HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-26, Page 1• r r s a • vo A • Whole No. 5198 108th Year Santa WM visit ' 4 But ... No ' Parade Santa Claus will be a Seaforth visitor on Saturday, November 25, if present plans of the mer- chants' committee of the Cham- ber of Commerce materialize. 'Discussed at., a recent meet- ing •of 'merchants, Santa's visit will probably be rather short compared to. previous years and much of the ceremony and fan fare that has greeted him will be eliminated. Committee chairman_ Ed Tay- lor said it was unlikely there would be a Christmas Parade since the Labor day centennial parade had ,placed a heavy de- mand on the Iimited- number of merchants available to 'assist. The Meeting was of the opie- ion that it would be difficult to repeat -a suitable parade in the short .time available. While there probably will not be a parade Santa will be as- sured of the kind of reception to„which he is entitled Mr. Tay- lor said. He will be greeted by the SDHS band and later will distribute treats to area chil- dren. Whife details have not been worked out, a committee is in- vestigating the entire program” and is expected to report to a further general 'meeting sched- uled within -the next Week. Flag Stolen From Manor On several occasions during Centennial year decorations ari flags have been stolen from a number of locations in town. Latest in the series of thefts is that of a large Canadian flag from a pole in Front of Seaforth Manor. The flag— a new one -- was removed after the thieves had carefully cut the rope on which • it was flying, Mrs. Jean Henderson of Sea - forth Manor pointed out that the thieves had moved in des- pite the fact the area was quite brightly illuminated. . Police are investigating. Area Couple Marks QCs Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs John Ruston celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. A mass was given in their honor at St. James' Roman Catholic Church, where Father Sullivan officiated' A family dinner followed in Seaforth. Later a reception was Celebrates _.80th Birthday Mrs. Duncan McNichoI cele= orated her 80th'. birthday on Saturday at the home of her son Glenn McN•ichoI, Walton, with whom she resides, Mrs. McNichol was guest -of honor at a birthday, party at- tended by her 19 grandchildren. Among others present were her long time neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson of McKillop and Miss Bessie Davidson of Seaforth. held in their home -where the family presented them with a money tree trimmed), with gold roses and fifty one dollar bills. Congratulations were received from the Prime 'Minister, as well as from many friends and rela- tives. • - , Mr. Ruston is a retired paint- er and he and Mrs. Ruston both enjoy having a vegetable gar- den and flowers. • Organist at the mass was Mrs. Alice Stiles and the solo- ist was • Mrs., Floyd Dale, a granddaughter of. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ruston - 'The Rustons have nine chil- dren which .inelude two sets of twins: Mrs, Hubert (Lenore) O'Reilly; Mrs. Sylvester (An- gela) Kelly; Mrs. Cliff (Doris) Kelly and Charles, all of Lon- don; Mrs: Don (.Mary Lu) Ding of Bright's Grove; Jack of Mont- real; Frank and Clarence, both of Stratford;- and" Bob of Sar- nia. They also have sixteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. ' MR. AND MRS. JOHN RUSTON • ekL SJAF'ORTH ONTARI •iugle -MP* .00 * Year b. A4VO4. Nothing Wrong With These ' Samples Seven Huron County Women's Instiute branches sent members to attend the Fall Train- ing School `Baking with Yeast", held in Clinton, Tuesday by the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture and Food. • The course was given by Miss -Bar Tara Foreman, Toronto, Food Specialist and Miss Sharon Carroll, Clinton, Home Economist for Huron County.: Home 1iade breads and rolls and their many variations were featured at what Miss Carrot termed "a brand new project". Sampling the foods at the conclusion of the course were left to right, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Seaforth, Mrs. John Sinclair, Seaforth, and Mrs. Harry 'Caldwell, .Hensall. All are mem- bers of the `Kippen, - East W.I (Expositor photo by Trott.) C ten 1 c oi Before Lorre udience Hon. William G. Davi's official- ly opened Huron Centennial School at Brucefield Friday eve- ning before an audience that crowded the large