HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-12, Page 8-
'nia I
fiuRoti ExposuQx 50AFORr, QNT., OCT, 17 1967
25, In Memoriam
7.44MON — In loving memory
0I a loving wife and mother,
¥rDavid Lemon, who pass-
ed away one year ago, Octo-
ber 12th, 1966.
UPright and just in all her
Loyjal and true through all
' her days,
Silently suffered, patiently.
God took her home to suffer
no more. .
—Ever remembered by her
husband and family. ' 25-96x1
HOGG — In loving memory
° of a dear father and grand-
father, Mr. James Hogg, who
was called Home one yearage
October 9th, 1966.
'Through tears we watched
• you suffer,
We saw, you fade away. '"
• Our hearts were almost brok-
You fought so hard to stay,!
But when we saw you sleeping.
So peacefully free from pain,
We could rg? wish you back
To suffer s
So sleep dear, -father for it is
You suffered so much and told
so few,
But someone knew you need-
ed rest,
It was God above, so he took
the best.
—Ever remembered and so
. sadly missed by daughter and
son-in-law, Lois and Bedford
Dungey- •and grandchildren,
Brenda and Bonnie.
HOLLAND — In loving mem-
ory of Benedict Holland, who
died October 9th, 1939.
IVI..ny a day his name is spok-
Many an hour he is in our
A link in our family chain is
He is gone from ourhome but
Not from our Ifearts„ „
Please Gd forgive a silent tear
• A secret wish our dear Benny
was here,
There are others, yes we know
But he was ours and we loved
him so.
—Always and ever reniem-
bered by father4,- mother, bro-
thers and sisters. TL -96-1
27. Births
AICKEN Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on Oct. 21°
to Mr. and Mrs. James Ale -
ken, RR 2 Mitchell, a son.
FINLAYSON — In Seaforth
Community Hospital, on
• October 10, to 11r. and Mrs.
Gary' Finlayson, RR 2 Kip -
pen, a son.
CRONIN—Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on Oct. 10
• to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cron-
in, Dublin, a son.
MOESER — In Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on Oct. 10
to Mr. and Mrs. Don Moe -
ser, RR 2 Dublin, a son.
Too Late
BORDER Collie pups, 8 wks.
old. eeernold Jamieson, RR 4
Clinton, phone 48?. -9828.
TL -96-1
FOR SALE — Girl's white
figure skates, size 5. IVIrs. Geo.
1Viiller, 527-1512. TL -96-1
FOR SALE — 1959 six cylin-
der Ford, aiitomatic, radio, 4
new tires. Joseph L. O'Reilly,
RR 2 Dublin, 41 R 13.
TL -96x1
FOR SALE — Two winter
ooats suitable for a girl aged
10 to 12 years. Phone 527-0934
Mary Oke. TL -96x1
to Jerry and the Jesters at the
Crystal Palace, M;tehell, Sat-
urday, October 14th, TL -96-1
FOR SALE 40 started pigs,
also one York hog, near ser-
viceable age. Arnold Jamieson,
482-9828. TL -96-1
Too Late
Will be received for the pos-
• ition of
Duties to commence Nov. est.
Apply .in writing stating sal-
ary expected to the undersig-
• ned. by Oct. 20
Mrs. Angela Klinkliammer
Secretary -Treasurer D.C.S.
Dublin, Ontaio
TL -96-1
THE Famous Rexall le Cent
Sale is in prbgress at Keat-
ing's Pharmacy, Seaforth.
TL -96-1
FO R° SALE Used 24 inch
Clare Hecla forced air fur
nace with „stoker and one
smell oil space heatee.Sills
Hardware. 'TL -96-1
HENSALL, two storey, 2 bed-
room brick house, modern kit-
chen, diningr000m, livingroom,
3 piece bath, oil heat, full
basernent: 101 Albert Street,
phone, 262-2247 after 5 p.m.
TL -96-1
WANTED — One child's
crib and mattress. Phone 527-
1876. TL -96-1
wish to thank everyone who
assisted at the time of our
fire or helpetlein anyway since
the fire. Also we extend
thanks to those who organized.
the :benefit dance and to all
who donated.. Your kindness
is very much apreciated and
will never be forgotten.
Frank and Marian Murray.
