HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-10-05, Page 64.U,0N 'EXPOOTORt 'SEAI:ORTH RNT,, Ocr,44z 190 NEWS of TUMMY SUPP=ER 's 'United I Church, 'Walton ed„,,' Nov. ' 1st xuppeP' erved from 5:30 to 8p.m. Vs iety Program at,,8 p.m. Adults' $1.50; Children12 and Under °75c; pre-school children (.• free. .Classified ads pay dividends. . Sympathy of the community is extended to the fan ly of the late Ernie McClin.chey, *ho passed away on Saturday. Despite the rainy weather a large number of people atten- ded the, Bayfield fair on Wed- nesday. The Goderich High School Band headed the par- ade of school Children from Holmesville and the Huron Centennial Schools. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson on Sunday were Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt, Kathy, David and Carol. Jud;, Danny and Billy Jewitt. Dan- ny and Billy are returning•for a few days while their par - FORTIETH ANNUAL HURON COUNTY PLOWING - MATCH Under the Auspices of HURON PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION Monday, October ' 9 1967 To be held on the Farm of DAN HALLAHAN Lot 40, Con. 5, East Wawanosh Twp. 1 mile west of No. 4 Highway on the Westfield Road Simon Hallahan, President; Russell T. Bolton, Sec.-Treas. L. E. Cardiff, Assistant Sec. , Entertainment- in the Red Knight Room Friday Night— Clarence Petrie Saturdak Night Elgin Fischer Trio, In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing -A -Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ EVERY ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY — SMORGASBORD — Saturday, October 7th 6 — 9 p.m. - $2.25 per person COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth VA -RNA eats attend; Expo. Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. Bill Dowsan 'of the 'Varna rary Bpard attended a Lib- rary meetng in Clinton on Wednesday night. This meet- ing was called to discuss -the new County System now in effect. All ratepayers are ur- ged to make use of their lib- rary. -There is no library fee and anyone may come to the library for books. If the book you wish is not in the library, the librarian will ask the Hur- on County Library at Goder- ich to obtain it from another library and it should be avail- able to you within a few days. The Varna Library is situ- ated at the home of Miss Edith Beatty who is the librarian, and is open on Saturday from 2-4 and 7-9. The UCW .of Goshen held tip very successful country fair and bazaar in the Varna Hall on Saturday. ° Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hayter on thear- rival of a baby daughter in the Stratford Hospital last Mon- day.- Area on- day.- Area Hi C's Gather „Combined HiC's including Eginondville, Seaforth and Winthrop met at Winthrop church Sunday evening. Officers elected are: Past President, Dyke Little; Pres- ident, Steven Smith; 1st Vice - President, Karen Henderson; SecretarY, Glenda . Matheson: Treasurer, Grant Little; . Press Reporter, Neil Little. The program committees were chosen for the year, each group taking study, recreation and lunch for two months. The group has started 'a birthday calendar and will -have it com- pleted in time for Christmas giving. London District Soccer Assoc.,, SOCCER St. Columban vs. German Canadian B At ST. COLUMBAN Saturday Afternoon Sat., ,Oct. 7/67 2, p.m. Admission Adults 50, Children 25e ._ Are You One of the People Who Read. The Huron Expositor Occasionally ? JU2 SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! Why be an' occasional reader?- Regular readers know the com- plete news coverage The Expositor provides. They appreciate the money -saving ads, -the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They watch for The Expositor pictures.. Read The Expositor Every Week . Call US collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription in your name. You may pay later. . • NAME ADDRESS THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4 Seaforth, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: FROM: ,:ADDRESS R - © Int ieate here if Gift Card to be sent. ..