HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-19, Page 9r N t t p :•c sn THIS; HURON EXPO; TPR f!EAFOR H, ON'l , Ulf THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 1. Help Wanted i. Business opportunities g, Teachers Wanted T. Situations Wanted ll. >s arm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12, Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent ForSale 16.O r 1• Rent 17. Wanted To Rent° 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26: Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages 7. Situations Wanted Experienced carpenter. wants work, Au 'Wppes. Phpne 527- 1664, Seatorth.. 7.87-tf 8. Farm Stock For Sale ONE registered Holstein and one grade Holstein due, Oct. 22nd. Phone Elgin Nott, 527- 1975. 8-97x1 TWEN'T'Y pigs, 8 wks. old. Apply George Townsend, Call 527-0096. • 8-97-1 EIGHTEEN_ well started pigs at}d 13 yearling calves. `Ivan Shannon, Walton, phone 527- 0457. 8-97x1 TWO Holstein heifers, one due 20th of Oct. and the other. in ,three weeks. Joe Van Dooren, phone 527-0098. 8-97-1 THREE Lacombe hogs,,ser- viceable ge, guaranteed, goy-, ernmentemium. George Townsend, 'RR 3 Seaforth, phone 527-0096. . 8-97-1 HOLSTEIN cow, four years old, to freshen on Nov. lst: Holstein heifer, fresh with calf; 'Holstein coma milking. All goad milkers. 100 year-oid leghorn hens. Torrance Dun- das, Walton. phone Brussels 470 J 5. 8-97-1 NINETEEN pig 10 wks. old. Lou McIver. phone 43 R 25 Dublin, • 8-97x1 `9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY - FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 • Classified ads are inserted at a rate of • 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing iMinimuma: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12 13 and 17 minimum 65c. Classifier` tions 24, 25, and26• um 2c per word, minim.15. All other classificotians ,mini- mum $1.15 per insertion ex- cept Auction • Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applip- ation. For cash payment or if paid within ' 10 days following last insertion, 15 CENTS deductdd • •• from above rates. 1 P receive your Bt1t .place bett- ing free. 1. Articles For Sale 19. Notices , Get ours t of English McLAUGIILIN Body 'Shope. G t y . repairs and painting, glass and BONE. Cbl N H� vinyl roof installation, free lethreulh Anstett's estimates, call 52? -0526. ay for 7 mac ' settings and 1. Coming Events COMING EVENTS - Ontario. Landrace Association Sale at Palmerston Fair Grounds, Fri. October 20th at 1:30. W. M. Cockburn, '260 IIathry1i Cres., Newmarket, Secretary. 1=.96-2 THE 'Huron County Cream producers are holding their an- nual.lilee'ting in the Agric rlt ural .Board Rooms Clinton, en :Tuesday, October 24th,. 1967 at.8 30 p.m Guest Spea- ker, Mr. 'W. G.'Urtiuhart,'mari- ager of ' the..MVIODA Council, Stratford. 1-96-2 ANNUAL Charter Night Ban- quet and Dance.' Saturday, Oc- tober 21st, Seaforth Legion Hall at 6:30 p.m: Banquet and Dance, $5.00 per couple, Dance only, $1.00 per person. Tickets available from K of C members to those 21 and over. Sponsored by Father Stephen Eckert Council, Seaforth. 1-96-2 HARVEST Ball in Brussels' Legion Hall on Friday, Octo- ber 27th, Desjardine Orchest- ra. Dress optional. Restricted to 21 yrs. and over. Admission $1.00 1-97-1 BAKE Sale ' at Friend and Whetham Butcher Shop, Dub- lin, ;October 28th at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the St.) ;Colum - ban Catholic Women's. League. - 1-97-1 `THE Ladies of Walton Angli- can Guild wish to remind you of their annual bazaar whch is being held Wednesday, Nov. 8. in the Walton Hall. 1-97-1 WOMEN'S Hospital Auxiliary Ruihrnage Sale, Carnegie Lib- rary, at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oc- tober 28th. - 1-97-1 WHAT- A Hallowe'en Dance WHERE - Staffa Township Hall •WHEN - Wednesday, Nov.' 1 SPONSOR •-- Staffa Women's Institute MUSIC - Carl Hohner's Or- chestra ADMI Lunc ..Pro1.00 vided Box 180 ANSTETT • JEWELLERS LTD. 11-87-U APPLES, pick your own, low trees, Kings, Spy, Snow, Gree- ning, Delicious Tolman Sweets, etc. Picking days, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- days and Saturdays, Closed Sundays.. P ho n e 482-3214. Fred Mcelymont, 1 mile•south of Varna. 