• TL96-1
FOR SALE — AdcliCOnarii-
ems to be offered at the Hab-
kinc Estate Sale Saturday, Oc-
tober 14th include, New Will.
iams .upright piano in goad
condition, 4 burner Westing-
house stove only about 3 yrs.
old, 15 cu. ft. freezer, never
used. TL -96-1
HELP WANTED — Ladies of
McKillop and Hullett, Avon
Cosmetics needs an attractive
mature woman with car to
handle our well-known guar-
anteed products m your com-
munity. Phone collect even-
ings, Mrs: Mfflson, London.
431-0541. TL -96-1
FOR SALE — 54 pigs, 8 wks.
old. Wm. Papple, Egmondville
527-0807. TL -96-1
Landrace Association Sale at
Palmerston Fair Grounds, Fri.
October 20th at 130. W. M.
Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres.,
Newmarket, Secretary.
, 1-96-2
Town of Seaforth
Effective October 16, 1967,
will be open on
From 1 to 5 p.m.
Use of the dump restricted to
No old concrete, car bodies
etc., permitted.
E. Williams, Clerk
• 19-96-3
FOR SALE — Two gas space
heaters, like new.. Cheap.
Frank Phillips, 527-1302, Sea -
forth. • TL -96-1
Meaty Pork
Pork Chops lb' 5
Lean Butt
Store Sliced Cooked
HAM ½'b. 59c
• MEATY PORK SWEET. BONES. • 5 lbs: $1
5 lbs. $1
2 lbs. $1
Store Sliced Breakfast BACON • • 1% lbs. $1
vaunt. smn PORK. lb. 69e
Mr, and Mrs. Beverley James Henderson are shown fol-
lowing their recent wedding in Egmondville United Church.
The bride is the former Dorothy Helen'Jackson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson, RR 2, Kippen, while the groom
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson., RR 5,..Seaforth.
The couple will reside in Hamilton.
' .
(Continued from Page 1)
Miss Judy Clark of London
Went the week end with her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Harold, Small4on.
Mr. and Mts. Ronald Ennis
and Steven and Leanne
Whitby visited over the week
end with Mk. and Mrs. Doug-
las Ennis.
Mr: and .Mrs .Cyril Ryan,
Ailsa Craig, and Kimberly and
Mr. and Mrs. Kennetn Ryan.
London, .spint Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs.. l'esepla Ry-
Guests Lir the holZdey week
end with M,r. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Leeming were Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Steele of London
and Miss Linda Leeming of
Mrs. John Boyd Sr. of Mc-
Killop visited Mr. and Vlrs.
Leonard Leeming for a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1nnis
of St. 'Thomas spent the eele
end with the former"s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Den-
Miss. Audrey McMichael of
Waterloo visited at the home
of her parents, Mr. and.,Mrs.
Robert McMichael over the
week end.
Mr. and M.S. William Uhler
of Burlington were week end
visitors with his, father Mr.
Ernest Uhlek.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hib-
bert and family have moved
to the 'Kirkton area where
(Mr. Hibbert is employed with
the Blanchard Municipal Tele-
phone System.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar-
tin, Mrs: Harold Pryce, Laurie
and Elizabeth visited at Rich-
mond Hill last Sunday, the
guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred
• Mr. and Mrs Floyd Jenkins
end family and Jimmie Butt.
of Ingersoll were Thanksgiv-
ing vn-,tors wi't Mr. an(: Mrs.
Clarence Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Den-.
nis of North Bay visited over
the week end with ,the Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc-
- Cutcheori accompanied Mr.
and Mrs,' Floyd Kyte of Till-
sOnburg on a motor trip to
Winnipeg where they were -the
guests of the former's sister,
Mrs. Bert Nixon and Mr. Nix-
Thanksgiving guests at the
home of Mrs. Edward. Miller
included Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Turvey, Brussels, Mr." and
Mrs. Wm. McTaggart, Goder-
ich and Mr. and Mr,. Scott
McTaggart, Stratford.
Miss Eileen Williamson of
Bramalea . visited over the
week -end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert William-
Joan Bennett spent the
Thanksgiving week end with
Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Clinton.
Thanks -giving guests at the
manse with Rev. and Mrs. D.
E. Docken included Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Harrison of Ali -
da, Saskatchewan, Mr. Oscar
Docken, Meadow Lake, Sask.,
and Mrs. A. Docken and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Docken, all of
Children, from the surroun-,
ding vicinity are busy prac-
tising for the Variety Revue
Night, Friday and Saturday
venings, October 20 • and '21
in the Walton Community
Hall, sponsored by the Wal-
ton Women's Institute.
