HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-05, Page 8Al ,rr�s rs a 1 ti lirt-TH.R HUM* �x� §IrQR�; ���Po��H�-0N1T-4;Q93'# '71967 Specially designed residences provide living quarters for many lonely blind people. Here they _find companionship, security and* an understanding staff . ready to offer friendly service. Your'donation.to the CtI1B helps to maintain this comfortable home. Mr.. B. C. Boswell and members of the Seaforth Lions Club will be conducting a canvass on behalf of CNIB in Seaforth and rural donors will be contacted by mail. Please give generously. • •Gies Alt CNIB 'Libra.ry Financial support by citizens of the Seaforth• locality has al- • most doubled the library ser- vice of the CNIB over the last ten, years. In, that decade the number of blind-4ibrary users has jumped from 3,000 to 5,- 000. To keep. pace with these requests, CNIB increased the number of Braille and record ed books. Like the sightbd, blind readers enjoy a wide var- iefty of reading from the Bible to science fiction, from the gourmet cook book to hunting and fishing. At present 181 blind people in this district are using the CNIB library. We Are Buying W E : T As soon as available at competitive prices OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone •`527-19-10 — Seaforth Canadian books are taped by volunteers in six cities, across w Canada and again sufficient copies are made •to keep pace with reader demands. The lib- rary is also preparing text books,both on tape and in Braille, for 135 blind students in higher education — the lar - 'gest number to date enrolled at the university level.- This ser- vice was just, beginning ten years ago when orte early mo- del thee recorder was set aside for the student text 'book 'ser- vice. "When you contribute 1a the annual financial ' appeal under way here from October 1st to .15th, you will share in provid- ing new books for_'your blind neighbors," E. C. Boswell, Sea - forth Area. Campaign Chairman points out. "You will also share distributing .three tons sof books across Canada every day of the week post free by Her Majesty's mail man." Mr. Bos- well and members of the Sea- forth- Lions Club are ti charge of the area campaign on behalf of CNIB. CONSTANCY M .and 1Vfrs. Jon -Thomp- son and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Hunter of Colborne Township vent the past week at Expo. ' Mrs, Irene Grimoldby spent the week • end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleming of Seaforth. Debbie Preszcator is'spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerri, Mrs. Clifford Ad- ams spent Thursday in Strat- ford. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.=Bert iaverkamp and family were M. and Mrs. Simon pyk, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dekker and family, and IVIiss Jennyekker, ell bf Galt. Mr. and Mrs. John Jevfitt and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cater spent a few days this week at Expo. - Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and Sohn O Varna. Mr. Earlan Osborn visited on Sunday with Mrs. >ar1an Osborn; who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, in London. We wish a speedy recovery. Sunday visitors wth Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. George Mellwain and Lynn of Seaforth, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul and Kevin of I.,istowel and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell of Clint Jr.,,„ W Would like to say "Hap- py Birthday" to. Mrs. Annie Medd who celebrated her birthday on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glou- sher; Stewart and Brenda spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs: Harold Mcclinchey aid family of Auburn. Billy Preszcator is spending WC cora.. SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and -Saturday Green Giant Fancy NIELETS CORN • • • • 2 12 -oz. tins 43¢ Stuart House • FOIL WRAP — 18" wide pkg. 570 Nescafe Instant COFFEE , . 