HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-26, Page 3`Apytirnegod1411 ...
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FOR ;100
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Walden & Broadfoot
Phone 527-122e — Seat p
When you turn 21
you are nb longer.
C•avered -by your
parents' Hospital
Insurance. You must
take out individual
membership within 30 1
days. Get your ap-
plication -form at a
bank, a hospital, or
the Commission,
To keep insured fol-
low the instructions
on the Hospital In-
surance "Certificate
of Payment—Form
104." that your
present "employer is
required to give you
on leaving.
The"family" Hospital
Insurance premium
,must now be paid to
cover husband and
wife. Notify your
"group" without de-
Ieryerr--if you both pay
premiums direct, no-
-tify the Commission.
Plan . .
Ontario Hospital
Services Commission,,
Toronto 7, Ontario.
10. and Mr0
anti Or. and
arlcet,.atterxded e• o''.. --.,
atCh Bartrie, on I 'h yt.
Mir. Ggrant 'Pe . ren
frieoral• frank ., .wwma villa.
spent 'Che weed, end ',wi
parents Mr,. ancl' Ws,. • GIenn,
}. `-
Mk, • Bar"ker.,Terand
"Kai; anent Friday at the plow
ing match. ; •
Terry and Warren Elligsen
ate spending a .couple of days
withtheir' grandmother, Mrs.
Mabel, Higgerson while their
parents. are at -'-the plowing
match at, Barrie. • , , ..
Mr. and Mrs, Norman 410,
field ` d as their guests; on
Sunda aii'.d Mrs• ipgus
°Barri- net ., x,,awr' nce
n ".. Mrs: Uiea Jeffery,
Mirk: u Resod( and all at,
tended Zion i
1Vix.,;an ,+ 'T GlOin per
'lad tithe °�sts on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper
and Mr and Mrs. D.alton,Bal,
four StraVerd anti all attend,
ed' Aariiiversary Services at
Zion, . y
took in the p1onwingrm
match in
Barrie on Saturday. �.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon
and Barry, Seaforth, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Keyes, Grand
Bend, Mr. Keith Malcolm,
rsswLin lV,[asli>n, London, Miss
ayle- Boughtflour, Mitchell.
were guests 'Of Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton Malcolm and Bruce on
Sunday end attended Zion An-
Donald G.' Eaton
Office In Masonic Block
Main Street
Phone- 527.1610 Seaforth
�,.0 's
isle at the, lowing .match., , •
• liar.14r Rod►,• }Iarrb,
Strbtiurd, 1'v 's,` 1 ea1Ie Moore
with M . and Mrs, Lloyds Balr-
ker pan- Sda^ and attended
iversary Se',
Urs 1 renes* Innis, t.
l'aul'sit.vis ted her dalighter,
Mrs. Blythe . laminin and blr.
Lamnrin-i-on frritlaY.
Mr; and Mrs. ohn son, Seaforth, and totally -with
Mr. and .Mrs, Lawrence Bar,
ker. Mar, Larry Barker, Miss
Sue Remington,- Goderlch,
were also guests on Sunday
and •attennded Anniversary
News of Varna
The 441 club, the Cotton Cut
ies met at the :home - 4f Mks,
Bill Doi* son on Wednesday eve-
nin g. Ann Hater, . *as, .chosen
to be the eomanienttator for the
club- exhibit • at Aehievement
Day, Mrs. A. Hayter demonstra-
ted malting and inserting cord-
ed! bias piping and helped with
the Italian hemstitch on the
dresser scarf. Mrs. Dawson de-
monstrated the dresser scarf
with the piping inserted in the
hem. The club will meet again
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner;•
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Consitt and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stevenson
returned home after .visiting
relatives at Pilot Moued, Mani-
toba and attending a wedding.
• The sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to the family of
Russel Taylor, who passed
advay at Indianapolis.
Paul and Scott-Consitt are
visiting with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Tay-
lor while their parents are at-
tending Expo.
1N'il�i�m M. Nark
Phone 527-0870 Seaforth
r r}
Glasses . a ,Day
' • :::DAIRY
Phone 527-0810 Seaforth
Dairy Products etre avaiiabie at
Sundays, Holidays, Everyday -- Maple Ltd,
, .
Set 6 ' Teste
A number of 1967's - Fords, Chevs., Pontiacs, all models
1966 Galaxy 500 Sedan with 390 engine
2-1966 Chevrolets, V-8, power steering
1965 Mercury 2-doortlii.T.
1964 Chevrolet Imala Convertible, V-8,' pow-
er equipped
1984 Mercury 2 -door hardtop,
1963 Pontiac Sedan
1962 Pontiac 2 -door II.T.
PHONE 173-w" rh. ',tile, of poor Ballet Calm"
A wide selection of 1965 Chevrolets,
Pontiacs and Fords, sedans, hardtops, var-
ious models, 8 and 8 cylinders.
