HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-12, Page 134 • 4 4. 4 4 1 • r it, of Manage y9ur ! ney the easy wayio 111=1=11=1/ Personal Chequing Account with free fully personalized cheques to pciy-current bills Premium Savings Account with 02% interest to make' your savings grow faster Another Go -Ahead idea from TORONTO-130MINION The Bank where people make the difference. ••••••••••••.........1•11•1•1• W. D. STEPHENSON, Mahager - Seaforth Aft*ellaneOlii Shower 4741$:OejlazwmAp **ix lip. noting 14i. Nom AOckrsort. OetOber brido-Ixtke, Wag betit at the bene of WIra. 'graham, Sholdice recently. Miss -Barbara Watkans eon - ducted a- number of ndeal contests. The bride, Kies An- derson, her mother, Mrs. Al- fred Anderson, .Seaforth and mother of the grtionn Mrs. Stewart Humphries were seat- ed on decorated chairs . wjth bells) and,. streamers• forming an - appropriate background. Miss Ann Achilles read an address and gifts were pres, ented. Lunch was served by Miss Barbara Watkins,.- Miss Ann Achilles, Mrs. Don Achil- les and the hostess Mrs. Shol- dice. NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance cot. • —, W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John" St. SEAF6R114.) Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Mum Liability •. Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • 'Huron Co-op Medical , Services • Wind Insurance • , , . ••••• • , • • WsM GET TWICE AS MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE! 10 BIG DAYS . . , Thursday, Oct. 12th Ends Sat., Oct. 21th SEE THE SPECIAL. REXALL one cent' SALE HAND BILLS For Money -Saving Values! Get Lucky! Play. Rexall's CONTEST• WIN- up to $2500.00 easy to enter •nothlk "to buy , ji Council Appoints County Librarian Miss Carolyn Croke, . Pointe Claire,,Quebec, has &en aPpointed- B'pron County Lib - Tarw ian at a ary of $9,000 Per annum on 'a six -months' pram- tionaiy period., the County Lib- is in Landon and she has ties rary Board reported to Juroli- • at Grand Bea., the el-lair/nen County Council at its session in xip1ained. e Goderich 'last week. Mr. Thompson declared that The neti,shief librarian, who a matter still underconsidera- holds university degrees of tion by the Board was a more Bachelor a Arta, and Master of uniform salary schedule for the Library Science, will .assutne local librarians, as well as her new duties here on ,Tanu-• hours remaining open and ary 1, 1968. rents being paid in various in - Mrs. Huffman, the present stances, acting Librarian, will continue Report of the Public Library on the staff and is expected to' Bard continued: be, of great assistance to the ' "The work load has increased_ near chief librarian. tremendously since the initia• Duff Thornpson, Clinton, tion of the new *system; as a chairman of the Library Conn result, the staff have found mittee; said that it had been themselves in the position o most difficult to obtain the ser- being behind in the processing vices of a qualified •librarian of orders. In order to alley* as such persons axe very muchthis situation temporarily, the in demand. Board agreed that certain of "It is hoped that with the enthe libraries where services had gaging •of Miss Croke, many of not been up' to normal, could the problems eventually will be go ahead and order books on rectified and the County Lib- their own, charging same to rary continue to give the the County Library Board. Of same high quality of service course, in, all cases, a maximum' that was most evident. under amount of funds was made avail - the former co-operative system," able for this purpose." Mr. Thompson comniented. "The Board, through the sec - Borden Cook- Blyth, asked retary, who had been in eon what was the salary schedule. sultation with the architect, has Mr. Thompson replied that found the jail residence unsat- this Would have to be worked isfactory for library purposes, out. the main problem being the H. B. Such, Goderich, remark- weight that would be placed on ed that a qualified librarian the second floor of the build - was a 'member of a "Very, Luc- ing if library books were to be rative and scare occupation." stored in this location - Thompson said that since - "Therefore, through. the Prop - January 1,,1967, the committee erty Committee and the kind had had a number of applica- co-operation) of the Children's tions from as far away as Aid Society, it has been ar- Europe, South America, Flori- ranged for the Society to move da, Hong Kong. all of whom to the jail residence, making available additional space in .the basement of the Court House for library purposes. The loading and unloading of the bookmobile will be done from the side entrance. "Several items have been Completed) a_t the various lib- raries: Bria-ssels, painting in- terior and exterior approved, $315; Exeter, new ceiling, $334; •Fordwich, electric heater, $93; Centralia, renovations, up to $200. -The Board asks the indul- gence of the various local boards until the county system has been given a fair trial.", had been screened. 