6 -oz. jar 990 Bides Yum Yum Sweat CUCUMBER PICKLES • • 32 -oz. jar 450 Stokely's Fancy Grade PUMPKIN 2 lge. 28 -oz. tins 450 1/2 gal. 8.3 • • 2 Pkgs. 79¢ - Clarks Fancy QualiZ Silverwood&."MeWadow Gold' ICE CREAM .,_.,. Betty Crocker LAYER CAKE MIXES • • r TOMATO J'UI E • • • • .2 48 -oz. tin.,69 Ocean Spray, CRANEERRY ,SAUCE 2 . 14 -oz. tins 49 PRODUCE' Louisiana YAMS 2 lbs. 29¢ Ontario No. 1 WAXED TURNIPS, lb. 70 California Size 113's ORANGES doz. 590 • FOR ADDITIONAL 'SPECIALS SEE' LONDON FREE ?RISS TfEURSDAY mfth' s TB e Cases =. eyond Control a few days with 1218 grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Iden Preszcator and 'fami1Y. Mrs. - Irene. G;m4o14byat- tended We ba tismai services( .on Sunday of her great grand- daughter, Pamela Marie .Bet- ties, daughter o;f Mr. and Mrs. Garry Betties, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Presz- cator Visited on Monday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ron. Preszcator, Rhonda and Ricky cf Saltford. Mrs. Don Glousher, Karen and Billy of Blyth visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale, Cheryl and..Kath- lleen. Every week ,more -people dis- cover what mighty ,jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor'.Want Ads. Dial 527-0240 The tuberculosis infection rate among Toronto's young teen-agers is more than five times the rate at which the disease is considered reasonab- ly under Control, according to Ontario Health Minister ,Mat- the'w Dymond.' The incidence is high because 'persons are not developing a natural immunity as they . once did. Dr. Dymond said a major survey for tuberculosis will be made in the city this fall. The most sensitive index of the .tub- erculosis problem in a commun- ity, he said is the infection rate among children. "In Toronto, tuberculin test- ing by the Municipal Depart- ment of Health of children en- tering Grade one indicated that 15 out of each 1,000 had been in contact with an active case of tuberculosis, and that by Grade nine this figure had ris-. to -53 in -each 1,000:. The World Health Organization con- siders that tuberculosis ?I'S- rea- sonably wider control when the infection rate of children, at age 14, is 10 per 1,000 or less. The incidence of IV disease in Toronto is mor an double. the provincial average, Dr. Dy- mond said. His department es- timates that 20 per cent. of Ontario individuals carry the tuberculosis germ. • "In spite of the drugs, which are 95 per cent. effective, and the selective use of vaccines, tuberculosis is still the. most important infectious disease," he said. "Twenty years ago, most people developed some degree of natural immunity. To- day, more than 5 million people in Ontario have no, natural im-. munity to tuber,culosis. When exposed, they are highly •suscep- tible to the disease and are al- most solely dependent upon ex-, isting control programs for their protection." Dr. Dymond said he' hoped that more than 650,000 school children and adults ._"will be tested and 'x-rayed in the sure Vey which begins October 10. The survey will be a combin- ed effort involving the provin- cial department, the City of Toronto, ihe;,.Gage Institute, the National. Sanitarium Associa- tion and the Ontario Tubercul- osis ' Association. "Advantages to the -citizens of Toronto to be derived from this major opera- tion are expected- to be mani- fold," Dr. Dymond . said. "For each additional case of tuber- culosis found, it is estimated that at least itt non -tubercul- osis chest abnopinalities 7111 be discovered- and refernet -4oYr. treatment." School children will be test- ed first, then units will be set up acrosst�h�e city to test adults and ,pre-school children. The' provincial ' department will do the testing; the city health department will keep a register to be used in follow- ing 'up every TB Wei" tie Na- tional ational Sanitarium Association, Which operates the Gage Nati, ttlte chest clinic will publicize the survey; and the Tubercul- osis Assocation staff will aid provincial personnel. Phtaie 0141990 P`e ,.Deliver). 