auditorium. The school which serves Stanley /arid 'l'uckersmith has been in use since last spring The short program in charge of board chairman Vern • Alder - dice included -the -presentation • of a key emblematic of the new . building by the architects Hagerty Buist, Breivak and Mikes and contractor F. Van Bussed and Sons Ltd. to Mr. Alderdice and the introduction of guests by Dr. Morgan Smith a member•of• the board. Greetings were extended by Robert McKinley, MP and .Hon. Charles MacNaughton Huron MPP. Mr. Davis was introduced •.by D. W. Scott, superintendent of Education, We'stern Ontario Region, The school choir, introduced by trustee, Bruce Keys, contri- buted two numbers under the direction of Mrs. C. LeBeau, the music supervisor. The school was dedicated by Rev„ D. Stuart, Brucefield while Rev. M. Morrison, Varna, pro- nounced the benediction and appreciation on behalf of the board was expressed by vice- chairman John Taylor. At the conclusion of the pro- gram the guests toured the school and sane the classroom. arrangement, Members of the School Board are Vern Alderdice, chairman; John Taylor, vice-chairman; G. L.' M. Smith; ' W. D. Wilson; Bruce Keys; J. E. Caldwell, sec- retary -treasurer. . The staff includes: A. Math- er, principal and S. Jeffery, vice-principal, as well as Mrs B. Alexander;• M: Baker; A. Brand; Mrs. S. " Carter; M. Des- jardine; Mrs, N. Gemmell; Mrs. 'C, ' Hunter-Duver; Mrs, D. Je£- fcrry; Miss H, Kravacek; Miss M. Marshall; Mrs J. Monteith; Mrs, Newby; 'Mrs, Is Reichert; Mr's. P R-eweliffe;.Mrs. C. Scott;,l,frs, S. Smith; 'Mrs. E. Swan; Mrs. M. Taylor; Miss M. Triebner; Mrs. E Turner; Mrs: A. Westlake; Mrs; M. Tudor is public health. nurse; Mrs, C. LeBeau, the mus- ic supervisor and custodians are L. Haugh and•S, Ervine., Contributing to the 'opening arrangements were: ushers, Bill .Archibald, Brian Beck, Bob Coleman, Steve Keys and'Ralph Whitmore. Programmes were in charge of Lynn Hayter and Darlene Hayter. Parking was looked after by L. Haugh, S. Irwin,--GeraldeBar- ry, John -Miller, Neil Mustard, Ken Plumsteel, Gordon Wright and Gary Young.---•. Lady awlers Elect At Annual M.eeti g The annual meeting of 'the Ladies' 'Lawn Bowling Club was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harold Connell, president, with a good attendance. The election of officers was held and homes for . the „ euchres and bridges. "which are held in the winter planned. The third Tues- day of each month was suggest- ed as the date if suitable to the hostess A, substantial sum of money was voted to the Men's Club for expenses curtailed during the summer. Committees were formed for next summer's games and the two ladies tournament dates set for July 10 and August 21st, Officers elected are: past president, Helen Connell; presi- dent, Dorothy Parke; first vice - Hamm Centennial Singers Meet Ministers A feature of the opening ceremonies at Huron Centen^ nisi School at tirucefield Friday evening was the .contribu- tion of .the school choir under the direction of Mrs. C. LeBeau this- music instruotor. Here nteinhers of . the choir are being congratulated by, H5n. William ,Davis, Minister of. Ellin ation and Hun. Charles MacNaughton Huron MPP and! Provincial Treasurer, following the program. The large • aud.itoriufin was crowded .with interested parents and citizens of area munici- palities for the official opening, schob1 Wunsch feltowed. and for ),aur of the new president, Janet Ford; second vice-president Thelma Dale; secretary -treasurers, Elsie Dins- more, Katie Phillips; tourna- ments, Marie Muir, Katie Phil- lips, Mae Habkirk, Maarguedette Wildon; open tournaments, Ida Close and Donna Patterson, NEWS OF WALTON VarietyRevue Draws Full roe on Half On Remembrance A meeting last week between representatives of Seaforth' Branch '156 Reyal Canadian Legion and, the merchants' com- mittee, oil the Chamber of Com- nierce paved,the way for a sol- ution of the Remembrance Day observance problem which has existed here for several years. After discussions centring on the practise in other area towns;• the meeting agreed to recom- mend to council that the day be proclaimed and. that stores be requested to remain closed from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Council at a special meeting Monday accepted the recom- mendations and instructed May- or F. Kling to issue a proclama- tion. The meeting arose following