(Continued from Page 1)
toward a World War- One Re-
union, the committee recom-
mended at the request of the
Although no definite motion
was passed, prospects are that
the -final session Of. Huron
• County Council will be held in
Goderich on Monday, Tuesday,
November 13 and 14.
Too Late
The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd.
Dept. J-363-HY,
4005 Richelieu, Monteal, P.Q.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
MessersChmidt, Mrs. Rpnald
Kangas,- Bradley • and Karen,
Detroit spent a couple days
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Berinewies. Cheryl Bennewies
spent the week end with her
parents too.
The Brodhagen Centennial
Chefs met at the home of
Sheila Dietz when a discus-
sion was lead by the leaders,
Mrs. Ken Eiligsen and Mrs.
Donald Brown telling how
Canada. become a nation anti
how the German, .Dutch and
Belgium people influenced
parts of Canada with their
foods. • r
June Vbck, Sheila Dietz,
Glenda D ickiSon and June
Pushelberg participated in the
rep Councils *Meet
Morris TOW -Whip. Coil
proved Rayment of the follcivv-
ing decotints, at the October
General Accounts: Jim- Phel-
an, fox bounty, 4.00; Walter
Whitehead, fox bounty, 4.00;
:Jip Johnston, fox bounty, 4.00;
Belgrave School Fair, grant, 35;
Blyth Agricultural Society, grant
100; Brussels Fair, grant, 160;
Village of Brussels, nursing
home care, 57.30; Town of Sea -
forth, debentures re high school
1,462.94; Blyth Fire Area, fire
calls, 318; Klassen Bronze Ltd.,
2 plaques, 8.82; Municipal
World, supplies, -1:36; :George
adford Construction Ltd., Mc-
Call Drain, 550; Helen Martin,
119.40; George Michie, 45; ,Can-
adian Imperial Bank of Com-
merce, income tad and Canada
pension, 31.47; Thorne, Gunn,
Helliwell & Christenson Ac-
countants, audit, 850; James
Mair, Court of Revie,ion, 5; Wal-
ter Shortreed, gouit of Revision
; 's on, Court of Re-
vision, 5; S. Procter, Court of
Revision, • 5; Jack Brewer, bal-
ance of galary, 70.79.
Road accounts: J. C. McNeil,
motor oil, 47.25; Glenn McKee
cher, beekhoe rentals, 212; Ont.
Culvert & Metal Products, cul-
verts, 282.26; Lloyd Jacklin,
load and haul gravel, 1,026;
Wingham Tire Service, repair-
ing tires, 43.18; Dominion Road
Machinery, dozer blades, 21.96;
Wallace Bell, pit run gravel,
194.08; Robert H. Coulte.se tile
and labour, 139.75; Receiver
General, unemployment stamps,
5.28; Bank of Commerce, pen-
sion,- 7.59; Wm. McArter, mile-
age, • bookkeeping and wages,
152.75; James Casemore, wages,
304.50; John Smith, wages, 99.-
group wor..t.
A shower waF held at the
Mrs, Lorne Reis (nee Linda
Mogk). The ftoyalaires supp-
lied the music for daecing
They were presented with a
gift of money.
Friday night a shower was
held at the Community Hall
for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bossarce
(Elaine Bennewies) who were
recently married. The music
v .-.• s' rJied by the Country
Cavaliers,. Dianne Trutter
read the address whicli was
written by Clare French. Mrs
Ken Elligsen presented them
with a gift of money.
Mrs. Rachael Ahrens, ac-
cOmpanied her gen, Donald
Ahrens, of Burlington to
Windsor and spent, a couple
days with Mr: and Mrs. Carl
Elligsen last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer-
mat Feel Jeffrey of London,
visited with his parents. Mr.
neiWe Mantic., Beuertr an
on •Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beu-
erman spent Thanksgiving
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Beuermann and family in Kit-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol-
dice, Stratford and Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Clark, Mitchell,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Sholdice and family on
Mrs. Ken Elligsen, was hos-
tess to the Brodhagen Centen-
nial Chefs. The leaders, Mrs.
Elligsen and Mrs. Brbwn, lead
a discussion based on foods
from various parts of Asia and
Europe. For the group work
pizza was made ,as a sample..
of food inherited from Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
visited Suriclay with Mr. and
Mrg: Clifford Watson in Exet-
-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ah-
rens, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Ben-
newies, Fred Bennewies and
Mr, and Mrs. Willard Benne-
wies attended a wedding re-
ception on Saturday evening
hi Ye Olde Theatre, Grand
Bend for Simon Diane 'Wm*
thou Anil Victor Actionucts,
Gentlemen: I am interested in
the world famous Rawleigh
Line on a
( ) part time basis
( ) full time basis
( ) please send me Free
Cook Book and catalog
with full details.
