HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-26, Page 7•
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N�wsof lFn
The 'Brod'liagen ' Centennial
44tefa t„et x'tcesdntt
�y, with uoa
Lgonihar4t the hostess•. l l'ey'en
members answered the roll
X11, `One thing I already(
know about Scandinavia and
Finland. Karen, Leont>aritt, sec,
retary, reads the minp,,tes of the
last meeting. The book covers
have been completed, -
Pent% the discussiptt yax
lety of 'breads and' aellneae were
diseussedt; •a so duselissed? Were
some food! et#sto>xts o€ l prtliern
Enrep% sueh as SMorgasbord,
a featti re of SItedisiosistaurants.
and Sinerrebred frgnll Aenmarkt
which are ol?eu faced san4
Rhubarb spoil.' and cabbage
Something NEW has been added
n The Selt:Adhesive
Decorator " Vinyl
So easy to use
Merely cut Cling to fit
Remove paper backing and press in_ place
CLING is ideal for covering table tops,
canisters, lamp shades, boxes of all types
Including Woodgrains, Cut Glass and Clear
Paint and Paper
Sunworthy and Walder Wallpapers
See the New 1967. Patterns"
Also Dealers for Celanese Carpets •
Cut Up
3 lbs.
Homemade Pure Pork — Plain or Garlic
2 lbs. $1
Whyte's Tasty Bologna, by the piece 3•lbs '$1
Store Sliced Breakfast BACON • • 11/ lbs. $1
Canada Packers Centennial
ICE. CREAM l gal 7•
Folia were Made audr sampiedl at
the end' of the Meeting
slxit fox - Ae itwyelnent POt
'" Otew la. a .Stew -In Any Lan';
Mk's Harveys Ahrens ;deegpan
parried WS. Ken 2tiebFapd'Wdr
ren to Expo for a' .few days
Last week.. 1gr. an4 Mrs. ' Earl
Bem ewies accompanied Mt, aid
Mrs. Lloyd Beyezman to .Expo,
last week also,
Ken Ahrens; Hamilton', spent
the., Weekend! with h.is., p-arents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Eihrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd feifer
and Karl accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence 'Pfeifer ;Sunday,
to Dashwood, as guests ,of Mr,
and Mrs. iiarold Hendricks. Mr.
and, Mrs, Laird Hendricks and
Nbr..and) Mrs. Lloyd Hendricks
were guests too ,.
Mrs. John Mueller, I,Caniilton,
spent a few days with her moth-
er, Mrs. August Hillebrecht
last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Les
Weitersen, Bornho1,z , visited
with, :the latte :'s another, Mrs,
Hillebrecht on Sunday.;
William • Diegel - spent a
couple days, with his daughter,,
:fMrs. Don Me'Lauglilin, Mr. Mc-
Laughlin and family, in Strat-
ford last weekend. Rev. and
Mrs. Calvin Diegel and family,
Woodstock, visited his .father,
Mr.. Diegel, earlier in the week.
A bridal shower was held'
Saturday evening for Anna Bei-
mers prior to .her forthcoming
marriage to William Siemon at
Mrs Ford Dickison's. Around
forty .attended the shower: Mrs.
Dickison, Mrs. Donald Brown
and Mrs. Ken Elligsen were the
Gary Sholdice joined Royee
Rieb•1's .Orchestra, Tuesday -eve-
ning to play at the program
Circle & Ranch on CKNX TV
at Wingham.-•' • -
and Mrs. Robert Dodds
were guests' at the Oliver- Dol.
mine" wedding which took
place in the United Church
at Wintrop on Saturday. '
Mr.' and MIs. J. R. Jeffer-
son visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Chessell
of Stratford. -
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hulley,
Beth, Billy and Cathy visited
on Sunday with his mother,
1Vlrs, Ella Hulley at the home
of mr:--and Mrs. George Cam-
eron of Brucefield.
]Vir.. and Mrs. T. • L. Scott
visited on Sunday in Ingersoll
with relatives Mr. and iV4s.
G. W. Daniels. Mrs. E. Moore
r-eturned home with them aft-
er spending the week with Mr.
and Mrs. Daniels.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Allen and Mrs.
rank Allen were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Allen, Moosejaw
Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Ahier and three sons,
Burlington, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Christie, Mr. Anthony
Allen, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Coleman, . Seaforth.