1963 Chev. Belair, 6•cylinder,'power steering
A wide variety of 1960 to 1962 models to
choose from. •
2-19434 GMC One -Ton Pick Vps
1964 GMC One-Ton`Stake
NOP NI EEii ptY 11110tI NG
4W$ 1
'he HistgrieaJ'4404.44154#0
�i ai' Kipper East -WI was,heldd-
-at the home of Mrs, Grant Mao.
Mean with eo-hhostees .. Mrs,
Ovaries. •Eyre The president
opened, the meeting witty 's.a
Nein "When Grandma ' made
her -.soap". Roll call Was fnia-
were& by giving the model of
your first 'car. A song
read." Ebany athhsecmneuar1yets
urs,, _Ames Drutpmond rind -
,i ;1
Business of . the meeting • w.as
dealt with. The •treasurer
Fern Alderdice i'eportedi,a xie'w
meinber, 'Mrs.• Hiltz, who was
welcomed and presented with
her pin and, handiboek,� .. :
Mrs. Robert Kinsman, chaired
the meeting for the 'pr,Qgram..
She read a poem, "When Wath,..
er papered the parlour". flits.
William Kyle gave a splendid
motto prepared by. Mts,.. Rob-
ert Siniapson, "In youth ,.we
learn, in age we understand".
Mrs. Grant 1VIaeLean conduct-
ed a centennial bingo and ,g1so.
a song "Threw -out the window"
Mrs. James Drummond gave
the topic, "Domestic -life—,Past
and Present". Wedding photos
of the members were on dis-
play. •
Mrs.. Vern Alderdice gave the
history ;of Prince Edward Is-
land.- -Mrs. Alex McGregor re-
ported for the next meeting and'
Mrs. William Cardwell gave
courtesy remarks. A contest
was conducted by Mrs. William
Gibson and lunch was served
by the hostessess and commit-
tee, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs . Alex
McGregor, Mrs. Grant McLean
and Mrs. June Cooper.
A lovely autumn wedding
took place in Teeswater'United
Church, . when Beverley. Jean
Wall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Morley Wall, Holyrood and Har-
ry Moir, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Moir, Hensall, exchang-
ed marriage vows before thg
Rev. Mr, Downing, in a double
ring ceremony. 'Mrs. Kay smith,
Teeswater, was organist and
soloist was Miss Janet White-
head, Teeswater, cqusin of the
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a formal
wedding gown of peau de soie,
with lace trim and long lily -
point sleeves, Her train, trim-
med with lace, fell softly from
her shoulders. He veil was of
nylon tulle, caught- by a head-
piece of crown jewels. - She car-
ried a cascade of yellow rose
buds and green ivy.
• Miss Jean Doupe of London,
wa,5Anatron of honor, She wore
moss green peau de soie, with
matching headpiece. The brides-
maids, Misses Elda and Doris
Wail, London, Miss Lois Wall,
Holyrood, sisters of the bride
were gowned identical to the
maid of honor. Flower girl, Miss
l.indra Wall, sister of the bride,
'wore, white peau de 'sole with
green sash and bow with match-
ing headpiece, She carried a
basket of yellow and bronze
Bruce Moir, Hensall, was his
brother's groomsman, llobert
Moir, Hensall, brother of the
groom and Robert Wall, Holy -
rood, brother of the bride, ush-
ered guests. -
For the reception in the
church parlours, the bride's
mother received in a gold -two-
pfece ensemble of crimp knit
with brown accessories, and cor-
sage of yellow mums. The
groom's mother wore a 'burgan-
dy crepe dress with lace trim,
matching hat, and corsage of
Sleeping Beauties met at the
Hensall Legion Hall;
The, roll call, "Any rearrange-
ment' made in ray ,bedroom"
was answered by ten girls. Mar-
ilyn Durst read the minutes
and Lynn Alderdice was elect-
ed new secretary. The leaders
showed how,to make blind hem
stitching, ,how to put corded
piping around) a corner and
how to gather.
white mums.
For travelling, the bride chose
a three -Apiece suit, beige and
brown with matching accessories
and corsage of yellow mums.
The couple will reside in
-Hensan K•tamen--Cku /net at
the Kea/ H'A er Restatt anti,
Pre,sxded over by president•Bob
Caldwell, Theyannuai I'1'allowe'e .
Parade and party, Wilk not be
-hosted) i y the I insn Club.
this year; but free skating 'will
be provided for all on Hallowe'-
en night.
Arnold Circle -
.: President , Mrs. Robert Bell
opened the October. meetingof
the Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church; .M'onday
eveningwith a pocnr "Too -WI-
ed to Pray", Worship period
was conducted WW1's. Stewart
Bell and Mrs._V�a
topic "Thanksgiving" Itch call
by ten mens rs .was answe d
by ,.;;ane thing we are thankful
for"; also .in respon¢,e to . the
roll call each.. member brought
an article- to be donated to the
Sunday! School.
Lunch was served by hostesses
Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs.
John Skea.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Noakes
and family are attending Expo.
