENT,
Repo r costume
,ee, lir Qlrartirlg. Wont is on Repair costume ieweilerq Seaforth CLEARING ` IF 9 d. (
fees banes. Vi►rite; Anstett Jewellers Ltd: ..
GEO.. R. JOHNSTON �• c,,,, souvENr�s. L.G. WOULD, 1.1-87-t# REAL ESTATE LTD. AUCTION' SALE
w Drawer 423, Terminal A, SOB ('torn from picker. A. Pet- BROKER
Toronto 1, Ontario ers, RR 2 Brussels, phone 14-98.1 Tractors, Combine, Machin!
4-99-1 497 W 4, 11-97x2 e1`3' and Hogs to be sold on
Reliable Girl FOUR chauchau bupples, ren- I5.:P'r6perty For Rent the premises Lot. 3, Con. 13,
sonable. Will hold u n t 31 Tuckersrnith Township, 3 mi,
Christmas. Phone 527-1351. TVI.O bedroom apartment for east of Hensall on
_.11-9'7ie3 rent. Available November 6.
For Self Serve Meat Wrap- OVEN-Ready roosters, around Appy to Harold Jackson, Sea- SATURDAY OCTOBER 28th
ping iii' busy store. 5-day 8 lbs, Mac Stewart phone 527 064Q. at 1:30 p.m,
n week. Fair wages while learn- 0897. 11.98.1. 15-98 L MACHINERY Massey- Yr ��-
ing. Good working conditions. SPORT coat and jeans, good Available immediately, heat- f'erguson Diesel Model a
cad two bedroom apartment, Tractor, Live power, power
winter coat, black jeans and private entrance and dr.ve- shift rear wheels in excellent
B,ox 1687 :ball windbreaker, a light' way, Call 527-1211 after 6:00 condition; Fordsorr Major trac- �yj>
I windbreaker and two sport 15-98=2 t r j 9 '
The Huron Expositor shirts, In good condition. Age Int Model B4 gr belt pulley; � �
4-8-2 12-i 3. Hockey outfit,. age 13. - - grain 'corribrne,
OUK' of Werk or on shorter Re>asbnable. Give away used 19• Notices scour clean and pick-up in new
Ccinditioil; Int, 9 ft. ' 3 oint.r
hours! See• us immediaj�ly. boy's clothes, Phone 17 R 6 p
Opportunity to tell consMiera Dublin. 1 T-g8-1 AUCTIONEER H`a Itiontivatror; Int. Model 45
Rawleig'h, Products 1 o part PLEASE 'accept my personal y r in real gond condi-
iional; Int, 13 run Disc Seed
timie. No °experib ae necesS- invitation, to visit my, home FARN!- and MnRN 'LTitYJ
Drill . (fertilizer and power
ite ,Ra LSO, De0t, and choose your Christmas SALES . CCJI`TbVCTI;D. � � �'� �•,,. `� i ' L l
x 3g1i• 9 4tl0:i Richelleu 9t., 'arid dtht ri. occasion ca els d LOUT y, « MALONEY lift); Int;`'i'SO balgr with ti-
0 s _ . ],I' i 1$ .. for 0nd ;g'do tit
tin cal. v... «
cI es; Cam4S1r '
S`tr � U -kr . ifta, .3
err !firs. E