TL -96-1
Lacerebe Breeders Sale at.
Stratford Fair Grounds!. , Wed.,
Oet. 18th, nt 1:30. W. M. COdic.
hurtt, 2(10 Itathryn trot., Nsevir•
iriarket, Scscrouty.•Ti.e064
Convened as a Court
crf Revision, Grey Council at its
October meeting agreed that
the decision of the Court of Re-
vision on appeals on ;the 1967
Assessment Roll for 1958 taxes
be 'as follows: Roll No. 157,
Maxwell Demaray, assessment
sustained) for 1968 taxes, a re-
bate of $70.48 of 1967 taxes be
allowed; Roll N. 321, Frank
Hiemstra, assessment sustained.
—That, the clerk be instructed to
divide the assessment on Lots
N% 61 and 62, Concession 1 for
1968 taxes as follows: James Lu-
cas, land $100, buildings $750,
total $850; David Matheson,
land, $3,300, buildings, $1,100,
OW, $4,400; an4i George Dun-
bar, lAnta- 1 and 34, Cobals Sur-
vey, Cc:au:psalm:: 7 Etheliylves-
ter Ray:lard; Part Lot 23, Con-
cession.- 0,—Ethel,. Commercial.
assessments be taxed at the Res-
-tdential Rate for 168 taxes.
In council, the clerk was in-
strueted to advertise ler ten-
ders for snowplowing for 1967-
1968 season.
--By Melville Lamont and
Charles Thomas that by-law No.
.28 to set the date of Nomina-
tion and Election. Nomination
meeting will be held Thurscley,
November 30th and Election if
necessary, December 9th, 1967.
—By Lawson Ward and Kenneth
Bray all approved accounts be
Accounts apprpved for pay-
ment included:
Town of Seaforth; debenture
payment high school, $1,239.27;
Brussels Agricultural Society,
grant, 300; Kitchener -Waterloo
Record, advertise tenders Uhler
Drain, 9.28; reftiful extra grant
Hanna Drain, 248.48; Moles-
worth Street Lights, 23.13; Tile
Drainage Loan% "3,446.50; Mel-
vin Carnoclian, tile drainage in-
spector, 18.50; Edythe M. -Car-
diff, fees tile drainage, 28100;
firemen to Thos. MacFarlane,
15.00; Elwood McTaggart, main-
tenance fire dept., 18.00; Geor-
ge Rowland, gasoline fire dept.,
2.00; Norman S. Hoover, Ross
Stephenson and Nelson Sleight -
holm, fenceviewers' fees, each
too; E, M. Cardiff, clerk's fees
fenceviewers, 3.00; -Lothar Web-
er, office supplies, L85; Charles
Guy, fax bounty, 4.00; Jim Dob-
son, garbagecollection, Ethel
Village, 20.00; Town of Listow-
el, nursing home account, 18.45;
Village of Brussels, nursifig
home account, 10.56; Welfare,
5777; Roads and Bridges, 2,710.-
01. 'Total, $8,194.79.
, ,41..°g•e;
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Salado Orange Pekoe c'
Maxwell House' Instant —
Heinz Strained
pkg. of 60's 750
24e off label
lge. 10 -oz. jar $1.39
8 41/2 -oz. jars 930
White Sw,an
BATHROOM TISSUE 2 2 -roll pkgs. 490,
3-1b. Quick
Minettes' Best Choice Quality
TOMATOES 5 19 -oz. tins $1
Van Camp's -
BEANS with PORK • • 2 -19-oz. tins 470.
27c off pkg., plui 25c extra coupons pkg.
• pkg. 490
$1 -.45
• White Swan
FACIAL TISSUES ...... 2 pkgs. 590
Phone 527-0990 Free Delivery
Read the Advertisements — lt's a Profitable Pastime!
TO 24 Years of Conservative Policy
Which is Responsible for -
Higher Taxes
— Ballooning Government
7 Declining Farm Income
— Small Community Stagnation
— Increasing Local Education
— Provincial 'Domination of
Local Government and
School Boards
ROBERT NIXON and His Liberal Tpatie vffl
form- a government that will correct these
- conditions NOW
"A Vote for"Snlith is a Vote for Nixon"
ote SMITH -Liberal NOW
witted by Huron Liberal Association