Good Turn pays
Last.. Saturday , afternoon . a
band of girls in blue and brown
uniforms descended on 66 homes
of Hensall residents to perform
a Good' Turn. Although they
found only half of these people
home. or ready with a job, they
cheerfully washed windows,
swept sidewalks, raked leaves
and ran errands to a total of
forty tasks. Favourable com-
ments -by those helped indicate
that the girls did their work
well. Good Turn Day s a Cen-
tennial project ' of ow ies,
.Guides 'and' Rangers acr Can-
Incidently the girls report -
that doing a free Good Turn
is difficult since many well
meaning people tried to impress
a reward on. them.
Miss Sylvia Henderson left
Sunday for Toronto where she
has been transferred. The staff.
of the Bank of Montreal here
where she was on staff, pre-
sented her with a gift prior to
leaving. Sylvia expects to take
a course in Art at the Ontario
College of Art •
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Page and
David of Burlington, were week-,
end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Horton. -
Mrs. William Kyle, Mr, and,
Mrs. Harold Caldiwell,• Jamie
and Todds spent Thanksgiving
uwith LAC and Mrs. Jim Bozzato
and Dana, at Mont Apica, CFE
Mr. and. Mrs._ Laird Mickle
attended the funeral'of the late
Rev. Charles E. Daniel in Inger-
soll last Wednesday. Mr. Daniel
was former minister of Hensall-
United Church.
Chiselhurst UCW met in the
church. school room with fif-
teen members present, Mrs. R.
Taylor, Jr., opened with a poem.
The •theme song and prayer
followed. Mrs. William Brint-
nell was in charge' of the Thanks-
giving worship service. Mrs. Al-
vin Cole offered prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family of Bridgeport, were
weekend visitors . with Mrs.
John Henderson and family.
Mrs. T. Brintnell "and Mrs.
Taylor attended the workshop
held in Hensall United Church.
Mrs. Russell Brock contribut-
a popm. Mrs. 11. Currie introduc-
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
,,,ocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth 527-0240.
if you: have an orchard or wild
apple frees on your farm and
will not be picking the apples
you can give our Scout Troop
a big boost by donating the
apples to us.
Please Phone
David 'Schenck
at 527-1115
For Further Details
Court of Revision,
• - 1968 Assessment Roll
A Court of Revision on the 1968 Assess-
ment Roll Mr Hullbtt Township will hold the
first s'it'ting on November 6, 1967, at 3:00
o'clock p.m., at the %ondesboro Community
Hall. •
Complaints 'to the Court of Revision
must be sent to the Clerk of the Municipality
at least ten days prior to the date of the first
sitting of the court.
Clerk -Treasurer,
Box 293, Londesboro, Ont.
edi ..the• new #bite study l?,eo.
"Rano troll pf the ]3x416"i._ tali:
Q. the first part On thepprepti
The 4g1'keniture and Cana:'
fnan Inditletriee; meeting ,0>a Ten;
sail Wopxen's Ingitute wan 7404
in 'the lAgion Ifalt, Iier>Rsa11, on
Wednesday' evenin. Program'
,conveners were .Airs, Glarence:l
Reid and Mrs. Maude Hedden
and Mrs. R. As. Orrpreside&• A
vocal solo •`1Bless
was rendered by Mrs .Car% Pay.
Ile, accompanied by Miss -Greta
Vie• . ,-.,„ .
• Readings 'wgre 'given ►y Nis,
Elizabeth Riley, the motto "On
Agriculture" by:•Mrs. 'Tack Cor -
bat... Mrs. James McAlliat'e'
commented on.•.the trip: ethic
she and her husband completer)
through oche..:mtesterzi :lirevinces.
to BA . espieeially. inelltioning
agriculture and harvesting on•
a broad scale:.,
President Mrs. V. M. Pyette
chaired the opening exercises
and the 'business session. Mrs.
R. A. Orr reported on the Coun-
ty rally at Crediton. Bolt call
was answered by naming an ht-
dustry of Hensel. which has
flourished in the- t 109 years.
A contribution was made to
the CNIB and members were
assigned for assisting in can-
vassirig the town. Mrs. Payne
reported on the sale of ,.,the
Centennial History brochures of
Hensall. The hostessess, •Mrs.
Annie Reid and Mrs. Harry Hor-
ton and their assistants served
a cup of tea.
Phone 527-0467 Seaforth
Representing `he Western
Farmer's Weather Insurance
Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont.
Sales with Service
Maytag Washers and
Dryers, 3 years parts,
labour service
- Bob's TV and
129 Qntario St., Stratford
- f Phone 271-6433
127 Queen St., St. Marys
Phone 284-2290
Bob Weeks, Prop.
"Bob's TV Since '53"
1n -the' -Tow o •
Ott it :00 a.m.
r. r.
). a 1'r' p'!• L.;
SUNDAY will be on Standard Time
Buy a Bond at Bank of Montreal
Canada Savings Bonds
1967/6$_ Series..
Buy yours now for cash
or by instalments.
_ Only 5%o down — balance in easy
payments over a year.
Now available at all branches.
Bank of MontreaI
Canada's First Bank,
We are buyers of
and �,'
We also are in the market for
that will make seed
Give us a Call before- you sell
For high -est prices paid contact
& SONS Limited
Phone 262-2527