HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-12, Page 4Ofygoti EXPpsITOR,, SEAFQf T i,4 QNT:, Oct ,.12, CAVAN • ANNIVERSARY Sunday, Oct. 15th — 11 a.m. ;7. News 0 -Sta$taff Misses Janet and E4ua ler, London spent the week- end with their. • parent$ and Mrs. Leslie Milfer. Visit- ing at the same home Sunday were Mr. Will -Hocking and Margaret, Toronto - Mr. and Ms. Robet Duncan, Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Dianne and Ron. -Mr. Glen Elliott is home, after a holiday trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family, Kirkton visited on - Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. -John Miller and family. Guest Minister — Rev. Stewart Miner, B.A. Thames Road United Church Subject - "The Balanced Budget" Special music by the Choir ORGANIST = Mrs. Gordon Pryce MINISTER — Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A. WEDDING INVITATIQNS DIAL 527-0240 - SEAFORTH SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents A SmaII Experience at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, October -14th 9:00 to 12:00 Admission: $1.00 per person pAR Theatre •GODERICH ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business Now Playing' :_ For Six Big Days Thurs., Oct. 12, to Wed., Oct. 18 'Based ,onthe ° exciting best-seller. THE ANZISAIEFF11 1'.4171 1/,NEOR7R ,TNEAWIRT 1 Y, METROCOLOR One ShowEach Night at 8 p.m. Sharp AN�IlN H9A NINE BAIINSil in Ruffs rnn KNor 10>'Fl 'MEI EII IIYI SAYAUS Fig WEBBEI Adult Ebtertainment SPECIAL. CHILDREN'S MATINEE , - Saturday, Oct. 14, at 2:30 p.m. "SNOW WHITE and ROSE RED" Plus "BIG BAD -WOLF" Serial "CAPTAIN KIDD" — Admission 50c Coming Next: "THE GNOME -MOBILE" Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise. just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Seaforth Chapter No. 231 Order of the Eastern Star are holding's EUCHRE Oct. 12th in the I.O.O.F. Hall 8:30 p.m. Lunch Served Everyone Welcome SEAFORTH BOY SCOUTS APPLE DAY Sat., Oct. 14th All Cubs . and Scouts meet at Hall 9:00 sharp please. ' Decorate your basket 1 Brownie's DRIVE-IN ,THEATRE - , CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8 p.nt FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 13-14 — DOUBLE FEATURE - "BOEING BOEING" (Adult Entertainngent) (Showing at 8:15 Only) Tony Curtis -- Jerry Lewis In Color — Plus "BEACH BALL" (Showing at 10:00 Only) Edd Byrnes — Chris Noel Color Cartoon Coming Oct. 20-21.: `KALEIDOSCOPE' and "A BIG HAND FOR THE LITTLE LADY" Come Hear the Hon. James Auld Minister of Tourism & Information and the Hon. Charles MatNaughton Treasurer 'of Ontario Hon. James Auld Harbourlite Inn, Goderich FRIDAY, OCT. 13 -- 8:30 P.M. Everyone is invited ! Pubtiahsd by tttf HUitan.PaogrrIS1vo CatieetVatbrib enation ,. NEWSof CR.OM.AR,lr ¥ Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott and Mrs. E. Moore were Mr. and Urs. Hugh M4tore and daughter., Faure of 'Lindsay, Mrs. M. Armstrong of Millbrook, Mr. Hugh Scott, Guelph and Mr, David Scott of Western Uni- v� rsity. Sunday visit , with ,.Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. Ver- na Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams, Janet and Don Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Carlingford, ae d Miss Olive Speare; Mr. and Mrs Jas, Meikle of Exeter and Mrs Sadie Scott and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Debbie spent the Thanks- giving week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Denver at Belle- ville. Mrs. Grace Scott spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and family of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKaig and daughters, Marilyn, Mar- jorie and Shirley of Sudbury were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr: Angus McKaig. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and, Mrs, Otto Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wal- ker of London, Mr. and Mrs. ack McGhee and family of ondon, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. urrie and family, Dorchester, nd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hul- ey and family of Winthrop: - Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mc- aig were guests at the oads-Jackson wedding which ook"'place in St Andrew's' resbvte•rian Church, in Owen ound, on Friday. at 6 p.m. r. Woods is a cousin of Mrs, icKaig. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar -ere Sunday guests with Mr. nd Mrs. W. N. Binning and J L c a 1 K t p M Junior Farmers Meet The- Huron County Junior Farmers met in the Agricultur- al board rooms at Clinton with Murray Hoover in charge.. He reported that the ., advertising for the Huronco Review books is slow coming in and -that the books are going on sale the 'first part of November. There is to he •a banquet at the Seaforth Legion• on Novem- ber 25, when there will be a draw for money. Profit from • this will go to the World Liter- acy of Canada fund. Doug Miles will show 'slides from a trip he -.had . oxerseas. Any Junior interested' in.pub- lic speaking or music competi- tion should notify their presi- dent before December 4. -' The .Seaforth Junior Farmers won the turkey for having the best corn at Seaforth Fair and North Huron won a ham for the best hay class. Anyone interested in going to Australia or New Zealand on an exchange trip is to notify Murray, lloover immediately. The next County meeting is to be held on October 25, 1967. Remember! It takes but n moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket; • To advertise, 'just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. ST. COLUMBAN SOCCER DANCE Brodhagen Community Centre Oct 27th 1967 Carbaret Style Tickets available from the Club Members and Executive family of Miteliell. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cleland Bobby and Pauline, Listowel visited on ZViouday watil, Mr, and 1k rrs: J. R. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey Visited --on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsey and family of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jeff- exson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Lecldy, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jefferson and Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferaun of God- erich were repent visitors with Mr. and Mr's. -J. R.• Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey and Tracey, Listowel, visited, on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and -Virs. Alex Ramsey. Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Jeffer- son visited last week with Mr and Mrs. Charles Jefferson, Belgrave. Sunday visitors. with ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Howatt and family 'of Londesboro, and on Monday at the same home, Mr. Henry Eggert and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Eggert of Rostock and Janet and David lviar- quardt of Exeter. Rebekahs Install Officers Amber Rebekah Lodge met with Noble Grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre ..presiding, Mrs.. ' Jthn Broadfoot of Brucefield, District Deputy President 'of Huron Dis- trict and her installing staff of Huronic Lodge of Clinton, instal- ledrthe 1967-68 officers as twen- ty officers and visitors from Clinton Lodge were guests. ' The installing staff were commended for the manner in which- they conducted the in- stallation and Mrs. Broadfoot MDP, •was presented with. a gift on behalf of the lodge. Mrs. Harold Parker contributed read, ings and contests were enjoyed. Mark Anniversary Observing their 18th •anni- versary members of. Hensall :Legion Ladies Au liary celebra- ted the events ith a turkey banquet at H6tel Hensall, at- tended by nineteen membets. During the business session presided over by president Mrs. Harold Campbell, applications were accepted for two new members, - Two teams will participate in the 'bowling tournamenfh'at Ex eter, November 8th. Members will canvass for. the Poppy Fund Saturday, Novetnber 4th and plans for a Christmas money doll draw was announced. •.The mystery ,prize' was won by Mrs. E. Davis, guessing prize, Mrs. Ted Roberts. E.U•CH-RE ORANGE .HALL Mon., Oct. 16th 8:30 p.m. Sponsored' by LOBA Lunch Provided EVERYONE WELCOME ATTENTION FARMERS if you have an •orchard or wild apple trees on your farm and will not be