1Vlrs. Alex Ramsey visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Ramsey and family, List-
s :vel, '
Miss Dorothy Douglas of
Lucknow, returned mission-
ary from Formosa, was guest
speaker at the Women's Mis-
sionary Society thankoffering
-services on-Stmday. In -her dis=
course she spoke •of the dense
population in ,,, Formos and
her work as a teacher there.
The C.G.I.T. girls assisted
with the singng at the service.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Gardiner on Sunday,
were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal-
ker, Mr. and.Mrs:• Hugh Cur-
rie "and family, 'Dorchester,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee
Ken Walker, London, Mr and
<.nd family and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Robert Hulley and fam-
ily, Winthrop, celebrating bir-
thdays,'of Mrs. Walker, Mrs.
Hulley and Hugh Currie.
We A
e -Buying Wet Shelled
Above' Average Prices
Starts ' November 13th and Ends December 9th
SAVE up to $ 12.00 per ton on Dairy & Beef feeds
— Book your . orders now --
Phone 5274910-
KAS W0014
Back To Schoor „For W.I. Workshop, k
For 30 Women's Institute members of Huron County, it was back to school Monday.when.
they attended a one -day workshop in Clinton conducted •by the principal curator of Tweeds-
muir Histories, Mrs. R. C. Walker', St. George. The W.I. members, all curators of their local
branches, were instructed in how to find material, and how to record it Left to right, Mrs.
Robert Simpson, Hensall, Mrs. John E. MacLean, Seaforth, ,who is curator of South Huron
Women's Institute, Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Brueefield and Mrs. Walker. (Expositor photo by
News of DUBLIN
Mr. ,and Mrs. Maurice Ryan
and family, with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Tozer, Davidson, Mich.
Mr. and, Mrs. George Coville,
Mrs. Peter Maloney and Mrs.
Len Morrison spent the week-
end in Brighton. Mr and Mrs.
Coville were Godparents for
David . .Joseph, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagerty.
Mr. Edward Holland, Scar-
boro, Mrs. John Frappier, ,Mont-
real, with Mr. George . E. Hol-
land and relatives
• Mr. Tom Feeney and son of
London, with Elmer' and Louis
Feeney. - -
Mr. Jack • Stapleton, London,
Miss Joanne Stapleton 'Kitch-
ener. with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Miss Judith Friend, R.N., left
on Sunday for Ottawa and will
leave from there in a week for
India by v8ay of England, for
two years.
Mr. and- Mrs, George Coyne
and. Miss Mary O'Connell, Mist
Monica Byrne in London:
Dublin Colleens
Dublin Colleens met at the
home of Mrs: Charles Friend.
Patricia Burchill and Jeanne
Ducharme demonstrated how
to make : Pizza .and discussed
yeast. Joanne Van Bakel made
an Italian salad, Mrs, Humphrys
discussed the' foods and ways
of the Italian immigrants from
Eastern Europe.
Miss Elizabeth "Weber died
suddenly on Friday, October 20,
t St. Joseph's Hospital; -London
She resided on llarrison Avenue,
London. Daughter of .,,the late
Mrs and Mrs. Joseph Weber of
Dublin and Seaforth, she was
born and educated in Dublin.
As a resident of London for
man years, she was employed
on e staff of Simpson and
Company until recently. She
was a member of St. Michael's
Church, London and is ''surviv-
ed by one brother, John, of
Toronto; nephew, Mr.. James
Weber, Hamilton; Rev. E. F.
Boehler; and a niece, Mrs. Wil-
ma Harrison of Toronto.
Resting at the E. C. Killings -
worth funeral home, 389 Bur-
well St., London-, Requiem mass
was held at St Michael's
Church, on Monday, October
23rd, at 10 o'clock. Interment
in St.- Peter's Cemetery, Lon-
don. \ -
UCW ..
To Meet
The Centre Regional .confer-
ence of Huron Presbyterial Un-
ited Church Women' will be
held on Friday -in Moncrief Unit
ited Church with Mrs. Gordon
McKenzie of Seaforth presiding.
Rev. Ray Mathers of Blyth, sec-
retary of, the Christian Educa,
tion committee for Huron Pres-
byterial, will address the morn-
ing session and Miss. Anne Fol -
lis of the Huron Cotitity— ealth
Unit will speak- in the afternoon
on "Needs of the Aged in Hur-
on County".
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man, Geraldine, Ruth and
IVfary ne vbited
with Mrs. Ronald Gamble and
family, Armstown, Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parris,
Mitchell visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mil,
ler and girlies and Mrs. Mary
Miss Dianne Miller visited
over the week end With Miss
Carol Miller.