$5,0 enclosed (CANADA) • 0 PIease bill me D $6.50 enc1os+ d (USA ante ELSEWIIERE) • LOCAL BRIEFS and Mrs. iFrank JCudI ore of Wallaceburg -'were guests o Miss Hazel Reid this Week, Mrs.. Nelson ,Carduo and Mrs Elva Ellis have returned from a tip to the old country, - Mr. and Mrs. Archie Leding- ham of Weyburn, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bagnell of Or- angeville, Ont., called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Swale one day last week,' The Ledinghams had been down east taking in the sights at Expo for a few days. Mr. George Charters who spent the past two weeks with relatives and friends here re- turned to Saskatoon hast week. Mr. and 11s. Harold Agar were- in Croswell, Michigan ov- er the weekend attending a wed- ding. and- Mrs. R. A. Walters of Dundas and Mrs. J. G. Mc- Dermid of London, were visit- ors in town on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Piggot of Cooksville were weekend guests Of Mrs. W. C. Bennett at Clin- ton. • - Mr. and Mrs, Jake Sproat of Beamsville, were guests of Mr. Russell H. Sproat over the week- end. Mr. Harvey Mooreis in Sea - forth Community Hospital. Mrs. T. S. Paton and daugh- ter, Mrs. Gordon, MacKay of Vancouver, $;C., were recent guests of Rev. tire and Mrs. Stewart. Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. .Parsons in London on Sunday. Discuss Local T Outbreaks. The following is an excerpt from information received from Dr. C. W. L. Jeanes, Executive Secretary, Canadian TB Assoc- iation:— There have been a number of explosive local outbreaks of tuberculosis in various parts of Canada during the past few years. In one province in 1966 over two hundred students in one high school were infected, all of them requiring prolong- ed chemotherapy and over 30 of them requiring a period of sanatorium treatment — all of this from an unknown source of infection. The five thousand new cases still being diagnosed annually, coupledwith these epidemics stress the need for continued action . against this infectious disease and ever 'increasing vigilance, DUBLIN COLLEENS MEET Dublin Collens met' 'at the home of Mrs, C. Friend. Kath- leen Stapleton told of her trip to the Western Fair with the 4-H and Mrs. I-lumphreys -dis- cussede life of the settlers of New ance: • Mary Helen Ducharme dem- onstrated how to• make tourtiere. and Kathleen Stapleton showed how to make grandperes. SDHS Awards Bus Contract SDHS board.. ias,.completed a contract with IlTabkirk. Transit Ltd. to travel 123,800 miles. The amount involved is $51,360. The., board has named Ross Montgomery and Ed Johns to the custodial staff.. Applications are. being invited for an addi- tional part-time assistant to the caretaking staff which is in charge of Donald McLean. Brownie's DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON' Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 6 and 7 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "MADAME X" Showing at 8:30 Only : Lana Turner • John Forsythe In Color — Plus "BLINDFOLD" Showing at 10:15 Only Rock Hudson . Claudia Cardinale — In Color Cartoon Sinnday Midnite OCTOBER 8 "DRACULA — PRINCE OF ,DARKNESS" (Adult Entertainment) CHRISTOPHER LEE.. In Color Plus "Plague Of The Zombies" (Adult Entertainment) Andra Marelli Color Cartoon COMING ' NEXT WEEKEND: "BOEING BOEING" (Adult ] 'ntei'tainnen0 and "BEACH BALL" 1 ,0 .0B1I 'ARLES MRS,, WILLIAM P. STAPLETQN Mt . William P. Stapieton, 79, of Dublin, died. Monday in Sear forth Community' Hospital, fol- lowing an dines of two years'.r She was the former Frances Gallagher, - a native'. of Hibbert Township. She was' educated in Hibbert Township and married 'William Stapleton in Dublin in 1913. She was a (ember of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and was a past president of the Catholic Women's League and the Altar Society of the church. Surviving besides her hus- band are three daughters, Mrs. James (Rita) Newcombe, Port Credit; Miss Kathleen, of Dub, lin; and Mrs. R. S. (Mary) Box, Seaforth; three Sens, Edwin J.,' and Fergus W., both of Dublin; and Efr. Frank J.. of Galt; one sister, Mrs. William (Josephine) Norris, Seaforth. Also surviving are' 18 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The body' was at the R. S. Box funeral home, Seaforth, till Wednesday when removal' was made for requiem high mass at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin at• 10:30 a.m. Interment was in St. Columban cemelery. Pallbearers were Neil Staple- ton, Michael Stapleton, James Newcombe, Kenneth Stapleton Robert Stapleton and Brian Stapleton. Flowerbearers, were Louis Stapleton and Jack Stap- leton. MRS. CHRISTOPHER C. DALE Mrs. Christopher C. Dale, 77, of Seaforth, died Tuesday the Seaforth Community Ho tal, following a long illness. The former Maude Ella Johnston, she was borrigk God:- erten od-erteh Township and was edu- cated •at Summerhill. Following her marriage in Clinton in 1903. shelived' in Tuckersmith Township till re- tiring to Seaforth in 1957 where she has since resided. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Albert (Evelyn) Vanderberg, Goderich; three sons, Walter C., Owen Sound; Alynn ' and Melvin C., both of Seaforth; one sister, Mrs: Charles (Viola) Hallam, Lucknow; two brothers, George A., Clinton and Robert G., Sum- merhill. Also surviving are. 15. grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren, The body is at the It. S. Box fune;al home, Seaforth, where service will be held at 2 p.m, _Friday, conducted by Rev. S. Silarp ea of 'St., Thomas' Angli- can Church, here. Interment will be in .Clinton cemetery. News of Walton Mr. Lyle Ross of Basswood, Marfitoba, spent the weekend at the Dennis home. Wilfred, Lorne and Ethel Den- nis and. Mr. and Mrs.. Don Den- nis, attended the funeral of their cousin,;Ray Gainsforth, Farwell, Michigan, on , Sunday. (Unfortunately other Walton area correspondence which was mailed as usual in Walton Tues- day afternoon had not reached the Expositor at press time. It will appear in next week's is- sue.) • Remember! It takes but e moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. . To advertise, just pia]: Seaforth 527-0240. RECEPTION. for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glan- ville, (nee Betty "Brown) Friday, Oct. 6th Seaforth Arena Mttsjc by the Royal Aires Everyone Welcome Ladies Please, Bring Lunch RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lansink (nee Bath Talbot) Seaforth Legion Hall Sat., Oct. 14th Orchestra - Bluewater Playboys Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches Everyone Welcome ' ' Branch. 156 Royal Canadian, Legion Annual Harvest Festival Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th Music by , the Bluetones Tickets $2.00 per couple For invitations phone 527-1787 ,or 527-0740 Admissionby invitation only SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents STAGS SEVEN at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 9:00 to 12:00 Admission: $1.00 per person Don't miss this fine group ! All this week and. next BUD ROBERTS and the BORDER MEN . Tops in fine Country and' Western Music QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dia1'527-0240 Read the y4cver`tisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! ,PARK THEATRE GODERICH.: OCTOBER MOVIE CALENDAR Normal Showtimes 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. — Ph. 524-7811, after 7 for actual time. MON., TUES., WED. 2 7, 3 - 4 Deadlier Than The Male Adult Entertainment — Melodrama THURS., FRI., SAT. 5 - 6 - -7 Barefoot Iii The Park 44* Adult Comedy — Don't Miss This Onel MON., TUES., WED. 9 - 10 - 11 - 4 Two For The Road . Adult Entertainment Romance THURS., FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. 12 - 13 - 14 16 - 17 - 18 The Dirty Dozen a Adult Entertainment .— Melodrama — A'Must' See Picture! THURS., FRI., SAT, 19 - 20 - 21 -. The Gnome -Mobile plus Boy and the Eagle " Family Entertainment by Walt Disney MON., TUES., WED..23 - 24 - 255 Arrivederci Baby Adult Entertainment — Comedy THURS., FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. 26 -27 . 28. - 30 - 31 - 1st To Sir,, With Love' **** Adult Entertainment — Drama-- A Really Big Shoo! Program subject RATINGS Every Sat. afternoon, A show suitable for children (35c). We have a matron in attendance. Want -to go shopping without the kids. to ' change with- I * * Good out notice. *** Very Good Tear this out an keep as a handy reference. y **** Excellent In our opinion. BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Holds the ALL TIME RECORD for the longest running motion picture in the • 35 YEAR HISTORY of the world famous RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL, FUNK'S "SEE G DAY' FIELD DAY FUNK'S DEALERS' AND_.HAUGH BROS. INVITE • YOU TO INSPECT "THEIR PUNK'S `G' TEST PLOT 1 MILE EAST OF. BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO FRIDAY, OCT -OE- ER 6, 1967 1:00 pm. to 4:00 pm. 8-. varieties of Funks G Zea 1111 and Experime ntal Hybrids High Populations 'Good Fertility Program REPRESHMENTS .SERVED 4 A n M el