11-95-3 SIX storm windows..,._6'7" x 341/4". Storm door .about 6' x 311/2". Six window shutters, 7'2" x 12" green.• Cistern pump. Phone 527-1973:-. 11-96x2. TRUCKLOAD Lots oWntario Grain at competitive prices. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., phone 52.7-1910. Seaforth,- Ontario. 11-97-2 10. Used Cars For Sale .1964 OLDS, 2 door hard rod, A,T. and Radio, power 'steer--ing,ower brakes and power windows, bucket seats, low mileage. Phone 527-0593. 10-97x1 1658 CHEV station wagon, A-1 od bo- mechanically, d2ood ti. $ 50.00 Phone -g 10=97-1 527-0448. COMPLETE Paint -Stock Fall Clearance of interior and ex- terior Paints and enamels. 25% off all regular prices at Crown Hardware, kA 11-97-1 JAMESWAY hog equipment, Sunshine Specials up to 30% discount. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., Phone -527-19.10, Seaforth, On- tario. 11-97-2 TWO ladies winter jackets, beige, size 16 and 14, in good condition. Phone .527-0731. 11-97-1 AN Indian Rug, . 71/2' by 9' with underlay. Like new con- dition. Pyrone • 527-1477. • • 11-97x1 BULK or bagged C -I -L Fertil- izer. Spreaders available. Top- notch Feeds Ltd., phone 527- 1910, Seaforth, Ontario. 11-97-2 11.. Articles For Sale. AL. • awnings, windows, doors, shutters, railings and col- Mhos, oluiiins, siding, eavetroughs, Call Or write for free estimates. Call '527-0777 or 527-0032, Holmes. and MacLean, Seaforth. ll-87-ti 1-97-2 oil •.19-95-tf AUCTIONEER FARM and FURNITURE . E' SALES CONDUCTED LOUIS V. MALONEY Phone 527-1351 Seafort'h- 19.96•tf THE original lc sale •at Keat- ing's Pharmacy is now on. Get twice as much for a •penny more. ' 19.96.2 DEAD( S�roC OVEN-READY Capons. Apply to Joseph Nolan, St. Colum - ban, phone 123 R 16 Dublin. 11-97-3 SHELLED Corn, will sell eiNh•- er dry or for high moisture. Phone 527-0435. 11-97x1 1968 :SKI - •DOOS. 4. Help Wanted GIRL or Lady With driver's licence for light housekeep- ing. Apply Box 1680, The Huron Expositor. 4-92-tf Men -=or' good strong boys to pull turnips on week ends or Steady work. waggr $1.50 per hour. Apply e 13lyth. Phone 523.44524 t 7 p.m. • or.-. 7 a.m. • MEN wanted .- good Opening. Sell Raleigh Products. Year round, steady work. Good pro- fits. ,Write Rawleigh„ Dept. 3-363-137, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, lViontreal. 4-97-1 Applications Will be received for the position of Secretary Several models on display. Order yours now and be ready for a fun -filled winter. Some used machines available. BLUEVALE TRAILERS Danny's Restaurant - 357-3114 Wingham - 11.-94-6 TIMEX WATCHES For Dublin Separate 'School C.R.C.S.S. No. 2 on or before OCTOBER 28th, 1967 with duties to commence Novem- ber 1st. Applicants to state salary expected and to be in writing addressed to WM. L. O'ROURt Secretary, RR 1 Dublin 7-1 Remember! It takes but a • tnornent to place till'E'xPosttor Want Alf and be money in pocket. To ndvertige. DiaX swot. 827.Oi4t►: • 20, Aiuetioile 2A ATctio Saies- lazy'bay chair .and stool, • 21.:,and ateel;.pole, R;u'er airs television (lib new), number, wagon with new grain boil; occasional chairs; ,scatter mats, 9 ft. land Moller; New 28' ft, carpet and pad 9' x 21', table •'George iWhite Bale elevator, lamps, walnut bed, dresser; electric enter;.J. D. Bradt springs, mattress, quilt box, thrower; 16 ft. flat rack an china cabinet, d trunks, book o k• wagon. stand, hair dryer, Speed PIGS -- 5 York Sows with -Queen washing machine, new, - litters byside; 1 sow due in tubs, clothes horse, Gooey Nov.; 1 ow due at time of chrome kitchen set, extension sale, 1 York. and Landrace 4ab u 4 chlectr mix master# crossbred bear, '1 ;year old, 4 -burner electric range, tea wagon, 10' Admiral Frig.with excellent type; 21 weiners;; 8 deep. freeze, kitchen utensils,' small chunks; 2 York sows dishes, 12 ft. deep freeze, bred 3 weeks; 2 York sows woodworking tools, jig saw ready to breed. Highest ca'sh,prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay 1/4c PER LB'. weighing over 500 lbs. 'Small animals picked tFP free of charge. For the most pr mgt and courteous ser- vice itt_this district Please call collect MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 -- Brussels, Ont. 24 hr. service -7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65 19-874f VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for' all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 263-5350. Hensall. 19-87-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. . FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seafoa'th, 527-1946, or unit with motor, Beaver bench • saw with motor, 4 ft. woo._d lathe and rooter, 3 small mot- ors, vise, motor sander, work bench, tools, 'saws, carpenter tools, 24 x 30 Taylor safe, fishing equipment, single bar- rel shot gun, new Coleman lantern, garden tools, hose, step ladder, clothes line pul- leys, wheel barrow, barbeque, riding lawn mower(24 inch), 20 inch rotary lawn mower, picnic table and- chairs. MICHAEL J. DOY7,4Ej Phone 114 R .16, Dublin. Calf Collect 19-87-tf GARDEN Tiller, with 31/2 h.p. WATCH REPAIRS Briggs and Stratton motor. FAST SERVICE Used only 10 hours. Priced to All work guaranteed clear at Crown Hardware. 11-97-1-•i..,,,,. ANSTETT MAPLE Leaf hockey sweater, - JEWELLERS size 8-10, worn once. Pair of Ltd. - Bauer skates, size 12, like Phone 5274720 .-.Seaforth neva. Child's 'shoo -fly -rocker, 19=$7 tf in excellent condition. Phone PROPERTY - At the res- idence at 3:00 p.m.,' the prop- erty,will be offered for sale, if not previously sold, subject to reserve bid; 5 room rug brick bungalow with -carport, hardwood floors, clothes clos- ets, full basement, excellent state of repair, built on 3 acres of land mord or less with 112 ft. frontage. - 527-1813. 11=97X1 SEPTIC 'TAN -KS • FISHING tackle. Clearance CLEANED Sale ends Saturday. Stock up now at big reductions at the Modern equipment used. All Crown Hardware. 11-974 work guaranteed. -Write or TWO Snow tires complete on -Phone LOUIS BLAKE, , i R2 rims, 760 x 15's. Will fit Chry- Brussels, `Phone 4,42w6. B :r1i'W- •sler; Dodge or Plymouth. Leo els or contact HAROLD ° MEAL Murray, phone 84 R 8 Dublin. ONE; Phone 527,1424- 11-97x1 19-74-t! DOG to give away to good ELECTROLUX • Canada Ltd. Int. Model 64 grain combine, home, 1 2 yr.w old Collie, good Sales and Service, authorized scour clean and pick up in new with childrent'Phone 527-0477 dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- condition; Int. 9 ft. 3 point 11-97=1' house St., Goderich, phone 524- hitch cultivator; Int. Model 45 USED doors, windows, storm 6514. 19-87-t! • Hay baler in real good condi windows, Coleman oil space I tional; Int. 1.3 run Disc Seed heater. James Axtinann, call SEPTIC TANKS I Drill (fertilizer and power 527-0107. 