Mr,- and Mrs, Robin •Day-
nard, Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Terry Day ard, Guelph,
visited over the week end
with Rev. and Mrs. "A:'H. Day-
nard and Heather,
The Springhill Settlers 4-H
Homemaking lub "A World
of Food in Canada". met at
the home of Miss Eleanor
Keinp on Friday. Roll Call
was answered by 12 girls. The
leaders gave notes on North-
ern Euorpe and Canadian -
made cheese, Lee Miller de-
monstrated making pickled•
eggs and' Marilyn Miller de-
monstrated Cabbage rolls,
Lorne Henry Toll, 69, of East
Wawanosh Township, died Sun,
day in Clinton Public Hospital, •
He is survived by- brothers
,Ernest, Walton; Ira, Waterloo;
and a sis'ter,. Miss Ruby, Tor-
Funeral service will be held
ki 2-T'-m;-Thursda `at the Tas='
ker' memorial chapel, Blyth.
Burial' will he in Blyth union
cemetery. -,
News of Hensall and Area
The general meeting of the
UCW of Hensall United Church
was held Monday. Mrs. James
McAllister, president, chaired
themeeting and opened with
reading of Ps-alm $0, verse 17,
followed by a centennial pray-
er The devotion was taken by
Mrs, T. J. Sherritt, Miss Mattie
Ellis gave a thought- provoking
talk on 'Faith' and Mrs. Weeks
led in prayer. Mrs- Carl Payne
sang `Bless this House", accom-
panied by Miss, Greta Laramie,
Mrs. McAllister read a poem,
"Off Again" and Mrs. George
Armstrong gave an article on
the meaning 'of M and M. Mrs.
R. M. Peck and Mrs N. E. Cook
took up the collection, Mrs. E.
Rowe introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. E. Geiger of Lan-
don and formerly of Hensall,
Mrs. Geiger showed pictures
of the Holy Land and took them
from the Nile to the hills of
Judea and also showed slides
of Switzerland, Germany, and
Scotland. She was thanked 1,
Mrs, J. McAllister. '
Business of the meeting show-
ed forty-two • answdi'ed the roll
call and further dealt with the
bale to be packed and the pay-
ment of the new piano which
will be dedicated the first Sun
day in November, Mi's Edison
Forrest reported the financial
standing and Mrs, Lorne Hay
for the visitation committee.
Mrs. Walter Spencer reported
on the budget.
• Miss Sylvia Henderson, Tor-
onto, spent the weekend with
her. mother, Mrs. John Hender-
son and family. -
Mr. Sam Oesch is a patient
Clinton Public Hospital
where he underwent surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid
and Allan, spent the weekend
ht Niagara Falls.
Follow Voting Procedures
Hensall Girl Guides enjoyed
a change of pace at last week's
meeting when they visited the
Polling, centre in the Town Hall
and had election .procedures ex-
plained to ,them by the Deputy
RetttrniAg Officer.
On Saturday, 4 Golders from
Huron Division met in the Un-
ited .Church in Hensall for the
first of a two-day training un-
der the leadership of Mrs. Rob-
ert Luxton, Exeter, Mrs Anita
Cook and Mrs. Greta Lavender
of Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs, Laird' Mickle
spent the weekend in Hamilton
and visited Sunday with Rev.
and Mrs. R. A. Brook in Acton.
Mrs. • Harold Bonthron and
Shelley visited Expo last week.
Entertain Auxiliaries
Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxil-
iary entertained six Legion
Branches, E,(eter, Clinton, Sea -
forth, Goderich and Blyth and
Hensall, to a Zone card party
attended by forty.
Winners for euchre were Mrs.
Harold Thiel, Zurich; Mrs.
Grant Bisback, Hensall; 500,
Mrs. Marion Frayne, Exeter;
Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Goderich;
bridge, -Mrs. Eva. Seribbins,
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Doig, Mr.
ind Mrs. Peter Bannon, Mr.
,,nd Mrs. Tom Young wete in
Hamilton Tuesday evening at-
tending the performance of
White Heather Mixture Scot-
tish Shobv touring North Ai.'
erica, '
Mr. !arid Coutts and Mr. Jim
Lee of Meringo, Saskatchewan
visited At the home of Mr. and
Mrr, James Coutts over the
week end and with other rel-
atives in the district.