represegtations made to' council Rebekahs Install Officers Mrs. John Broadfoot; district deputy president of Huron Dis- trict °No. 23 and staff of Huron- ic Lodge, Clinton, installed the officers of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Beatrice Shaddick was deputy marshall, Mrs. Douglas Andrews, soloist and, Mrs, R. E Rowden musician for the instal- lation. The retiring'noble grand, Mrs. Matilda Dunn, wes prehaented with a past president's pin by Mrs. Boadfoot. Officers installed; include: no- ble grand, Miss Eleanor Hender- son; vice grand; Mrs. Gordan Papple; recording secretary, Mrs. Peter Malcolm; financial secretary, Mrs. Charles. Reeves; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Grum- mett; warden, Mrs. Ed Andrews; conductor, Mrs. Margaret Mes- senger; chaplain, Mrs. William Roe; musician, Mrs. Wilmer 'Cuthill; color bearer, `Mrs Wil- liam Miller; RSNG, Mrs. $nn ie Harrison; LSNG, Mrs. George. Campbell RSVG, Mrs. James Rose; LSVG, Mrs. R. M. Scott; inside guardian, Miss Jean Scott; outside guardian, Mr's. Mae •Dorrance. The financial committee .will be -Mrs. -Mae Hillebreeht, Mrs. Charles Felker and Miss Jean'_ Scott; Mrs, W. Cuthill and Mrs. J. Rose, district committee and Mrs Allan Campbell,' ' social convener for November and December, • On behalf of the lodge, Mrs. Dunn presented ,a gift to Mrs, Boadfoot and Mrs. William Den- nis who has moved to Stratford, was presented with. a gift by Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Broadfoot announced that the district is supporting a bur- sary to assist in furthering the education of a grade 12 or 13 student, whose mother has been a Rebekah member for at least five years. - A euchre party is planned to follow the next regular meet- ing. at its October meeting when Legion • spokesmen asked that ,a day long holiday be approved. Recalling dissention of prev- ious years which reelected lack of discussion between the Le- gion and merchants, council sag- gested action be deferred until representations ,of other parties concerned could be received. Lions Entertain Ladies At Dinner -• Seaforth Lions entertained their ladies at a dinner in the Community Centre.Monday eve- ning. The guests were welcomed by Lions president Orville Oke, - Arrangements for the event were carried out by' a' commit- tee headed by Elmer Larone A short program included re- marks by Dr. ,Morgan Smith of Bayfield who discussed'the im- plications of the Vietnam war and its effect on the Western countries including Canada Ross. Scott proposed a toast to the ladies to which Miss Elaine Oke responded. Dancing •and cards followed the dinner. At that time Mayor /Zing sug- gested discussions between the two groups could -result in agree- ment. He assured the Logien delegation a special.,.•nlceting of council would be called. . In . con- sider the matter_ - Increase Audit Fees At the special meeting of council on Monday, agreement was given a revised basis of fees felr the municipal auditors, Clarkson, Gordon and Company, . ; ' The firm which had been e- • ceiving $1,650 had asked fd an increase to $2,7(30. Council ,agreed to ' an increase . to $2,400 effective for the 1967 audit. The total fee will be al- located as follows: PUC hydro, $356; • KC water $350; SeaTiorth Town $95O; Seaforth District Pub- lic School $200; Seaforth Separ• High School $375; Seaforth ate 'School $175. - :Council accepted a suggestion; of Reeve Carl Dalton and agreed: to have a by-law prepared which would provide for a re-. ,. duction in the number of coun- cillors from six to four. . Should the by-law succeed in ' gaining first and second read- ing it would require the ap- proval' of the ratepayers prior to third reading in order to be- come effective, New Postmaster . Adrian lir• Con was -sworn in Monday' as postmaster at. Dublin, At 22. one of the youngest pas tmaeters to be. appoint- ed,'141r,, De Cop had served on the staff of the Seaforth Post Office for two years. He is a son of Mr. -and Mrs Tony De Coo of Seaforth. The Dublin vacancy arose with the resigna- tion last spring of postmistress Miss Monica Byrnes. Stand: ing with Mr, De Coo is Patrick Maloney, assistant postmaster.. (Expositor photo by Haley.) The Walton Community Hall was filled to capacity Friday and Saturday evenings for the Centennial Variety Revue sponsored by the Wal- ton Women's Institute with the president Mrs. Jan Van Vliet as director, Mrs, Neil McGavin was pianist for part 1 "Children's Fantasy" which included (1) Flower Dance, — Country Gardens; (2) TeddyBears Pic- nic, — Comedy;. .