4 aeEa FUi"1.R4L. ROSRRT 4OIs.EL4a A. former,, resident o£ Seer forth; Robert Loiselle,' passed away suddEhly pn 'Thursday, Septezn'her 21, 1967 at Regina,. Saskatchewan,. at We age of 47. Mr. Loiselle was a brother of Mrs. W. A. lox of Seaforth, He is survived .by his wife, Cecile, and 4 children, Jeanne, Rene,.. Annette 'and Yvette, all at home. Also surviving , are two brothers, Albert A. of London, Ontario, and Fred U. of Edmon ton, Alta., as well ,as, three sis- ters, the Rev. Sister Rita of Notre' Dame Convent, Ferland, Sask., Mrs. Box, and Mrs. W. 1'erWell of St. Victor, Sask. Funeral services were 'eon - chided on Monday, September 25 at Regina, followed by IOW - meat in Riverside Memorial Park in the same city. Hospital Auxiliary . The regular -,meeting, of the Women's lse;tal Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, October 10th at 8 pan. at the hospital. Classified ads pap dividends. Red YCrds - NOW' T1 : yeg lar' p gating 01 the , (worth -1w Cross; -will be held Friday, October 6th at 3:00 p.m. at Carnegie Library. An Axpositor Classified will payk yott dividends. Haya you tried one? Dial 527.0240. Anytim( -end all the time *- Westoin.. s Bread Fresh 24 oz. Loaves. Brown- White CranFOR k raced Wheat 00 - No Delivery FINNIGAN'S Egmondville �ERTfIVFE SPECIALS TOP QUALITY FREEZE per , `on 4 ,4 ..all � your own containers ' 'etc. HAU:G H NAME BRAND" �NOWTIRES the usual % . OFF List Price also available with' ice studs mile east .of Brucefield i 4 A '6-9 Ib. Size VEft NTS INSP'�EG�; OZ .r Young Pre -Dressed Govt. Inspected t.9.tb. Size' • CANADA GRADE 'A' lieifFRESH BROILER TURKEYS TOP VALU 16 -oz. •-- MINCED HAM or' VARIETY PACK Vac Poe 690 COLEMAN'S READY.TO EAT TOP VALU 6-Oi. '50 SKINLESS & DEFATTED ii COOKED MEATS S Varieties Vac Pae 47t. (WHOLE OR HALF) TOP VALU 1 -Ib. �T¢ BOLOGNA BPi ceelb. 3 Ib. WEINERS Vas Poe SMOKED HAM , BLUE BONNET PARCHMENT MARGARINE KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4,7 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. I. 2 Pkbg. 8 -oz. v Pkg.► IGA OFFERS YOU EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS 01 ;\ DINNERWARE IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND ! GENUINE ENGLIS-I "IRONSIDE" DINNERWARE — CROWN ESSEX ROYAL. BOUQUET UNIT NO. 1 a CUP SAUCER 10•-�'INNERPLATE ...... OR • W With UNIT NO. 2 Every BREAD AND BUTTErt PLATE Id•A SO'.,P BOWL/FRUIT DISH, - • Purchete FREE ... ACCESSO.Y PIECES CREAM & SUGAR BOWL OFt 14" MEAT PLATTER with 4 coupons from Unit No. 2 Package AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE .. STOKELY FANCY HOW EY POD PEAS Duncan Hines (Asci FlavourB) CAKE .MIXES JIFFY (SPECIAL PACK) P'IE CRUST MIX 48 -oz. a- Tins ej14=oz. j Tins 2 19 -oz. "Pkgs. Ualc •1Sa. Pth)kg. 990 430 Facelle. Royale (Ase't Colotlre) Boxes SOrt FACIAL TISSUE . 2 of 338 Ocean Spray ;Whole or Jellied)CE 4 14 -oz. CRAI�IIBRRY SAU" Tins 8 MAtNZANILLA OLIVES .C. 59c (SPECIAL PACK) POWDERED King Size TIDE., DETERGENT Pkg. $1.39 Min' . leat. Liquid' Detergent Z4 -oz 2 CtnirP. 690 HOSTESS' POTATO, CHIPS ' upg: 39it RSO: •OR• MINT FLAVOUR Super Size 99i CREST TOOTH PAST Tube TOP VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE .... 6 6-TinDYs. 99 NTARtO'+Glt(? Itemembett It takes but . a moment to place a r Expositex„ Want Ad and bo money in attlr`Th 527O2ll(1 •• e; juasit tifal SEE -THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES 4 • r r