'Miss Croke 'd application had 'come through the regional dir- ector of Mid -Wet. She has, in- terestd in, the district. Hez' home Introduce Huliet Reeve Huron County Council held its October session in the Court House, Goderich, Thursday last, with Warden Donald McKenzie, reeve of Ashfield Township, pre- siding. Hugh Flynn, reeve of Hullett Township, took, the oath of of- fice as a new member of coun- cil replacing Clare Vincent, who resigned on being appointed as clerk of Ilullett Township: Clarence E. Boyle, reeve of Exeter, introduced 40 male and female students of grade ten, South Huron District High School, who observed the morn- ing proceedings. "They're the best looking crop ,Of young people in the County," he declared, County Clerk -Treasurer J. G. 'Berry presented his session, re- port to Council, including a fin- ancial report ending June 30. For the first six months, the re- port indicated a surplus of $13,- 833, he pointed out. Revenue was $1,139,392; expenditures, $1,125,569, Prospects are that the final .1967 session of County Council Will be held on Monday, Tues- day, November ,13-14, although no definite dates were set. This Is the usual time for the Nov- ember meeting. "Generally speaking, the ma- jority of 'departments are oper- ating within their budgets,". the Clerk - Treasurer commented. "Naturally, the expenditures of the. Highways Department are greater at this time of year. These costs should' taper off with the coming of the fall sea - Mr. Berry said the Huron County Public Library System presently operating within 'ts budget. However, being the first year of operation, the fin- al outcome is a little difficult to predict at the moment, he 'stated. "Regarding Health Unit ser- vices, this- particular depart- ment is operating within its budget at present, but Council should. be made aware of the fact that in 1968 there will be no national health grants avail- able," the Clerk -Treasurer said. "In 1967, a' budget of $23,70 was set aside in this section for which 100 per cent will be re- ceived on monies spent. In 1968, the Cotinty' will have to pay 50 per cent of this cost, or, in other words, approximately $12.- 000." Report was that admissions at the Huron County •Pioneer Museum in Goderich continue to be favourable, but Mr. Berry pointed out that ope must re- member that attendance is re- maining fairly constant White operating costs are increasing. Only other revenue through the county mill rate. Use. Expositor Wont - Ads Seaforth Phone 527-0240 URNS LEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR • HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth • For Complete INSURANCE on your Home, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE.. SEE JOHN A. CARDNO " Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth, Motors Seaforth Monument Works Cemetery Memorials OPEN DAILY Ali Types,�f in T PRYDE & SON ektylnett23.0 illr116S are vited' Tele0hOne NinnbErc CLINTON 432-9421 SEAPORTHr Contact WIU1 nundis THE Irli/RON EXPOSITOR, SEAPORTH, ORif XT. lAr ERSONALIZ coAsToRs 'GOT IPSAS * $0.101$170 THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR „ #149ne 5;274249 t orib Cars at Treniendous Discounts 0614 BIG SALE Continues 1966 PONTIAC' Parisienne (8) 4 -door hardtop, PS., P.B., & R. lic. 654-944 1962 CHEV. SEDAN 1,1c. E90288 1966 AMBASSADOR Sedan, A.T., P.S. & P.B. “8” 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T. LI.E902$2 ^ 1964 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. Lio. E90231 • 1964 EPIC Lic. E90138 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN ' A.T. Lic.,E90664 -,1962 CHEV. SEDAN A.T. E90738 1962 FORD GALAXIE-SEDAN P.B., Lie., E90734 1963 CHEV. SEDAN Radio, Low Mileage — Llc. E89316 TO CLEAR:— Several New 1967 Chevys CONTINUES WITH, % Discount AT eaforth motors ._ maw Phone 527-1750 Seafortft LOT, OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00 4. TO THE ELECTORS .OF. HURON-BRUCIt Dear Friends: As this will be my last opportunity to reach you by weekly press before Election Day, Tues- day, October 17th,, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your kindness and courtesy during the campaign. I have mVt•niany of you but there are also many I have not been able to meet owing to limited time, but 1 do solicit- your support and vote on October 17th. In the five years that I have served as your M.P.P. I have endeavoured to do my best in looking after the affairs of this Riding and also promoting at all times the interests' of Huron - Bruce. I have been working to promote the agricul- tural and industrial development and growth of Huron -Bruce which will be of benefit to all con- cerned. y Sincerely, MURRAYAUNT GAUNT is GOOD FOR HURON -BRUCE 6 E -ELECT 1 GAUNT,Murray X • LISTEN TO CKNX RADIO October 14th --1.2A5 nOon , • 4 - WATCH CKNX TV OctOber 18th — 025 p.m. Inserted By lluron-Bruce Liberal Association 4,*