(2) Fairy Ring, — Tip Toe Thru the Tulips; (4) Soldiers Parade,— Parade of the Wooden Sold- iers; (5) Children's Finale— Salute to Canada, all the 'children, , During a 15 minute inter- mission music .was provided by Mrs. Ray Hirether and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Part. 2, Senior variety op- ened with Chorus Line Dance, "Ancors Aweigh"; (7) com- edy: (8) Hello Dolly by Bill Shortreed and Bruce McDon- ald: (9) Charlstnri Dance; (10) "That's What Heftiness Is", Senior group: (11) Chorus Line Dance, "Dublin in the Green"; (12) . Song meellkY; (13) Old Fashioned Dance Number, Senior group; (14) Finale, "Something to Sing About": (15) 0 Canada, M'iS. Bay Huether was pia- nist kr the second part and liicirey McDonald acted as Mader csf Ceremonies, if Gerald 'Watson of Burke Electric .Wingham was in charge of the lighting. The McKilIop ITCUnit met Wednesday evening at 'he home of Misses Ethel ani Tenaie Dennis with twenty ladies present. Mrs. Norman Schade presided for devotions and opened with hymn 577, "Oome Ye Thankful People Come"' also a prayer of Thanksgiving4 The scripture was read by Mrs., Stewart Mc- Call from Psalm 118. Miss Ethel" Dennis gave a reading entitled ,"Giving in Gratitude" and also led in prayer. The topic, the last chapter in the study book. "Into a Nation" was given by Mrs. Laverne Godkin followed by A summary of the- book. "0 God Our Help in Ages Past" was sung after which Mr;. Nnrman Schade closed with ')raver, Mrs. Campbell Wey gave a resort of her week at Alma College. Mrs. Chas. McCuteh- eon presided for the business. Reporter were presenter), and invitations read. Plans for the Fowl Supper were completed. Lunch was served by Mrs Wm. J. Leeming, Mrs, Camp- bell Wey, Mrs, Gordon Mc - Gavin and Misses Ethel and Tenni° Dennis. ,Conor McKillop Family A social venin liras held i ...'SLS, 1e• 0 +. a Mup t+o� ^honor Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis and -Geraldine who have moved to Stratford, Progressive Euchre was played during the evening. after which an address was read by Mrs. Campbell Wey and a presentation of a large picture was made by Robert McMichael and Jack Bosman. Geraldine was presented with a clutch purse bel'Gwen Bos• man: Refreshments were ser- ved by Mrs. Rnbert McMich- ael. Mrs. Jack Bosmen, Mrs John Burch and Mrs. William R,oe, Mission Sand The Walton Missinn Band met in the church. basement Sunday with' the now presi dent Dena Wey presidinu and an attendance of 44 present. The meeting opened with "Will your Anchor Hold" with Sharon Marks as pianist. Dona gave the Call to Worship, then hymn 3.58. "Take my' T.ife and Let it Be" was sung, Mrs. Walter Bewley talked about building new churches and how thankful the people were when they had finished, Drnfglas end Ross Mitchell read the scripture from Psalm 92:1 and Isaiah 41^: 8-7 With Mrs. Bewley explaining the passages. Debbie Van Vliet ed in prayer. Roger Humph - des and Clayton Fraser col - Mod tire' o erinj t id Clem ded1 f Oct 4::+ itlr vrayet, rink- • douse er gave the treasurer's report and Joan Bennett read min- utes. The next meeting will take the form of a White Gift Service when the members will bring their gifts for child- ren under the care of the Children's Aid Society in Hu- ron County. Keith Clark and • John Van Vliet will assist with the Worship and Jane Leeming will be pianist. Classes were formed with teachers Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. William Coutts, Mrs. William Roe and Mrs, Wal- ter Bewley. Miss Arlene Williamson of Kitc•hcJier and Keith of Ridge - town Agricultural College sp(ni the week end with their parents Mr. 'and Mrs, James Williamson. ' A number of High School �inc)enis from Walton and ',sanity spent severe! dove at Fxno last week. They left by train from Seaforth and Clin- t,.t, Wednesday evening re- turning Stanley morning. Mr. and M'rs. Roy leii:nett spent several days at the home. of 11?es. I•Ieilr Cousins, Orillia, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Henry and baby daughter of London spent the week end with the . . former's uarents Mr. and Mrs. VR,'illiatr Henry • -Mr; and Mrs. Wilbur !Nth. bill► ancernpnnied Mr. snit ' Mra. tibdlas`fistvtraesa +o'tti" •' remit wyih1 Iii.. m,4,:•