picking the -apples you can give our Scout Troop a big boost by donating the apples to us. Please Phone David Schenck at 527-1115 For Further Details HOT TURKEY BUFFET DINNER First Presbyterian Church Wednesday, October 18th Commencing at 5 p.m. Adults $1.75; Children -6-12, 75e; Preschoolers Free Auspices Fireside Followship Group and Friendship Circle Tickets available at Kling's Store, 527-1320. or Cardno's Ineurance,- 527-0490 Final 'week for`' - BUD ROBERTS and the BORDER MEN Corning next week - THE COUNTRY SWEETHEART QUEEN'S HOTEL $eaf� rth • • Huron Council <cOntinned, tom ragePist 1) citing"' ar,one for haa been he co amrmittee, the Highlight 'being the union contracts. - • a Mr. Smith said -that 'annual increase , was "for the tbjr is' he"fav4rured a cost-of-Iiving bon- us system. Average age of residents • was 78.1, that for males being 76 -and that for females. 80. 4-H Club Holds Discussion The project, "Cotton Acces- sories for the Bedroom" met at the home Of Mrs. W. L. Whyte,. Monday night, The minutes were read by Ardythe Powley. The roll call was to show your rec- orI book up-to-date. Discussion• was on furniture arrangement for the bedroom. The next meeting will be held on Friday night at Mrs. Whyte's home. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lansink (nee Barb 'Talbot) Seaforth Legion Hall Sat., Oct. • l4th OrchestraBluewater Playboys Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches Everypne Welcome , CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Oct. -13th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for , $10.00 Three $25.70 Specials Jackpot $75 to go (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK C' 1 LOVE' YOU .. . and . that's the sweetest story ever told. To be Ioved is . to find mean- ing in life. Without '-Iove our frailties, our faults, our weak- nesses, would overwhelm us, This is the good news the Chureh is, ever telling: God loves "you! • ' Perhaps you need re -assuring? Then come to Church each Sunday and hear it for your- self. • FIRST ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Founded in '1867 Service at 11:00 a.m. Worship with us in our Centennial Year Men's Centennial Dinner, Wed- nesday, October 25th. Hear Dr. Finley G. Stewart of Knox Church, 'Kitchener. Tickets in. advance from members of Ses- •sion. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED KIPPEN Minister Rev. E. Donald Stuart, CD, MA, BD. Organist and Choir Leader, Miss Jean Ivison ONE HiUNDRE'DTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, . October 15 11 a,m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest Preacher The Rev. S. F. Maine, MA; BD, PhD, London Special Music A warm invitation is extended to friends and� former mem- bers of the congregation to join in celebrating this great mileston in' the history of this Pioneer Church. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Entertainment in the Red Knight Room Friday Night— Roger Quick and the Rainbows Saturday Night — Earl ' 'and Martha Heywood Radio & Television Recording Artists In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ EVERY ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY • 6�;,,.y_...... �. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth' For INFORMATION and CARS on ELECTION DAY Tuesday, Oct. 17 .CALL 527-1110. Liberal Committee Rooms Vote and Work. For SMITH - Liberal NOW HAVE YOU BEEN HOUSECLEANING? We hope youhave saved -GOOD, CLEAN, USED FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SHOES HATS,. DRESSES, MEN'S COATS, SHIMS,-SUI�'�S and articles such 'as Children's Toys, Books, Dishes, jewellery, Pat-' terns (modern styles), FURNITURE, etc., for the WHITE ELEPHANT- SECTION - ... HOSPITAL AUXILIARY •RUMMAGE SALE• Saturday; October, 28th .-.- , in SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY For Pick p: Leave your parcels out at your front door in Seaforth and Egmondyille. Dublin residents are asked to leave parcels at Friend & Whetham's Store -- FRIDAY,OCTOBER 27th. (PLEASE,y,NOtE CHANGE OP PICK-UlDAY) For Further Information: CALL: MRS. O. OKE -- ° 527.0934 MRS. BRAD SMITH' — 527r-0552 2:00 P.M.