Mr. and Mrs. Middaugh of
London., were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Hawley and
!`.111s. C. Hawley.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Fair
of Dundas were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Scott, Ann St.
Mr. Andrew Crozier of Mc-
Killop had the misfortune to
break hiss leg while working
at his home 'on No. 8 High
Miss Lillian Faulkner is 'a
patient in Seaforth Comm:tn-
ty Hospital,
Mrs. E. I: Close had the
misfortune to tall and bieztic
Clinton; Mrs Isabel! Kneeshaw,
Goderich. Door prize was won
by Mrs: Clarence Reid, ticket
draw by Mrs. Evelyn Carroll of
Goderich, Zone Commander.
The Legion Hall was decorat-
ed in Hallowe'en motif, arrang-
ed by Mrs, William Smale and
Mrs. Clarence Reid, sports offi-
cers, wha convened the party.
Present U.N. Award Pin
The regular meeting of Am-
ber Rebekah Lodge was held,
with Noble Grand Mrs. ,John
Corbett presiding. Plans were
finalized for a 'banq-uet to hon-
or the Grand Master of the As-
sembly of Ontaria and other
distinguished guests. Donald
Gornell, Clinton, student of
Clinton High School. was' -pre-
segted with his t'nited Nations
award pin. .
Mrs. Beatrice Hess of Zurich
was accompanist fora sing—song.,
his ankle,
Miss Valerie Turnbull of
Waterloo -on -Thames, Surrey,
England, elder `daughter of the
LAE. Arnold R. Turnbull and
Mrs, Turnbull has entered the
i. >ndon Medical School where
she will study for her chosen
career in inedicine
Recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack- Meagher were
Mi-.. and Mrs Joseph Meagher,
Ottawa; Miss Marysuanne
Meagher, • Brockville; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Osborne and 'son
Terry of Trenton; Mr, and
Mrs. Harvey Dantzer, Mr. Vic-
tor Dantzer and Miss Paul-
ette King of Windsor; Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Morrison and
son Tony of Waterloo.
Mt, and Mrs. Jack Meagher
have spent two weeks in Ot-
fnwa and Trenton with their
Remember! It takes. but' a
moment to place an Expositor
Want -Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth 5274240.
"Fresh as a Daisy"
By Forsyth
Just out, and at a
new' low price, these
Perms -Press Tacoma
(Tery-ene & Cotton)
shirts are the tops.in.
wash and wear white
dress shirts. Regular y
collar — two way
cuffs. "They never
have to be ironed."
Sizes 14M to TM
Sleeves 32 to 34
Qiu' "most p4•Pi4at' Gelling
suit for Ine4jllarxeal, blue
awl"- two,- all wool,
smooth, finisk pe#ma- cress
English worsted Alanael Spits.
Two or three button suits
for regulars,: shorts, tails or
stouts. Size range at present,
38 to,41 only.
"GOLDEN ARROW" Perma-lron
e/ 7771
Winter Jackets
Choose from Quilted Nylons,
Heek Suedes, Corduroys,
Twills or wools in a wide
range of Borg lined styles.
,rackets, storm coats, car
coats and duffle coats in all
popular colors.
13.95 ' to 37.50
We -don't have the
;heapest. We just keep
the best. "GWG Texas
Ranger". It will . out -
wash and out -wear all
others. Shirts 14% to
18. Pants 30 to 48 in
stock, green, taupe and
suntan shades.
Shirts 4.95
Pants • .. 6.50
Thursday. Friday and Saturday
Clark's Fancy, Quality -
TOMATO .JUICE • • • . 2 48 -oz. tins' 59¢
Bee Hive
CORN SYRUP 2 -lb. tin 39
, McNair's Australian Sultana
RAISINS 2-1b. pkg. 59¢
Ajax — 3c off label
CLEANSER, 2 giant size tins 590
White Swan — White or Colored
FACELLE TISSUE • - • • 21ge. pkgs. 494
Mitchell's Vitamized
APPLE JUICE • • • • 3 lge. 48 -oz. tins• $1
Shirriff's "Good Morning"
.MAR1VIALADE lge. 24 -oz. jar 490
Jello —. Poly Bag of 6 reg. pkgs.
.JELLY POWDERS 6 for 690
New Jets Formula "77" Spray and Wipe
CLEANSER 24 -oz. bottle 790
CAUOWER each 23¢
ORANGES, size 138's'' doz. 5,9O
Indian River
GRAPEFRUIT, size 48's • • - . 5, for 490
Phone 527-0990
Free DBliver '