11-97-2 CLEANED J ). SOLD AND ' SERVICED THROUGH ' ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11 -87 -ti Terms -CHATTELS CASH Property - 10% down -bal- ance 60 days. Estate pf the late W. C. (Ken) BENNETT HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk, 20-96-2 FARM' SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE 10. A retion' trough, like new; 12.00 ib., Wales; 6 can- milk,coo'ler, :nuzn fiber of milk cans; .Surge ing •machine with 2 pails; forks, shovels, chains, alum.-; inum wheel barrow. HAY & GRAIN --. 14.00 bales mixed hay, 10Q buv bar- ley,. 1000 bus. mixed grain•. • '. Other articles too numerous to rnentizn. TERMS - CASH` GRAIN - Approx, 700 bus. -mixed grain to be of choice mr sold by the ton; 1000 bales straw; 50 bales second cut hay. POULTRY 135 choice Pullets laying approximately 80%; 49 xhixed_pullets starting to lay; New electric incubator 50 egg capacity; Electric fen- cer (new);- Forks, shovels, -chains and other items too numerous to mention, TERMS OF SALE - CASH Mr. Gibson has sold the farm and is giving up farming. completely. W. It, GIBSON. Proprietor Phone Hensall 262-5255 PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Phone 262-5482.. 20-97-2 Traotors, Cotfibine, Machin- ery and Hogs to•be sold on the premises Lot. 3, Con.'13, Tuckersmith . Township, 3 mi. east of Hensall on SATURDAY OCTOBER 28th at • 1:30 p.m. MACHINERY - - Massey Ferguson Diesel Model 35 Tractor, Jive power, power shift rear wheels, in excellent condition; Fordson Major trac- tor, gas PTO and belt pulley; - ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay and Grain at Lot 6, Con. 9 Tuckersmith Township, 5 miles south and 1'%4 miles east of Seaforth or 5 miles - 'west of Staffa' on • WAXED turnips, delivered. Phone 527-0428. 11-97-4 THE Original lc Sale at Keat- ing's Pharmacy is now on. Get twice as much for a penny more. , 11-96-2 DPINC. Over 30 patterns in stock to choose from. ONLY $29.98. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-87-t1 ROCKERS and chairs, small table and long table, one toi- let and wall tank (this is. in 'good condition), one Y4 horse power motor, chest of draw- ers, one roll -away bed, pair of bunk beds. H. Kendrick, 56 Franklin Street, Seaforth. 97w1 CRUSHED gravel, delivered. or at the pit. Lot 34, Con. 7, 1VIGI�illop. Johii Thompson, Phone 527-0238. 11-87tf Jewellery Repairs ' We do all types.of jewellery -repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume ihwellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-8741 _ lift); Int. T-50 baler with. mo - SHED 20 ft. x 28 ft.; House Modern equipment. We guar-' to and good tires; Case 4 -bar suitable for shed, 18 ft., x antee all Work. Write or call siderake on rubber, like new; , .Case ° 7 ft. mower, semi mount - 30 ft. -James Axtmann, phone Harvey Dale527-0107. 11-97-2. Seaforth, phone 5274406. 19_8741 ed; Case 4 -furrow plow; Cock- shutt.tractor manure spreader, new rubber, in gold condi- tion;- 3 sections •Lever har- rows; 4 section Drag harrows 12..Wantesl._To �• • 11 s t- t! grinder x xL in 7 -1 ed p •2 CHESTS of drawers, cuP boards, picture ' frames, ha trees, dishes, lamps, chairs, books. Phone271-1578, Strat- ford. 12=87- WOODS electric grain grind in fair repair. Reply to Bo 1685, The Huan Expositor. 12-96 SECOND hand typewriter, Dodd condition. Phone 527- t436.. _12.97 WE are buying wet shell corn. Highest prices paid. Top- notch o - notch Feeds Ltd., phone 527- 1910, Seaforth, Ontario.12 9,7 USED bunk beds, must be in good condition. Phone 7 ONE used Inglis wringer type washer with pump. Phone 527- 1822. 11-97x1 UNDERWOOD ,Typew$`er, $25.00. WilliamM. Hart, Sea - forth. 11-974 MOTOR, in good Condition, for 1955 Pontiac. Toe Van Dooren, phone 527-0098. 11-91.1 COB corn from picker. A. Pet- ers RR 2 Brussels, ° phone 49'3;